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Read Luke 8:4-21

Here we see the very famous parable of the sower. Jesus is

demonstrating the different types of people that hear the
gospel and how they respond by the illustration of the
different types of soils on which His seed will fall. In his day
everyone present would understand the different soils
because farming was prevalent in their society. Today, the
percentage of people in America who understand farming is
shrinking each day. I will attempt to put this parable in language for today.

It is worthy to point out why Jesus decided to tell this parable at this time. Read in verse 4, a large
crowd was gathering and people were coming from town after town. Obviously Jesus was becoming
very famous and people were flocking to him. This is good and bad. It means that there were many
who were caught up in the fever of the day; Jesus. Many that were just following the crowd. Jesus gives
the parable to place a mirror in front of the listener. Use this parable to examine your own heart.
Which soil are you?

Jesus says there are four types of ͞soil,͟ or conditions of the heart, that the word of God can fall to.
Note that of these four soils, only one produces fruit in the end. Don͛t read this and just assume, if you
are a Christian that you are in category four. This is a message to the person͛s heart as a whole, but it
can also be a message to the Christian͛s heart at different times in their life.

Heart condition 1, the seed that falls on the path: Notice in this example that the seed falls on the path
and is trampled on. Then͙the birds come and take away the seed. The path would be the place that
gets walked on all the time, or in today͛s words, it is the world view. We all live in a place in America
where we are constantly bombarded with sex and lies and sin and people who hate God. These are the
things that cross the nightly television, papers, and radio. You cannot turn on the TV without seeing
some scientist who has ͞discovered͟ the answer to a question about the universe that explains how the
world works without a God. If you hear and believe that ͞In the beginning God͙,͟ you are instantly
beaten down by society, friends, family, people at work who think you are a simpleton. You are a fool if
you believe that God created everything just like the Bible says. You have not ͞thought things through.͟
If you allow yourself to be walked on like a seed on this path of popular opinion, you will be ripe to have
Satan come and take away the word (seed) that was planted.

Heart condition 2, the seed that falls on rock: Here we have the people who get swept up in the latest
͞religious͟ craze. Walk into a revival tent with the music and the crowd. It is exciting and people all
around you are seemingly ͞finding͟ God. This can be newest ͞spiritual͟ thing. It can be a popular
preacher, a million dollar selling book, or God forbid some trend that you see on Oprah. In all of these
cases, the ͞religious͟ fever is present on day one, goes to the heights of excitement on day two, and
fades away on day three. There is no root of God͛s truth. There is no mention of why you needed
͞religion͟ in the first place. The root is that you are an awful sinner in God͛s eyes, and you cannot save
yourself. You must have Jesus pay your penalty for sin.

Heart condition 3, the seed that fell among the thorns. This one is quite simple. This one does not need
to be changed to words for today. This is the same now as it was then. This one is where you find the
love of money, position, popularity, and material goods. This seed would produce but all this other
worldly stuff chokes it out. This one is very common for the believing Christian to fall susceptible to.
You must guard against taking your eyes off of the real prize. It does not say that you cannot have these
things, but it does say that you cannot love these things above God.

Heart condition 4, the seed that fell on good soil, AND YIELDED A CROP: I highlighted this last part
because it can be overlooked at times. Why does a farmer plant a seed? Why does God plant the word
in your heart? Same reason; to produce a crop. If the farmer plants a seed and waters it and tends to it
and in the end is returned a seed, what was the point? God saves you for you. After that, he wants you
to work to the salvation of others.

All of these have one thing in common: it was the

same seed that was planted in each case. Notice
that the seed never changes, just the place where
the seed falls. Don͛t believe any new thing you hear
on TV or the ͞spiritual͟ flavor of the day. God͛s word
is timeless. It is the same today as when Jesus said
these words. If it is not in the Bible, don͛t believe it.

Written by Chris Vasecka

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Bible study, devotional, devotion, Jesus, God, bible study devotion, luke

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