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Po r t folio

Heidi Hosler

c o nt a c t
H eidi H osler
525 S. Center Street
Rexburg, ID, 83460

table of
con t e n t s
Event Add
Logo 1
Web Page Design/ CSS
Business Card
Photo Composition
Logos 2

Event Ad

An ad for a music store that is hosting a charity event for the local comunity. The design is a monochromatic blue with a centered layout.
Programs used:

Scaning and imaging programs, Microsoft Word.

January 30, 2016
Course # & Section:

COMM103, 02
Instructor name:

Ben Pingel

Design an ed that could be used in different settings.

Fulfil the clients needs as to information.

Use programs the client wanted for ease of editing.

I first started with a very different alignment, using slanted angles and
contrasting colors. But I decided to simplify the design and focus on the brand
and company. The colors changed to a monochrome blue to create unity. I used a
filter on the scanned image to mute the strong pattern and bring the focus back to
the message and company.

M o nt a g e

This design is meant to pull the viewer in by the use of a strong photo and bold typography with a simple yet powerful message. The use of subdued
colors brings to attention the soberness of the message, as well. The asymmetry
of the layout brings a good, almost diagonal flow.
Programs used:

Adobe Photoshop

February 14, 2016
Course # & Section:

COMM130, 02
Instructor name:

Ben Pingel

Use masking to blend multiple images.

Use images and text to convey a message.

Create unity through design principles.
Process: I first found a message that I wanted to better illustrate with a photo
design montage. I then found powerful photographs that could be used to facilitate
that message. I used Adobe Photoshop to create the montage by first sizing the
image and adding masks and filters. The filter I used was a textured filter which
brought the reality of the design into the world without it having to be 3 dimensional. I used level edits to make the colors and brightness as I desired. I them
used masking and the brush tool to blend the two photos together. I customized
the text by adding an overlay.

L o go 1

A simple but chic design for the logo of an organic restaurant. I created an
eye catching logo using shapes and contrast.

Programs used:

Adebe Illustrator

April 1, 2016
Course # & Section:

COMM130, 02
Instructor name:

Ben Pingel

Create a logo to the companys needs and liking.

Use a simplistic value to match the tone of the company.

Find a balence of sharp and soft to draw the eye.

To form a logo, I first started to play around with shapes and colors. Using
a company idea for inspiration, I formed a simplistic panda form. I edited the fonts
to the sizing and qualities that seemes to fit. I used guides to help align the work
to be symetrical.

webpa g e / c s s

I used the things I have learned about the design process to create this
logo for a company looking to attract a specific customer. I created many ideas
that I narrowed down, then used my skills in the Adobe programs to bring text
and logo together in an asymmetrical design. I wanted a design that lead the
eye inward so I had the logos fade face into the company name. I used modern
looking typography that was simple and elegant. My colors were cooler and not too
flashy as this company wanted to attract a more serious type of clientele.
Programs used:

Notepad ++, Chrome.

March 13, 2016
Course # & Section:

COMM130, 02
Instructor name:

Ben Pingel

Use HTML coding to create a validated webpage.

Use CSS elements to style the page.

Create a viable site for displaying information.

I used a basic HTML document and alters and added my own tags and
text. I then linked in a basic CSS document and started playing around with the
different things I could manipulate. I used Photoshop to gather hex colors to use
in my codes. I researched extra design changes to implement into my CSS. I
used zip functions and folder organization. I consulted with professionals and peers
alike to gather opinions and corrections.


Stationery design for a daycare business using personally created material.
Programs used:

Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign

February 28, 2016
Course # & Section:

COMM130, 02
Instructor name:

Ben Pingel

Create a viable stationery for a Daycare facility.

Use design elements to organize information.

Make designes eyecatching.
Process: I first conducted research online to gather ideas for the logo and design.
Then I used Adobe Illustrator and InDesign to create the designs above bu using
shape, color, and alignment. For the business cards, I used grouping and shaping
methods to create the logo and other shapes. For the letterhead I used the same
logo designs and information to create the head and the water mark using transparency.

business ca r d

Stationery design for a daycare business using personally created material.
Programs used:

Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign

February 28, 2016
Course # & Section:

COMM130, 02
Instructor name:

Ben Pingel

Create a viable stationery for a Daycare facility.

Use design elements to organize information.

Make designes eyecatching.

I first conducted research online to gather ideas for the logo and design.
Then I used Adobe Illustrator and InDesign to create the designs above bu using
shape, color, and alignment. For the business cards, I used grouping and shaping
methods to create the logo and other shapes. For the letterhead I used the same
logo designs and information to create the head and the water mark using transparency.

Photo Composition

This photo composition exhibits good photograph skills and use of photo
editing abilities.
Programs used:

Adobe Photoshop

February 10, 2016
Course # & Section:

COMM130, 02
Instructor name:

Ben Pingel

Take quality photographs.

Test out different photo types to use in a design.

Use color as a facilitator of a message.

Canon digital camera was used to take photographs. I used Adobe Photoshop for editing the photo and adding the design. I used skills in sharpening,
layering, using levels, and color composition and edits to maximize photo quality
and aesthetic. I used FOCUS principles of organization and grouping (Gestalt) to
form a unified design. Other principles that I used where alignment, contrast, and

l o gos 2

This logo was designed for a company who services media design for other

Programs used:

Adobe Illustrator

February 21, 2016
Course # & Section:

COMM130, 02
Instructor name:

Ben Pingel

Create a logo to the companys requests.

Design an eye catching logo.

Use variants to show uses.

I first sketched out different concepts to pursue and then narrowed them
down to three. I then conducted field research by asking a mix of people which
design they were most drawn to. After using those responses to narrow the designs farther, i conducted critiques and make edits accordingly. Using various tools
within the Adobe program i created a streamline design that is widely attractive.


A flier for a conference about leadership, targeting graduates.

Programs used:

Adobe InDesign

January 23, 2016
Course # & Section:

COMM130, 02
Instructor name:

Ben Pingel

Use text and images provided to create a flier.

Use design principles to balance the desing.

Use shape and value contrast to draw the eye.

I used shading int he shapes to give depth and contrast. I kept the shapes
sharp to have a consitant design. The orientation of text served to be interesting
but still reaable. Information was focused on to target a certain audience.

br o chure

A brochure for a Latin and Ballroom dance academy.

Programs used:

Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, and InDesign.

March 27, 2016
Course # & Section:

COMM130, 02
Instructor name:

Ben Pingel

To market to high end clients, retirees and couples looking for a fun
pastime and those looking for a quality education.

Create a design to feature client information.

Create a fun design to catch the eye.

I used high quality images for example and backgrounds.

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