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Since 2005

KerConsult SRL is a Romanian company, which has been successfully
providing, for over 10 years, value-adding services such as:

company evaluation

equity & investment portfolio

Merger & Acquisition

business & financial intelligence

Most importantly, we focus on long-term business strategic planning. KerConsult
assists its clients in developing strategic plans that combine financial potential of
the planned transaction with the main aims of the company involved in the
acquisition. The companys fresh vision enables our efficient consulting experts
to identify potential merger and/or acquisition candidates. Our rapidly gained
reputation has put KerConsult within the first 50 similar companies in Romania,
thanks to our confidentiality and discretion that made us the first choice for
national and international companies or investors wanting to acquire business
investments in the CEE countries.
What recommends KerConsult is a complete and fine understanding of strategy
and business objective. Our professional team is characterized by creativity,
constant performance, formed of highly trained consulting experts, with
competence and experience in emerging markets.

Mr. Zsolt, Makkai, Managing Partner


Professional Details
Relevant projects:

Consultancy and new sales strategy for 2 Tour Operator, 3 Travel Agency and 5 Business&Leisure Hotel

M&A Deals for companies Richter Gedeon PLC and Armedica Trading SA Romania with acquisition over 23 M

Managing partner at Kerconsult PLC since 2007

Setting up Essence Romania, a personal development project and seminars with Dr. Menis Yousry, called The Essence Process,
training over 1000 pers. in 2.5 year

over 500 conferences within 8 years 1999-2007;
1 world conference in Budapest (first tour operator in Hungary, 2001);
1 conference for 1200 people in Cluj Maya Tour Operators PLC & Makkai&Co. PLC, 2002.

Mr. Istvan, Szabo, Partner

Professional Details

2010 Kerconsult PLC, Cluj - Budapest office, M&A Director

2010 Sanatis Europe Ltd., Budapest- Business Intelligence Director

Methodological Competences:
Controlling systems design and implementation, Coordinating consortiuminvestment projects, Process reengineering & Sensitivity analysis,
Industrial stress-test
Relevant projects:
Setting up MatavcomLtd. by merging 3 companies and 4 regional directorates, Creation of an infocom know-how base by acquisition for
Matavcom of 3 IT service companies and integrating them, Acquisition of Macedonian National Telecom Co. and integrating it to Matav &
DT group, Setting up a vertically integrated pharma group in Romania for RG, by acquisition and merger of several pharma wholesalers
and pharmacy chains, Several auditing and reengineering projects for Hungarian, Romanian and Serbian cos.

Mr. Sorin, Blaga, Partner

Professional Details

M&A transactions, structured financing solutions for: Government of Moldova Republic, Electrocentrale Deva, Transelectrica, Domenia
Credit & Ralfi, together with a major International Banks and investment funds.

Competences and industries:

Management, Conflict and Crisis Management, Market Policies and Strategy, Sales, Project and Cultural Management, NGOs

KerConsult provides support and assists in:

Preparatory Phase & Consultancy

Identifying merger/acquisition candidates

Analysing the target companys culture and opportunities

Developing a communication plan and mediating negotiations

Providing key consultancies to clients and executives

Creating integration strategies and a matching management plan

Consulting in investment and financing options/alternatives,

others than banks (investment funds or private investors)

Procedures after Merger/Acquisition

Harmonization of legal terms and conditions of benefit

Supervising the managements efficiencies

Keeping clients constantly informed on the project

implementation, integration policy and follow-up stages.


CMC Group Broker

Tipoholding SRL
Gedeon Richter LTD
Trigranit Development Corporation
Marriott International Inc.
AKSD Varosgazdalkodasi KFT
DUMAGAS Transport and Logistics
Vitacom Electronics
*Our Confidential Agreement prevents us from listing all companies with whom our
projects are still in progress.


In order to learn more about KerConsult and our activity, please do not
hesitate to contact us, at:
Zsolt, Makkai Managing Partner
Tel: 0040 741 239 746
SC KerConsult SRL, CUI: RO16711891
Tel/Fax: 0040 264 434 175
39/10 Mihai Viteazu Square, 400151
Cluj Napoca, CLUJ

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