White Haired Witch Archetype Homebrew

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White Haired Witch

Alignment: Any.
Hit Die: d8.
Starting Wealth: 4d6 10 gp (average 140 gp.) In addition, each character begins play with an
outfit worth 10 gp or less.

Class Skills
The witch's class skills are Craft (Int), Fly (Dex), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge
(arcana) (Int), Knowledge (history) (Int), Knowledge (nature) (Int), Knowledge (planes) (Int),
Profession (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), and Use Magic Device (Cha).
Skill Ranks per Level: 2 + Int modifier.












Cantrips, White
Hair, patron
spells, witchs






Prehensile Trick
or Hex






Spells Per Day

2n 3r
4th 5th 6th







Prehensile Trick
or Hex






Prehensile Trick









Prehensile Trick
or Hex





















Prehensile Trick
Prehensile Trick
or Hex






Prehensile Trick










+10 +10

Prehensile Trick
or Hex




+10 +10









+11 +11
Prehensile Trick
+11 +11
Prehensile Trick
+12 +12
or Hex

Class Features
The following are the class features of the witch.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency
The white-haired witch is proficient with all simple weapons and with her prehensile hair. Whitehaired witches are also proficient with light armor and shields (except tower shields). A whitehaired witch can cast witch spells while wearing light armor and using a shield without incurring
the normal arcane spell failure chance. Like any other arcane spellcaster, a white-haired witch
wearing medium or heavy armor incurs a chance of arcane spell failure if the spell in question
has a somatic component. A multiclass white-haired witch still incurs the normal arcane spell
failure chance for arcane spells received from other classes.
A witch casts arcane spells drawn from the witch spell list. A witch must choose and prepare her
spells ahead of time.
To learn or cast a spell, a witch must have an Intelligence score equal to at least 10 + the spell
level. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a witch's spell is 10 + the spell level + the
witch's Intelligence modifier.
A witch can cast only a certain number of spells of each spell level per day. Her base daily spell
allotment is given on Table: Witch. In addition, she receives bonus spells per day if she has a
high Intelligence score (see Table: Ability Modifiers and Bonus Spells).
A witch may know any number of spells. She must choose and prepare her spells ahead of time
by getting 8 hours of sleep and spending 1 hour communing with her familiar. While
communing, the witch decides which spells to prepare.
Cantrips Witches can prepare a number of cantrips, or 0-level spells, each day, as noted on
Table: White Witch under Spells per Day. These spells are cast like any other spell, but they
are not expended when cast and may be used again. Cantrips prepared using other spell slots, due
to metamagic feats for example, are expended normally.
White Hair Advancement
































































White Hair (Su)

A white-haired witch's hair comes to life when she wishes it to, and she uses it to interact with
the world around her. Her hair is fully under her control and can be used like an extra arm to
manipulate or hold items. Unlike an actual arm, her hair has no magic item slots, cannot wield a
weapon, and cannot perform more intricate actions such as the somatic component of a spell,
picking a lock, or Slight of Hand. The hair cannot be sundered or attacked as a separate creature.
If her hair is damaged or destroyed in any way, a witch can grow it back as a full-round action.
A white-haired witch can use her hair to make a Slam attack, per the Universal Monster Rules.
When the witch makes a successful attack with her hair, she can choose to initiate a grapple

combat maneuver, per the Grab ability in the Universal Monster Rules. For the purpose of
attacks made with her hair, her base attack bonus from her witch class levels is equal to her witch
level. For all other purposes, such as qualifying for a feat or a prestige class, she uses her normal
base attack bonus. Attacks made with the witch's hair use her Intelligence modifier in place of
her Strength modifier for all purposes, including attack rolls, CMB, CMD, and damage rolls. As
she gains levels, the damage die of the hair increases, as shown on the table.
At 4th level and every four le vels thereafter, a white-haired witchs reach with her hair increases
by +5 feet (to a maximum of +30 feet at 20th level. However, the witch only threatens squares
within her normal reach, and this does not increase the range at which she can flank an enemy or
make attacks of opportunity.
Prehensile Trick
At 2nd level and every two levels thereafter, the white-haired witch gains access to a prehensile
trick selected from the following list:
Adept Maneuvers (Ex): The white-haired witchs hair has difficulty performing a number a
combat maneuvers, to perform such actions the witch must take this trick. A witch may take this
trick multiple times, but the witch must choose a different combat maneuver each time. This trick
also gives a +2 modifier to the chosen combat maneuver check.
Disarm: In place of an attack, a white-haired witch can attempt a combat maneuver check to
disarm a creature. This maneuver does not provoke an attack of opportunity if the witch is
outside of the targets threatened squares. The combat maneuver is at -5 to disarm weapons with
the slashing (S) damage type.
Pull: A white-haired witch who successfully strikes a foe with her hair can attempt a combat
maneuver check to pull the creature 5 feet closer to her as a swift action, per the Pull ability.
Steal: As a standard action, a white-haired witch can attempt a combat maneuver check to steal
an item from a creature. This maneuver does not provoke an attack of opportunity if the witch is
outside of the targets threatened squares. In addition to any other modifiers, the witch suffers a
penalty of -1 to the roll per 10 feet of range to the target due to the fine nature of the work being
Trip: A white-haired witch who successfully strikes a foe with her hair can attempt a combat
maneuver check to trip the creature as a swift action, per the Trip ability.
Climbing (Ex): The white-haired witch gains a climb speed equal to the current maximum reach
of her hair. This climb speed and associated Climb skill bonus only apply when the witch is
using her hair for climbing and only if suitable anchor points are available. When used this way
the hair can take no other actions, including attacking, defending or manipulating objects.
Constrict (Ex): When the white-haired witchs hair successfully grabs an opponent, it can begin
constricting her victim as a swift action, dealing damage equal to that of its attack.
Defensive (Ex): As an immediate action the white-haired witchs hair falls into a defensive
posture granting her a +2 deflection bonus to AC, with an additional +1 to the bonus for every
six class levels (maximum +5 deflection bonus at 18th level) until the beginning of her next turn.
Any other actions the hair was performing are automatically ended and the hair may not act
again until the start of the witchs next turn. If the witch was using her hair to climb, she

immediately loses the benefits of that ability and begins to fall. A white-haired witch may
maintain the Defensive prehensile trick a number of rounds per day equal to her class level.
Familiar (Ex): From the tumbles of her hair, the white-haired witch summons an animal
manifestation of her patron. This ability functions exactly like the Witchs Familiar class feature,
aside from the witch still stores her spells within her hair. The familiar springs out from the
white-haired witches hair as a swift action. You must choose an animal from the Witchs Familiar
list, once it has been made it cannot be changed.
Flanking (Ex): The white-haired witch may select one opponent within half the maximum reach
of her hair (rounded up) and consider herself threatening this opponent for the purposes of
flanking. Determine flanking from the closest unobstructed square to the witch that is still
adjacent to the target. The creature remains threatened until it moves further away than half her
hairs reach, or she designates a new target. This ability is suspended if the witchs hair begins
Grappling or using the Climbing, Defensive, Gliding or Utility prehensile tricks and upgrades.
Gliding (Ex): When falling, as an immediate action the white-haired witchs hair fans out and
begins to flutter in the breeze slowing her descent as if under the effect of a Feather Fall spell.
Any other actions the hair was performing are automatically ended and the hair may not act
again until the start of the witchs next turn.
Rake (Su): The white-haired witch has learned to strike her foes in a way that can cut and rend
flesh. As a full round action, the witch makes a single attack that deals slashing type damage, and
does 1d4 bleed damage for 1d6 rounds. A witch may perform this trick a number of times per
day equal to her witch level plus her intelligence modifier. Using this trick immediately ends the:
Climbing, Defense, Gliding, Utility, tricks and if the witch has a creature grappled in her hair,
she ends the grapple.
Strangle (Ex): When the white-haired witchs hair is grappling with an opponent, that creature is
considered strangled, and cannot speak or cast spells with verbal components.
Twin Tails (Ex): The white-haired witch learns to focus her White Hair natural attack on multiple
points, effectively splitting it into two secondary natural attacks. These attacks replace the
standard primary attack and follow all related rules with one exception: Any other prehensile
trick ability requiring a successful melee attack (such as Grab, Trip or Pull) now requires all
secondary attacks to connect on a single target in order to trigger. The attacks damage die
remains the same but each roll to hit is at -5 and only half the witchs Intelligence bonus is
applied as a damage modifier.
Utility (Ex): The white-haired witch may use her hair for a range of utility options beyond
serving as an appendage. With this prehensile trick the witch may form her coif into a
comfortable hammock or bedroll in which to sleep, a soft but supportive chair in which to sit, a
firm worktable or eating surface, a basket to carry her familiar, a thick cloak or airy parasol to
ward off extremes of heat or cold (+4 to survival rolls vs. nonlethal environmental heat or cold
damage) or any number of mundane effects at the GMs discretion. The witch may provide the
effect of this prehensile trick to another character (ie. Providing another character with shade in
the desert sun), but loses the effect for herself. The witchs hair may undertake no other activity
while performing one of these utility tasks.
White Lance (Su):The white-haired witch winds her hair into one long tendril and lashes out at
her enemies with greater force than usual. As a full attack action, the white-haired witch makes a
single attack that does an additional 2d6 piercing type damage. The white-haired witch may do

this maneuver a number of times per day equal to her level plus her intelligence modifier. Using
this trick immediately ends the: Climbing, Defense, Disarm, Gliding, Utility, tricks and if the
witch has a creature grappled in her hair, she ends the grapple.
Alternatively at 2nd, 4th level and every 4 levels thereafter the witch can choose to take a
standard witch Hex from the following list instead of a Prehensile Trick.

Aura of Purity (Su)

Beast of Ill-Omen (Su)

Blight (Su)

Cackle (Su)

Cauldron* (Ex)

Charm (Su)

Child-Scent (Ex)

Coven (Ex)

Cursed Wound (Su)

Discord (Su)

Disguise* (Su)

Disrupt Connection (Su)

Evil Eye* (Su)

Feral Speech (Su)

Fortune (Su)

Healing* (Su)

Misfortune (Su)

Mud Witch (Su)

Nails (Ex)

Peacebond (Su)

Poison Steep (Sp)

Scar (Su)

Slumber (Su)

Soothsayer (Su)

Swamp Hag (Sp)

Swamp's Grasp (Su)

Tongues (Su)

Unnerve Beasts (Su)

Ward (Su)

Water Lung (Su)

Witch's Bottle (Su)

Patron Spells
At 1st level, a white-haired witch must select a patron. This patron is a vague and mysterious
force, granting the witch power for reasons that she might not entirely understand. While these
forces need not be named, they typically hold influence over one of the following forces.
At 2nd level, 4th level, and every three levels thereafter, a witch's patron adds new spells to a
witch's list of spells known. These spells are also automatically added to the list of spells stored
within the witchs hair. The spells gained depend upon the patron chosen. Each patron is listed by
its theme. Its actual name is up to the GM and the witch to decide.
See a complete list of witch patrons here.
Witch's Bond (Ex)
At 1st level, a white-haired witch manifests a bond between herself and her patron. This
connection is directly linked to the white-haired witchs hair, pouring information into the mind
of the witch, guiding the witch and assisting her. This connection might be described akin to a
musician, plucking the strings of a harp to make music.
A witch must commune with her patron each day by grooming her hair to prepare her spells.
Each strand of the witchs hair is like the page of a spellbook, and a witch cannot prepare a spell
that is not stored within the tumbles of her hair. It is because of this a witch can deliver touch
ranged attacks with the maximum reach of her hair. A witch begins play storing all of the 0-level
witch spells plus three 1st level spells of the witch's choice. The witch also selects a number of
additional 1st-level spells equal to her Intelligence modifier to store in her hair. At each new
witch level, she adds two new spells of any spell level or levels that she can cast (based on her
new witch level) to her familiar. A witch can also add additional spells to through a special ritual.
Advanced Prehensile Trick
At 10th level, and every two levels thereafter, a white-haired witch can choose one of the
following advanced prehensile tricks in place of a prehensile trick:
Advanced Defensive (Ex): Once per round while under the effect of her Defensive prehensile
trick, when the white-haired witch would normally be hit with an attack from a ranged weapon,
she may deflect it so that she takes no damage from it per the Deflect Arrows feat. She must be
aware of the attack and not flat-footed. Attempting to deflect a ranged attack doesn't count as an
action. Unusually massive ranged weapons (such as boulders or ballista bolts) and ranged attacks
generated by natural attacks or spell effects can't be deflected. This is in addition to the bonus to
AC provided by the lower level ability. The white-haired witch must have the Defensive
prehensile trick to select this one.
Advanced Flanking (Ex): The white-haired witch now threatens any opponent within half the
maximum reach of her hair (rounded up) for the purposes of flanking. Determine flanking from
the closest unobstructed square to the witch that is still adjacent to the target. The creature
remains threatened until it moves further away than half her hairs reach. This ability is
suspended if the witchs hair begins Grappling or using the Climbing, Defensive, Gliding or

Utility prehensile tricks and upgrades. The white-haired witch must have the Flanking prehensile
trick to select this one.
Advanced Twin Tails (Ex): The white-haired witch improves her focus, effectively splitting her
White Hair attack into three secondary natural attacks. In addition her hair gains the MultiAttack feat, reducing the penalty to attack rolls to -2. In all other ways this functions as Twin
Tails and the white-haired witch must have that prehensile trick to select this one.
Advanced White Lance (Su); The white-haired witchs White Lance Prehensile Trick now deals
4d6 piercing type damage. The witch must already possess the White Lance Prehensile Trick
before she can take this trick.
Crushing Grip (Ex): The white-haired witch has learned to tighten her grip on her hair and use it
to inflict the most pain. The witch gains double the amount of dice your constrict damage would
do. This trick requires a witch to possess: 17 Int, the trick Constrict, and Weapon Focus (Hair).
This ability is suspended if the witchs hair begins using the Climbing, Defensive, Gliding or
Utility prehensile tricks and upgrades.
The Spiders Web (Ex): The white-haired witchs hair has grown to be as inescapable as a spiders
web. The witch may now grab creatures one size category larger. She also gains a +8 to CMB to
grab and the tricks: Disarm, Pull, Steal and Trip. This ability only augments tricks the witch
already possess and does not give her the ability to use abilities she does not posses.
Alternatively at 12th level and every 4 levels thereafter the witch can choose to take a standard
witch Hex or Major Hex from the following list instead of an Advanced Prehensile Trick.

Agony (Su)

Animal Skin (Su)

Beast Eye (Su)

Cook People (Su)

Delicious Fright (Su)

Hags Eye (Su)

Harrowing Curse (Su)

Hidden Home (Sp)

Hoarfrost (Su)

Ice Tomb (Su)

Infected Wounds (Su)

Major Healing (Su)

Nightmares (Su)

Pariah (Su)

Retribution (Su)

Speak in Dreams (Sp)

Vision (Su)

Waxen Image (Su)

Weather Control (Su)

Witch's Bounty (Su)

Witch's Charge (Su)

Witchs Brew (Ex)

Master Prehensile Trick

At 18th and again at 20th level, a white-haired witch can choose one of the following master
prehensile tricks in place of a prehensile trick:
Master Defensive (Ex): Once per day, when the white-haired witchs Advanced Defensive
prehensile trick deflects a projectile, she can redirect the attack to strike an alternate target as a
free action. The creature targeted must be within the maximum reach of the witchs hair, and the
creature that made the attack against the witch must make a new attack roll against the new
target. The white-haired witch must have the Advanced Defensive prehensile trick to select this
Master Flanking (Ex): The white-haired witch now threatens any opponent within the maximum
reach of her hair for the purposes of flanking. Determine flanking from the closest unobstructed
square to the witch that is still adjacent to the target. The creature remains threatened until it
moves further away than her hairs maximum reach. This ability is suspended if the witchs hair
begins Grappling or using the Climbing, Defensive, Gliding or Utility prehensile tricks and
upgrades. The white-haired witch must have the Advanced Flanking prehensile trick to select this
Master Twin Tails (Ex): The white-haired witch improves her focus, effectively splitting her
White Hair attack into four secondary natural attacks. In addition her hair gains the Multiweapon
Mastery ability, removing the penalty to attack rolls. In all other ways this functions as Advanced
Twin Tails and the white-haired witch must have that prehensile trick to select this one.
Master Crushing Grip (Ex): The white-haired witch has learned to tighten her grip on her hair
and use it to inflict the most pain. The witch gains triple the amount of dice your constrict
damage would normally do. This trick requires a witch to possess: 19 Int, the trick Crushing
Grip. This ability is suspended if the witchs hair begins using the Climbing, Defensive, Gliding
or Utility prehensile tricks and upgrades.
Master White Lance (Su): The white-haired witchs White Lance Prehensile Trick now deals 6d6
piercing type damage. The Advanced White Lance Prehensile Trick is required to take this trick.
The Master Spider Web (Ex): The white-haired witchs hair has grown to be as inescapable as a
spiders web. The witch may now grab creatures one size category larger. She also gains a +10 to
CMB to grab and the tricks: Disarm, Pull, Steal and Trip. This ability only augment tricks the
witch already possess and does not give her the ability to use abilities she does not posses. While
the white-haired witch is grabbing a gargantuan creature she may not use other Prehensile Tricks
Alternatively at 18 level the witch can choose to take a standard Witch: Hex, Major Hex, or
Grand Hex from the following list, instead of a Master Prehensile Trick.

Abominate (Sp)

Curse of Nonviolence (Su)

Death Curse (Su)

Dire Prophecy (Su)

Eternal Slumber (Su)

Forced Reincarnation (Su)

Lay to Rest (Sp)

Life Giver (Su)

Natural Disaster (Su)

Witchs Hut (Su)

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