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_____________________________ Fecha: __________________ E-mail: ____________________________________
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Tema.- 1: Advanced Grammar
Introduccin: A continuacin se le presentarn un grupo de preguntas del tema: Grammar. Responda
las preguntas conforme la instruccin que cada una indique, lea atentamente la pregunta antes de
1.- 'Choose the word or words that are gramatically appropriate for the underlined portion
of the original text'. Jennifer _______ the taxi as soon as it stopped.
( ) got on
( ) got over
( ) got in
( ) got out
2.- 'Choose the word or words that are gramatically appropriate for the underlined portion
of the original text'. This building ________ by my father.
( ) was build
( ) builded
( ) built
( ) was built
3.- 'Choose the word or words that are gramatically appropriate for the underlined portion
of the original text' . She _________ a plane when it landed in Tampico.
( ) got on
( ) got of
( ) got in
( ) got out
4.- 'Choose the word or words that are gramatically appropriate for the underlined portion
of the original text'. Yes, Ill _______ you my book.
( ) lend
( ) to give
( ) borrow
( ) look
5.- 'Choose the word or words that are gramatically appropriate for the underlined portion
of the original text'. He _______ his textbook at school every day.
( ) leaves
( ) left
( ) lets
( ) let
6.- 'Choose the word or words that are gramatically appropriate for the underlined portion
of the original text'. If Doris were to help me, ______ update the database this afternoon.
( ) we finish to
( ) we to
( ) weve
( ) wed
7.- 'Choose the word or words that are gramatically appropriate for the underlined portion
of the original text' The supervisor blamed me __________ the accident.
( ) to
( ) on
( ) at
( ) for

8.- 'Choose the word or words that are gramatically appropriate for the underlined portion
of the original text' May I _______ your computer book from you?
( ) lend
( ) give
( ) borrow
( ) look
9.- 'Substitute the original statement with a logical and gramatically correct alternative'. An
electric spike can ruin your computer system.
( ) Your computer will ruin the electric spike.
( ) The electric spike can be ruined by your computer system.
( ) Your computer system can be destroyed by an electric spike.
( ) Spike your computer system for electricity.
10.- 'Choose the option refering to the ONE upper case word or phrase that MUST BE
changed in order for the sentence to be correct'. Advertising copy normally TAKE UP ABOUT
sixty to eighty PERCENT of a newspapers PAGES.
( ) take up
( ) about
( ) percent
( ) pages
11.- 'Choose the word or words that are gramatically appropriate for the underlined portion
of the original text'. If municipal services are improved, taxes_________.
( ) will surely go up
( ) surely to go up
( ) to surely go up
( ) to go up surely
12.- 'Choose the word or words that are gramatically appropriate for the underlined portion
of the original text'. Are these drug dealers _________ the truth?
( ) saying
( ) tells
( ) says
( ) telling
13.- 'Choose the word or words that are gramatically appropriate for the underlined portion
of the original text'. Tom _______ his car and ________ when he got to his office.
( ) got on ... got out
( ) got in ... got out
( ) got on ... got of
( ) got in ... got of
14.- 'Substitute the original statement with a logical and gramatically correct alternative'.
Someone cleans the offices every day.
( ) Every day the offices someone cleans.
( ) The offices are cleaned by someone every day.
( ) Every day someone is cleaned.
( ) The offices clean someone every day.
15.- 'Choose the word or words that are gramatically appropriate for the underlined portion
of the original text'. If I have time tomorrow, ________ finish my report.
( ) I to
( ) I yes
( ) Ill

Tema.- 2: Advanced Reading Comprehension

Introduccin: A continuacin se le presentarn un grupo de preguntas del tema: Reading

Comprehension. Responda las preguntas conforme la instruccin que cada una indique, lea atentamente
la pregunta antes de responder
1.- 'Carefully read the following passage. Choose the one best answer for each question'. An
important source of revenue for governments in practically every country is the property
tax, that is a tax on real property and tangible and intangible personal assets. Real
property, also known as real estate, includes land, buildings such as furniture, automobiles,
farm animals, goods stocked in stores and even clothing are considered tangible personal
property. The word 'stocked' refers to_________.
( ) a rifle's shoulder piece
( ) shares in a company
( ) a group of farm animals
( ) items kept in inventory to be sold
2.- 'Carefully read the following passage. Choose the one best answer for each question'.
Letter of credit, collections, wire transfers, etc. are products that generate fee-incomes and
are known as transactional products. Transactional products are characterized, primarily, by
volume or number of transactions, rather than by dollar amount. This is a key determinant
of resource requirements for banks. Transactional products are mainly________.
( ) fee-income generating
( ) advertising income generating
( ) interest-income generating
( ) accounts database generating
3.- 'Carefully read the following passage. Choose the one best answer for each question'.
Letter of credit, collections, wire transfers, etc. are products that generate fee-incomes and
are known as transactional products. Transactional products are characterized, primarily, by
volume or number of transactions, rather than by dollar amount. This is a key determinant
of resource requirements for banks. Transactional products are mainly characterized by
( ) amount of dollars
( ) amount of pesos
( ) amount of transactions.
( ) letters of credit
4.- 'Carefully read the following passage. Choose the one best answer for each question'. An
important source of revenue for governments in practically every country is the property
tax, that is a tax on real property and tangible and intangible personal assets. Real
property, also known as real estate, includes land, buildings such as furniture, automobiles,
farm animals, goods stocked in stores and even clothing are considered tangible personal
property.The tax on real property would probably most affect a person who:
( ) had bought a new painting
( ) had rented a large apartment
( ) had opened a bank account
( ) had purchased a house
5.- 'Carefully read the following passage. Choose the one best answer for the question'. The
royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) have been preparing for the so-called millennium
computer bug, when some major computers may interpret the year 2000 as 1900.The RCMP
is concerned that there may be civil unrest if computer problems disrupt basic public
services including, among other things, power outages. -Total lack of electricity is a serious
( ) True
( ) False
( ) Perhaps
( ) Maybe

6.- 'Carefully read the following passage. Choose the one best answer for the question'. The
first activity in critical path analysis is the development of the project network structure.
This is sometimes confused with a timetable. However, a timetable implies that each activity
begins after the previous one is completed. It doesn't contemplate the possibility of
performing some activities simultaneously to reach an earlier completion date. Activities to
be performed sequentially are those that are done______.
( ) At the same time
( ) one after the other
( ) two at a time
( ) slowly and carefully
7.- 'Carefully read the following passage. Choose the one best answer for the question'. The
first activity in critical path analysis is the development of the project network structure.
This is sometimes confused with a timetable. However, a timetable implies that each activity
begins after the previous one is completed. It doesn't contemplate the possibility of
performing some activities simultaneously to reach an earlier completion date. When
possible, activities are performed simultaneously to ________.
( ) finish at an earlier date
( ) be more careful
( ) make things easier
( ) provide checks and balances
8.- 'Carefully read the following passage. Choose the one best answer for the question'. The
World Bank grants long-term loans to member governments for projects such as dams,
electrification, general infrastructure, agriculture and public health. The loans of the World
Bank, always in hard currencies, are granted at market interest rates sufficient to cover the
cost of funding, and payment is required in the same currency. World Bank loans are made
in ________.
( ) pesos
( ) goods
( ) strong currency
( ) volatile currency
9.- 'Carefully read the following passage. Choose the one best answer for each question'.
Intermediational products are, for the most part, interest-income generating, such as loans,
mortgages, leasing, etc. Funds represent practically 80% of the resources needed to
produce intermediational products. There is a third type of outputs. Some of these are time
deposit processing, credit card processing, lease processing and others known as
transactional non-products. Credit card processing is known as a______.
( ) transactional non-product
( ) transactional product
( ) fund
( ) lease processing
10.- 'Carefully read the following passage. Choose the one best answer for the question'.
The letter of credit is the bank instrument that assures payment to the person selling the
merchandise if he makes the agreed-upon shipment. On the other hand, it also assures the
buyer that he is not required to pay until the seller ships the goods. It is thus a catalyst that
provides the buyer and the seller with mutual protection in dealing with each other. In this
context, the word 'catalyst' means: __________.
( ) facilitator
( ) enzyme
( ) chemical reactor
( ) obstacle
Tema.- 3: Advanced Translation

Introduccin: A continuacin se le presentarn un grupo de preguntas del tema: Translation. Responda

las preguntas conforme la instruccin que cada una indique, lea atentamente la pregunta antes de
1.- 'Choose the phrase or sentence that closely agrees with the original text'. There was a
huge cutback in company expenditures.
( ) Hubo un gran recorte en el personal de la compaa.
( ) Cortaron para atrs los gastos de la compaa.
( ) Cortaron los gastos a espaldas de la compaa.
( ) Hubo una gran reduccin en los gastos de la compaa.
2.- 'Choose the phrase or sentence that closely agrees with the original text'. In 528,
Justinian appointed ten jurists to organize, elucidate and reform the laws.
( ) En 1528, Justiniano codific las leyes.
( ) En 528, diez juristas organizaron y reformaron las leyes de Justiniano.
( ) En 528, Justiniano design a diez juristas para que codificaran las leyes.
( ) En 528, Justiniano design a diez juristas para que organizaran, elucidaran y reformaran las leyes.
3.- 'Choose the phrase or sentence that closely agrees with the original text'. La planeacin
incluye el desarrollo de los objetivos y estrategias para determinar el curso de accin futura
de la compaa.
( ) Strategies and objectives determine company planning and future action.
( ) Planning involves developing the objectives and stategies to determine the company's future course
of action.
( ) Planning includes the objetives and strategies that guide a company's determination.
( ) Future action depends on the objectives and strategies of the future company.
4.- 'Choose the phrase or sentence that closely agrees with the original text'. El plan de
mercadotecnia es un medio para coordinar las actividades de la empresa hacia el logro de
un conjunto de objetivos definidos en el mercado.
( ) The plan of marketing is a means to coordinate objective activities of the firm to achieve objetives.
( ) The plan of marketing is the way definite objectives in the marketplace are obtained.
( ) The company realizes its goal through the sales plan in the market place.
( ) The marketing plan is a tool for coordinating the activities of the firm toward the achievement of a
definite set of objectives in the market place.
5.- 'Choose the phrase or sentence that closely agrees with the original text'. El prisionero
se retorca en el banquillo de los acusados.
( ) The prisoner jumped on the stool of the accused.
( ) The prisoner squirmed in the prisoner's dock.
( ) The prisoner rolled over on the stool.
( ) He squirmed when he looked at the prisoner in the dock.
Tema.- 4: Advanced Vocabulary
Introduccin: A continuacin se le presentarn un grupo de preguntas del tema: Vocabulary. Responda
las preguntas conforme la instruccin que cada una indique, lea atentamente la pregunta antes de
1.- 'Choose the correct word or words that closely agree with the upper case portion of the
original text'. Mr. Lpez is IN ARREARS on his property's maintenance fee.
( ) on horseback
( ) in a roundup
( ) behind in payments
( ) arriving
2.- 'Choose the correct word or words that closely agree with the upper case portion of the
original text'. The manager HIT THE ROOF when he learned that the salesman did not meet
the sales quota.
( ) pint el techo
( ) se subi a la azotea

( ) explot de rabia
( ) se le cay el techo
3.- 'Choose the correct word or words that closely agree with, or complement, the original
statement'. You can't swindle everyone an expect ________ it.
( ) get by
( ) get running
( ) to get away with
( ) to get away
4.- 'Choose the correct word or words that closely agree with, or complement, the original
statement'. When driving, you should ________ children playing in the street.
( ) look forward to
( ) look up to
( ) look out for
( ) look back
5.- 'Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate word or words'. The engineer knows the
_______ of all the machinery at the factory.
( ) flesh and blood
( ) pins and needles
( ) ins and outs
( ) outs and ins
6.- 'Choose the correct word or words that closely agree with, or complement, the original
statement'. If you want to ________ in life, you have to study and work hard.
( ) get away
( ) get good
( ) get ahead
( ) get up
7.- 'Choose the correct word or words that closely agree with, or complement, the original
statement'. How did the suspect manage ________ from the police?
( ) get by
( ) get running
( ) to get away with
( ) to get away
8.- 'Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate word or words' . Some industries _______
workers during periods of economic recession.
( ) of lay
( ) lay of
( ) pay more
( ) fire of
9.- 'Choose the correct word or words that closely agree with the upper case portion of the
original text'. It's not the best of the lot, but it'll do IN A PINCH.
( ) in an emergency
( ) in a drink
( ) in a tweak
( ) in the morning
10.- 'Choose the correct word or words that closely agree with the upper case portion of the
original text'. The Manager presented a REPORT to the Board of Directors.
( ) an inform
( ) an account
( ) a file
( ) a plaque
11.- 'Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate word or words'. Some teachers prefer to
give assignments to students _________ lessons to memorize.
( ) aside

( ) instead
( ) although
( ) instead of
12.- 'Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate word or words' . Im thirsty. Let's have a
( ) long father
( ) long pop
( ) large father
( ) large pop
13.- 'Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate word or words' . He was born ________ March
of that year.
( ) in
( ) on
( ) at
( ) to
14.- 'Choose the correct word or words that closely agree with the upper case portion of the
original text'. Ricardo MIGHT BE SENT to a course in Redmond to learn the new software.
( ) is going
( ) may go
( ) will go
( ) won't go
15.- 'Choose the correct word or words that closely agree with, or complement, the original
statement'. The concept was so difficult that he couldn't catch on to my explanation; I could
never _____ to him.
( ) get at
( ) get through
( ) get understand
( ) get up
16.- 'Choose the correct word or words that closely agree with, or complement, the original
statement'. Rarely _______ the foundations of a house by seeping through the walls in less
than a year.
( ) water that afects
( ) afects through
( ) what does water afect
( ) does water afect
17.- 'Choose the correct word or words that closely agree with the upper case portion of the
original text'. The marketing manager TOOK UP THE PROBLEM of next year's advertising
budget with the vice-president.
( ) increased the issue
( ) augmented the question
( ) raised the subject
( ) lifted the matter
18.- 'Choose the correct word or words that closely agree with, or complement, the original
statement'. _______ is generally called 'soccer' in the U.S. is a game known as 'football' in
other countries.
( ) It
( ) What
( ) When
( ) That it
19.- 'Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate word or words'. Professor Ricardo gave
such excellent lectures during the year, that we all _______ a lot _______ them.
( ) got....for
( ) get... from

( ) got... in of
( ) got... out of
20.- 'Choose the correct word or words that closely agree with, or complement, the original
statement'. If you are overweight, you should ________ eating rich foods.
( ) to cut
( ) cut up
( ) cut less
( ) cut down on


Nombre: ________________________________________
Tema 1: Advanced Grammar



Caso / Pregunta
Respuesta Correcta
Tema 2: Advanced Reading Comprehension

Respuesta del Usuario

Tema 3: Advanced Translation

Respuesta Correcta

Respuesta del Usuario

Respuesta Correcta

Respuesta del Usuario





Tema 4: Advanced Vocabulary


Respuesta Correcta

Respuesta del Usuario

Calificacin Global Ingls Avanzado



Advanced Grammar


Advanced Reading


Advanced Translation

Advanced Vocabulary




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