Ahmad Gamal: Education

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September 1, 2015

Department of Urban & Regional Planning
College of Fine & Applied Arts
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
E: gamal1@illinois.edu; ahmadgamal01@gmail.com
Ph.: +1 217 721 6001



University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

(Regional Planning, Expected Graduation May 2016, GPA Fall 2012 3.82)
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
(Urban Planning, May 2010, GPA 3.82, with Departmental Excellence Award)
The London School of Public Relations - Jakarta, 2008
(Corporate Communications Management, GPA 4.0)
University of Indonesia, 2005
(Architecture, GPA 3.48)

Edith Cowan University, Perth, October 2007

(Strategic Issues Management, with High Distinction)
Cambridge International Diploma, Professional Level Module, November 2007
(Managing Information)
YPM Music School, 2003 - Pre-Conservatory Program, Classical Guitar
(Awarded 2003 YPM Artist, 2003 Gold Medal and Most Outstanding Performance)
YPM Music School, 2004 - Teachers Training, Psychology & Pedagogy
(Awarded YPM Young Teachers Class 2004 and 2004 YPM Artist Award)


Academic & Teaching Positions
Department of Urban & Regional Planning, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Cities in a Global Perspective (Spring 2015)
Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia
Urban & Regional Planning (Spring 2011-2012)
Theory and Methods of Architectural Design (Fall 2003-2008, 2010-2012)
Theory and Methods of Environmental Design (Spring 2003-2008, 2010-2012)
Urban Design (Fall 2007)
KILAS, Architectural Journal of Universitas Indonesia
Assistant Editor (January 2007-July 2008)
YPM Music School, Jakarta, Indonesia
Classical Guitar Instructor & Music Theory Teacher (2003-2008)

Research Positions
The Spread of American Wage Theft Laws
Research Assistant to Prof. Marc Doussard (Summer 2013)
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Department of Urban & Regional Planning
Spacio-nomics: The Economics of Space
Principal Researcher (2012)
University of Indonesia, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering
Professional Positions
Ministry for National Planning and Development (Bappenas), Directorate of Poverty Reduction
Consultant for National Action Plan for Poverty Reduction (June-December 2011)
Consultant for Master Plan of Acceleration and Development of Poverty Reduction in
Indonesia (MP3KI, December 2011-August 2012)
Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia
Publication and Public Lecture Coordinator (July 2007-July 2008)
PT Pavilion Sembilanlima, Jakarta, Indonesia
Architect & Research Division (Aug 2005-Dec 2006)
Directorate General of Vocational Education, Indonesian Ministry of Education
Co-author, National Competency Standard for Non-classical Music Performers (June-Dec
Astro Cable TV, Ruang Silaturahmi National Islamic Architecture Program
Co-researcher and Host (July-Dec 2007)

Academic Journals
(2015). The Rise of Wage Theft Laws: Can Community-Labor Coalitions Win Victories in State
Houses? Urban Affairs Review (forthcoming)
Doctoral Papers
(2014). Rural-Industrialization and its Welfare Impacts in Salatiga, Central Java, Indonesia
(Qualifying Research Paper). Department of Urban & Regional Planning, University of
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
(2013). Identification and Measurement of Economic Vulnerability: A Comprehensive Review
(Synthesis Paper). Department of Urban & Regional Planning, University of Illinois at
(2012). Planning Paradigms in the Critical Research on Economic Destitution (Synthesis Paper).
Department of Urban & Regional Planning, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Book Chapter
(2010, November). Communication as the Basis of New Planning in Indonesia. In N. Anoegrajekti, S.
Macaryus, & E. Boeriswati (Eds.), Idiosinkrasi: Pendidikan Karakter Melalui Bahasa dan
Sastra (pp. 250-259.). Jogjakarta, Indonesia: Jointly published by Pusat Pengembangan
Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia, Universitas Negeri Jakarta and Kepel Press. ISBN: 978 979
3075 79 2 (in Bahasa Indonesia).

Conference Papers
(2015, October) What it means to lose access to public land: Urbanization, publicly provided
farmland, and poverty in Indonesia. Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP)
55th Annual Conference.
(2014, October) The Urbanization-Poverty Nexus (Conference Paper). ACSP 54th Annual Conference.
(2011, March) RecakKuasa: Diverting Decentralization for State-to-Citizen Power Transfer in Urban
Governance (Conference Paper). Conference on Decentralization and Urban Transformation
in Asia, Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore.
(2010, August), Understanding Planning Advocacy at the Local Level: Negotiation 101 (Conference
Paper). International Conference on Civic Space: Jointly organized by Universitas Indonesia
and University of British Columbia.
(2010). Appropriating Decentralization to Reach Democratization: How Local Contexts of Poverty
Alleviation Triggers Self-Advocacy (Masters Thesis). Department of Urban & Regional
Planning, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
(2008). Myth of Power and the Occupation of Space: A Study of Semiotics with Jakarta City as the
Text (Masters Thesis). The London School of Public Relations Jakarta.
(2005). Identification of Jakartas City Growth based on Transportation and its Impact on City LandUse (Undergraduate Thesis). Department of Architecture, Universitas Indonesia (in Bahasa
General Publication
(2008). Welcome to Your Urban Shock, the (Urban?) Experience of Jakarta. UPWORDS. American
Planning Associations Newsletter Illinois Chapter.
(2005). Non-Classical Guitar Performer Competency Standard, in Eddy Husni Rachim et al. (Ed.)
National Competency Standard for Non-classical Music Performer. Directorate General of
Vocational Education, Indonesian Ministry of Education. (in Bahasa Indonesia)

AICEF Scholarship
American Indonesian Cultural and Educational Foundation (August 2013-2014)
SEADI Scholarship
United States Agency for International Development, USAID (August 2012-present)
Fulbright Scholarship
United States Department of State (August 2008-May 2010)
University Fellowship
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (August 2008-May 2010)
LSPR Scholarship
London School of Public Relations Jakarta (February 2007-July 2008)
EPSON Scholarship Program (ESP) 2003
EPSON Indonesia, Pt Ltd. (June 2003-June 2004)
Achievement Studentship (Beasiswa Prestasi)
Directorate General of Studentship, Indonesian Ministry of Education (1998-2000)

Dissertation Travel Grant, UIUC Graduate College, (2015)
Community Service Grant, Universitas Indonesia (2012)
to establish Waste Bank & Community Composting Facility in Srengseng Sawah, Jagakarsa.
UI Research Grant, Universitas Indonesia (2012)
to develop spatial modeling of formal and informal economic linkage in Rasuna Epicentrum,
Jakarta, Indonesia
South East Asia Grant, Institute of International Education (2010)
to write a thesis on poverty alleviation and community advocacy in Central Java.
UIUC SORF Travel Grant (2008)
to attend The Subprime Housing Crisis: An Interdisciplinary Policy Symposium. U of Iowa
Jakarta Municipal Government Travel Grant (2007)
to attend Arabian Travel Market (ATM), Dubai, UAE
Jakarta Municipal Government Travel Grant (December, 2006)
to attend Tourism Indonesia Mart & Expo (TIME), Makassar, Indonesia
Ministry of Education Conference Grant (July 2000)
to speak in Clean Water and Energy Conference: APECs Youth Science Festival, Singapore
Singapore Technologies Endowment Program (November 1999)
to attend Sunburst Youth Camp, Singapore

Departmental Excellence Award
Dept. of Urban & Regional Planning, UIUC (May 2010)
Jakarta Youth Ambassador (Abang Jakarta)
Bureau of Tourism, Provincial Government of Jakarta Capital Area (2006)
Special Award, Jakarta District and Sub-district Offices Design Competition
Association of Indonesian Architects, IAI (December 2005)
Nominee - Dept of Architectures Annex Design Competition
Universitas Indonesia (January 2006)
Merit in Music - for performances in teachers concert
YPM Music School (2005 & 2006)
Golden Anniversary Teachers Award
YPM Music School (2003)
Best Recommendation - General Assembly on Clean Water and Energy Conference
APECs 2nd Youth Science Festival, Singapore (2000)


Social Works
Community-Based Planning and Intervention for Sustainable Livelihood, Director (Aug 2011-2012)
Mobilizing UIs students to help a local community to develop sustainable waste management
practices through local composting and establishment of waste-banking-system

Charity for Padang Earthquake Victims, Coordinator (2009)

Mobilizing Indonesian graduate students in Champaign-Urbana to cook Indonesian recipes
and undergraduate students to sell them at University of Illinois Illini Union building, this two
weeks event generated $1,798.50, which was then donated to Indonesia Relief USA.
Jelajah Museum! (Venture the Museums!), Co-Director (2007)
This event introduced 120 elementary students from all over Jakarta City to almost forgotten
museums in Jakarta Old City with fun trace and find games. The event was performed
between three museums, Historic Museum of Jakarta, Museum of Shadow Puppets (Wayang),
and Museum of Batik.
Abnon Simpati II, Director (2007)
Cooperating with local cellphone provider, this event secures one-year supply of school
appliances for 100 students and school-learning medium for one school in Cideng, central
Jakartas impoverished area.
Abnon Simpati (Youths Participation for The Unfortunates Education), Director (2006)
This event provides free crash courses on public speaking, introduction to English, and school
management for 60 teachers in Rawamangun, central Jakartas impoverished area.
Joglo Youth Club, Co-Founder and Secretary General, (2002 2004)
This organization triggered lots of community and youth engagement. Among many of the
activities were annual charity event by managing local garage sale dedicating all the profits to
purchasing food for neighboring impoverished area.
Professional Activities
Architects Response to Global Warming. National Seminar. Jakarta. Event Coordinator, Nov 2007
Global Warming: The Role of Architects. National Discussion. Jakarta. Moderator, Dec 2007
Lighting Up Our Heritage. National Seminar. Jakarta. Moderator, Dec 2007
Formulating Our Transitional Constitution. Book Launch. Jakarta. Moderator, Dec 2007

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