Bandung: Isola, Savoy Homann Hotel, Grand Hotel Preanger, Masjid Cipaganti, and

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Bandung, the capital city of West Java, is the third biggest population city
in Indonesia. Also known as the city of flowers and Paris of Java, its
location is about 180 kilometers southeast from Jakarta. With total area of
2,384.27 km, Bandung is located at 768m (2520ft) above sea level and
surrounded by beautiful Parahyangan Mountains. Due to its topology,
climate in Bandung is relatively cooler than most of Indonesian cities. The
average temperature in Bandung is 22 degrees Celsius. The mild and
pleasant climate in Bandung makes it become a great place to be visited
anytime of the year. Moreover, Bandung has become the favorite weekend
getaway to relax and escape from the hectic pace of metropolitan Jakarta,
the capital city of Indonesia.
Bandung is a town that offers great promise for shoppers. You may be
overwhelmed with the large number of factory outlets with a distinct
colonial European-style atmosphere combined with captivating traditional
arts that scattered along Dago, Riau, Cihampelas, and Setiabudi Street.
Here you can shop to your hearts content and grab famous brands,
trendy fashion and a lot more with the surprisingly affordable price!
Furthermore, just a 30 minute drive from Bandung, youll be greeted by
the natural beauty of the hills and valleys. Refresh your mind and unwind
through a pleasant journey either to North or South Bandung. I can
guarantee that it will be a remarkable experience! There were many
buildings in Bandung that built in a classic Dutch colonial style during the
late 18th and early 19th century. The locals referred to this time as
the Bandoeng tempo doeloe (old Bandung) era. The art-deco style was
very popular throughout the earlier half of the 20th century and many of
the historical buildings are very well preserved and maintained that style.
The Museum of the Asian-African Conference is definitely worth a visit and
is one of the best preserved tropical art deco buildings, as are the ITB
campus, the Gedung Satay governors office, Gedung Merdeka, Villa
Isola, Savoy Homann Hotel, Grand Hotel Preanger, Masjid Cipaganti, and
many more. This will be a good opportunity to take a flash back in history!
Bandung is a large city and has so many public transportations, which is
called Angkot (Angkutan Kota). These angkot have their own different
route which is marked by its color. So, angkot have many different color
based on their route. Because there are many angkot with the different
route, Bandung has the official website which give the information about
the route. Its website is This websie really helpful
for people who want to go to some place using the public transportation.
Beside angkot, Bandung also has bandung trans bus and taxi. Moreover,
since April 2014, Bandung has Bandros, a vintage red-painted double-

decker tour bus with open deck on top. The name Bandros itself is
unique, because it is actually the name of a type of snack original of
Bandung that is a baked cake made of rice flour and grated coconut with a
pinch of salt. It is an utterly delicious finger food, especially when
accompanied by a cup of hot tea. The so-naming of the bus service only
adds to the enjoyable characteristic known as typical to the city. Designed
for a maximum of 30 passengers, the bus is scheduled to depart from the
Cikapundung Street at the heart of the city that will pass the Dago area.
This service would especially cater for foreign and domestic tourists, and
they are only required to show a shopping receipt during their stay in
Bandung to enjoy the ride with Bandros for free. Fun is indeed guaranteed.
Bandung has a viscous Sundanese culture and traditional food. Most of
people in Bandung speak Sundanese, but it doesnt mean that this city is
full of strict tribe. In reverse, Bandung is one of developing city in
Indonesia which has high education level. This city has some of
outstanding universities in Southeast Asia, one example is University of
Padjadjaran (UNPAD)
University of Padjadjaran (UNPAD) is an institution of higher learning
that located in Bandung, the capital city of West Java, Indonesia. UNPAD
was established on the 11th of September 1957, and officially opened by
the First President of Republic Indonesia, Ir.Soekarno, on the 24th of
September 1957. At that time, UNPAD had four faculties: Law, Economics,
Medicine, and Mathematics and Natural Sciences. But time by time, now it
has developed into 16 faculties and several postgraduate programs, 44
undergraduate programs, two specialist programs, nine doctorate
programs, 19 Masters degree programs, five profession programs, one
four-year diploma program, and 32 three-year diploma programs. Initially
established in Bandung, almost all undergraduate programs have been
relocated to Jatinangor, a small town near Sumedang, West Java, except
for the faculty of Law and Economics. Postgraduate programs still have
their teaching facilities in Bandung.
Faculty of Medicine UNPAD has a vision called RESPeCt, which is the
short term of Research and education Excellence for Society to
Promote nation Competitiveness. This faculty has Diploma III & IV
Program (Midwifery), Medical Doctor Profession Program, Medical
Specialist Program, and Medical Consultant Specialist Program. For the
Medical Doctor Profession Program, students have 5 years medical
degree, which is the last 2 years of study will be a clinical clerkship at
Hasan Sadikin Hospital. All of the teaching and learning activities have
done in English. Students from Faculty of Medicine UNPAD have gained
various achievements in national and international level. Some of the
achievements are: Won 1st place band competition FORSI 2009 in
university level; Won 1st place chess competition FORSI 2009 in university

level; Won 1st place Paper Competition in AMSA International Congress

2009; etc. In 2009 the Faculty has proved its serious intention on the
improvement of medical education in the country which successfully
implemented as the host of Asian Medical Education Conference the 5th
Asia Medical Education Association (AMEA Conference).
The tutorial buildings of faculty of medicine UNPAD are located in
Jatinangor, Sumedang, West Java, and has multimedia facilities (computer
and LCD). There are 5 main buildings in here :

A1 : Administration building.
A2 : Tutorial rooms, staff rooms, laboratories for physiology,
pharmacology, biochemistry.
A3 : Interactive tutorial rooms (capacity of 300 persons), digital
information system library and one computer laboratory.
A4 : Staff rooms and laboratories of anatomy, parasitology,
microbiology, biology cell and 30 computerized tutorial rooms connected
with intra internet, library and supporting facilities for discussion.
A5: For general lectures, 30 clinical skill laboratories, 30 tutorial
rooms, one computer laboratory for computer access and application of
computerized statistics which is free to access by students and staffs
Faculty of medicine UNPAD also has the main library at Jatinangor campus
and libraries at each department of the faculty as well as the library at
Hasan Sadikin Hospital. The main library is located in A3 building that has
31000 holdings (textbooks, national and international journals, newsletter,
magazine, dissertation/thesis/final papers). Besides those, the library has
electronics journals which provides 300 titles.The library has airconditioned rooms, reading rooms (100 users capacity), computer
facilities connected to the internet to access electronic journal (e-library).
It also has four libraries: Clinical skill, Biomedical, Computer, and Learning
evaluation laboratory.
Located in the Jatinangor campus, faculty of medicine UNPAD has 4
student dormitories. The first dormitory was built in 2006 (three floors and
50 bedrooms) that previously were accommodation facilities for all
international students during their first year of study. But, now all of the
dormitories are used for all of the first year of medical students of UNPAD,
both local and international students.



The Angklung is a musical instrument made of two bamboo tubes that are
carved to have a resonant pitch when struck and are tuned to octaves,
which attached to a bamboo frame that is held in another hand. This
instrument makes a repeating note to sound that if played by three or
more performers will produce complete melodies. The Angklung is popular
throughout Southeast Asia, but it originated in todays Indonesia and has
been played by the Sundanese for many centuries.
The angklung was played to honor Dewi Sri, the goddess of fertility, so she
would bless their land and lives. The angklung also signaled the time for
prayers, and was said to have been played since the 7th century in
Kingdom of Sunda. In 1938, Daeng Soetigna, from Bandung, created an
angklung that is based on the diatonic scale instead of the traditional
pelog or slendro scales. Since then, the angklung has returned to
popularity and is used for education and entertainment, and may even
accompany western instruments in an orchestra. One of the first
performances of angklung in an orchestra was in 1955 during the
Bandung Conference. In 1966 Udjo Ngalagena, a student of Daeng
Soetigna, opened his Saung Angklung Udjo (House of Udjos Angklung)
as a centre for its preservation and development. UNESCO designated the
angklung a Masterpiece of Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity on
November 18, 2010.



Wayang Golek Art is wood puppets performed with engraved Sundanese

characteristic that usually showed in night beginning from 10.00 pm to
04.00 am in the morning or in wedding celebration and also often
performs in birthday of institute celebration. Not like Javanese puppet
show that using screen as the media of storytelling, this Sundanese
puppet show is directly seen in front of audience. Wayang Golek shows
about a story derived from the Ramayana and Mahabharata, which is
accompanied with Sundanese Gamelan accompaniment (salendro) that
consists of two saron, a Pekinese, a selentem, boning one device, one
device rincik boning, one kenong device, a pair of gongs (kempul and
goong), coupled with a set of drums (a drum and three kulanter Goong),
xylophone and fiddle.

3. Tari Jaipong

Tari Jaipong is a Sundanese traditional dance that originally created by

Gugum Gumbira in the 1970s. It is well known as an exotic and harmony
movements, such as geol, gutak, and wobble, by a couple dancer. Some of
the movements in Tari Jaipong is adopted from Tari Ronggeng, Tari
Kliningan, and Tari Ketuk Tilu. Now, Tari Jaipong has become an identity of
West Java, and often used to be presented by delegation of Indonesia in
other countries. Also, many of foreigners that visited West Java were
greeted by this dance.

Tari Merak

Tari Merak is a traditional folk dance originating from West Java. This
dance was created by Raden Tjetjep Somantri in 1950s and it had been
rearrange by Irawati Durban in 1965. Merak in English means Peacock
bird. From its name, it clearly describes the dance that symbolize the
elegant of peacock movements. Merak dance is can be performed solo or
in groups. The dancers of this beautiful dance are wearing scarf that
perform the tail of the peacock with multicolor scenic tone. Moreover, the
dancers are also wearing the crown a la peacock head crown. Merak
dance is having delicate hand movements and it follows by traditional
Gamelan music that becomes the main characteristic of this dance. Each
movement in this dance is meaningful and happy, that is why it sometime
becomes the welcome dance to greet the guest of honor in wedding


Bakso Tahu / Siomay is a steamed meat with or without tofu. It is

served with peanut paste, sweet soy sauce and a lime. It is suitable for a
snack to eat at anytime. In almost all streets you can find somebody
selling this food with a wheeled stall (gerobak).
Batagor is similar to bakso tahu/siomay but it is fried instead of
being steamed. It is served similar with peanut paste and sweet soy
sauce. Served also as a snack.
Basreng is a spicy snack made from fried meatballs, with the
addition of the spicy and savory seasonings suitable for you.
Soto Bandung is a soup with beef meat, soy beans and some
Martabak is a fried stuffed pancake. There are two types: sweet
(stuffed with chocolate/cheese/banana/sugar) and savory (stuffed with
eggs, some vegetables, mushrooms, chicken/beef and one filled with
sweet corn and cheese).
Lotek is a mixed boiled vegetable, served with peanut paste and
some chillies, similar to gado gado. The hotter the better.
Mie Kocok is a noodle soup, served with beef foot, beef skin and
sprout. If you dont fancy with these parts of beef, then you can ask not
to have it and you can still taste its appetite.
Mie Ayam is a noodle soup served with chicken and it comes with a
variety of toppings.
Nasi Timbel is the famous Sundanese dish. It is a tube-shaped rice
that has a distinguish flavour, because it is cooked inside a banana leaf.
It is usually served with lalapan (raw vegetables), fried tofu & tempe,
fried chicken and chili paste. You can find this type of dish in most of
Sundanese restaurants.
Laksa Bandung is the famous old traditional dish. This dish is kind
of chicken soup using coconut milk with turmeric for the stock, and in
side it contains sliced rice cake (cooked inside a banana leaf), bean
sprout, vermicelli, shredded chicken and for the finishing is garnished
with holly basil and Oncom Bandung the traditional fermented soy bean




Soto Bandung


Traditional Foods of Bandung

Mie Kocok

Mie Ayam

Nasi Timbel

Laksa Bandung



Braga Culinary Night.It is a weekly local event which held in

Braga Street, a historical area in the central city of Bandung. This event
provides so many variety of culinary both traditional and international
foods and drinks with three ranges of price. Braga Culinary Night held
every Saturday at 6.00 pm until midnight, since January 11th 2014.
Sunday morning at Gasibu Park. Wake up very early in the
morning around 5-7am and go to Gasibu park at the front of the Gedung
Satay complex by wearing your sportswear. At the park, you can go
jogging and do some stretching, and after you finish, food stalls are
already waiting for you with a lot of food varieties. Peoples favourites
are dim sum ceker (a chicken foot cooked like a dim sum) and nasi
liwet (a rice cooked with coconut milk and served with chicken and other
Alun-alun Bandung. Alun-alun is the classical central core of the
democratic city in Indonesia, since the 15th century. It is typically a
square of grass field with 4 sides are the city major
residence, pendopo (a place to meet between citizens and the
government) behind a high wall, a mosque with two 81 m high minarets
and a Taj Mahal interior design, and a prison that has been transformed
into a mall with one block is preserved as a museum where Soekarno,
the first president of Indonesia, spent some time in there.
North Bandung trip.

Bosscha, the only observatorium in Indonesia. It is now part of the
Dept. of Astronomy, Institute Technology Bandung. To visit there, ask the
department administration first for a reservation and make sure you have
made a reservation and take a note on its opening hours.

Mount Tangkuban Perahu, an active stratovulcano that 2,084 m

above sea level and located 30 km north of the city of Bandung.It is the
only crater in Indonesia that you can drive up to its very rim. The huge
crater (Kawah Ratu) is an astonishing view and you can walk around and
explore this for around two hours. Here you will be greeted by sulfur
fumes which the crater continues to emit although the volcano is not
active. Near the Kawah Ratu there are two others amazing site,
called Kawah Upas and Kawah Domas. There is an interesting legend
behind the distinctive shape of Mt. Tangkuban Perahu (like an overturned
boat shape) as expressed in the local legend of Sangkuriang. If you want
to know more about this story, you can search it by yourself J Located at
the highland just at the outskirt of Bandung, Tangkuban Perahu Crater is
surely a perfect place to enjoy cool air and relaxing sceneries after a
series of shopping activities in some of the citys Factory Outlets.

Sari Ater, a resort with natural hot water spring pools, some
recreation parks and healthy spas. Stay overnight and have a good dinner
at their restaurant for a rejuvenating sensation! This hot spring has
shallow pools some with lukewarm and some with hot spring water for you
to soak.

Caringin tilu, a tourist area in the North Bandung area, precisely

located in the Region of Cimenyan. This area has exotic and impressive
scenery, either in day or night. Here is the best spot to enjoy the natural
environment in the Bandung highland and to see the full horizon of
mountains from east to west. To reach Caringin Tilu, it only takes about 40
minutes from downtown, through the Road Padasuka continues to climb to
the north.

Saung Angklung Udjo, a house of Angklung that built by Udjo

Nalagena, a famous angklung artist from Bandung. Here you can enjoy an
angklung orchestra played by 12 year old or less children or even be a
part of this orchestra, holding one of the angklung instruments. The place
is located in the middle of grain terrace and bamboo field, a perfect
location to feel the relaxedness of a small village. It is one of the famous
travel destinations among westerners and is highly recommended.

South Bandung Trip

Kawah Putih Lake, one of the two craters which make up Mount
Patuha, an andesitic stratovolcano, that is located 2,430 meters above sea
level in around 50 km to the south of Bandung. It makes the local climate
is often quite chilly (temperatures are frequently around 10 degrees
celsius). Kawah Putih lake is a sizeable highly acid lake (pH 0.5-1.3) which

changes colour from bluish to whitish green, or brown, depending on the

concentration of sulfur and the temperature or the oxidation state. The
sand and rocks surrounding the lake have been also leached into whitish
colours through interaction with the acidic lake waters (with possible
mineral precipitation as well).

Situ Patengan is a lake located in the natural attractions of South

Bandung, West Java, Indonesia, precisely in Ciwidey. Located at an altitude
of 1600 meters above sea level, this lake has very exotic scenery. Not only
sightseeing the beautiful lake, you can also sail a boat to the island in the
middle of the lake, called Sasaka Island. Here, you can found a Stone of
Love that if you write your and your partners name, both of you will have
an eternal love ever! And this folklore is adopted from the story of ki
Santang and Dewi Rengganis. You can search it more on Google J
6. Curug Cimahi
The name Curug Cimahi derives from curug (waterfall in Sundanese) and
the Cimahi River, which feeds into it. The falls cascade through the jungle
down the rocky hills from a height of 85 meters to form a flowing pool of
spring water at the bottom.
You must descend 687 stairs to reach the base of the waterfall about a
15-minute walk.
The path is quite steep, but theres a fence for protection and the
surroundings are picturesque. This area is a playful habitat for wildlife.
Besides the monkeys (macaca fascicularis), lots of indigenous birds also
nest around here. Mist and splashing water greets you even a few dozens
meters away from the waterfall. The falls thunder and tumble from the
cliff, and the water refracts the sunlight like thousands of shimmering
pearls.The pool beneath the falls is lovely for swimming, and it is said that
the water can stimulate the bodys healing process. If getting back to
nature is one of the simple pleasures you enjoy in life, visiting Curug
Cimahi is a must on your next visit to Bandung.
How To Get There
From Bandung, head north to Lembang. Approaching Ledeng Terminal,
take a left turn onto Jl. Sersan Bajuri. It descends steeply into Cihideung
village. Keep going until you reach Jl. Kolonel Masturi (around the
infamous Vila Istana Bunga), then just follow the signs for the waterfall
and the winding road will lead you right to your destination.












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