Isaiah Study Journal & Commentary

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Isaiah Study Journal by R. Jace

Purpose of Study & Themes............................................................................................................1
Isaiah 1.............................................................................................................................................1
Isaiah 2.............................................................................................................................................2
Isaiah 3.............................................................................................................................................2
Isaiah 4.............................................................................................................................................3
Isaiah 5.............................................................................................................................................3
Isaiah 6.............................................................................................................................................4
Isaiah 7.............................................................................................................................................4
Isaiah 8.............................................................................................................................................5
Isaiah 9.............................................................................................................................................5
Isaiah 10...........................................................................................................................................5
Isaiah 11...........................................................................................................................................6
Isaiah 12...........................................................................................................................................6
Isaiah 13...........................................................................................................................................7
Isaiah 14...........................................................................................................................................7
Isaiah 15...........................................................................................................................................7
Isaiah 16...........................................................................................................................................8
Isaiah 17...........................................................................................................................................8
Isaiah 18...........................................................................................................................................8
Isaiah 19...........................................................................................................................................9
Isaiah 20...........................................................................................................................................9
Isaiah 21...........................................................................................................................................9
Isaiah 22.........................................................................................................................................10
Isaiah 23.........................................................................................................................................10
Isaiah 24.........................................................................................................................................10
Isaiah 25.........................................................................................................................................11
Isaiah 26.........................................................................................................................................11

Isaiah 27.........................................................................................................................................12
Isaiah 28.........................................................................................................................................12
Isaiah 29.........................................................................................................................................13
Isaiah 30.........................................................................................................................................13
Isaiah 31.........................................................................................................................................14
Isaiah 32.........................................................................................................................................14
Isaiah 33.........................................................................................................................................15
Isaiah 34.........................................................................................................................................15
Isaiah 35.........................................................................................................................................15
Isaiah 36.........................................................................................................................................16
Isaiah 37.........................................................................................................................................16
Isaiah 38.........................................................................................................................................17
Isaiah 39.........................................................................................................................................17
Isaiah 40.........................................................................................................................................17
Isaiah 41.........................................................................................................................................18
Isaiah 42.........................................................................................................................................19
Isaiah 43.........................................................................................................................................19
Isaiah 44.........................................................................................................................................20
Isaiah 45.........................................................................................................................................20
Isaiah 46.........................................................................................................................................20
Isaiah 47.........................................................................................................................................21
Isaiah 48.........................................................................................................................................21
Isaiah 49.........................................................................................................................................22
Isaiah 50.........................................................................................................................................23
Isaiah 51.........................................................................................................................................24
Isaiah 52.........................................................................................................................................24
Isaiah 53.........................................................................................................................................25
Isaiah 54.........................................................................................................................................25
Isaiah 55.........................................................................................................................................26
Isaiah 56.........................................................................................................................................26
Isaiah 57.........................................................................................................................................27
Isaiah 58.........................................................................................................................................27

Isaiah 59.........................................................................................................................................28
Isaiah 60.........................................................................................................................................29
Isaiah 61.........................................................................................................................................29
Isaiah 62.........................................................................................................................................29
Isaiah 63.........................................................................................................................................30
Isaiah 64.........................................................................................................................................30
Isaiah 65.........................................................................................................................................31
Isaiah 66.........................................................................................................................................31

Purpose of Study & Themes

There will be, highlighted within the journal, themes corresponding with this color scheme:

Israel's Ideal/Idyllic Future

Israel's present state of condition
The scattering of Israel
The gathering of Israel

Isaiah 1
Main Point: The preface to the words of Isaiah. The Lord will not put up with the iniquities of
Israel any longer. Their iniquities, include rebelliousness, the commission of social injustices,
and the neglect of true temple worship.1 The Lord still invites them to repent, but warns them of
the coming divine judgment if they fail to do so.
V1-4: The LORD prospered and cared for His people for so long. Notwithstanding His mercies
upon them, they do not know Him; they fail to even consider Him.
V5-9: The children of Israel are so pointlessly continuing on in their rebellious ways. They are
sick, yet they do not believe they are sick. They are desolate, yet they puff themselves up. If it
were not for the Abrahamic covenant, Jerusalem and Israel would be like unto Sodom and
1 Pg. 5 Understanding Isaiah by Parry, Parry, & Peterson

V10-15: The symbols and covenants that are in place to prompt spiritual meaning, are still being
offered but bear no spiritual significance for the people.
V16-20: Even though the Israelites exist in a spiritually sick condition and are found in a state
of apostasy, God nevertheless invites them to return to him through repentance, so they can
worship the true God of Israel.2 He promises blessings if they are obedient, and curses if they
are not.
V21-24: How has the city of God become so bad? Its people have mixed the ways of the world
in with their lives. They are no longer consecrated, nor seeking for such. They are like wine
mixed with water3.
V25-27: Since Israel is meant to be the city of righteousness, God will purify it. His judgment
shall come over it.
V28-31: Gods power shall embarrass those who ever decided to turn away from God towards
idolatry. This is a double prophecy suggesting that in the latter days God will also purge from the
earth those who refuse to turn to Him.

Isaiah 2
Main Point: The contrast between the people of God in the future versus how Israel is currently,
is large. Those who are the people of God and will receive his mercy are those who stay near to
Him, and learn of His ways. Those who are on the other side of the spectrum are those who are
prideful, do whatever they want, dwell in mixed company rendering themselves impure.
V1-5: A prophecy for the last days. The people of God will not learn of war, but will learn in the
house of the LORD, and they will walk in His ways. The LORDs house shall be established in
the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills4 The people of God in the last
days will be those who gather in the temple.
V6-9: Instead of worshipping God, the house of Jacob has turned to idolatry and have mixed
themselves with false prophets from the east instead of Jesus Christ from the east. This
wickedness comes from the collective pride and apostasy of the people.
V10-22: God will bring down the prideful. God is warning His people of the coming of the day
of the LORD in which if they are not prepared then they will perish.

2 Pg. 17 Understanding Isaiah

3 Isaiah 1:22.
4 Isaiah 2:2.

Isaiah 3
Main Point: The Lords people are full of pride. They are hypocrites, spiritual adulterers, and
apathetic towards serving their fellow man. Gods standards have not changed: obedience
precedes blessings, rebellion precedes destruction.
V1-8: The children of Israel and their wickedness will cause great anarchy and they will be
scattered and scarred.
V9-11: They try to hide their sin, but do not realize that their countenance witnesses against
them. Goodness has always accompanied righteousness, and destruction has always
accompanied wickedness. You are blessed if you do, cursed if you do not.
V12-15: Jesus stands to plead. The people have no compassion for one another. The people do
not take care of the needy and the poor.
V16-26: Stretched forth necks. This portrays women who look sideways to see if others notice
their beauty as they prance along the way or as they look upwards with high heads in a proud
manner the expression denotes a people who pay idolatrous heed to others rather than to God
above.5 I feel like no explanation is needed beyond this description of both the children of Israel
in Isaiahs time, and modern times.

Isaiah 4
Main Point: Those who survive the judgments in the day of the LORD, will be a templeattending people, for it is their temple orientation that will help them escape his judgments.6
Those who are left, as well as the earth, will be renewed and beautiful.

Isaiah 5
Main Point: Gods chosen people are not choosing Him. Notwithstanding all that He has blessed
them with, they do not even consider, and so His judgments will come upon them. God will raise
an ensign and gather Israel.
V1-7: Using a story to act as analogy, God shows to the House of Israel that there is nothing that
He has not done for them. He creates perfect conditions to bring forth righteousness, yet the
result is bitterness. Therefore, God will take away all of the blessings and protections and there

5 Pg. 43 Understanding Isaiah

6 Pg. 46-47 Understanding Isaiah

will be nothing said that will be well for the House of Israel. Not only is this applicable to
Isaiahs House of Israel, it applies in all eras when this is read.
V8-10: Severe anguish and distress resulting from Gods judgments, which will come upon the
guilty in all ages of the world, including our own.7 Those who are prideful and refuse to help the
poor will experience these horrors.
V11-12: The problem is that they will not even consider God. They consider the worldly things.
V13-19: They seek signs without seeking God. The wicked will be humbled by Gods
V20-25: When Gods judgments come upon them that call evil good, and good evil; that put
darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter8, they
will know that it was because they let go of the ways of God. They will know that they only
cared about themselves. God is not just concerned about those who are wicked. He will also call
the righteous.
V26-30: Those who heed the call to come to Zion will come without fear. The Restoration of the
Gospel of Jesus Christ is the ensign, as well as the Book of Mormon.

Isaiah 6
Main Point: Isaiah is comforted in his vision of Jesus Christ. He is commanded and
strengthened for the purpose of his calling to preach and prophesy to the wicked House of Israel.
V1-4: Isaiah sees the Lord and it is a sacred experience.
V5-8: Isaiah feels inadequate before God but is purified with the Holy Ghost.
V9-12: The Lord tells Isaiah how long it will take until Jerusalem repents. They will not repent
even while they are being destroyed: scattering of Israel.
V13: There will be some that shall return.

Isaiah 7
Main Point: Commanded to have trust in God according to temporal matters, even offering the
Immanuel prophecy for a sign; Ahaz rejects. Another instance of God blessing and protecting
Israel with them disregarding it all.

7 Pg 56, Understanding Isaiah

8 Isaiah 5:20

V1-9: Isaiah is commanded to see Ahaz. He is to have trust in God, regardless of the seemingly,
impending political and war-mongering countries bringing doom. This has application in our day,
meaning that we as the people of God, should take no fear of wars and rumors of wars in the
world. Our trust in God should be greater than our trust in man, or his policy, or his military.
V10-16: God is so willing to give Ahaz a sign which shall show his willingness to protect him. A
virgin shall conceive and bear a son
V17-25: The enslavement of Jerusalem is prophesied. Pride covers the land. The House of Israel
and its promised blessings will become spoiled.

Isaiah 8
Main Point:
V1-4: The Immanuel Prophecy has its literal, immediate fulfillment with the wife of Isaiah.
V5-8: The House of Israel rejects the waters of Shiloah, or the Gospel of Jesus Christ, so the
waters of the river, or the armies of the king of Assyria shall overcome them.
V9-10: Although they may try to make worldly defense plans, they shall all crumble. God has
already given them a chance to be protected from these dangers, but they dont even consider
Him. All worldly alliances shall crumble.
V11-18: The Lord commands His people to not associate themselves much with those who have
fear of wars. The reason they have so much time and energy and a mindset to focus on fearing
war is because they do not fear God enough. This is just another instance of Gods people (who
He has long strived to take care of) ignoring Him.
V19-22: The wicked look unto other sources for truth because they have lost the Holy Ghost.
Those people that dont have the Holy Ghost are in darkness. They are always subject to
confusion and anguish.

Isaiah 9
Main Point: Jesus Christ will destroy all wickedness from off the earth. Gods prophets tell
Israel of the doom that comes to them, but they will not listen. Their suffering and scattering is
V1-7: Jesus Christ is prophesied to be King of Kings, Savior of the World. He will usher in the
Millennium and destroy all worldly kingdoms. Unto us, the House of Israel, a son is given. Unto
us, those who strive to be righteous, a child is born.

V8-12: The Lord has called prophets to call repentance to Israel, but their pride and stubbornness
prevents them from repenting. The Lords warning is not reaching them; they will be destroyed
by their enemies.
V13-17: Those who are meant to be the leaders of the people are not leading them to
righteousness, but rather to destruction. The people are wicked because of them.
V18-21: The impending doom is described as famine, war, family against family, and divine
judgment on cause of wickedness.

Isaiah 10
Main Point: Israel is hypocritical, in that they turn down the needy when they actually are in
need from Gods help. They are prideful and willfully rebel against God.
V1-4: Israel, meant to be the chosen people, are committing social injustices such as turning
away from the poor and needy. The Lord makes a powerful point when he asks to whom will
ye flee for help?9 They have been refusing to humble themselves to be helpful to those who
need help, so one day when they will really need help, they will be put quite exactly in the same
position to beg for help.
V5-19: Israel should be judged as strictly, if not more strictly, than its contemporaries. The
difference though, is that Israel has foreknowledge of God, while the others do not. Shall the
axe boast itself against him that heweth therewith? or shall the saw magnify itself against him
that shaketh it?10 Israel is the axe that boasts its strength over Gods best described as open
V20-23: Israel, will one day, be gathered again. A portion of the House of Israel is good.
V24-34: Isaiah tells the people to not be afraid of Assyria, because God is in control and will
eventually destroy them.

Isaiah 11
Main Point: The Millennium will be a time of great victory and all those who trusted in Christ
will be rewarded.
V1-9: Starts out prophesying of Jesus Christ and his work that he must complete on the Earth,
mortal and post-resurrection. The conditions of the Millennium will be glorious.
9 Isaiah 10:3
10 Isaiah 10:15

V10-16: The Lord will make an ensign and gather Israel for the second time. Enter into his
glorious rest.

Isaiah 12
Main Point: In the Millennium, we will be so joyful and peaceful that we will break out into
song. Salvation will be preached from the hill tops and everyone will know how glorious a day
that it will be. This joy will come from the fact that Christ will be dwelling with the House of

Isaiah 13
Main Point: Babylons end will be grand and destructive.
V1-5: The end of Babylon will be done after a signal from the messenger of God. Their
destruction is preceded by the noise of a multitude from the mountains.
V6-18: The destruction of Babylon is described as sorrowful and amazing. The wicked will not
be able to fall back on man which God is so jealous of because all of man will not regard gold
and silver for safety in the last days.
V19-22: Babylon, the capital of all that is worldly and wicked, will appear as Sodom and
Gomorrah and we all know the state of that wicked city now.

Isaiah 14
Main Point: Israel will overcome Babylon. God will overcome Satan and we will see him as he
really is. Gods promises are always fulfilled and can be trusted in always.
V1-3: Another promise yet again that Israel will be gathered and enjoy rest from all cares. As
Israel is gathered, so too will others flee to Zion for safety.
V4-23: The king of Babylon will be embarrassed for the fall of Babylon will be great. We will
look upon Lucifer and see him as he really is. In the last days and see him as nothing. Lucifer
will be cast out into eternal fire.
V24-28: Speaking of Gods power, God proclaims that his promises are always fulfilled. His
hand is stretched out, and who shall turn it back? Nobody competes with Jehovah and His

V29-32: Palestina is warned of its pride, for the Lords prophets are not only in charge of the
house of Israel alone.

Isaiah 15
Main Point: Moab was traditionally known to be a bitter enemy with Israel. Thus, in this
context, Moab will suffer and be destroyed, despite the fact that they are prosperous in trading
and commerce11 This temporal fulfillment is also symbolic of what will happen in the last days
when Moab (the wicked) will be destroyed, despite their contradictory success and prosperity.

Isaiah 16
Main Point: The absolute destruction of Moab, an enemy of Israel, is a type and symbol of what
will happen to the wicked in the last days. It will happen in the same way that happened to the
actual Moabites. There will be no happiness, no joy, no satisfaction that will come from being a
Moabite or from being in Moab.
V1-5: As the Moabites are seeking for refuge because of the destruction of their city, they appeal
to Judah. This has spiritual implications that relates to the plan of salvation: In the last days, the
throne of David will be set up again and Jesus Christ will be the king. As the wicked are
destroyed, some will try to appeal for help from the Millennial King, Jesus Christ.
V6-8: Moab and its apostate condition will be destroyed and grief shall spread every which way.
V9-11: Moabs sorrow is further described. There will be no state of happiness or joy in any way
for the wicked.
V12-14: Moab will try to pray to its false gods and their gods will do nothing for them even
though they go to their high sanctuary to pray.

Isaiah 17
Main Point: Damascus shall be destroyed, and Israel shall be scattered.
V1-5: Damascus is judged of God and will be destroyed. Israel, because she has been wicked,
will experience similar judgment, and will be scattered.
V6-8: The day when Israel will be scattered and Damascus destroyed, the wicked will not look
unto their apostate worship services. They will look to the true God with respect and reverence.

11 Understanding Isaiah, p. 156.

V9-11: Before Israel is scattered, they will not experience sorrow, as they begin planting. But in
the day of harvest, they will reap grief and sadness.
V12-14: Woe is pronounced upon Assyria.

Isaiah 18
Main Point: The whole world will notice an ensign lifted up on a mountain, and our duty is to
hear it, because it is from God. Those who hear it, will follow it all the way to the LORD of
Hosts. Those who fail to hear it will be part of all the dead bodies that will cover the earth.
V1-6: God will send messengers out to proclaim the coming of Jesus Christ and the
establishment of Zion. When an ensign is lifted up on the mountains, hear it; do not ignore it.
There will be so many dead bodies of the wicked that cover the earth.
V7: Israel will, at that time, be gathered to Mount Zion. The LORD of Hosts will dwell on
Mount Zion.

Isaiah 19
Main Point: Egypt will be in turmoil because of wickedness, but they will return to the Lord.
The prophecy of the gathering of Israel also includes Egypt and Assyria sharing in the blessings
of the gospel, even with Egypt having a temple!
V1-10: Egypt will be in turmoil: Egyptian against fellow Egyptian, a cruel lord will govern
them, their economic prosperity will be sucked dry, and the idols will quake in the presence of
the Lord.
V11-17: Egypt will fail.
V18-22: In some future day, Egypt will have a temple. The Egyptians shall know the LORD, and
they will return to the LORD, and he will heal them.
V23-25: Egypt, Assyria, and Israel will share the gospels blessings equally; one will not be
favored over the others.12

Isaiah 20
Main Point: Assyria will embarrass the large countries of Egypt and Ethiopia. Understanding
Isaiah said it best on page 184, the prophecy served to warn Judah not to place her trust in
Egypt and Ethiopia, nor to make them her allies. Similarly, as individuals and as members of the
12 Understanding Isaiah p. 182

Church, we should never place our trust in armed forces or powerful countries. Our trust should
be in Jesus Christ.

Isaiah 21
Main Point: The power of God will overcome the wicked, namely Babylon, Dumah, and the
people of Kedar.
V1-10: Isaiahs vision of the swift destruction of Babylon (ancient literal and figurative modern)
is so terrible that the experience of the vision pains Isaiah to the point where he cannot sleep.
V11-12: Dumah is weary of living in a world of apostasy and wonders how much night remains.
V13-17: Many of the people of Kedar will be destroyed. Its refugees will flee the grievousness
of war13

Isaiah 22
Main Point: The outcomes of Jerusalem and individuals within the city are put forth. Jerusalem
will proudly rebuke God until the day they die. Shebna and Eliakim are types of things to come
to pass.
V1-7: Jerusalem, or the concept of its intended use as a holy city, now weeps because rather than
being a city of holiness, is a city that lived riotously and proudly; a city that relied on its arms of
war to save themselves from invading armies, and not relying on their Maker.
V8-14: All of the inhabitants of the city Jerusalem are to be destroyed, and in their wickedness
do puff themselves up and party it up saying, let us eat and drink; for tomorrow we shall die
(Isaiah 22:13). God judges Jerusalem for death.
V15-19: Shebna has been dealing wickedly, and his death is prophesied of. Shebna symbolizes
all wicked people of his day and ours. He is an example of what many individuals have become:
He was, therefore, individually what the nation was collectively: wedded to present satisfactions
and self-confident in the face of the future.14
V20-25: The wickedness of Shebna is contrasted with the righteousness of Eliakim, whose life
serves as a type of Jesus in several ways14 Christ will be as a nail in a sure place, for he will
replace all wicked rulers as he reigns.
13 Understanding Isaiah p. 192

14 Understanding Isaiah p. 199

Isaiah 23
Main Point: Tyre, the great city of commerce will be destroyed and forgotten for seventy years.
After which, it will return to its wickedness. Tyres riches will be gifted to the Lord and his
V1-16: The great city of Tyre is representative of all the world like Babylon. It was a leader in
commerce and trading. God promises that Tyre in all its worldliness will be destroyed and
forgotten, but then will rebuild and return to its wickedness.
V17-18: Tyre will bring riches to the Lord and his people.

Isaiah 24
Main Point: The destructions of the iniquitous precede the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. The
righteous will cry out to God for mercy and in joy. Astronomical events will occur.
V1-12: The destructions of the Second Coming will happen because Israel will break the
everlasting covenant, and will begin to change Gods laws. The merriness of the wicked will
change into a sigh and they will grieve.
V13-15: At that time, the Lords people, or the members of His church will cry unto Him for
mercy. His name will be glorified.
V16-23: The Earth will reel to and fro like a drunkard (Isaiah 24:20), because of the iniquities
of its people. The sun will pale compared to Christ who will dwell in Zion.

Isaiah 25
Main Point: The time when Jesus will come shall be great among the righteous. His people will
sing hymns of praise and devotion to Him because of His protection of them. He will prepare a
feast for His people and knock all boundaries down.
V1-5: Praises are sung to God because he has protected the righteous and enabled them, and the
wicked fear him. He has been a refuge from the storm, a shadow from the heat (Isaiah 25:4).
V6-8: In the mountain, the LORD of hosts will make a feast for His people. He will make known
unto all His true character, and the reproach of His people will He take away.
V9-12: He is proclaimed as the promised, true Messiah. He brought salvation to the righteous.

Isaiah 26

Main Point: The Millennium is spoken of as a glorious time when the righteous will keep their
minds on Jesus. While Zion accepts those who are righteous, the proud cities will be destroyed.
The Lord calls His people to enter their chambers while He destroys the wicked who remain, as a
fulfillment of the symbolic nature of the Passover.
V1-4: In the land of Judah, hymns of praise directed towards Jesus Christ will be sung. The
people of Judah trust so much in Him that their walls are just the salvation of God. The citys
gates allow only the righteous to enter. Those of the strong city will have perfect peace if their
mind rests on Jehovah and if they trust in him.15 In other words, the people in Zion will not be
made to be perfect, but will still have to allow their minds to stay on Jesus.
V5-11: In stark contrast to strong city in the land of Judah, is the lofty city where the proud
dwell. The prophecy is that the LORD of hosts will bring this city down to the dust. The prayer
about the Lords judgments is offered by Israel. When will this prayer be uttered? This prayer or
one like it has been offered by the righteous since the beginning of the world, for it sets forth
their desires for Gods judgments. The prayer should also represent our desires.16
V12-19: This prayer continues, and the Lord promises the resurrection.
V20-21: The Lord invites the righteous to close the doors and stay inside while the wicked are
destroyed, hearkening back to the Passover. The earth will no longer sorrow for the unjust blood
that was spilled.

Isaiah 27
Main Point: The prosperity of the people of the Lord and the missionary work performed by
such will cause all nations and their idols to perish. The nations throughout the world will be
gathered one by one.
V1-6: In the day of the Millennium, the Lord will prosper His saints exceedingly. Satan will be
punished, and Israel will blossom, subsequently filling the whole earth with fruit (missionary
work, gathering all nations).
V7-11: The idols of the wicked will characteristically not have mercy in the day of the Lords
V12-13: All will gather to Zion, one by one.

Isaiah 28

15 Understanding Isaiah p. 231

16 Understanding Isaiah p. 232

Main Point: The Lord does not care for titles. He cares for humility and righteousness. Ephraim,
because of its leaders will be scattered and destroyed. Those who trust in Jesus Christ and make
covenants will exist permanently, while the covenant of hell will be disannulled.
V1-4: Isaiah prophesies the destruction of the prideful Ephraim.
V5-6: A small few of these people will believe in the LORD of hosts.
V7-8: Apostate leaders of the church are to blame for the spiritual apostasy of the people.
Apostate prophets and priests are incapable of providing their congregations with the necessary
spiritual food because their tables are full of iniquities there [was] no place clean.17
V9-13: Who will the Lord give light to, if the leaders are not righteous? It will be to those
who qualify themselves through humility and righteousness.18 To obtain the word of the Lord, it
comes day by day, or precept by precept.
V14-15: The leaders of Judah made a covenant with hell, because they trust in man and not the
V16-17: The people of Zion have a corner stone to rest upon, and that is Jesus Christ. It is the
only true foundation that can never be shaken.
V18-22: In the end, the covenant of hell will not stand, for it will be trampled by Christ.
V23-29: As inferred from the parable of the farmer, Israel will be gathered.

Isaiah 29
Main Point: The world will fall into a Great Apostasy after the holy peoples of Jerusalem and of
the Nephites fall. Israel will be scattered and the whole world will fall under apostasy. As the
Book of Mormon arises out of the dust, the people in spiritual darkness will leave the darkness.
All those that fight against Zion will vanish instantly, and will be remembered like a fading
V1-6: Ariel = prophetic name for Jerusalem.19 Jerusalem will be brought low and destroyed.
From the Book of Mormon, we know the same will happen with the Nephite nation. The LORD
of hosts will visit those who reject the gospel with thunder, fire, earthquakes, and the devouring
V7-8: All of the nations who fight against Zion, although powerful, mighty, and ferocious, will
be remembered in the minds of the righteous as a fading dream. What an amazing phenomenon!

17 Understanding Isaiah p. 249

18 Understanding Isaiah p. 250
19 Understanding Isaiah p. 259

V9-12: There will exist an apostate condition among the whole world. The Book of Mormon will
be taken to a man, and he will not be able to read it because it is sacred and sealed.
V13-17: Conditions of the Great Apostasy are: hypocrisy, professing to know God but actually
do not do righteousness, hiding their wickedness, knowing not their own Maker, nor even
considering it.
V18-24: The effects of the coming of the Book of Mormon when God calls together the
gathering of Israel are that people will come out of spiritual darkness: the deaf will hear the
words of the book, the blind will shall will see out of darkness and obscurity, and all will
understand and fear the God of Israel.

Isaiah 30
Main Point: Those who do not wait on the Lord will be burned. Woe is pronounced upon those
who put their trust in man and fail to put their trust in God. Listen to the prophets and seek the
V1-7: The LORD pronounces woe unto his children because they trust in Pharoah and Egypt,
which are of men, and disregard his spirit.
V8-17: Israel is a people that disregard the prophets and seers. They do not want the truth from
God, they would rather have prophets that puffed up their own selves. They had a purpose to the
world, but now God will break them so that they are good for nothing. Notwithstanding all of
this, there will be a small remnant of them, so that there is a light to the world.
V18-26: The transliteration of the word wait is to adhere to, kind of piercingly. The LORD
will wait, blessed are all those who will wait for him.
V27-33: The destruction of Assyria, which symbolizes the destruction of the wicked, will take
place by burning, hailstones, scattering, and tempests.

Isaiah 31
Main Point: Those who trust in the seemingly mighty governments made of man, will be
ashamed and will fall after all is said and done.
V1-5: Again, the LORD repeats his disapproval for the house of Israel turning to Egypt, who is
man, for help; not turning to the LORD, who is God, for help.
V6-7: In the last days, the wicked will be ashamed of their idols because they will not help in
their time of need.

V8-9: The wicked Assyrian will fall from the sword, not of a mighty man20, and all the wicked
will be afraid of the signal of the coming of Jesus Christ, which will be the establishment of the
righteous country Zion.

Isaiah 32
Main Point: Two social/economic differences exist between the wicked and the righteous. The
sociality will be so carefree; contrast that with the backbiting, gossip, hypocrisy, and apathy of
the world. Industry will be peaceful and constant in Zion, while those who remain in the world
will be pelted by the dangers that they ignored from the prophets which testified would come
unto them.
V1-8: When Christ is King, there will be no more backbiting, or gossiping, or hypocrisy, or
people who are apathetic to those who are suffering.
V9-20: Those who could care less about the warnings and exhortations of the prophets need to
repent or will face impending doom. The contrast of the harshness of agriculture of the wicked
between the carefree nature of productivity of the righteous is vast.

Isaiah 33
Main Point: There will exist before the second coming, the wicked who bring forth thorns that
choke the rest of the fruit. This is contrasted with the righteous, who will withstand the burnings
of God.
V1-12: There will be before the coming of the Lord, those that deal treacherously with the
innocent. Those that bring forth thorns instead of fruit will be devoured up by the fire that comes
from God.
V13-24: The people that will withstand the everlasting burnings soon to come of God, will be the
righteous that walk uprightly. The people that are righteous will dwell on high, and will readily
acknowledge that the LORD is judge, lawgiver, and king.

Isaiah 34
Main Point: The righteous will be recompensed for all the tragedies and controversies that it has
suffered; God brings justice. The earth will be cleansed from its telestial state to be made
celestial, so that life may continue with eternal marriage continuing on even through this time

20 Isaiah 31:8

V1-10: The Second Coming will be a day of judgment from God. The ferocious power of God
upon the wicked is described that the burning, shall not be quenched night nor day.21 It is also
described as the year of recompenses for the controversy of Zion.22
V11-15: The complete and utter destruction of the world is to cleanse it from its telestial state.
V16-17: God promises that the righteous that are in the book of life will be able to live in a
celestial earth forever. This is a rare Old Testament reference to eternal marriage.23 On this
celestial earth will the righteous live, spouse with spouse, and continue on with life.

Isaiah 35
Main Point:
V1-2: Referencing the previous chapter a bit, the earth will sing hymns of praise for the
righteous and the future that awaits them. Even the places that were once thought of as wild or
barren or wasted will blossom with life. Does this have to do with just the earth and its temporal
state, or does it also have to do with the state of the righteous who struggle through trials? Will
they be blessed in the same manner that the earth will?
V3-10: I guess these verses kind of answer my previous question, because it talks about how the
eyes of the blind will be opened and the deaf will hear. The righteous will bring comfort to those
who suffer by speaking of what good that God has in store for them. Zion will receive converts
through the highway, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away.24

Isaiah 36
Main Point: The Assyrians are about to overtake Jerusalem and sends a messenger inside to
speak to not just the advisors to Hezekiah, but also to intimidate the citizens. This messenger
invites the people of Jerusalem to be taken captive, but in peace, to Assyria.
V1-3: Hezekiah witnesses the Assyrian army taking over many of the defensed cities of Judah.
V4-10: The Assyrian king demands gifts from Hezekiah and intimidates Jerusalem by poking fun
of their religious practices and their desire to rely on the Egyptians for defense and safety.
V11: The advisors to Hezekiah ask the messenger to speak in Syrian so that the other citizens
cant understand.
21 Isaiah 34:10
22 Isaiah 34:8
23 Understanding Isaiah p. 313
24 Isaiah 35:10

V12-21: The messenger speaks to all the citizens of Jerusalem, and tells them to give up their
fight and come out to the armies of Assyria, and they will take them captive. Hezekiah
commanded them to not say a word, and they did not say a word.
V22: They rent their clothes.

Isaiah 37
Main Point: Starting out by realizing their terrible condition that theyre in, they immediately go
to the temple and rend their clothes. Hezekiah prays unto the LORD and asks for his protection.
He also asks him for an assurance that he will be protected from the Assyrian army. The Assyrian
army is smitten, and Sennacherib heads back and ends up getting murdered by his own family.
When in doubt, do not rely on a country with a large army or promises of protection. Rely on
Christ, who will provide the protection, even in temporal matters like protection from armies.
V1-5: Hezekiah and his advisors all agree that if they are to escape the impending doom from
overcoming them and the remnant that still remains, they will need to petition the Lord for help.
So they go to Isaiah.
V6-7: Isaiah gives full assurance that the Assyrians will leave and the king will fall dead by the
sword in his own land.
V8-13: The messenger of the Assyrian king comes back to Hezekiah after hearing the trouble
going on with the King of Assyria, and inquires why he will think to withstand Assyria when all
of the other cities and their gods have been utterly destroyed.
V14-20: Hezekiah prays to God, taking the matter at hand to Him. He is sure that the other lands
were destroyed because their gods were not god at all, yet he prays for mercy from God to
deliver them from the Assyrians.
V21-36: The Lord promises protection. 185,000 Assyrian warriors are slain by an angel of the
V37-38: In an ironic turn-of-events, Sennacherib goes back. While worshipping in the temple, he
is slain by his two sons. He was the one telling Hezekiah and Jerusalem that their god would not
protect them; in the end it was the accuser that ended up unprotected.

Isaiah 38
Main Point: Hezekiah shows a great example of what those who are sick are to do once they get
word that their sickness is nigh unto death. He prays unto God for healing so that his life could
be extended, and the LORD extends it for fifteen more years.
V1-3: Hezekiah gets word that he is about to die by the word of Isaiah. He goes to pray to God
and asks God to remember the good things that he has done in his life.

V4-8: The Lord will add fifteen years to his life. He also gets assurance from the Lord that he
will be delivered from the Assyrians and their army.
V9-22: Hezekiah writes a psalm of praise and humility because he has been saved by God from
his sickness that was pushing him close to death.

Isaiah 39
Main Point: The Babylonian captivity is prophesied to Hezekiah by Isaiah. Hezekiah accepts
this prophecy as righteous judgment from God and values the peace that will permeate
throughout the rest of his life.
V1-2: The king of Babylon hears that Hezekiah has been miraculously healed and as such gives
him a gift. Hezekiah shows the Babylonians all of his wealth.
V3-8: Isaiah prophesies unto Hezekiah that the Babylonians will come to take Jerusalem captive
and will take off his sons. There will be peace in his day.

Isaiah 40
Main Point: God commands Zion to bring the message of the gospel to all the world. God
controls all that goes on in the world, and so He is the one that will strengthen Zion to allow the
message to reach all the world. There is nothing that exists to compare with God and the power
that He has.
V1-2: The Restoration of Israel.
V3-8: The prophecy of John the Baptist and how he will pave the way for the coming of the
V9-11: Zion is commanded to not hide its prosperity; they are inspired to bring the message of
the gospel to all the world. God feeds all the world.
V12-17: The world is nothing to God when speaking of power. God created the world, and
directs all things that occur. He is the one that guides the Holy Ghost so that it affects man for
good. All worldly things are nothing to God, for in the long term they mean nothing. In reality, it
is the righteousness of God that lasts forever.
V18-27: Worldly people attempt to replace God, but with what? Nothing in the world made by
man can compare to God and His power. God invites us to come to the realization that God
controls everything and as such can help in all things.
V28-31: The everlasting God never faints or slackens his strength. Those who wait upon God
will receive blessings of health and perseverance. WAIT UPON GOD. KEEP HIS

Isaiah 41
Main Point: God continues to speak of his own power. He promises that the Man from the east
will help Zion be preserved. They should not heed fear, because the God who created all is with
them. The Holy One of Israel will do everything in his power to provide for his people. On the
other hand, idols are nothing.
V1-9: Israel is commanded to take trust in God and not in idols, for God is He who raised up the
Man from the east. Those who are the servants of God will be preserved.
V10-29: Very poetically, the Holy One of Israel comforts Zion, saying fear not. He will uphold
us with the right hand. God will provide his people with the tools to overcome problems and
trials. The Lord will hear the cries of the needy; he will do everything in his power to provide for
them. God finishes it off by contrasting his own power with that of false idols and throws down
judgment to those who worship them.

Isaiah 42
Main Point: Christ will be a light to the blind. He will bring the Gentiles the covenant, and will
help those that struggle blindly or deafly as those who know the law, but do not observe it.
V1-4: Isaiah speaks of the Messiah. He will come with the Spirit of God in him, and he wont
V5-16: God gives his son Jesus Christ to be a servant to his children. He will open the eyes of
the blind, bring prisoners out of prison, and will bring the covenant to the Gentiles. Christ will
have an active part in destroying the wicked when it is all said and done.
V17-25: The Lord commands the spiritually blind and deaf children of Israel to hear and see the
truth.25 Some of the people of Israel have a hard time recognizing the part that obedience plays.
Many truths were revealed to the house of Israel, but did they did not observe them, showing
their lack of obedience. Many of us find ourselves in a similar situation.

Isaiah 43

25 Understanding Isaiah p.365

Main Point: Although Israel has forgotten the Lord, Jehovah reminds us that we are precious in
his sight and that we have been created for glory. The Lord will bring to pass much good
greater than what happened with Egypt and Moses.
V1-7: Jehovah created all of us for good reason. We are precious in his sight, and he wants us
to remember this, notwithstanding our weaknesses. We have all been created for glory!
V8-13: Jehovah speaks to the house of Israel (and rather, more particularly to those who do not
observe the commandments yet know them) who are created to be a witness of Christ for the rest
of the world.
V14-17: The LORD is the one who provides miracles, who shuts down the armies of the
V18-21: Speaking of the miraculous stories of old, the Lord declares that he is going to do new
and greater things26 than any before.
V22-28: Although Christ is the Redeemer who has taken away the sins of the world, Israel has
not called upon God and has become wicked. They have forgotten.

Isaiah 44
Main Point: For Israel, false idols have choked up their spirituality, and they have forgotten the
true God. Although they thought they could replace God with a false god, the Lord will not
forget us. He has redeemed us, and only asks that we return to him.
V1-8: There is no god besides God.
V9-20: In the big picture, false idols are nothing, for they bring no long-lasting satisfaction. The
LORD shows the irony in those who create false idols to themselves. They use the resources
improperly to make an idol. With these wasted resources, they could have provided for
themselves good things. The person who does this is deceived.
V21-28: Israel, although forgetful of God, will never be forgotten by God. The Lord reminds
the children of Israel of their preferred status as his servants, adding that he will forgive them and
forget their sins if they will return to him. Indeed, the Atonement has already been firmly
decreed, and mankinds sins can be blotted out by the Redeemer.27 What a great promise!

Isaiah 45
26 Understanding Isaiah p.373
27 Understanding Isaiah p. 384

Main Point: The example of Cyrus and of Christ can inspire people to accomplish
righteousness. In the end, God will have justified all the seed of Israel.
V1-4: Cyrus, who is a type of Christ, will free those who were taken captive into Babylon.
V5-19: This success by Cyrus can only be attributed to God who prepared the way for him to
accomplish so great a task. God remains hidden to the disobedient and unbeliever. Sometimes
he also remains hidden to the righteous, to try their faith.28
V20-25: The Lord commands those who have been rescued from captivity to look unto him.
Every knee shall bow, every tongue shall swear and, In the Lord shall all the seed of Israel
be justified, and shall glory.

Isaiah 46
Main Point: God will effectually destroy the glory of any false idol. He asks us to look for
evidence in the past of this, and promises future strength, even to those who are far from him.
His goal is to bring salvation to all people.
V1-2: Idols that are made to compare with God and provide redemption will be brought into
V3-4: Contrasting the description of the false idols, God promises that he will carry the burden
of his people forever, and he will deliver each one of them.
V5-11: God commands his people to look back in past to see if he has ever changed. There is
none like God. There is none that can deliver like God can.
V12-13: Even those who are far from God are commanded to hearken unto him. He will bring
salvation to all.

Isaiah 47
Main Point: Babylon will be great among the world, and man will trust in its power. They will
perform much wickedness, but will come under the divine judgment of God.
V1-5: Babylon will be destroyed, even though it has been recognized and praised for her power.
V6: The Lords people have become corrupt by using their agency poorly and are now in the
hands of the devil. They are laden with burden.

28 Understanding Isaiah p.398

V7-9: Even though the wicked people who give into worldly pleasures supposed that Babylon
would exist forever, Babylon will come under judgment.
V10: The wicked lie to themselves by saying that there is none else but them that exist. They do
their own will.
V11-15: Any form of power or expert could not save Babylon from the impending doom
that will come because of wickedness and pride.

Isaiah 48
Main Point: Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ try to remind the stubborn and rebellious
covenant Israel of their support for them. The house of Israel will be tried through the furnace of
affliction, and the only way that we can have peace in those times is to know that we are keeping
the commandments of God.
V1-8: The Lord speaks to members of the house of Israel who are rebellious and have a hard
time keeping the covenants that they keep. God knows their stubbornness, and because of his
goodness, he will continue to send prophets to teach and bless those who will listen.29
V9-11: God defers his anger because his people will be tried through the furnace of affliction and
eventually be cleansed to enter the kingdom of heaven.
V12-15: The Lord again makes a declaration of his power, to remind us that he can do all things
for our righteousness. He knew that we would sin and make mistakes, yet he made the earth
beautiful and useful for all of his children.
V16-19: The way that we have peace in such trying times is to know that we are good with God,
and the only way to do that is to hearken unto the commandments. We know not what we shall
be called to pass through before Zion is delivered and established; therefore, we have great need
to live near to God, and always to be in strict obedience to all His commandments, that we may
have a conscience void of offense toward God and man.30
V20-22: God protects those who follow him, but to the wicked he gives no promise.

Isaiah 49
Main Point: Israel (or a symbolic representation of a leader of Gods people, a servant of God)
is called to the work before his birth. Israel has seen evidences of his divine calling, yet still feels
unsure. God assures that a servant of God is to be a light unto all the world. The house of Israel
29 Understanding Isaiah p. 413
30 History of the Church, 1:450

will be gathered and come unto Zion where they will all be bond together in charity. Those who
oppose Zion, namely those who belong to the great and abominable church will destroy
V1-4: From the Book of Mormon we come to understand that even before the first verse begins,
a clarification is made so that we may understand that the House of Israel is scattered because of
the wickedness of those who are meant to watch over the House of Israel.
In the first verse we come to understand that a certain servant was called to serve before
he was born. Isaiah notes evidences in the way that his words are piercing to the people;
obviously he is blessed by God to labor. This certain servant still feels like he has labored in vain
and feels that there is no benefit that has come from it. Yet, he trusts that true and righteous
judgment lies with God and that only He knows the true result of his work. According to
Understanding Isaiah on page 425, we come to understand that this certain servant spoken
of can be symbolic of anyone from Isaiah, to Jesus Christ, to Joseph Smith. The symbolic
servants name is Israel.
V5-12: The purpose of this certain servant is a grand one. It is to be a light for those souls that
are in darkness. Although man despises the Redeemer of Israel, princes and kings shall one day
acknowledge that He is the Holy One of Israel. The people in darkness will all come to Christ.
V13-17: The song of the Lord to the people in darkness is that He will have mercy upon the
afflicted He will comfort His people. Nevertheless, the people of Israel feel that they are lost
and forgotten, yet the Lord speaks to and comforts them.
V18-23: Things will be different in Zion. From page 433 of Understanding Isaiah we
understand that In Zion, we bind ourselves to others with a bond of charity. This bonding,
which brings us to union and oneness, is the very essence of Zion. Nobody will feel alone or
V24-26: The enemies of the house of Israel will receive justice. The enemies will turn against
each other and fight until the death. All shall know in a great manifestation of power that Jesus
Christ is the Savior and Redeemer of the world.

Isaiah 50
Main Point: The strength of man is like unto sparks while the strength and wisdom of God is
like unto the sun. He has all power to save. Although opposition may confront Gods people, it
does not mean that He has forgotten them. He strengthens throughout the trials and tribulations
of his people.
V1-4: A beautiful metaphor is used to contrast the faithlessness of the people of Israel with the
all-consuming power that God possesses. From Understanding Isaiah page 439 it reads, God
has power to redeem and to deliver, just as he has all power over the elements. He will render

both mercy and justice, according to our faith and our works. It is a powerful testimony of the
potential power that can be obtained by God, and a powerful condemnation towards the people
who feign following Him yet do not experience His redeeming power.
V5-6: Persecution and opposition do not support the claim that God is not watchful of His
servants. God strengthens us to get through the persecution.
V7-9: The persecution mentioned in the verses before can only be passed through with a strong
belief that God justifies every situation. The seemingly bad situations are only temporary. Gods
power should be trusted because it is permanent. Those who mock and do wickedly are
supported, but only for a short while.
V10-11: Israel walks by her own light, or wisdom. They do their own will. They ignore Gods
light because they surround themselves with their own fake light. This symbolism suggests the
pettiness of the wisdom of man is like unto sparks or a fire at best, and contrasts it with Gods
wisdom, or light, which is like unto the sun and noonday.

Isaiah 51
Main Point: Gods power is infinite and eternal. He has sent many evidences and assurances that
He wants to bless Israel, but everyone is drunken and so they latch on to the hope and power
that comes from man. All of the house of Israel is commanded to awake and to come to
understand that there is no greater power than that which comes from the Atonement of Jesus
Christ. When it all comes down to the end, Christ will intercede for the righteous, and the wicked
will have to reward.
V1-3: The Lord promises that as the house of Israel looks to its leaders, in this case Abraham and
Sarah, they will be assured of Gods power. The Holy One of Israel has fulfilled His promises
that He made to Abraham, so He will do the same with you.
V4-6: Gods power is in everything. His word is powerful. He is infinite and eternal.
V7-8: Those that understand the power of God understand that should follow His righteousness.
Those that follow Gods righteousness will exist alongside Gods righteousness and become
permanent. The people of God should not worry because of those who are wicked. The wicked
will not adhere to Gods permanent righteousness, so they will not stay for long.
V9-16: God tries to convince His people that they should strengthen themselves with His power.
He asks them why they try to ally themselves with the power of mankind, and set at naught the
power of God. God assures His people that they are protected by Him.
V17-20: Israel is commanded to awake. The two prophets that lie dead in the street in the last
days are mentioned.

V21-23: Jesus Christ is the Mediator. He will take away the burden of those who repent through
the Atonement Israels enemies will have that burden forever.

Isaiah 52
Main Point: Gods power is again exemplified so as to persuade all the world to follow his
righteousness. If the house of Israel repents as it is gathered, then they will be part of Zion and
participate in the joyous occasion.
V1-6: The Lord again commands the house of Israel to awake. The house of Israel will be
scattered because they do not consider Him anymore. They will then be gathered and they will
come to know that the Lord is God.
V7-8: The leaders of the church are spoken of at this point. They will bring good tidings to those
who are good. Zion will rejoice.
V9-10: The good effects that will come from God gathering Israel once again are that all will be
joyful and comforted because Jerusalem will be redeemed. All the ends of the earth see the
salvation of God and recognize that He is.
V11-12: God commands us to be holy. If you decide to leave sin and Babylon, the Lord will go
before you, and the God of Israel will be behind you.
V13-15: A certain servant will be exalted. The common interpretation of who the servant is, is
that it is the Messiah.

Isaiah 53
Main Point: Jesus Christ is the way out of darkness. His Atonement was planned for and
purposeful. He suffered for people. He was unjustly accused.
V1-3: The prophecy of Christ is set forth amazingly here. Jesus Christ, the Son of God will be
tended and cared for meticulously as a gardener watches over a tender and fragile plant. He will
be as a root out of a dry ground. Understanding Isaiah on page 473 interprets this to mean
that Christ was born in the spiritual barrenness of the Jewish apostasy. The dry ground is the
opposite of streams of water, which usually denotes temporal happiness and prosperity. Streams
of water also represent the spiritual life brought by the gospel.

V4-9: The sufferings of Christ are prophesied of here. He did it all for us. He is likened unto a
lamb who is brought to the slaughter, because He refuses to not speak out despite all of the
injustices that happen to him.
V10-12: His sufferings are not for naught. Christ suffered for a purpose.

Isaiah 54
Main Point: God is driving home the point that although Israel has been scattered, it was not
because God was not strong enough to save. His power and righteousness exists forever. Those
who feel downtrodden, yet trust in God will be part of Zion. They will be gathered and
V1-10: Although Israel has been ashamed and confounded and destroyed and utterly
embarrassed, God will not forget the covenant which He has made with them. He compares the
permanence of His kindness with the seemingly, but false permanence of things like mountains
and hills.
V11-16: Those who feel lost and confounded will be restored and gathered to greatness,
described by beautiful ornaments and colors.
V17: No weapon formed against Zion shall prosper. This Zion that was restored to greatness
will be protected by the Almighty God.

Isaiah 55
Main Point: Jesus Christ offers the invitation to come unto him, no matter the cost, because to
that man who repents, will receive an abundance of forgiveness. Do not let temporal matters get
in the way with your relationship with God. Israel will be gathered and return with joy.
V1-5: The Holy One of Israel invites us to partake of the living waters, which gives lasting
value. Contrasted with this is the wondering of why people work so hard for something that will
not endure for very long. This is especially a problem when people ignore things of heaven in
favor of pursuing worldly accomplishments.
V6-7: He who seeks the Lord when He is near will receive an abundant pardon from God.
V8-13: We may struggle to understand Gods plan for us, his ways being higher than our ways,
and his thoughts being higher than our thoughts. The word that leaves Gods mouth will be
accomplished. Gods word cannot fail. Israel will be gathered and will sing hymns of praise.

Isaiah 56
Main Point: Israel is commanded to keep the whole Sabbath. The Gentiles, outcasts, and others
will receive the blessings of the covenant in the temple. The leaders of Israel only care for
V1-2: Israel should keep the Sabbath, which is to say that a Sabbath was not only the holy
day on which they worshiped once a week but also the periodic religious holidays they observed.
Keeping a true Sabbath is symbolic of keeping the whole covenant.31 In general, the house of
Israel should observe the commandments, for his righteousness and salvation is near.
V3-8: The Gentiles will receive the blessings of the temple and the covenant, and they will not
be kept out. The Lord will reach out to even the outcasts to gather them.
V9-12: Israels leaders are not as righteous as they should be. The Lord calls them many names
because they do not hope for the best of the people they should watch over. Their only desire is
to look out for their own selves.

Isaiah 57
Main Point: The contrast is made between the life of the wicked versus the righteous. The
wicked will never find what they weary themselves looking for. The righteous will be protected
by and strengthened by God. On top of any blessing the righteous will get though, is the blessing
of peace.
V1-2: When the righteous die, they enter into peace. The wicked are untroubled by the death of
the righteous.
V3-12: The sins of the apostate Israelites are many: they slay the children as sacrifices, worship
false idols, offer false offerings, seek fulfillment in wrong places. For all this wickedness does
the apostate house of Israel weary itself.
V13-21: God gives promises of blessings to the faithful, creating a stark contrast between this
paragraph and the previous one. The Lord will give peace through all of these blessings to the
righteous, of which the wicked will take no part in.

31 Understanding Isaiah p. 497

Isaiah 58
Main Point: The wicked of the house of Israel corrupt the law of the fast by making it about
themselves. They try to obtain worldly gain and pride by seeming more righteous than another.
Fasting is meant to be outwardly positive and servient by nature. God promises rich blessings if
the laws of the fast and of the Sabbath are followed.
V1-2: Isaiah is commanded to lift up his voice like unto a trumpet to declare the transgressions
of the people. The house of Israel does all the rituals, but they lack something yet.
V3-7: The manner in which they fail is with their manner of fasting. God did not make the law of
the fast so that man would afflict himself, and to cause strife and debate. He made it to lift the
burdens off of the burdensome. The house of Israel fails in fasting because they fast so that they
can be seen by men.
V8-12: Fasting is meant to bring health and light to those who are in need. Fasting involves
noticing those who are needy and involves helping them out. Then, as the house of Israel helps
those in need, the Lord will help the house of Israel with their needs.
V13-14: If the law of the fast is properly observed, and the law of the Sabbath is taken seriously,
then the house of Israel will be blessed. God will renew the covenant which he has made with the
house of Israel and they will be gathered to the temple.

Isaiah 59
Main Point: Christ has power to save, but we must create an environment so that he can save us.
Israel confesses their sins because they know they walk in darkness and have lost hope. By
iniquities do we separate ourselves from God.
V1-8: God makes it clear that he is not the one who has lost power to save, but rather it is his
people that have lost their connection with him. By iniquities do we separate ourselves from him
and make him seem hidden. The house of Israel is so far back that they run anxiously to do evil,
and are slow to remember the Lord.
V9-15: Admitting their iniquity, the house of Israel confesses their sins. They understand that it
is because they have failed to keep the commandments that they have come to be searching for
light in the darkness.
V16-19: By the time of the Second Coming, the Lord Himself will be the intercessor, the
deliverer. The context suggests that the intercession here may not be that of the Atonement but
of the Second Coming.32
32 Understanding Isaiah p. 525

V20-21: Latter-day Israel will have the Holy Ghost forever as part of a covenant. The Redeemer
shall come to Zion, and to those who turn from transgression.

Isaiah 60
Main Point (only one paragraph): The New Jerusalem will be glorious. In contrast to the light
of the New Jerusalem is the darkness that covers the earth and its people.33 Those who do not
serve God will perish at that day. Violence will be abolished at that day within the borders of
Zion, and the sun will no longer be the most powerful light, for Jesus Christ will be the light. The
Lord will hasten the work in his time, and the righteous will inherit the land forever.

Isaiah 61
Main Point: Christ will bring glory to the world in his mortal ministry, as well as after his death
and resurrection. He will restore that which has been destroyed. He will heal up the wounds
caused by sin and captivity. The righteous will receive justice for all of the hard things that they
had to endure, and will be singing praises and joy forever.
V1-3: The Holy Ghost will be upon Christ during his mortal ministry. As this is the book of
Isaiah, and dual fulfillment of prophecy is commonplace, we also know that this description of
the Savior will not just be with the Jews, but also as long as the earth stands. He will bring good
tidings of peace to the meek, he will heal the brokenhearted, proclaim liberty to the captives, and
comfort all those who mourn. All will glorify God in that day.
V4-6: In the last days Israel will be blessed to repair, restore, and re-inhabit these lands.
Rebuilding the ancient ruins can also symbolize the Saviors healing of old wounds caused by sin
and sorrow.34 The world will recognize that the righteous are guided by God and that they are
priests of the Lord.
V7-11: In the last days, the righteous will be recompensed for all of the persecution and wars and
trials that they faced. This recompense will not only be equal to what they had to endure, but will
be double that which they were afflicted with. The Lord does all this to cause righteousness and
praise to occur across all the world.

33 Understanding Isaiah p. 529

34 Understanding Isaiah p. 545

Isaiah 62
Main Point: Israel will be gathered and will be dealt with justly. They will be called a holy
people, but it will not be because of what they do on their own. It will be because Christ will do
V1-4: In the last days, Israel will be gathered for Israels sake. Their work and their lives devoted
to the Lord will not be for naught.
V5-9: Prophets will be set to cause there to be praise on earth. Israel will be gathered together
and be protected of God.
V10-12: Prepare yourselves for the coming of the Lord, for he will bring salvation. The Book of
Mormon, the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and the coming of Zion are all part of
the ensign that means that the Lord is coming. Israel and Zion will be called a holy people.

Isaiah 63
Main Point:
V1-6: Jesus Christ, the Son of God, treads the winepress alone. He is the only one who could
have performed the Atonement so that all men might be brought to stand before God. He will
also bring vengeance unto the wicked nations in an effort to bring down their strength unto the
V7-9: Joseph Smith stated: Our heavenly Father is more liberal in His views, and boundless in
His mercies and blessings, than we are ready to believe or receive.35 Gods lovingkindness is
bestowed mercifully unto all.
V10-14: Notwithstanding the mercy that God shows his people, they rebel against God. But then
they remember what the Lord had done for Moses in delivering the people from Egypt, and then
V15-16: Isaiah prays to God wondering if he has abandoned the righteous remnant of the house
of Israel. He acknowledges Jehovahs power as everlasting.
V17-19: Isaiah petitions the Lord to come down upon his people with mercy. The entire passage
is a prayer, offered powerfully in poetry It is a prayer not only from those of old but from the
hearts of Gods covenant people in our time as well.36

35 Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith p. 257

36 Understanding Isaiah p. 561

Isaiah 64
Main Point: The prayer of the righteous is the petition of mercy from God. The people
understand their place with the Lord and understand their weaknesses. Nonetheless, they devote
themselves to him completely.
V1-8: The covenant people of the Lord pray that mercy and justice will come down upon the
face of the earth. They pray for deliverance. They acknowledge their weaknesses and their
uncleanliness, but they commit themselves and consecrate themselves to the work of God and
acknowledge his plan.
V9-12: They pray that Zion and Jerusalem will be restored, and they pray incessantly for mercy.

Isaiah 65
Main Point: The Lord contrasts the state of the rejected, wicked Israel with the state of the
future, ideal Israel in Zion during the Millennium.
V1-7: The Lord explains why ancient Israel was rejected. It was because of their pride, and
because they rejected Him. The continually provoked the Lord to anger and corrupted the sacred
rituals and covenants.
V8-10: Because there is a small righteous remnant of the house of Israel still left, God will not
come to destroy all. He will bless them with a land of inheritance and will be a peaceful place for
V11-16: Contrasted with the righteous and their land of inheritance is the wicked and their
desolate land. They will be utterly wasted and will sorrow. They will be accursed.
V17-25: The Lord will create new heavens and a new earth so glorious that the former heavens
and earth will be forgotten. Gods purpose in the second coming is to allow the righteous to be
joyful; there will no more exist crying or weeping. The state of the Millennial reign of the Lord is
described. Life will continue on but with no trials.

Isaiah 66

Main Point: The real key of righteousness is in doing things with a pure heart and love towards
God and towards all men. The ancient Israelites became apostate because although they
supposed they were following the commandments by completing the rituals and sacrifices, they
were doing them for their own benefit in place of doing them unto God. God will bring righteous
judgment upon the good and the evil, and will bring to pass the glorious Millennium.
V1-4: The wicked Israel is reproved for their hypocrisy. Certainly the Lord wants our sacrifices,
the outward signs of our devotion. But he also wants us to understand that outward symbols are
empty without the inward devotions; obedience, repentance, humility, gratitude.37
V5-24: The Lord commands his people to not give way to those who persecute you, for in time
they will be ashamed. The Lord will extend peace like a river in the last days to the righteous.
He will comfort his people, and from this evidence you will rejoice because the whole world will
begin to know of the Lord Jesus Christ. He will come with fire and all those who are apostate
will be consumed. God knows all their works and their thoughts, and so he will be in a position
to righteously administer judgment. All shall come to worship God.

37 Understanding Isaiah p.584

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