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The 30th HAGI, The 34th IAGI, and The 14th PERHAPI Annual Conference and Exhibition


C. Prasetyadi, E.R. Suparka, A.H. Harsolumakso, and B. Sapiie
Department of Geology, ITB

Eastern Java has been well known as hydrocarbon producing area but its Early Tertiary producing basins
are still little-studied. Because the Early Tertiary basins is underlain by basement rock, it is important to
study the basement that exposed in Karangsambung and Bayat areas along with the Paleogene rocks as an
analogue to the other Eastern Java basement rocks. The basement rock in Karangsambung is a subduction
complex characterized by a tectonically mixed block-in-matrix structure. The blocks consist of various
rock types (serpentinite, gabbro, basalt, chert, calcilutite, greywacke, sandstone, phyllite, marble, schist,
and eclogite), embedded in a sheared-shale matrix. In Bayat the basement has only few indications of
block-in-matrix structure, consisting dominantly of phyllite and schist. The age of the Luk Ulo complex is
Late Cretaceous-Paleocene determined based on radiolarian fossils found in the matrix and foram in the
sedimentary blocks. The present study confirms this age with the finding of Orbitolina sp. The age of the
Bayat complex remains unknown. Major faults in both basement complexes indicate a similar NE-SW
trend, but their internal structures are different. The present study recognized that mlange accretion in
Karangsambung indicates an overturned trend. Instead of dipping NW as expected from a SE-direction
subduction zone, the mlange structural dips are mostly to the S-SE. This overturning may relate to a later
major deformational event. Eocene strata rest unconformably on top of the Bayat basement. This indicates
that an Eocene basin developed fully in Bayat area. Besides the Eocene rocks, a middle Miocene
limestone is also in direct contact unconformably on top of the basement indicating that Bayat basement
area is a high area at least since that time. In Karangsambung area, the present study found a new type of
Eocene rock unit considered by previous worker as a Mesozoic sedimentary sequence within the
Karangsambung mlange. This internally coherent, relatively unmetamorphosed, and little deformed
sedimentary sequence has a thickness up to 350 meters and consists mostly of shale with thin layer
interbeds of sandstone, sandy limestone and conglomerate lenses. The Eocene age of this sequence is
based on the small-sized (0.2 0.5 cm) Nummulites sp found, for the first time, within the three metersthick sandy limestone interbed. This also indicates that Eocene basin also developed in Karangsambung.
Based on field study described above along with analyses of field samples, a model of Paleogene tectonic
and basin evolutions of eastern Java has been constructing indicating that an important deformational
event took place in Karangsambung after the Cretaceous subduction leading to the overturning of
accretion mlange and juxtaposition of mlange and Eocene sedimentary sequence in Karangsambung.
While in Bayat the same deformation did not occur.

Paleogene is an important period in the evolution
of geology of Southeast Asia region including
Java island. Besides highlighted by a period of
formation of major Tertiary basins, Paleogene was
also marked by a significant geological evolution,
mainly in the eastern part of Java, namely the
shifting of subduction zone in the southeastern

margin of the Sundaland from a NE-SW trend in

the Cretaceous to Paleocene into an E-W trend in
the Tertiary. Until recently this important tectonic
evolution has not obtained yet an approriate
attention and its examination was generally made
as part of regional studies (Hamilton, 1979; Daly
et al, 1991; Bransden and Matthew, 1992; SoeriaAtmadja et al, 1994; Parkinson et al, 1998; Hall,
2002; Sribudiyani et al, 2003).


The 30th HAGI, The 34th IAGI, and The 14th PERHAPI Annual Conference and Exhibition

Eastern part of Java offers a good opportunity to

study this important tectonic phenomena in more
detail. The possibility is supported mainly by the
facts that in the onshore area of Eastern Java there
are two locations, Karangsambung and Bayat,
where pre-Tertiary basement rocks along with
Paleogene sediments exposed. In addition to these
important outcrops, the availability of subsurface
data derived from oil and gas exploration wells
that penetrate the basement in off-shore area of
eastern Java allows to make some corelations to a
broader area.
Examining geological features associated with
this tectonic evolution will be very meaningful
because it will help in understanding the
development of hydrocarbon-producing basins in
both onshore and offshore areas of eastern Java.
In line with this premise, a recent field work has
been conducted in Karangsambung, Banjarnegara
and Bayat areas. The field works emphasized
mainly on the observations of the contact
relationships between pre-Tertiary basement and
Paleogene rocks. Preliminary results of the field
work, especially concerning with new findings in
the study area, will be presented and discussed in
this paper.
In addition to Pre-Tertiary basement rocks,
younger rock units of Eocene to Miocene ages are
also exposed in Karangsambung and Bayat areas
(FIGURE 1). In Karangsambung area the
basement rock has been identified as the Luk Ulo
Melange Complex (Asikin, 1974) which is
unconformably overlain by Eocene to Oligocene
Karangsambung-Totogan Formations. Many
informations have been generated by previous
paleontology, age of metamorphism, and rock
distributions (Asikin, 1974; Ketner et al, 1976;
Hamilton, 1979; Suparka, 1988; Wakita et al,
1994; Harsolumakso et al,1995). This melange
complex consists of tectonic blocks of various
rocks embedded in a sheared shale matrix. The
blocks comprises sandstone, greywacke, chert,
limestone, pillow basalt, ultramafics, rhyolite,
marble, phyllite and schist. Some of the sandstone
blocks are interbedded with shale, while cherts are
in close association with limestones (calcilutites)
and pillow basalts. Long axis of the blocks have
general trend of ENE-WSW (Wakita et al, 1994;

Harsolumakso et al, 1996). The large tectonic

slabs consisting of dismembered ophiolite
(Suparka, 1988) are dominant in the central part
of the complex. Concerning the age of the
melange complex, Ketner et al. (1976) reported
the late Early Cretaceous foraminifer Orbitolina
from limestone in the Luk Ulo Melange Complex.
Furthermore Wakita et al. (1994) showed that the
duration of subduction and accretion in the
complex can be estimated based on the age of the
terrigenous and hemipelagic (siliceous) shales
along with the associated pillow lava. The age of
pillow lava in Kali Muncar is of Early Cretaceous
(120-130 Myr), while the oldest terrigenous rock
is the shale of middle Cretaceous age (100-110
Myr). The youngest rock is the siliceous shale of
latest Cretaceous age in the Kali Medana. As the
terrigenous rocks in the accreted sequences are
usually as young as or slightly younger than
hemipelagic siliceous shale, the youngest
terrigenous rocks may be of latest Cretaceous or
earliest Paleocene age. These age data suggest that
the accretion of pillow lava and pelagic to
hemipelagic sediments in the Luk Ulo Melange
Complex occurred during middle Cretaceous to
latest Cretaceous or earliest Paleocene time
(Wakita et al. 1994). Data from metamorphic
blocks dating indicate ages, ranging from 110-117
Myr (Miyazaki et al. 1998) to 119-124 Myr
(Parkinson et al.1998), which are older than the
age of the shale matrix. Based on its rock
assemblage, the Luk Ulo Melange Complex has
been considered to be caused by tectonic mixing
during subduction of the Indian oceanic plate
under the SE Asia continental plate (Asikin, 1974;
Hamilton, 1979; Parkinson et al. 1998) and
appears to be resemble many other late Mesozoic
melange belts around the Pacific rim (Nilsen,
2002). Unconformably, marked by a tectonic
contact, this melange complex is overlain by
Tertiary sediments, in an ascending order, the
Karangsambung, Totogan, Waturanda, and
Penosogan Formations. Karangsambung and
Totogan Formations are olistostromal deposits
consisting of sedimentary mixture of rocks
fragments and blocks (olistoliths) such as
(Nummulites) limestone in clay matrix. These two
formations have lateral gradual changes
(Harsolumakso et al., 1995). Overlying
unconformably on these olistostromal deposits is
the Waturanda Formation that consits of volcanic
breccias and sandstones. The Waturanda


The 30th HAGI, The 34th IAGI, and The 14th PERHAPI Annual Conference and Exhibition

Formation is, in turn, overlain conformably by

Penosogan Formation consisting of alternation of
calcareous sandstone and marl. There are two
major structural trends in Karangsambung. The
first trends NEE-SWW developed in the preTertiary rocks, and the second has E-W
orientation developed in the younger Tertiary
The geology of Bayat area is simpler compared to
Karangsambung area, the pre-Tertiary rocks form
the oldest rocks exposed in Bayat area consisting
mainly of phyllite, schist, and few marble and
serpentinite. Overlying unconformably the preTertiary rock is the Eocene Wungkal-Gamping
Formation comprising conglomerate, nummulitic
limestone, quartz sandstone and claystone. Based
on nannoplankton analysis, age of the claystone
indicates Late Middle Eocene (Setiawan, 2000).
A number of basaltic dykes and a gabbroic
intrusion (Gunung Pendul intrusion) intruded the
phyllite and Wungkal-Gamping Formation. K-Ar
dating of gabbro and basalt in Bayat area indicates
ages of 39.8 31.3 Myr (Eocene to early
Oligocene) (Sutanto et al. 1994). All these
igneous rocks have a basaltic composition with
calk-alkali affinity indicating a subduction-related
origin. The youngest formation in Bayat (Jiwo
Hill) area is the middle Miocene limestone unit
that consists of interbedded calcarenite, marl, and
reefal limestone. This limestone unit rests
unconformably ontop of older units, namely
phyllite, gabbro intrusion and Eocene mudstone of
Wungkal-Gamping Formation.
In Bulukuning area, Banjarnegara, in the NW part
of the melange complex, a sedimentary sequence
is well exposed in an area 3 by 7 km along south
tributaries of Kali Sapi. This sedimentary outcrop
has a fault contact with the surrounding melange
unit consisting of a chaotic, sheared
agglomeration of sedimentary, metamorphic, and
igneous rocks. Ketner et al. (1976) mapped the
sedimentary sequence as of Pre-Eocene sediment,
and Condon et al.(1996) assigned a Cretaceous
age for this sequence (FIGURE 2). Pre-Eocene
or Cretaceous ages estimated by previous workers
are not based on fossils. The ages have only been

interpreted based on its relationship with the

melange rocks.
In the traverse along Kali Poh, one of five
traverses made in this area, the present study
dicovered for the first time fossils of foraminifer
Nummulites sp in interbedded limestone
(FIGURE 3). Unlike in other Eocene areas
(Bayat, Nanggulan, and Karangsambung) where
Nummulites fossils are abundantly found in white
limestone and have larger size (0.5-1.5 cm), the
Nummulites sp from Kali Poh occur in a 2.5 m
interbed of black, hard, limestone and smaller in
size (0.3-0.5 cm). The species type of this newly
found Nummulites, until the writing of this paper,
has not been determined. Compared to
Nummulites from other areas (Bayat, Nanggulan,
and Karangsambung), the Nummulites from Kali
Poh generally show less rooms (5-6 rooms) in
vertical sections suggesting the possiblity they
have an older age range of Early to Middle
Eocene (Lunt, 2005; pers. comm). North-dipping
thrust mark the contact between the lower part of
the sequence with the melange. The lower part of
the sedimentary sequence consists of bedded (520 cm), grey in color, fine to medium-grained,
sandstones, with interbedded shales, few
calcareous sandstones and limestones. The upper
part of the sequence consists mostly of black, noncalcareous shales containing non-stratified
polimict conglomerate lenses 0.5-5 m in diameter.
Most of the conglomerate components, with 2-12
cm in size, consist of milky quartz, slate, basalt,
sandstone, few schist and chert. Some of the
conglomerates are of the pebbly mudstone type in
which pebbles are widely dispersed in a very large
proportion of fine-grained matrix material. Others
are more ordinary conglomerates in which the
pebbles are densely packed. Like the lower part,
the upper part of this sequence is also a fault
contact with the melange unit. Structurally this
sedimentary sequence dips generally to the south
with thickness of 350 m.
Another new discovery of Eocene rocks took
place in Kali Sabeng and Kali Mondo traverses, in
Larangan area, in the NE part of the Luk Ulo
Melange Complex, about 10 km to the east of Kali
Poh traverse (FIGURE 4). Rock unit exposed in
this area has been mapped as Cretaceous melange
rock (Ketner et al. 1976, Condon et al. 1996). The
Eocene rocks in this area have been found as
bedded limestone blocks, with long axis size 4 m


The 30th HAGI, The 34th IAGI, and The 14th PERHAPI Annual Conference and Exhibition

(in Kali Sabeng) and 10 m (in Kali Mondo),

containing abundant foraminifer Discocyclina sp
and Asterocyclina sp. These fossiliferous
limestones along with bedded sandstones,
mudstone, breccia, greywacke, few basalt
associated with chert, and dacite are found as
blocks within black, sheared shale matrix
Foraminifer Orbitolina sp has usually been
mentioned by previous studies (Asikin, 1974;
Ketner et al. 1976; Hamilton, 1979) as the
Cretaceous guide fossil for the melange complex
but the location of the fossil was not clearly
reported. The present study has been able to find
the location of the Orbitolina fossils in Kali
Mondo, about 2 km to the NE of the Discocyclina
limestone location
(FIGURE 6). These
Orbitolina fossils were abundantly found in
wackstone-type limestone blocks, 1-5 m in sizes,
embedded in sheared shale matrix along with
others various blocks such as bedded sandstones,
mudstones, breccia, greywackes, and black
phyllite.The size of the fossils ranges from 0.3
1.0 cm, with characteristic helmet-like form, and
randomly oriented.
Based on traverses along the creek that dissect the
melange complex, such Kali Sigobang, Kali
Mondo, Kali Sabeng, Kali Muncar, and Kali
Loning, an interesting structural feature has been
documented during the present study. Measuring
structural dip of the components of the melange
along with the shale matrix, the results indicate a
general structural dip of the melange components
to the south and southeast. Similar results have
been recognized by Kamtono et al.(1996) whose
interpretation based on a gravity measurement.
One of the characteristic lithology of the Totogan
Formation is polimict sedimentary breccia
(Asikin, 1974). Breccia of this kind occurs not
only in its type locality, in the SE part of the
melange complex, but also in other locations such
as along the traverses in Kali Sambeng, Kali
Mondo (Medana), and Kali Loning (FIGURE 4).
Overlying unconformably on top of the melange
unit, this poorly-sorted breccia consists of lithic
fragments, 5 cm to 2 m in size, and angular in
shape. The fragments are derived mostly from the
melange unit (basalt, quartz pebbles, phyllite,
schist, graywacke, chert) as well as from the
Eocene section (quartz sandstones, nummulitic

limestone, and conglomerate).The presence of

nummulitic limestone as the clast indicate a postEocene origin of this breccia.
In Bayat, a breccia containing basement fragments
occur also in one location, in the SE part of
Gunung Pendul (FIGURE 7). Unlike in
Karangsambung where the breccia directly rests
unconformably on top of the basement rocks, in
Bayat the breccia overlies the Eocene rocks,
poorly sorted, containing fresh basement
fragments (phyllite, schist and quart veins) and
Eocene fragments (sandstone, nummulitic
limestone), with calcareous sandy matrix.
Nummulitic fragments in the breccia indicate age
of post-Eocene. Field observations in Bayat areas
show that serpentinite can be found not only in the
Pagerjurang location but also in the west slope of
Gunung Cakaran, West Jiwo area. Observations
on the contacts between Miocene limestone unit
and the basement indicate that basement
distribution in Bayat area
could be more
extensive than those which are exposed in the East
and West Jiwo areas. The distribution of the
metamorphic basement in Bayat may extend to
the north, to the Rowo Jombor area where the
Miocene limestone overlies unconformably the
metamorphic basement. Besides resting on top of
the basement, the Miocene limestone rests also on
top of the other older units. In Bendungan araea,
West Jiwo, the limestone overlies nonconformably the Oligosen gabbro intrusion while
in Gunung Temas the Eosen mudstone of
Wungkal-Gamping Formation underlies the
The new discoveries of Eocene sediments in
Bulukuning (in Kali Poh) and Larangan (in Kali
Sabeng and Mondo) areas, respectively in the NW
and NE parts of the Luk Ulo Melange Complex
change significantly the geological feature of
Karangsambung and the surrounding areas. These
new findings also indicate the Eocene strata in
Karangsambung-Banjarnegara area is more
various and complex than those in Bayat and
Nanggulan areas. Eocene sediments in Bayat and
Nanggulan areas share similar stratigraphic
features, such as they form upward-deepening,
transgressive sequence and almost undeformed
(Smith et al. 2003; Nilsen, 2002). With the new
findings, the Eocene sediments in Karangsambung


The 30th HAGI, The 34th IAGI, and The 14th PERHAPI Annual Conference and Exhibition

areas may be distinguished, based on stratigraphic

and structural features, into three sections: The
Karangsambung, Bulukuning and Larangan
sections. The Karangsambung section is the type
locality, distributed to the south of the melange
complex. Although showing features of
olistostromal deposit, Nilsen (2002) recognized
in general the Eocene strata in the
Karangsambung section appear to form a
transgressive and upward-deepening depositional
system characterized in upward stratigraphic order
by a relatively thin basal quartz conglomerate, a
relatively thin nummulitic limestone, and a thicker
succession of claystone, mudstone, siltstone,
sandstone, pebbly mudstone, and conglomerate,
with scattered large and small olistoliths of
limestones. The upper unit contains abundant
synsedimentary slumps and deformed layers that
suggest a basin-margin setting. Channelized
bodies of conglomerate appear to form small
gullies or canyons cut into a basin-margin slope.
Most of the deposits of the upper unit seam to
have accumulated in deep-marine conditions,
although numerous blocks of sandstone and
fossiliferous limestone suggest derivation of some
of the blocks from upslope shallow-marine
settings. Based on several detail river sections,
Harsolumakso et al. (1996) suggest that besides
occurring as olistostromal deposit, the formation
has also been undergone severe deformation after
deposition. The newly found Eocene sediment of
Bulukuning section shows a sedimentary
sequence of internally coherent, relatively
unmetamorphosed, little deformed, consisting
mostly of shale with conglomerate lenses in the
upper part and bedded sandstone and interbedded
limestones in the lower part. Here the
conglomerates may not be of basal-type
conglomerate because they are always found as
lenses within the shale. The continuous succession
indicates the Eocene Bulukuning section may not
be a olistostromal deposit like the Karangsambung
section. Another newly found Eocene sediment is
the Eocene Larangan section. Previous workers
have been considered the rocks as Cretaceous
melange. The finding of Middle to Upper Eocene
Discocyclina-Asterocyclina limestone blocks
within the melange indicates that the age of the
melange is not Cretaceous anymore but younger,
at least as young as or younger than the Middle to
Upper Eocene limestone block. Up to the writing
of this paper, this study still could not obtain a
conclusive relationship between these three

Eocene sections especially because there is still a

lack of age constraint. The present study is
currently trying to find out the species type of the
Nummulites sp of Kali Poh in order to know the
age of the associated sedimentary sequence. A
preliminary conclusion can be generated here that
in Karangsambung-Banjarnegara area we can
observe the different stages of deformation of the
Eocene deposits starting from the undeformed
section found in the NW area (Bulukuning area),
the more deformed (sedimentary melange) section
in the S area (Karangsambung area), and the
highly deformed (tectonic melange) in the NE
area (Larangan area). The Eocene Larangan
melange at least indicates that there is a major
deformational event in this area during the late
The lack of significant amounts of detritus (clasts)
from the Luk Ulo Melange Complex within the
olistoliths, conglomerates clasts, and sandstone
beds of the Eocene Karangsambung Formation
suggest that the melange had not been
significantly unroofed at the time of Eocene
sedimentation (Nilsen, 2002). Oligocene strata of
the Totogan Formation contrast markedly with the
Eocene deposits. The Totogan Formation consists
of sedimentary breccias deposited mostly as
coarsed-grained, poorly-sorted debris flows,
mudstone and volcanic tuffs. The deposits of
mostly similar breccia have been found in some
localities within the basement realm, such as in
the traverses of Kali Sambeng, Kali Mondo, and
Kali Loning. These breccias comprise abundant
angular fragments of melange components and
some pieces of quartz sandstone, conglomerate,
and Eocene limestone, suggesting that the
melange belt as well as the Eocene strata had been
uplifted at this time and were undergoing erosion.
A similar features is also shown by the breccia in
Bayat that mostly consisits of fragments derived
from the basement and the Eocene strata
indicating that may be the same uplift was
responsible for the unroofing of the Bayat
This uplift may also be associated with the
structural features indicated by a general southdipping of the components of the melange. This
structural feature could not be related with the
original structural dip of the accretion wedge of
the subduction melange. If it is still in original
orientation then the structural dip should be to the


The 30th HAGI, The 34th IAGI, and The 14th PERHAPI Annual Conference and Exhibition

north or northwest following the direction of the

subducting plate.
Two discoveries of Eocene sediment in
Bulukuning and Larangan areas show that
the Eocene strata overlying the Luk Ulo
Melange Complex is more complex than
those exposed in other areas (Bayat and
Nanggulan areas).
Along with the newly found Eocene rocks
and based on their stratigraphic and
structutral features, the Eocene strata in
Karangsambung-Banjarnegara area may be
Karangsambung (in the south), Bulukuning
(in the NW), and Larangan (in the NE)
sections. Respectively, these sections show
a gradual change from undeformed,
continuous succession in Bulukuning area,
to deformed sections, depositionally and
tectonically, in Karangsambung and
Larangan areas.
The age of melange rock in Larangan area is
no longer Cretaceous. The finding of
Discocyclina limestone block within the
melange indicates that the melange rock is
of, at least, Late Eocene.
The lack of significant amounts of detritus
(clasts) from the Luk Ulo Melange Complex
within the olistoliths, conglomerates clasts,
and sandstone beds of the Eocene
Karangsambung Formation suggest that the
melange had not been significantly
unroofed at the time of Eocene
Characteristic breccias, that can be found in
some places in the melange realm and
comprise abundant angular fragments of
melange components and some pieces of
quartz sandstone, conglomerate, and Eocene
limestone, suggesting that the melange belt
as well as the Eocene strata had been
uplifted at this time and were undergoing
The uplift may be associated with the
structural features indicated by a general
south-dipping of the components of the
The results presented in this paper are not

comprehensive geological model of the

study area. There are still many works to be
done, especially concerning with the age
constraints, to meet with the ultimate
objective of this study.
We would like to express our gratitude to Dirjen
MIGAS, BP Migas and Kodeco. This study has
been run well with their helps and supports.
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The 30th HAGI, The 34th IAGI, and The 14th PERHAPI Annual Conference and Exhibition





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magister ITB, unpublished.

Wakita, K., Munasri, and B.Widoyoko, 1994,

Cretaceous radiolarians from the Luk-Ulo
Melange Complex in the Karangsambung area,
Central Java, Indonesia, J. of SE Asian Earth Sci.,
Vol.9, No.1/2, pp. 29-43.



The 30th HAGI, The 34th IAGI, and The 14th PERHAPI Annual Conference and Exhibition

FIGURE 1: Geologic map of Karangsambung (Asikin, 1991) (top), dan Bayat areas (Setiawan, 2000)



The 30th HAGI, The 34th IAGI, and The 14th PERHAPI Annual Conference and Exhibition

FIGURE 2: Geologic map of the southern areas of Banjarnegara, Ketner et al, 1976 (top), dan Condon
et al, 1996 (bottom).



The 30th HAGI, The 34th IAGI, and The 14th PERHAPI Annual Conference and Exhibition

FIGURE 3: Kali Poh traverse.

FIGURE-4: Kali Mondo and Kali Sabeng traverses



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FIGURE 5: Eocene melange outcrops in Kali Sabeng, (A) a blok of bedded sandstone, (B) disrupted
shale matrix containing pinch and swell structure of mudstone and sandstone fragments, (C) a block of
slump, (D & E) the Discocyclina limestone block embedded within the sheared shale, and (F) the
Discocyclina fossils in thin sections.

FIGURE 6: (A), (B), showing the Orbitolina-bearing limestone blocks, (C) a close up look of the
Orbitolina fossil in the outcrop, (D), (E), & (F) Orbitolina sp in thin sections, in K.Mondo traverse.



The 30th HAGI, The 34th IAGI, and The 14th PERHAPI Annual Conference and Exhibition

FIGURE 7: Breccia that most of its fragments consists of material derived from the basement, such
phyllite, schist, and quartz veins, as well as nummulitic limestone. Location: SE part of Gunung Pendul


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