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G U A R A N I News

Paraguays Only English Weekly Magazine

Founded on 21 October 1982
Sent FREE through E-Mail as a Bulletin since January 2001

Publisher/Editor: Norman M. Langer

N 304. Friday, November 3, 2006
Our Cellular Telephone Number: for international calls
+(595-991) 724-217
for local calls 0991-724-217

In this Issue
From the Publisher
People in the News - Coming Events - Church Notices
News from France French Spa Towns (Part 2of 2)
Japan Today Festival Favourites
The Humour Corner
by Eduardo Teddy Abello & Donald Sym Smith

Coming very soon now, like perhaps next week
All rights reserved. No part of GUARANI NEWS may be reproduced without permission from the
Publisher. Opinions expressed by named authors do not necessarily coincide with those of the Editor. The
Editor will review any submission; however no res-ponsibility is assumed for materials submitted. If you
wish to be removed from our listing, send E-mail to with the title REMOVE
and accept our apologies.

From the Publisher...

Gnomes in computers...
As a youngster, say fifty-five years ago, whilst fulfilling my
duties as a cub reporter on The Standard the Doyen of the
Argentine Press at the time- but now long defunct, I was taught
the meaning of finding gnomes as the newspaper hit the streets.
Today, with modern technology gnomes should no longer be
an excuse for letting an error through. Today I confess that the
odd mistake (see Mail Bag) in my issues are strictly of my own
doing much the same as sending out the last number of the
Guaran News as a Word attachment instead of our latest
improvement through Acrobat reader.
Dear readers, lets face it. It is far too easy to blame the errors
on the computer when in reality the machine can only produce
as good as the man or woman hitting the keyboards. Which goes
to prove that there are no longer any gnomes, just a wishywashy operator. Thats me.
Dealing with our local press
Now this is a subject far more akin to my liking. In your case
I suggest you ignore them. In my case I find it rather amusing
when broaching the subject. For it is certainly a matter on which,
after reading their latest tom-foolery, I can vent my loathing by
dishing out some adjectives that may even bring a blush to a
sailors face. Here are a few. Be my guest, take your pick:
Unreliable, obnoxious, corrupt, calamitous, odious, profane,
false as a three-dollar bill Need I go on?
In short, they are a species we could well live without and
personally let me tell you I can well live without them insofar as

I wouldnt touch them with a ten-foot pole and far less introduce skunk!
2) She supposedly reported that she was only angry that some
them to my worst enemy.
cop had already shaken her down for Gs.20,000 twice when
this guy came and asked for Gs.100,000. When he refused to
Mexico City still in South America
It is quite apparent that whoever produces the BBCs weather come down to the usual Gs.20,000 that is when she got angry.
Comment by our eyewitness: I doubt if she would have been
forecasting has not read my last issue of the Guaran News.
They are still presenting South American weather forecasts striking him and he certainly would not have been running away
including Mexico City as part of our continent. Or could it be if they both hadnt seen that there was a TV camera recording
that our northern neighbours, now that they are putting up a the whole thing. It sounds good on paper, but the reporters dont
three thousand mile fence across their border, dont want them seem to realize that they often make the news rather than report
Now that I have livened up your day,
wishing you all a most pleasant weekend
Priorities amongst law-breakers and journalists
That it could only happen in Paraguay is not the point. I had
We know about Internet!
the newspaper report as stating that a woman smuggler named
Chilindrina got caught by a cop whilst trying to smuggle some -
goods from neighbouring Argentina. When the cop requested
she cough up Gs.1,500,000 (us$ 280) in order to let her pass the
woman counter-offered him Gs.400,000 (us$ 75). When he People in the News - Coming Events Church Notices
refused she denounced him as corrupt. Adding insult to injury
she then also tried to beat the fellow up and it seems he barely BIRTHDAYS
managed to make a hasty departure.
Then we have a reputable eyewitness who saw the following NOVEMBER
story by a local TV reporter who presented the item over and 07 CANOVA, Mariano
over again during the morning show:
1) She had already smuggled and was now selling the items 15 AYALA, Divina
allegedly brought over at a kiosk. One of the items shown was 16 PLESKY, Dieter (Senior)
cases of cider of which she had apparently smuggled a good 26 ELIZECHE CODAS, Eduardo
portion inside her own body. She was therefore drunk as a 29 NEUENDORFF, Alexander

LUNCHEONS - Almuerzo de Confraternidad

The Strangers Club Asuncin announce that their 317 th
luncheon: Almuerzo de Confraternidad will be held at the
Chaco Hotel on THURSDAY, 16 NOVEMBER commencing
at 12:15 p.m. The meal will be served at 1 p.m.
The event will be presided by HE Dido Florentin Bogado,
Honorary Chairman of the Strangers Club whilst Mr. Norman
M. Langer, Founder/Chairman will act as Master of Ceremonies.
During the event, and as a special gift presented by the Chairman,
there will be a free raffle coinciding with the admission tickets
of two paintings depicting well-known sights of Madrid.
At the time of sending this issue confirmed attendees include:
HE Monsignor Orlando Antonini, Legatus a latere and Dean
of the Diplomatic Corps; HE Fernando Guardia Alvarado,
Ambassador of Costa Rica; Vladimir Ionescu, Honorary Consul
of Rumania; Juan Jos Bentez Rickman, Honorary Consul of
Costa Rica; Alexander Neuendorff, Honorary Secretary
Strangers Club; John Helmfelt, Honorary Treasurer Strangers
Club; Viggo and Elizabeth Friling recently arrived from
Norway; Mariano Canova, Director/Manager Chaco Hotel;
Architect Guillermo Hellmers; Margarita du Guerny,
Confederacin Sudamericana de Ftbol; Dr. Hctor Gennaro
Sosa; Flix Stiegwardt; Jorge Aguirre, Foreign Trade
Consultant and Prof. Dr. Jos Zanardini.
Maps, travel-guide books, postcards and CDs on Paraguay
For more details and information contact: Distribuidora Meier
through E-Mail:
or Telefax (595-21) 301-084

1357 (near corner of General Santos) Services in English every
Sunday at 10:00 a.m. For further information, contact the
Diocesan Office Tel. 200-933.
Chapel of the Fathers of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate.
Quesada 4365 c/ McArthur . Behind what used to be Diario
HOY). Every Sunday at 10:30 am.
Chaplain: Reverend. Robert Hopwood, C.S.S.R
French Spa Towns
(Part 2of 2)

Spa towns today

Many of these towns evolved into resorts during the later
19 and early 20th centuries. Many tourists and vacationers
began to visit spa towns not only for their health, but also for
leisure and relaxation. As spa towns continued to develop and
prosper, casinos and resorts were also established in these areas.
Evian-les-Bains, is a French spa town located in the
southeast where the thermal therapy is prevalent. The town is
home to world-famous natural mineral waters. In addition to
its mineral water, the town is also known for its tourist
attractions and fashionable distractions, including a casino,
golf courses, exhibitions, car rallies, etc. Evian has impressively
maintained its Belle Epoque style throughout the centuries.
The charm of Lake Geneva and the serene mountains of
Chablais charms more than just patients and vacationers; the

scenic beauty of the enchanting region hosted negotiators during

the Evian Accord of 1962, at the conclusion of the Algerian war
for independence, and the G8 Summit in June of 2003.
In Southwest France, Aix-les-Bains, which lies on the banks
of Lac Bourget, was a popular spa town during the time of the
Roman Empire. Today, Aix-les-Bains is the centre of
haematology treatment and fitness therapy. The town still enjoys
its symbols of Roman glory, such as the Arc de Campanus and
the ancient thermal baths, which remain the most frequently
visited sites in the townnot to mention its nearby casino.
Vittel, in the Vosges, is famous for its hydropathical treatment
establishments and galleries, as well as the casino in the SaintPierre villas. The hydropathical spa was designed by Charles
Garnier, who built the Palais Garnier (the Paris Opera House).
Farther away in the collection of spa towns in southwest
France is Dax, located in the Landes region. The town is on the
banks of the Adour. It is most famous for its Gallo-Roman ruins,
various archaeological crypts, arenas, and, of course, the hot
springs. Tourists and patients can enjoy the hot springs and spas,
as well as thalassic treatments on the banks of the Adour.
Finally, Bargine is a historic spa town that is also noteworthy.
Its naturally heated water rises along a geological fault line
between two different rock types granite and schist. The waters
are known to have antibiotic, anti-inflammatory and scarreducing properties.
Source: News from France French Embassy Press &
Information Service
NEXT ISSUE: Epilogue to French Spa Towns: Thalassic

Festival Favourites
An Ennichi is a traditional festival held at Japanese temples
and shrines and features rows upon rows of stalls all beckoning
festival-goers to sample their wares of traditional sweets,
Japanese-style fast foods and toys. The term Ennichi originally
referred to an auspicious day of the Gods, and it was widely
held that visiting a particular temple or shrine on such days
would bring good fortune. Each temple or shrine had its own
schedule of Ennichi days some held events once a year, others
as often as once a month.
From the Edo period (1603-1867) vendors began to set up
their stalls en masse at the temples or shrines on an Ennichi
day, and the religious event soon took on the atmosphere of a
Its virtually impossible to visit such a festival today without
coming across a stall that sells plastic masks. These masks
represent a range of favourite traditional characters and even a
number of characters from popular contemporary animations.
The masks, traditionally made from such materials as tin plate,
celluloid and Japanese washi paper, remain firm favourites with
festival-goers even today. The cheapness of the materials used
to make the masks and their simple design retain the essence of
the festivals, which have been enjoyed for hundreds of years.
The festivals remain a firm source of fun and enjoyment for
children and adults alike.
Source: Asia-Pacific Perspective
Next issue: Animal emblems

The Humour Corner

by Eduardo Teddy Abello & Donald Sym Smith
Italian gentleman
A virile, middle aged Italian gentlemen named Guido was
relaxing at his favourite bar in Rome when he managed to attract
a spectacular young woman. Things progressed to the point
where he invited her back to his apartment and, after some small
talk, they retired to his bedroom where he rattled her senseless.
After a pleasant interlude he asked with a smile, So, you finish?
She paused for a second, frowned, and replied, No.
Surprised, Guido reached for her and the rattling resumed. This
time she thrashed about wildly and there were screams of
passion. The sex finally ends and, again, Guido smiles and
asks, You finish?
Again, after a short pause, she returns his smile, cuddles closer
to him and softly says, No.
Stunned, but damned if he was going to leave this woman unsatisfied, Guido reaches for the woman yet again. Using the
last of his strength, he barely manages it, but they end together
screaming, bucking, clawing and ripping the bed
sheets. Exhausted, Guido falls onto his back, gasping. Barely
able to turn his head, he looks into her eyes, smiles proudly and
asked again, You finish?
Barely able to speak, the beautiful blonde whispers in his ear,
No, Im Norwegian.
Tel. (021) 293-374 E-Mail: - -

When intending a visit to Asuncin, we recommend you

stay at the
Caballero / Mcal. Estigarribia - Tel. 492-066 E-mail:
Dear Norman:
I noticed that your next speaker will be Dido Blorentin. I would
like to know if he is the same as Dido Florentin. O.k this is just
to let you know that I read all the Guarani News all the way
from down under Gold Coast Australia. Regards to all and nice
to see that you keep on working as usual maintaining the best
medicine (WORK).
Saludos cordiales de
Peter Chripczuk, Dora M.Urbieta Chripczuk & Jessica
Anahi Chripczuk
(Editors Note: I stand corrected mate... it should have read:
Dido Florentin, but he was not the Guest Speaker.)

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About to enjoy a
Stranger s


From left to right:

Alejandro Mainero
Silvio Amarilla
(who travels from
Ciudad del Este),
Nicols Sarubbi
Dr. Hctor Gennaro


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