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HyperWorks Best Practice

Interpretation der
OptiStruct Protokolldatei *.out

zur Kontrolle der Optimierung

Thomas Lehmann

Copyright 2012 Altair Engineering, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential. All rights reserved.


Out file overview (live)

Optimization Parameter and Start Values DVs
Retained Response Table and Response screening
User Requested Response Table

Convergence Criteria and Convergence Plotting

Examples convergence problems
Common optimization error messages


Copyright 2012 Altair Engineering, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential. All rights reserved.

Optimization Parameter and Start Values DV

Optimization Parameter Summary (DOPTPRM) and Designvariables

Topology Opti: Start value DV = MATINIT

MATINIT defaults:


if mass,massfrac, volume or volfrac is objective


if mass,massfrac, volume or volfrac is not objective and is not constraint

Constraint value

if mass,massfrac, volume or volfrac is constraint


is analysis value for density

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Retained Response Table

Retained Responses: Retained responses after screening
Objective responses

Single response (min / max)

Multiple responses (minmax / maxmin)

Constraint responses

Active Constraints

Violated Constraints

Constraints are at their bounds

Constraints are over their bounds

Neither active nor violated

Constraints are under their bounds

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Response screening


Reduce number of retained responses => reduce computationally expensive sensitivity calculation

Only responses witch dont affect the direction of optimization should be screened out

Auto screening

Automatically and adaptively adjusted in each iteration

Retain the least number of responses necessary for stable convergence

On by default

Not for topology with current version (OS12)

auto screening use the default values of manual screening

Manual screening

For very large problems auto screening may be require too much memory

For topology optimization

Constraints screening

For stable convergence number of retained responses should be higher than the number of active constraints

Objective screening for minmax or maxmin optimization

Use the same treshold and max retained like constraint screening. The bound is in this case the current max or min
value of the vector response

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User Requested Response Table

Printing objective and screened constraints (default)


Printing screened out constraints:

*.fem: RESPRINT = ALL or = MASS etc.


Printing unconstraint responses or responses inside equations.

*.fem: DREPORT (Bulk Data Section) and

REPGLB/REPSUB (I/O- / Subcase Section)

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Convergence Criteria

Max number of iterations reached

*.fem: DOPTPRM,DESMAX,n -> default: 30 (without manu) or 80 (with manu)

Relative change in the objective function for two consecutive

iterations less 0.005 (default)
and constraint violations are less than 1% - Feasible Design


DOPTPRM, OBJTOL, n (default: 0.005)


2nd satisfied convergence (1 x without manu; 3 x with manu)


Relative change in the objective function for two consecutive

iterations less 0.005 (default)
and constraint violations are more than 1%
and relative change of constraints are less than 0.2% - Infeasible Design



Relative change in the design variables

*.out Soft convergence criterion satisfied;

the design did not change during the last iteration > needs 1 Iteration less then regular

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Plotting Convergence in Hypergraph

*. hgadata

Plotting Response and Designvariables over iterations:


Consraint violations



1 phase convergence vs. 3 phase convergence

Copyright 2012 Altair Engineering, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential. All rights reserved.

Examples convergence problems

Load path cutting

displacement constraints without loads

Local compliance

Low volfrac

Load changing

Topology optimizatin with Gravity or Rotational Force

Copyright 2012 Altair Engineering, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential. All rights reserved.

Common optimization error messages

Massfrac / volfrac error I

Massfrac / volfrac error II

Copyright 2012 Altair Engineering, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential. All rights reserved.

Common optimization error messages

When massfrac / volfrac when mass / volume:

massfrac and volumefrac response

Topology and FreeSize Optimization only


scalar value

by entity:

vector response


Design + Nondesign


only Design

mass and volume response

All disciplines

Total and sum: scalar value

by entity:

Design + Nondesign

vector response

Example vector response:

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Common optimization error messages

Objective: single value

Stress response is applied to Topology or FreeSize

Copyright 2012 Altair Engineering, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential. All rights reserved.

Common optimization error messages

Compliance error:

Possible reasons:

Small volfrac, Pressure on topology designspace, large model (e.g. ship)

Debugging tips

Iteration 0:
Start with feasible design e.g. topology opti: MATINIT =1.0
Iteration n:
Look at the last design:
Postprocess *_des.h3d
Look at the last analysis results:
Option 1: Restart from iteration n-1: with only 1 Iteration > *.h3d
Option 2: rerun optimization with output card OUTPUT,H3D,ALL

Copyright 2012 Altair Engineering, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential. All rights reserved.


Interpretation of an optimization *.out file helps to:

Check optimization setup and parameters

Get desired responses

Check convergence

Check error messages

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