Iñigo, Ignacio, Pablo

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New stories

People actions The new girl in 4º B after sharing 5 months
with us, left this school on the 20th january,
giving as a reason that her father has had
NEW RECORD!! a job offer in pamplona.

On the 3rd of March, Ander Goitia a stu- However deep within us, we all know that
dent from the 4th Year ate the incredible perhaps the real reason was that she had
number of 35 croquets! He beat the last been marginalized, so she just went there
record of the school that was 34 croquets to try her luck at a new school.
and that was set by Juan Félix, a student
that was in this school a few years ago. He "Perhaps some of us didn't like her too
wrote himself into school history! said Iñigo much, but even though, from all of us here
we wish her luck in her new school" says
The negative view of this new record was clionas' class mate Ainhoa.
that the people that were encouraging An-
der to beat it, were disturbing the others By Kaiana Aizpurua
and producing an unpleasant atmosphere
for the dinning room, However, the main
problem was that students ignored the din-
ner ladies. Tim commented that he thought
During the second term our caretaker Raga
it was a crass and vulgar and very much a
Nogal, found some cans on the black
late 20th century phenomenon- consuming
field.Up to this point it does not seem any-
far too much while other people don’t have
thing out of order. However, the issue is the
kind of drinks the cans contained.
By Pablo Carbonero
This drink is called ''Toro XL'' the problem is
that on the can it clearly states that children
should not drink it, and the ones that are
doing so are the 5th and 6th year primary
school students. They sould not be drinking
it because the amount of caffeine that one
of the cans contains is the equivalent of
seven coffees. ''This severely affect the
student hability to study'' said tim.

By Adrian Agueros
Throughout the centuries different clothes
have come into fashion and after a while
gone out. For example fifty years ago
leather jackets were cool and nowadays
4th year students got punished in the
those who wear them are labelled as peo-
dining room without donuts because we
ple with no taste. However this time fashion
sang San Sebastian's March and used
has gone too far, because from when you
the tables as drums.
leave your house until you return, you see
about a hundred teenagers´ underpants.
Usually, 4th year ESO students are
Although you might believe this new fash-
really chilled while eating, but as it was
ion was created by an exhibitionist, it has
the 19th January, San Sebastian's Eve,
its origins in prisons in the USA.
we were all really excited.
Once you are in prison there are several
Txema doesn't normally punish us but
rules you must obey: as a general rule
John Philips was there so we couldn't
prisoners are not allowed to have belts on
even speak while we were eating!
because they may use them to commit sui-
cide and they must wear a uniform. These
Only 3 tables out of 5 got punished,
uniforms are quite big so it is normal that
even though we all sang!
they don’t fit prisoners perfectly, and be-
"I found it really unfair, we all had sung
so everyone should have been pun-
ished" said Sara Ifrim, a 4th year ESO
By Guinea

cause of the prohibition of belts, there is no

other alternative for prisoners than wearing
their trousers down low. This is the reason
why many teenagers that have never been
in prison or ignore the origin of this fashion
wear low-cut pants as sign of them being
tough guys.

By Pablo Gabilondo
Misteries at school ALARM!
Last Friday, 5th Februrary, somebody broke
FALSE FIRE ALARM the glass of the fire alarm, which inter-
rupted all the activities that the people were
Last tuesday 4th of february at 12:45 the doing at 11:30 am. This was really surpris-
fire alarm rang in school. The alarm started ing for everybody and the most stupid thing
on the second floor. Somebody had broken we have ever seen in school, because I
the fire glass. At first teachers didn't know mean, what is the objective of doing that?,
who had done it, but as there were only 3 do you gain anything? Well the thing is that
people in the corridor at the time it rang, at nobody knows who did it, so “it will be the
4:30 they found out that it had been Borja school mystery!” said Adrián Tejeda a stu-
Gaiztarro. from 3rd year of ESO. dent from the 4th Year.
Teachers knew it had been on purpose
because to break the fire glass, another
glass has to be lifted first. after some min- By Pablo Carbonero
utes the caretaker Txema managed to re-
pair it.

"I think Gaiztarro did a stupid thing" said

Iñigo Fernandez, from 4th Year of ESO.

By Ainhoa Uribarren


On Friday at school suddenly the fire alarm
started ringing.

At 11:30 p.m. the alarm went off while we

were doing a history
exam, it rang because Academic
someone had broken
the glass of the fire LIVERPOOL TRIP
alarm. After that, John
Phillips went to all the Last 5th of December, as happens every
classes to find out year, the first of Bacaulerate students went
who had done it. The on a school exchange with Liverpool stu-
guilty person is still dents with the apparent objective of im-
unknown. proving their English.
"The journey was very well organized" said
" I was very scared, I Tim Buckwell. He says that this year's
thought it was a real fire" said Kaiana. group were the best he has ever gone with.
By Patricia Porta
(Liverpool trip continuation) the students taking the exam, Manuel San-
tos, thinks about this issue:” We are the
Moreover, this year's trip has a little bit first year group that is going to do this
special, in particular for Mikel Bravo, be- exam so early, but I don’t think there’s any
cause he met Fernando Torres, and went problem. I think it’s a good opportunity to
to his house. practise and later on to try to pass the
The trip organizer, Tim Buckwell, says that P.L.2.
the only possible drawback is that the trip
was organized over a long weekend and By Asier Amenabar
he said it is quite hard for him to spend so
much time surrounded by students without NEW TEACHER FOR 4TH
having a day to relax.
By Adrian Agueros

In October Iñigo Elias came to substitute

REACHING A HIGHER Txema Arbe in Latin classes. Txema had
to teach the Baccalaureate students and
LEVEL OF BASQUE he didn’t have any other time to do it so we
can say that he changed his 4º year ESO
It is not a secret that the level of students for the Baccalaureate ones.
English in this school is much higher than
the Basque level, but teachers are trying to Iñigo comes from the German school,
make up for this imbalance. This year the where he used to teach. He comes on
students of the fats track of Basque are Tuesday, Thursday and Friday to teach the
expected to do the San Patrick’s students who study Latin. He
P.L.1, an exam equiva- usually comes really early and when we
lent to the P.E.T. This is come from the playtime he has already
the first time that the been in class for a few minutes and ready
students in the 4th year to begin. “He teaches differently but he
E.S.O. are going to be does a good job” says one of his students.
sitting this exam, but
are they prepared By Carla Aldabaldetrecu
We have tried to
find out what one of
Manuel Santos is a student from the 4th The group of 3 year of E.S.O, on the 12
Year of St. Patricks and he is his second december of 2009 in the hotel Amara Plaza
year as the class prefect. Last year he was and Costa Vasca, did the first certificate
also elected to the school council for all the exam, although they presented to this
students at school, but this year there exam 7 months earlier than the students of
aren’t any students selected at the moment 4 year of E.S.O, not only every single stu-
for this responsibility. “He represents us dent passed the exam, but they got higher
very well, because he is a responsible and results.
serious person”, said Adrián Tejeda a stu-
dent in his class. in the fast track, where tim buckwell
By Pablo Carbonero teaches, there were 5 As, 13 Bs and 5 Cs,
and all of this with only being 14 year old,
where the average age of the whole people
BASQUE TEACHER ATTEND presenting the exam is 23 year old.
of course this has been devastating for the
4 year of E.S.O students, as we presented
it later and we had worse marks, with only
2 As. "they're not normal people, they all
have these amazing marks" said marina, a
student of 4 year of E.S.O.

By Susana Kaiana

A few weeks ago,the forth year students
did the MOCK exams for the first certificate
in english and Certificate in advanced eng-
lish. Some of them did the fist exam and
others the advanced. In general the results
of CAE MOCK exam were quite good,
From Monday to Friday the Basque teach- however they could improve with a lot of
ers of the 4º year Eso went to Bilbao to a hard work. The students that did the FIRTS
Basque course so they could practise their exam last year and did not passed, this
Basque. year the FIRST MOCK exam they did it
really well, and the students that did not do
Ibon and Alazne left their 4º year students t last year the exam because they did not
of Basque, from Monday 1st February until want to or because they were not as pre-
the 3rd February afternoon, so they could pared as to pass the exam, they had work
attend to the course. “We had a great time hard and in the MOCK exam they did it
at Bilbao although we didn’t have enough really well, with effort an working hard they
free time to visit Bilbao” said Ibon. could get a good mark in the exam.

By Carla Aldabaldetrecu By Marta Arriaga

cided. As this decision has to be taken
NO EXTRA HOUR FOR THE very seriously by both school and students,
the teachers have prepared some activities
FAST-TRACK for the students to see what their options
This year 4th year ESO fast track students are for next year, as different types of bac-
are going to take the CAE exam in June, calaureate or professional training (a more
That’s why our teacher hoped to give us an practical way of studying) also exist.
extra class on Monday afternoon.
By Ignacio Mayoz
During that hour we were going to improve
our writing and practice for our oral exam.
Susie also thought that as this year is the MUSIC TAMES THE BEASTS
first one that students only have 4 hours to
prepare for CAE, it would be a good way to Begoña has been using new teaching
try to pass the exam. techniques throughout this term. Among
these techniques we should highlight put-
However, this was all a dream as the Eng- ting music on at the beginning of classes,
lish Department turned down the proposal. which has been generating applause. Re-
Now we would only have four hours per cent studies have demonstrated that clas-
week and one mock oral exam preparation. sical music stimulates some parts of the
brain and they are even using it in order to
help people with intellectual problems.
“It’s a pity that we don’t have this extra
We’ve been asking pupils what they think
hour, because we are going to be less pre-
about the use of music and they’ve told us
pared for the exam” said Pablo Carbonero,
that having five minutes to relax at the be-
a student of the
ginning of class helps them to carry on
fast track.
working. There is no doubt from our point
“However, I think
of view about the success of this new tech-
that people who
nique, so through this article we encourage
work hard would
all teachers to start using it.
have enough
By Pablo Gabilondo
with those four
hours, and they’ll PSYCHOLOGICAL TESTS
pass it. I’ll bet for
it” said Tim In November the school psychologist went
Buckwell, 4th to the 4th year´s class to examin them.
year ESO Eng-
lish teacher. He only came for two Thursdays, in the
maths hour and the students did two ex-
By Guinea Fernandez-Dans ams, one intelligence test and the other
one of what they like. With the results of
both tests, the psychologist and the tutor of
ORIENTATION the students are going to meet the parents
and the student, and together they are go-
The fourth year ESO students are already ing to decide what to study next year and in
in February and they are seeing the bacca- the future.
laureate really near. Now is the moment " The tests were very easy" said Ainhoa
when they have to think seriously what and Kaiana.
they want to do in the future, and in a cou- By Patricia Porta
ple of weeks they will need to have de-
DANGER! REYES IN BAD very impressed because the man could tell
us about a really unfortunate experience
MOOD with a car accident, and we could see the
consequences of being distracted for the
As students it is not unusual for us to hear shortest of times when someone is driving.
teachers telling us that we are the worst They explained how a spine is constructed
class they have ever had. However, this and the consequences if a little nerve that
time Reyes seems to be really disap- goes through the spine, breaks.
pointed with her 4th year ESO class. She
has even said things like “There is a lack of By Susana Santaolalla
work and responsibility that can’t be al-
lowed” or “I’ve no regrets of people who
failed in the first evaluation”. As a result I.C.T World
there is a bad atmosphere in almost every
mathematics class. She has even told us
that se would prefer to stop teaching us.
The classes go on, and although she is
really unhappy with us, we hope she would during the first evaluation, there were some
continue teaching us. Whatever happens problems with the project that 4º year of
Sanpa Times will keep you informed. ESO group were going to do for the little
children. although they had 4 months to do
the project they only used two days to do
this problem began with the change in
teacher.the first teacher made them work
for an hour and then, they could do what-
ever they wanted until the bell went. In ad-
dition, the second teacher made them do
some word documents work that didn't re-
late to doing the project.
In the end they were able to finish the pro-

By Sergio tome


By Pablo Gabilondo POINTMENT
A TALK ABOUT ACCIDENTS On wednesday 3 of february some
students were going to begin the IT class.
When we came back from our winter holi- almost all the students were thinking we
days, a woman and a man in a wheel chair, were going to start talking about how to do
came to the school to talk to us about what the games, however we only did some
the car belt can do for us and how much do word works and a power point as the ones
we have to take care of ourselves, and how we did with Simon in 1º ESO.
a simple “can you drive me home on your
scooter?” could change completely our By Sergio Tome
It seems everyone listening to them was
presentation, nothing to be with IT. Before
Christmas the teacher made a questinary
INTERNET AT SCHOOL about her classes and she found out that
students were not happy. Therefore the
Along these last years, the internet at teacher started to give more interesant les-
school is slow, and none-one has look after sons. “We learn more in those 3 weeks that
this information. I asked Iker some ques- in the whole course” said Asier Amenabar.
tion and he told me the problem is caused By Adrian Tejeda
because the Telephonics' antenna is far
away from our school, so all this area has
the same problem. Extras
Afterwards, he was asked why the wi-
fis without password can't be used, so he
explained me that only the technicians can
Swine flu, has already affected to
make your computer able to use those wi-
1,545,000 people all over Spain and the
numbers still growing. Meanwhile, in our
school missing people due to illnesses are
quite noticeable amongst us, and most of
them are not affected by Swine flu. Could it
be that students are taking advantage of
Swine flu to miss classes? It is impossible
for the school to know the exact number of
people affected, because the diagnoses
are private and not all the people missing
have Swine flu.

The most noticeable decision that school

has done was putting a bottle of alcohol gel
in each class but it seems that the average
of bottles used are 2/3 per class and
there’re not particularly cheap, the normal
By Sergio Tome bottle, one litre, costs 5.7 euros and adding
the taxes might reach to 6.6 euros, so stu-
dents must consider it price before using it.
CHANGE OF MENTALITY IN Preschool children are specially “forced” to
IT wash their hands properly before the meals
and when returning from breaks. The
kitchen has also worried about getting any
This year in the 4th year there has been a
type of ingredient that might carry any type
radical change of mentallity. At the begin-
of illness, such as eggs that might carry
ning Igor was the new techer but after-
wards Isabel came to give IT classes.The
only work the IT students did were power-
point presentations *there is nothing new in Finally the long term plan for the school is
this*. After chirstmas holidays students to maintain the actual ones, but nothing re-
work in new stuff. lated to closing the school is thought.
2 months later of the starting Isabel Surely, this illness and its problems might
came to give them classes, and the stu- be forgotten due to its controversy whether
dents thought they will learn more. Instead its true or not
this they continued making power pont By Manuel Santos
for Donosti cup because the organization
wants this football field to be one of the
FOOTBALL TOURNAMENT football fields in Donosti cup".

The 27th of January the 4th of E.S.O stu- By Iñigo Fernandez

dents organized a football tournament at
the hockey field
The tournament was very interesting and Since the 11th of February, fourth year stu-
people of all ages turned up to watch good dents have been watching a film, that since
football.The teams were chosen randomly the first time it was broadcast on TV it has
and each team was made up of by 5 created a great deal of interest, not as
players.The referee much for the actors performance as for the
was Adrian Agueros.The initiative of doing story itself.
this tournament was ignacio´s idea: " I had At first sight it seemed the film had nothing
this idea because i thought lot of people to do with us, but as the movie went on,
like football and by doing this tournament you start to think about whether it is possi-
all the people could play,and have a good ble that the conditions in those countries
time" are really like they are shown in the film.
We did not watch this film just because of
By Iñigo Fernandez coincidence, fourth years tutors, had a
clear objective, see a reality that is near to
us but which we do not necessary see.
NEAR SCHOOL By Adrian Agueros

As we all now ,they are making a new SAN SEBASTIÀN WHITE

football field near AGAIN!!
Like last year at the beginning of the New
Year in Janurary, there were some terrible
cloudy days, which make the city white
covered by snow for four days. This made
us very happy, because we enjoyed these
strange conditions and had really good fun
playing with the snow. “It was amazing,
school,but,It would be the new football field everybody thought that we were in another
of our school? town!” said Ignacio Mayoz a student from
the 4th Year in the school.
Near school,in Errondo,they are making a
new football field.They are going to finish By Pablo Carbonero
doing it this year so all the people ask the
same thing,if we could use it as st-patricks
football field.Our football field is not in very
good conditions so it would be nice to play
there,in grass.Pablo Carbonero said:"I
think it would be a very good idea,because
it always better to play in grass instead of
rock".I have asked to a builder about this
football field and he told me"It will be ready
“CARIÑOGRAMA” heart-attack, and he isn’t playing any more.
That’s why they have returned to St. Se-
bastian, because they like this city as a
During the last 2 years, a new technique
place to live.
has been used with the only objective of
”I am happy to be back with the friends I
improving the relationship that students
had three years ago” Stella said 2 months
have between each other, this revolution-
ary technique is called "Cariñograma".
Now, both Stella and her little brother
this technique making a panel, where the
Darko have left school. Nobody knows for
good things the student have done are.
certain exactly why.
This technique will help the little students to
do good things instead
By Susana Santaolalla
doing bad things. This will also help chil-
dren relationship and not being discrimi-
nated for their color or their intelligence.

By Adrian Agueros and Sergio

After Christmas, we had the news that Ko-
vacevic’s children were coming one more
time to Saint Patricks to study, three years
after they had left this school. Stella, the
older of the two, was born in Italy in 1996.
When her father, Darko, was going to play
in the Real Sociedad, they moved to St.
Three years ago, they moved to Greece,
because Darko started playing in the Greak
team, Olimpiacos. Recently, he had had a

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