Minutes of The March Meeting of Turriff and District Community Council

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Incorporating Turriff Town Pride Group

Minute of meeting of the Turriff District Community Council held on Monday

7th March, 2016 in Turriff Town House, Municipal Building, High Street, Turriff at
Present: Mike Rawlins (Chair) (MR); David Salmon (Secretary) (DS); John Smith
(Treasurer) (JS); Ian Garden (IG); Sandra Gray (SG); Annette Stephen (AS); Carol
Allan (CA); Cllr A Robertson (AR); and Cllr S Duncan (SD)
In attendance: N Prise-Porter (Press); PI J Harrison and Angela Mackay, Minute Secretary (AM).
Visitors: 1 Resident
DRAFT Minutes
1. Welcome
The Chair welcomed all to the meeting.
b) Apologies
Apologies had been received from R Logan, Cllr Norrie, D Capel and D Park.
2. Police Report
The Police report covered period 5th February to 6 March, 2016. Within this period Turriff and
District had 29 reported crimes. 15 of these crimes were detected crimes consisting of 4
careless driving offences, 2 vehicle thefts, 5 speeding offences and 1 dangerous driving
offence. Undetected crimes reported 5 of community interest, these were 1 theft, 1
vandalism, 1 harecoursing, 1 theft by house breaking and 1 careless driving (damage to the
den/haughs area) anyone with further information regarding these crime please contact
Police Scotland on 101..
Local police have been out in Turriff and district carrying out speed checks at various
locations over the last few weeks. A number of motorists have been stopped speeding and
either warned or issued with a fixed penalty ticket. Roads Policing have also been carrying
out a dedicated patrols on the A947 in the last few weeks.
PI Harrison discussed online safety, in particular children and vulnerable people being
targeted by fraudsters. He advised that formal guidelines were available and a copy of these
would be provided to the Committee. Anyone who feels they have been a victim of online
phishing or fraud please contact Police Scotland on 101.
In Februarys meeting the main complaint being highlighted was the antisocial driving
complaints in Turriff. Wok has been done in direct response to this with speed checks being
carried out within the town and persons being stopped, checked and educated as well as
reported for traffic offences where appropriate. A further initiative will occur in the future.
Police in Turriff are looking at a driver initiative subject to funding targeting younger drivers.

Action Points

3. Visitors
A local resident attended the meeting and raised the matter of antisocial driving. PI Harrison
agreed to speak with the resident further and provided contact details. .

4. Approval of Minutes of last meeting

Minutes from the previous meeting on 8th February, 2016 were distributed for
consideration and approved. Raised by AS and seconded by JS.
5. Matters Arising
9a) Turriff Care Home:
MR advised that the premises still to be secured and boarded up. It appears damage to the
property has occurred with windows broken. John Clark had cleaned up the area, however MR/The
MR asked for Aberdeenshire Council to take appropriate action to secure the building.
9b) Den Development
RL previously
advised that the Minutes from the Den Development Meeting which took place AR/Mark Mitchell
on 10th November 2015 at Turriff Academy
with Mark Mitchell are still outstanding. AR
advised that the meeting proposedth for 22nd January, 2016 has been proposed. A new
meeting has been scheduled for 28 March, 2016 for 2pm at Turriff Academy. AR to chase
for copy of the November Minute.
12c) Skate Park MR advised that the repairs of the skate park appeared to be still AR/RL
uncompleted. AR will look into this and report back to committee. JS confirmed that the
TDCC will continue to provide account support until the group become established.
12d) Community Council Constitution:- currently under review through Scheme of
Establishments for Community Councils. Further details of this will be issued in March 2016
to all Community Councils and amended Constitutions to be submitted to Aberdeenshire
Council by the end of 2016.
13a) Crown Street; - IG advised that the anti skid tarmac on road has now been laid and a
grit bin was on order for Crown Street and would be delivered within days. Point now closed.
a) Turriff Boating Pond 2016 Season
Advertising for the Boat Attendant post for new season had commenced and following this
applications had been received. The successful applicant(s) will be required to launch the RL
boats on May Day. Discussions took place in relation to the applications and it was agreed
on who would receive a further interview.
6. Treasurers Report
JS circulated the financial report for this month.
JS also circulated year to date accounts from 1st June 2014 to 6th February, 2016.
JS advised that the Mens Shed bank account would soon be transferred to their own
account and would not appear in the reports from April 2016.
Annual insurance notification had been received for the Community Council. This requires
some amendment but will be settled shortly.
7. Correspondence
DS distributed a commemorative coin received to commemorate Her Majesty the Queens
90th Birthday. This will be retained at The Town House on display.

8. Planning & Infrastructure

MR confirmed that no applications have been submitted for this period.
AR advised of an update on a planning gain application from Fyvie. Following on from the
Community Councils appeal, this particular planning gain application went to the Area
Committee for consideration. Following a vote the majority was to refuse the application
and await appeal. This would then be for the Scottish Government to consider.
9. Local Issues
In addition the resident requested if it was at all possible to ask if speed bumps be erected in MR/AR
High Street carpark. This request will be sent to Aberdeenshire Council (Roads) for their

10. Affiliated Groups - Reports

a) Turriff Town Pride Group JS advised that Minutes would be distributed shortly following
recent meeting. In addition volunteers are sought to adopt some flowers to water and
maintain. CA advised that Tesco Turriff could assist with this. Volunteers are welcomed.
b) b) Christmas Light Switch on Committee AS advised that a meeting will take place in May
to commence planning for 2016 switch on.
c) Turriff Caravan Park Ltd AGM will took place on
29th February, 2016. Ian Garden joined
the Board of Directors and the Site will open 18 March, 2016.
d) Turriff Boating Pond See above previously discussed in Minute..
e) Turriff Town House Association JS advised
that CAT application will be considered at
Formartine Area Committee Meeting on 22nd March, 2016. JS confirmed that accounts
and questions were answered best they could be. JS advised that 52 individual groups
use the Town House with many groups dependent upon the space.

Turriff Market RL advised that an email has been sent to Robert to arrange a meeting
to discuss the Market unfortunately a date has not yet been fixed. No further response RL/MR
has been received. RL to action.

11. Public Events

a) 12/03/2016 - Turriff United Football Club has a race night taking place at the Royal Oak,
b) 11/03/2016 Busy Bees Quiz Night takes place at Turriff Football Club, Turriff at 7.30pm.
c) 14/03/2016 - Daffodil Tea taking place at Busy Bees Playgroup to raise funds for cancer.
d) 21/03/2016 World Downs Syndrome Day Markethill Nursery will be participating by
wearing brightly coloured socks and will have goods for sale with proceeds going directly to
Downs Syndrome Scotland.
12. Corporate Communications
Nothing to report.

13. Any Other Competent Business

JS confirmed that Turriff Town House hosted its first pop up book workshop in line with the
future Voluntary Arts Week on 5th March, 2016. It was a success and the next workshop will
take place on 5th June, 2016 will be advertised nearer the time.
AS had questioned the remit of waste operatives of Aberdeenshire Council. It seems that
when domestic waste bins are being emptied on occasion items may fall out of the bins. AS The Councillors
asked if the operatives are to pick this up or is it the responsibility of residents?
AR advised that the Area Top Up Budget is available from 1st April, 2016 and formal criteria
and guidance will be available from Aberdeenshire Council for Formartine from 1st April,
MR had received an email from Cally Wight regarding the proposed Book Festival in Turriff
due to take place from 24th 27th November, 2016. Ms Wight is looking for local support
regarding the venture, in particular any funding, support or volunteers who may like to assist
in the success of the new venture. Ms Wight is due to attend Aprils Community Council
Meeting to share her vision.
MR advised that there is an availability of funding for local groups to apply for. Applications
close on 31st March, 2016. Please visit https://myturriff.co.uk/2016/01/funding-available-toturriff-community-groups/ for further details on how to apply.
JS confirmed that there are vacancies available for the Turriff and District Community
Council and applications are welcomed by anyone who wishes to join the Committee. The
AGM will take place on 6th June, 2016.
14. Dates of future meetings
It was agreed that the next meeting would take place on: Monday 4th April, Turriff Town
House (Municipal Building) at 7pm.
Subsequent meetings are to be held on:
Monday 9th May, 2016
Monday 6th June, 2016 (AGM)
Meeting closed at 20:26
Contact Details:
Chair: Mrs Rose Logan
Secretary: Mr David Salmon
Minute Secretary: Angela Mackay


Location: Turriff Town Hall, Turriff

R Logan
M Rawlins
(Vice Chair)
D Salmon
J Smith
S Gray

02/11/15 07/12/15




I Garden
D Capel

A Stephen
D Park

Cllr Norrie


Cllr Duncan


A: Apologies Noted
: Present at Meeting




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