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Roles and Responsibilities


School Administration

1.1 to suggest suitable accommodation, if necessary.

1.2 to provide suitable workspace for the ETA in the staff room.
1.3 to arrange transportation for the ETA for the first four (4) weeks of school,
especially to and from school.
1.4 to identify and appoint a mentor/mentors to assist the ETA. Selection of mentor
is based on voluntary basis. Otherwise, the school administrators may exercise
their discretion. Selection should be based on seniority and/ or proficiency in
English language. If the mentor does not perform his/her duties, replace the
mentor with a more suitable teacher.
1.5 to conduct periodic observation.
1.6 to ensure standard operating procedures (SOP) pertaining to schools activities
are adhered to.
1.7 to ensure monthly reportings on ETA attendance and activities.
1.8 to approve the application for personal leave, notify the ETA in writing at least 3
(three) days prior to the leave and forwarded the approval of leave request to
SED on monthly basis.
1.9 to ensure the ETA submits Medical Certificate (MC) when they are on sick
The ETA does not have to provide an MC for the first day they are sick.
leave is considered as unrecorded leave.) However, they should inform
school via phone. From the second day of sickness onwards, ETA have to
MC to the schools. If the number of unrecorded leave exceed 3 days
their service, the number of days absent will be considered as their
leave and their annual leave will be deducted.
1.10 to ensure a teacher id present at all times when the ETA conduct activities. The
teachers presence is to provide support and to e responsible for students safety
and discipline.
1.11 to conduct reflection seasons with the ETA and English language teachers.
1.12 to discuss with the ETA on the use of the ETAs activity budget. The budget
must be spent with the ETAs knowledge and mutual agreement.
1.13 to disburse mentor/s monthly allowance on time.

2.1 to assist, advise and provide guidance in all the school activities undertaken by
the ETA.
2.2 to assist the ETA in collaborating with the English Language Panel (EL Panel) to
ensure that all the planned activities are carried out effectively.
2.3 to facilitate preparation of activity proposals.
2.4 to ensure all activities conducted by the ETA are recorded and documented.
2.5 to work with the ETA and EL Panel in planning the ETAs schedule.
2.6 to ensure that schedule changes are made in a timely manner and that the ETA

has a timetable at all times.

2.7 to help the ETA to adapt to the school environment and local communities.
2.8 to assist the ETA in finding suitable transportation.
2.9 to assist the ETA with settling into the new house.
2.10 to keep the ETA informed about the school calender, holidays and activities.
2.11 to help the ETA arrange for medical care in the event that the ETA should
become ill; the ETA bears te expense of the medical care.
2.12 to inform MACEE and SED if the ETA misuses the sick leave privilege.
2.13 to attend all activities related to the program by the SED and DEO.
2.14 to explain school regulations to the ETA.

English Language Panel



to identify the schools needs pertaining to the ETAs assistance.

to prepare the ETAs schedule.
to monitor and report on the ETAs performance
to support and participate in the ETAs activities.
to ensure students attendance and participation.

4.1 to plan and conduct the lessons with the ETA.
4.2 to be present in class at all times when ETA is conducting activities in the
4.3 to be present and play active roles in all co-curricular activities organised by the
4.4 to monitor students safety at all times when the ETA conducts lessons in the
classroom or activities outside the classroom.
4.5 to chaperon students to all activities carried out by the ETA outside schools.
4.6 to provide feedback on activities in the ETAs log.


English Teaching Assistants

5.1 to collaborate with classroom teacher in planning and conducting the activities.
ETA classroom activities must be relevant to the Malaysian syllabus/curriculum.
5.2 to fulfill a minimum of 25 contact hours per week with the students . This shall
include classroom time as well as participation in co-curricular activities and
English camps.

19 hours per week on average of EL activities in their own school

A. Co-teach a minimum of two classes per day.
B. Workshops/face-to-face session on speaking on a weekly basis for a
group(s) of selected students on language forms and
functions/conversational skills.
C. Co-curricular EL activities or activities of their own interest.
D. English Language Camps for their respective school.

4 hours per week on average for outside of school English Language

English Camps - helping other ETAs.

Click! Camps.
District/State organised EL activities/competitions.
Invitations by other schools for EL activities.
Other programs/activities/projects that have been supported with a
written approval from MOE/JPN.

2 hours per week on average devoted to completing activity proposals,

reports, and contact with MACEE.

5.3 to attend school every day of the school week (Monday through Friday or
Sunday through Thursday, depending on the states academic week) and they
should not attempt to arrange their schedules so that they have three-day
5.4 to be involved with co-curricular activities; ETA are encouraged to join existing
clubs such as English Language Society and/or begin their own clubs conducted
in English based on their own areas of knowledge, interest and expertise.
5.5 to collaborate with the mentor(s) and other teachers in conducting activities for
the students.
5.6 to encourage English usage through participation in activities in other subjects
such as Physical Education, Visual Arts and Science.
5.7 to obtained approval for proposed activities from the school administration.
5.8 to maintain a professional manner and appearance.
5.9 to notify the mentor on the first day the ETA is sick and unable to attend school.
The ETA is not required to produce an MC (Medical Certificate). However, an
ETA is required to obtain an MC for every subsequent day an ETA is absent.
5.10 each ETA is allotted 7 days of personal leave. The ETA has to obtain approval in
writing from the principal 3 school days prior to the leave.
5.11 to inform MACEE, SED, DEO and the mentor when they leave the country.
5.12 to organised a minimum of two English Camps. As these camps often take place
after school hours and/or off the school grounds, it is important that a number of
teachers from the school (enough to manage the number of students involved in
the camp) be present at all times to assist in the operation of the camp and to
help in any emergency.
5.13 ETAs are allowed to assist other ETA English Camps even if their assigned
schools students are not participating, since this increases the effectiveness of
all English camps. The ETA(s) organizing a camp are responsible for working
with their DEO or SED to fax official documentation of the camp to the school
of the ETA(s) they wish to invite a minimum of 7 school days before the date
of the camp.
5.14 The ETAs are not required to:

attend school on the weekends, except for English camps and official

replacement days. ETAs should be notified of these replacement days in

advance. However, ETA may request for a rest day after completing an
official English Camp for their school or any SED-sanctioned English
If an ETA is assisting another ETA with an official English Camp on a
when an official replacement day is scheduled, the ETA is allowed to
the English camp instead of the official replacement day at their school.
the rest day, an ETA is allowed to have a maximum of 3 days off for the
B attend school meetings, except those which are related directly to ETA

ETAs have to abide school rules and regulations. They cannot raise sensitive
issues related to religions, cultures, race and politics.
ETAs are not allowed to:


replace an English Language teacher of a specific class.

act as a relief teacher without the agreement of and early notification to
the ETA.
conduct extra classes outside of school hours or weekends unless done
so voluntarily by the ETA.
hold a program during school ad public holidays.
prepare tests or grade papers or exams.
be part of a committee related to school administration.
conduct tuition class in exchange for house rental, accommodation or
bring an outsider to a school without written or verbal permission from
the school.
hold a meeting with students outside of school for purposes other than
learning activities.
bring items prohibited by the Malaysian government, MOE and the
claim for facilities at school more than what is agreed upon between
display tattoos or have visible piercings other than on their ears and
small nose studs while at school.

Every ETA receives a monthly self-supporting allowance from MACEE and

they have insurance which is covered by the US State Department.
Each ETA also receives transport allowance to help them move around.

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