Prince: An Exective Summary

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Submitted by

Muhammad Ali
Noshad Zafar
Submitted to: Sir Sadat
Ullah Khan

Govt. College University


Umair Butt
Umair Javed
It discuss the comprehensively all details of
necessary qualities of prince for Niccolo
Michavelli and reasons of loss of moral
standards of previous princes.

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Group leader: Umair Javed( roll no 901)

Members: Umair Butt( 493), Muhammed Ali( roll no: 653), Noshad Zafar(roll no:

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Introduction........................................................................................................... 3
Executive Summary............................................................................................... 3
Chapter 1-5........................................................................................................ 4
Chapter 6-11...................................................................................................... 5
Chapter 12-17.................................................................................................... 6
Chapter 18-19.................................................................................................... 9
Chapter 20-26.................................................................................................. 11
Short Analysis and Conclusion..........................................................................13
Bibliography..................................................................................................... 14

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The Prince is book of political philosophy written in Italian Renaissance. It elaborates
explicitly interplay between talent and fortune concerning states sovereign head. Suitable
reason of preceding statement is that evolutionary era was expanding its waves throughout
Europe. And rebirth of society was taken place. Before this, Italian principalities were poorly
administered from north to south.1
It is worthwhile, here, to trace the short biographical sketch and his intention of writing
literary work. Niccolo Michiavelli was born in May 6, 1469 in Florrence state of Italy at a
time when Italy was divided into four rivalry city-sates. 2 After the fall of Savonarolas
administration, Michiavelli became head of the Second Chancery of Florence at the age of
29. As the member of Florentine diplomatic delegation, Michiavelli became acquainted with
chief political actors of his region and time_ Cesare Borgia, Maximilian ( the Holy Roman
Emperor), and Pope Julius ii. Founding involvement in anti-medici conspiracy, he was jailed
in 1512. Upon his release, he appointed political advisor to new Guiliano de Medici whom
he dedicated his book, but unfortunately he died; Event of dedication went to his nephew
Lorenzo, Duke of Urbino. Further on, he wrote other books such as Discourses on first ten
books of Titus Livy and art of war. Untill his death in 1527, he devoted his self for exploring,
studying and searching roman history and writing on history of Florence. He is buried in
Blasica of Santa croce in Florence, Italy. Due to his mountainous work in field of politic, he
is today considered the father of modern political philosophy.
Niccollo Michavelli was been an adamant worker during Italian Renaissance, and aware of
affairs of state of Italy. His book carries gigantic amount of factual material of internal
political affairs of second half of fifteen century, which he depicted trough his light of
experience. It revolves around necessary qualities of prince and manifest answers of crucial
question such as:
Why the Princes of Italy have lost their States?, What Fortune can effect in Human Affair,
and how to withstand her? And which concerns a Prince on the Subject of the Art of War?
In earlier eleven chapters, it is reflected the types of principalities and method regarding
management of them. And in later half, incisive characteristics for Prince are elaborated with
tangible examples from ancient Roman Empires and Italian renaissance. In last chapter, it is
exhorted that Italy should be unified under propitious new Prince.
Original Italian version of book was published in 1532 and now, its translated version(by
K.W Marriot) is published recently in 1922 by David Campbell Publishers Ltd,London.


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Executive Summary

Chapter 1-5
Traditionally, there are two kinds of principalities_ hereditary and mixed
principalities (it also include new). Firstly, hereditary principalities are those
which has been under the long-established family control. There are fewer
difficulties towards holding it. A prince is obliged not transgress customs of his
ancestors and handle circumstances accordingly. For prince of average power
might be confiscated by usurper, but if sinister happen to him, he would regain
it. For a moment, Duke of Ferra( Ercole I dEste 3,1471-1505) attacked by
venetian could not resecure his hold unless he had long established his
dominion. Thus it is possible that in these principalities it variations occurs
because one change always leaves the toothing for another.Secondly, mixed
principalities are those which handle by prince or live in freedom. And these are
acquired either by arms of the prince or other factors that are fortune or ability.
For prince, there are unprecedented difficulties for prince. Inherent difficulty is
one of them which aspires men to take up arms against their ruler. So prince kept
in mind:

Burden those have submitted to him soldiery

Always need of the goodwill of the natives

For illustration, Milan was occupied by king of France, Louis xii. Nevertheless, he
quickly lost it and push him back Lodovico needed his own forces. Then Louis xii
invaded as above mentioned state secondly, this time Lodovico repulses him
with the support of goodwill. And for those ancient kingdom which are added to
princes principalities, its sufficient to destroy family of prince. Because two
dominion having different culture, language, and traditions will not survive
longer as seen in Brittany, Burgundy,Gascony,Normandy. With span of time, all
respective population will knit together, however some difficulties will remain
idle. The prince must send colonies to conquered principalities to keep there
great number of cavalry and infantry. But he ought to expense less on colonies
and wisely handle it.
Prince who holds new states is designated to be defender of less powerful
neighbours and weaken the most powerful foreigners. As Roman were annexed
into Greece by Aetolians. Roman always maintained friendly relations with less
powerful states. Contrary to this, Louis xii of France conquered Italy with
ambitions of venetian. He initiated fruitful course and developed relations with
Marquesees of Mantua, the Duke of Ferrera, the Bentivogli, the Lords of Faenze
etc. He became the master of two-third of Italy. But at end he lost his states in
Italy due to several reason mentioned following:
3 http://en.wikipedia.3org/wiki/Ercole_I_d%27Este,_Duke_of_Ferrara

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destroyed the minor power

increased the one of greater powers in Italy
brought in foreign powers
did not send colonies

Principalities are govern by two ways. One is under instruction of prince and
body of servants, and others is prince and barons where prince hold power
relatively. For example, Truks have monarchy of one lord with his few servants
and divided it states into sanjaks, albeit king of of France in midst of ancient
body of barons who have their own perergatives. Correspondingly, it is enormous
toil for usurper to conqueror it. So he wants to occupy must rely on own strength.
Kingdom of Darisus(Persian) has similar strong hold in his principalities to Turks
so it was necessary for Alexander the great(master of Asia) to overthrow Darisus
government. After his assassination, he state remained secured to Alexander.
Last but not least, his successors had not united. On the other hand, Romans
have very insecure position in Greece.
Another possibility is towards those states, which already have their own laws
and rules. For this, a prince should establish oligarchy and follow these steps:
1. To ruin them
2. To reside there in person
3. To permit them to live under their own laws
Like Romans, who in order to hold Capua, Carthage and Numantia, dismantled
them. In similar way, in Greece, made it free, permitted its laws and dismantled
many cities.

Chapter 6-11
By talking about new principalities, no one be surprised as I shall do. Machiavelli
adduce the highest examples both of prince and of state, because most of the
men who imitate the way of great men do not get same results. A wise man
should keep on following the ways of great men by this if not getting same
In new principalities where there are new princes, more or less difficulty is found
in keeping them, as there is more or less abilities in him who has acquired the
One can become prince by two ways first by fortune and second by ability but he
who have relied least on fate would be more strong.The best example among
Moses,Cyrus,Romulus,Theseus.It was necessary for Moses to find the people of
Israel enslaved inEgypt in order to be disposed to follow him as to be delivered
out of bondage.It was necessary that Romulus should not remain in Alba,in order
to become king of Rome.These opportunities made those men fortune and their
People like them who became princes by valorous ways .And for them acquiring
a principality was difficult but to keep that principality was easy. The difficulty for

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them arises in introducing new rules to establish their government because they
do not have any experience of it before. Thus opponents get a chance to attack
the new prince. The prince should be armed. Prince should try to run the affairs
without force but if the affairs cannot be run without force then he should use
If Moses,Cyrus,Theseus and Romulus had been unarmed they could not have
enforced their constitution. As happened with Fra Girolamo Savonarola when he
introduced new order of things they did not use force and ruined.
The prince who has ability can overcome these problems easily. Here, add the
example of Hiero who did not take help of fortune but of opportunity. He started
with opportunity but continued with ability. It was difficult for him to acquire and
easy for him to keep it up.
Those who become prince by fortune have no trouble in acquiring it but they
face trouble in maintaining their position. They are those people who get states
by money or by the favour of him who bestow it. It happened in many states of
Concerning these two methods of rising to be a prince by ability or by fortune,
Francesco rose to Duke of Milan by ability. It was difficult for him to acquire and
much easy to keep it. On the other hand Cesare who got thrown by fate but was
unable to run it properly.
One can also become a prince by wickedness. Through wickedness one can
ascend the thrown and through wickedness one can attract the favour of his
fellow citizen and become a prince. I will like to consider two examples in this
prospect ancient and modern. Agathocles,the Sicilian,became the king of
Syracuse.He started his career as a military man. He worked hard in military and
reached on a high designation in military. One morning he assembled the people
and senate of Syracuse to discuss some matter and there he killed all of them
and took the control of government by himself. He took the thrown by a wicked
way.That,s why his name should not be included in the list of excellent people.
Another example is the example of Oliverotto da Fermo who also took the thrown
by deceiving others and after taking the thrown he also killed those people from
whom he felt some danger. It is compulsory for those people who attain thrown
by wicked ways to remain cruel to save their thrown.
Another way of becoming a prince is becoming prince by favour of fellow
citizens. This can be called as civil principality. In this scene one can become
prince either by the favour of public or by the favour of nobles. He who becomes
prince by the assistance of nobles faces more difficulty in maintaining his
authority, than those who come by the favour of public. The former finds many
who are equal to him but one who comes by the favour of public have no
The prince who came by the favour of nobles have to please them instead of
pleasing public.But he who comes with the favour of public have only one aim
which is to please his public.

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Nabis,prince of the Spartans sustained the attacks of all Greece and attacks of
victorious Roman army and for the overcoming of this peril it was only necessary
for him to make himself secure against a few.A prince came by the favour of
public have more powers than a prince came by the favour of nobles
We can measure the power of a principality by knowing g that whether in case of
need the prince can support himself or he need the assistance of others. One
should have a stronger army force to maintain his power. One who have power
will not be attacked by others. The prince who have much will remain safe from
interior as well as exterior attacks.

Chapter 12-17
Chapter 12
How many kinds of soldiery there are, and concerning mercenaries
In this chapter writer discusses Italian Princes armed forces. He gives some
causes about good and bad. He discusses methods and techniques of people
from which they acquired authority and governance. He talks both in general and
specific way. A prince makes his state well and strong with strict laws and strong
arm forces. These qualities have been necessary for any type of state,
government and leaders. Laws can implement with the use of arm forces.
Without arm forces laws are dead.
A prince defends state with his own arm forces. But, if he rely on mercenaries
and auxiliaries then face destruction. Mercenaries and auxiliaries are useless and
cause destruction for the state. If prince or state uses these forces they are
coward before their enemies.
Kinds of soldiery
Mercenaries show authority and training only at talk level. They consider
themselves very intelligent and brave. If they fight in battle field it is just time
wasting. State loses finance. No, support enables them to fight for you. The
downfall of Italy was much relevant to it. They rely on mercenaries and
auxiliaries; showed themselves brave, but when enemies attacked upon them
they failed to protect themselves. As Carthaginians were faced defeat to
Romans;because they fought with mercenary arm forces.
Italian princes have failed to govern in state. Public had completely refused and
denied them due to it. The empire had divided into states. People commenced
against nobles. Church had also rested temporarily. As a result of it, the
foreigners entered army. Alberigo da Conio was the first who joined army; and
many others followed him. But all remained failed. Charles, Louis, Ferdinand and
Switzers destroyed them badly. They had weakened financially. They tried to take
in infantry in their arm forces, but infantry didnt accepted. So, Italians, gathered
cavalry forces. As far as concern their traning, they wasted just time in battle
field. They lack of war planning; unaware how to fight with enemies.
Chapter 13

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Concerning auxiliaries, mixed soldiery and ones own
Auxiliaries are also useless arm forces. They only destroy and lose state or
prince. Pope Julius was done it in Ferrara. The Cesare Borgia used this technique
in Romagna; when he saw lack of fight rejected it. He also employed
mercenaries, Orsini and Vitelli, but all in vain. Own armed skills gave him victory.
Hiero, the Syracusan, recognized mercenaries; only know to fight from their own.
Charles Vii, the father of King Louis xi, liberated France from English slavery, by
using their own arm forces. But his son King Louis didnt follow it. The result was
occurred Frances army became mixed with mercenaries and nationalists. Man is
unaware from his intelligence and wisdom. He is hasty. Sees, listens, feels,
observes and do with impracticably. Dont recognize basis and core. Runs
towards his desires and ambitions; loses main idea, and becomes unsuccessful
even declining. Italian Empire had all these things; at last she totally collapsed.
Chapter 14
That which concerns a prince on the subject of the art of war
The art of war is a basic requirement, and much needed thing for a prince to
rule over a state; and strengthen empire. So, a prince, must know and aware
about the disciplines and methods of arm forces and war. Often times, it is more
important than study. It is essential for every type of prince; either succeeded or
a man rise to private station. If he unaware of it or neglects face defeats and
loses state. Francesco Sforza, is one of them, who became Duke from private
person by learnt the art of war. But his sons didnt do so; as a result they became
private persons from dukes.
A prince should gain and develop arm skills. Because there is not many
difference between armed and unarmed. An armed must not attain obedience of
others; and provide protection to unarmed. The charisma both of them possess is
not such that they work well together. If a prince does not learn the art of war; he
lacks authority and respect among military forces; as well lose trust on them.
Through this approach, he, gains vital result of study and knowledge. It is
essential to perceive nature of world for rule there. Like, rivers, hills, mountains,
oceans and plains. The art of war and armed skills provides much help to it. And
if a prince lacks this, then it is desire of a captain to reach it. Philopoemen Prince
of the Achaeans, writers praised him. Utilized mind in peace, and confronted
warriors with armed skills.
A prince should learn histories and biographies of great warriors, kings and
leaders. What strategy they took on in battle field. How they planned, and in
what circumstances they fought with enemies. And, when, fight at battle field
keep their deeds in mind. This thing shall enable him to establish firm rule over
an empire or state.
Chapter 15
Concerning things for which men, and especially princes, are praised or blamed

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Man thinks objects and creates images for his needs, goals, achievements and
successes. He devises many things in various ways. Most of plans and
procedures accomplishes improperly and imperfectly. Many activities such as are
done completely failed. Man does all these bits and pieces of his own as well in
collections. Thinking and devising are very essential gears of mans life. A lot of
complications and criticalities come before him. There are no discriminations in
these factors. Any type of class and category, either rich, poor, erudite or layman
is affected from it.
Human nature retains a number of characteristics. Some are positive and some
are negative. Some human beings keep both faces. The positive individualities
are: plentiful, sympathetic, realistic, gallant, genial, uncorrupted, genuine, lighthearted, and sacred. The negative individualities are: voracious, fickle, vicious,
and cissy. Few people desire to acquire and develop all these kits, but its not
possible. Related to a prince, considers a chief character of human beings, and
should appraise these stuffs. Though he does not develop all equipment yet
settles most of them.
Chapter 16
Concerning liberality and meanness
Commencing all positive and negative selves; man wants to be liberal.
Liberalism exists individually in human life. He uses it in both good and bad
ways. If he practices excessively it gives hazard and loss. If uses wisely, and at a
certain limit it contributes profit, authority and victory. So, a prince employs
liberality in a way that develop his property as well empires or states income.
He should be careful to the problems and difficulties of the people. Levying taxes
on them is that they will not harm. Collect taxes as sufficient to strengthen
states institutions.
Pope Julius II was gotten help of liberals in attaining Roman Catholic Church. But
at the time of war against King of France, he didnt attempt it. He made lots of
wars with his own costs. He never increased tax on people. Liberality is danger in
case of power. But in case of progress it is require. Numerous people argue that
princes stable their liberality with the use of arm forces. Machiavelli reply it as: A
prince should keep pillage and sack in his preparations. For his rule it is very
necessary and vital. Without it, he doesnt command over arm forces. He should
custom it in both good and bad edges. When his opponents are outsiders he will
utilize in definite manners. Liberality also harms a prince. So, a prince should
have meanness. Meanness protect him from the dangers of liberality.
Chapter 17
Concerning cruelty and clemency, and whether it is better to be loved than
A prince should have clemency not cruelty in his governance. He ought to be
rule carefully; not to casually. If he depicts too much mercy, then it will be wastes

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clemency. Disorder arises everywhere. Terror, robbery, law breaking and injustice
spread in state. A new prince faces difficulties to handle these things. He should
keep himself cool and calm, and thinking and devising to lever these effects.
When answering which is better in love and fear; both belongings are useful for
man. By nature, human beings are unmindful, unpredictable, deceitful,
fainthearted, jealous. They cooperate, help, rescue, love and fear in the time of
need. These attitudes are not toughening to a nation, empire and princes reign
and rule. A prince should avoid favouritism. Because it is untrustworthy. A prince
must provide protection to publics properties, and do justice. But, treated
disloyal and peace breakers with iron hands. Make stronger arm forces. It is the
best approach to keep peace and maintain authority over empire or state. He
also avoids hatred. All in all, these attempts save prince from fear.

Chapter 18-19
Everyone admits how praise worthy it is in a prince to keep faith, and to live with integrity
and with craft. He must know there are two ways of contesting, the one by the law and other
by force. The first method is proper to men and second to beast; but because th e first is
frequently not sufficient, it is necessary to have recourse to the knowingly to adopt the beat,
ought to choose_ the fox and the lion. Because the lion cannot defend himself against snares
and the fox cannot defend him against wolves. If men were entirely good this present Endless
examples could be given in this regard how many treaties and engagement have been made,
void and of no effect though the faithlessness of princess; and he who has known best how to
employ the fox has succeeded best. That he who seeks to device will always find someone
who will allow himself to be deceived. Alexander vi did nothing else but deceive men, nor
even thought of doing otherwise, and he always found doing victims, for there never was a
man who greater Power in asserting, or who with greater oaths would affirm a thing. Yet
would observe less; nevertheless hit deceits always succeeded according to his wishes,
because he would understand this side of mankind.
Therefore, It is unnecessary for a prince to have the good qualities. A prince ought to take
care that he never lets anything slip from his lips that is not replete with the above-named five
qualities, that he may appear to him who sees and hears him altogether merciful, faithful,
humane, upright, and religious. Characteristics of which mention is made above, that the
prince must consider, how to avoid these which well make him hated and contemptible, and
as he shall have succeeded he will have fulfilled his part. It makes him contemptible, fickle,
frivolous, effeminate, mean-spirited, irresolute, from all of which a prince should guard
himself as form a rock and he should endeavour to show in his actions greatness, courage,
gravity, and fortitude. He is an exceuent man and revered by his people, a prince ought to
have two fears, one from within and other from external powers. He could avoid it through
satisfying his people and also avoiding being hated. One of the most efficacious remedies that
a prince can have against conspiraries is nto to be hated despised by the people, for he who
cnspiress against a prince always expects to please them his removal. An experience shows,
many have been successful because he who conspires cannot act alone, nor can he take a
companion except from those whom he believes to be malcontents. And by denouncing it, he

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can look for every advantage and seen the other to be doubtful and full of dnagers, he must be
a very rare friend or a thoroughly obstinate enemy of the prince, to keep faith with you.
Whereas in general the conspirator has to fear before the execution of his plot, in this case he
has also to fear the sequel to the crime; because on account of it he has the people for and
enemy, and thus cannot hope for any escape. Messer Annibale,.grandfather of Annibale,
having been murdered by the Canneschi, who had conspired against him, not one of his
family survived but Messer Giovanni, who in childhood.
For this reason it is considered that a prince ought to reckon conspiracies of little account
when his people hold him in esteem; but when it is hostile to him, and bears hatred toward
him, he ought to fear everything and everybody. And well-ordered states and wise princes
have taken very care not to drive the nobles to desperation, and to keep the people satisfied
and contended. For this is one of the most important object a prince can have. It seems to
sufficient to atake all those emperors who succeeded to the empire form Marcus the
philossoper doewn to Maximnus; they were Pertinax, Julian, Severus and his son Antoninus
Caraoua, Macrinus, Heliogabalus, Alexander, and Maximinus. It was a hard thing to give
satisfaction both to soldiers and people; because the people loved peace, and for this reason
they loved the unaspiring prince, whilst the soldier loved the warlike prince who was bold,
cruel, and rapacious, which qualities they were quite willing he should exercises upon the
people, so that they could get double pay and give vent t other greed and cruelty. From these
causes it arose that Marcus, Pertinax, and Alexander, being all men of modest life, lovers of
justice, enemies to cruelty, humane and benignant came to a sand end except Marcus, he
alone lived and died honoured; because he had succeeded to the throne by hereditary title,
and owed nothing either to the soldiers or the people; and afterwards being possessed of
many virtues which made him respected, he always kept both orders in their places whilst he
lived, and was neither hated nor despised. But Pertinax was created emperor against the
wishes of the soldiers, who being accustomed to live licentiously under Commodus, could
not induce the honest Lifeto which Pertnax whished to reduce them; But alexander, who was
of such great goodness, that among the other praises which are accorded him is this, that in
the fourteen years he held the empire no one was ever put to death by him unjudged;
nevertheless, being considered effeminate and a man who allowed himself to be governed by
his mother, he become despised, the army conspired against him, and murdered him on the
arrival of the emperor and killed Julian. But his osn Antoninus was a most eminest man, and
had very excellent qualities, which made him admirable in the sight of the people and
acceptable to the soldiers, for he was warlike man, most enduring of fatigue. Two things
made Maximinus to be hated and despised, the, his having kept sheep in thrice, which
brought him into contemptible being well known to all, and considered a great indignity by
everyone and the other, his having at the accession to his dominion deferred going to Rome
and taking possession of the imperial seat. Resultantly, Princes in modern times( Italian
Renaissance) have this difficulty of giving inordinate satisfaction to their soldiers in far less
degree because notwithstanding one has to give them some indulgence that is soon done;]
;not of these princes have armies that are veterans in the governance and administration of
Provinces, as were the armies of the roman empire; and whereas it was then more necessary

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to give satisfaction to the soldiers than to the people. It is now more necessary to all princes,
except the Truk and Soldan, to satisfy the people rather than soldiers, because the people are
the more powerful. But whoever considers it will acknowledge that either hatred or contempt
has been fatal to the above named emperors and it will be recognized also how it happened
that, a number of them acting in one way and a number in another, only one in each way
come to a happy end and the rest to unhappy ones.

Chapter 20-26
Historically saying, some princes disarmed their subject, some distracted by
factions, some kept their subjects. Some have built fortresses and at same time
others have overthrown and destroyed them.
Neither new prince disarmed his subjects, rather he regulated it way that it
seemed him disarmed, but actually was armed. And those arms which most
danger and service must have the reward. So prince can vacillate about
behaviours of particular arms. Mercenaries as above mentioned that they most
dangerous should operate wisely. When a prince adds new state to old one, he
should disarm men of state. In old times, it was required to hold Pistoia by
faction and Pisa by fortresses; however tributary town was ravaged with quarrels.
That was the Venetian fostered Guelph and Ghibelline factions in their tributary
cities. Although they were restraint from bloodshed, yet they nursed home
disputes. This policy of settling subjects into factions proves fallacious at time of
war. A prince ought to foster or craft his animosity, having crushed, may raise
his renown. Like, Pandolfo petrucci, Prince of Siena, ruled his state more by those
who had been distrusted than by others. A prince also warn that for reason state
acquired by secret favours, must be handled cautiously and keep friendly
relations there. It has been custom that in order to strong hold in states,
fortresses may serve a bridle and bit. Guido Ubaldo, Duke of Urbino reazed to
foundations all the fortresses in that provice, and considered that without them it
would be more difficult to lose it. The prince who has more to fear from the
people than from forefingers ought to build fortresses, but he who has more to
fear from foreigner than people ought to leave them alone. For example,
Countess of Froli, when Count Girolamo, her consent was killed, she dramatically
withstand with popular attack and waited assistance from Milan. Her own people
with foreigners( Cesare Borgia) rebel against her.
Prince ought set outstanding example like Ferdinand of Aregon( king of Spain).
Starting attack from Grandsa, he held Castile and done this quietly without fear
of hindrance. He cleverly control money of Chruch. He adopted pious cruelty.
Then, he assailed Africa, Italy and France. He kept the mind of people and
admiration. Thus, prince need to set unusual example in internal affairs. He
should be respected when make the true friend or downright enemy. He should
be neutral when two neighbouring principalities wage against each other. It
always happen to Antiochus , who urged Acheans to remain neutral, on other
hand Roman who were their friend persuaded them to take up arms. Thus prince
at this moment prince should not neutral. Prince ought to take care never to
make one powerful than himself for purpose attacking others until necessity

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compels him. The venetian joined their hands with France against duke of Milan
and this alliance cause their ruin. Further, he ought to entertain the people with
festivals and spectacles at every year. Also evey city is divided into guilds or into
societies. So in occasion he should show them courtesy and liberality. Selection
of servants has no importance for prince, albeit he should appoint according his
vacillation. There might be three types of judgement:

Comprehend by itself
Appreciate what other comprehend
Neither comprehend by itself not by the showing of others

Messer Antonio da Vendafro choosen as servant to Pandolfo Petrucci was

considered very good decision. Those servant who looks to seeking own interest,
could not prove good servant. And to keep his servant honest, prince ought to
study him through honour and kindness.
The flatters who are so self-complacent must be ironically defended by prince.
Other of avoid them is to choose wise man to state who speaks only truth. To
adduce example, Fr. Luca was man of affairs to Maximilian. But opposite to
above, he communicated not his design to anyone. Emperor is secretive man. A
prince, therefore, ought to take counsel, but only when he wishes, but not when
other wishes. A new prince could face music because he do not have much
experience. Reason is man always prove untrue to unless they are kept honest
by constraint. Hence, it is inferred that good counsellors must appoints because
good they are born of wisdom of prince, not the wisdom of prince from good
counsels. Actions of new prince are more narrowly observed than those of
hereditary. To avoid disgrace to principality he always in need of wisdom. The
question why prince of Italy lost their states? could answered that people found
hostile to them or in case of friendly relations, he could not able secure the
nobles. King of Naples, the Duke of Milan are quite tangible examples.
Fortune is half-arbiter of mans life. But she still us to direct other half. Nature is
comparable to it. Raging rivers when in flood over the plains, sweeping away
trees and building; everything falls before him. And when weather becomes fair
both with defences and barriers, water may pass by canal. Italy is seat of fortune
without any barrier and barricade. It is invaded by France, Germany and France,
but invasions would not mad the great changes. Prince cold may happy one day
and may ruin on other day. Prince who relies entirely upon fortune is lost when it
changes. A prince should direct himself according to spirit of time. One man
attains his end, other fails; and similarly, two men by different observances are
equally successful_ the one cautious and other impetuous.
There are also
interrelation between caution and patience. Because a man deviate from nature
inclines him to, also by having prospered in one way. And when cautious man
when it is time turn adventurous does not know how to handle patience? Hence
his is ruined. For instance, Pope Julius ii went to work impetuously in all his affairs
and found the times and circumstances conform so well to that line action that
he always met with success. Albeit, fortune always not be trusted it is better to

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be adventurous than cautious, because Fortune is a woman it is necessary to
beat and ill use her by prince.
Many thing favourable are favourable for prince to liberate Italy(Renaisance)
from the barbarians. For illustration, people of Israel should be captive so as to
make manifest the ability Moses; that the Persians hould be oppressd by the
Medes to discover the greatness of soul of Cyrus and that then Athenians shold
be dispersed to illustrate the capabilities of Theseus, in order to discover the
virtue of Italian spirit. A prince should take sword to reduced Italy(Renaissance)
from this extremity. But she shold be more enslaved than the Hebrew, more
oppressed than Persians. More scattered than Athenians, then God bestow it and
will give life into it and end to ravaging and plundering of Lombardy, to the
swindling and taxing of kingdom of Tuscany. She is waiting for valour of a prince.
(Machiavelli now revered to direct speech to Giulliano de Medici)
Italy is exhausted the military virtue for long chain of war. There is need for
prince make new laws and ordinance.
Peep in window of past, Italian were
superior in strength, dexterity, and subtlety. Nevertheless, combatants had fluid
in their limbs only. They were hallowed in mind. Throughout recent twenty five
years, Italian army played very week cards; evidences are ii Taro(1495),
Bologna(1511), Mestri(1513). Prepare such arms that can be defended against
foreigners by Italian valour. To penetrate building variation in old army, he ought
pick the defects of cavalry of Spanish and infantry of Swiss. At last, he should put
up courage and hope with which enterprises could be undertaken; so saying of
Petrach is verified on this:
Virtue against fury shall advance the fight,
And it I th combat soon shall put to flight;
For the old Roman valour is not dead,
Nor in th Italians breast extinguished.

Short Analysis and Conclusion

The prince could count as book of age (renaissance). Proposition can be
supported that Italy was much engulfed in contemporary political issues.
Machiavelli ventured meeting with officials, fulfilling their mission. After having
much diplomatic experience, it encourage him pour his endeavours to study
ancient Roman Empire and contemporary politics as well. Machiavellis this
spell-binding work had humongous influence on political leaders of that age and
also new emerging modern Europe. Particularly, Henry viii was also considered
one of those personalities who read it and greatly inspired. Idea of realism is
supported heavily in chapter 15 where he calls: real truth of matter rather than
imagination. To some extent, Machiavelli was biased to Protestantism while he
seemed to impatience with Christianity in chapter 11 especially in his other book
Discourses on livy (1,2). He less emphasized the ethnic grounds for prince.
However it could not be denied that he wants people to be religious because it

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constitute powerful within society. Machiavelli admires the mans honour and
humorously quote that Future is woman and she should be ill-used and man
must adventurous. His comparison future and ones own force is quite
interesting. Machiavelli in this percept looks hostile to passivity. For
demonstration of this he selects the quasi-mythical quartet f
Moses,Cyrus,Romulus, and Theseus. To use force or cunning is fall short for
human standard of nature, yet he urge to be like a fox who can avoid snares and
lion who can terrify wolf.
Now in time of emergence, nations are living in pluralised society where many
entities constitutes behaviours of politicians. It is not satisfactory that dialects of
The Prince are applicable or acceptable for upcoming rulers easily.

Machiavelli, The Prince, David Combell Publishers( 1922, London
Machiavelli, Discourses on Livy

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