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Compositional analysis for Gas Condensate

Reservoir fluids contain hydrocarbon from C1 to compounds with carbon

number greater than 50. Composition of Reservoir fluids is generally
expressed in volume percent of non-hydrocarbon compounds (sour gases)
and compounds hydrocarbon Cl through C7+orC10+.
The main difference between various fluids and produces crude oil is in their
composition. the highest the amount of methane is found in the natural gas
and the amount decreases in the gas condensate. On the other hand the
amount of heavier compounds (i.e., C7+) is less in the natural gas and the
gas condensate. Characterization of reservoir fluids and crude oils mainly
involves characterization of hydrocarbon plus fractions generally expressed
in terns of C7+ fractions. Usually the only information, available for the C7+
Action are the mole faction, molecular weight, and specific gravity. The
characterization procedure involves how to present this mixture in terms of
arbitrary number of sub-fractions (pseudo-components) with known mole
fraction, boiling point, specific gravity, and molecular weight. This approach
is called pseudoization.
Accuracy of characterization of reservoir fluids largely depends on the
distribution model used to express component distribution as well as
characterization methods of petroleum fractions. The most accurate method
to determine a property of a fluid is through experimental measurement of
that property. However, as this is not possible for every petroleum fluid,
methods of estimation of various properties are needed by processor
operation engineers. The most accurate method of estimating a property of a
mixture is through knowledge of the exact composition of all components
existing in the mixture.
The quality and properties of a petroleum fluid depend mainly on the mixture
composition. Accurate characterization of a reservoir fluid requires a
complete analysis of the mixture with known mole fraction and carbon

number. As experimental measurement of the composition is timeconsuming and costly the predictive methods play an important role in
determining the quality of a petroleum fluid. An accurate description of
pseudo-component compositions or Single Carbon Number (SCN) fractions is
an integral part of the reservoir fluids characterization process. Very often
the required extended compositional analysis is not available and it is very
hard to experimentally do this compositional analysis. It is needed to
generate this analysis using mathematical relations that are called the
splitting schemes.

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