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mt. J. Sports Med. 7 (1986) 281286

Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart New York

Effect of Training on Anaerobic Threshold, Maximal Aerobic Power and Anaerobic

Performance of Preadolescent Boys
A. Rotstein, Ft Dotan, 0. Bar.Or*, and G. Tenenbaum

A. Rotstein, R. Do tan, 0. Bar-Or, and G. Tenenbaum, Effect
of Training on Anaerobic Threshold, Anaerobic Performance,
and Maximal Power of Preadolescent Boys. lnt J Sports Med,
Vol 7, No 5, pp 281286, 1986.
To evaluate the effect of a 9-week interval training program on
aerobic capacity, anaerobic capacity, and indices of anaerobic
threshold of preadolescent boys, 28 10.2- to 11.6-year-old
boys were tested. The test included laboratory evaluation of
anaerobic capacity (Wingate anaerobic test) and evaluation of
V02 max and anaerobic threshold indices from a graded exercise test and measurement of blood lactate. The tests also included a 1200-rn run to investigate the relationship of laboratory fitness indices, V02 max, anaerobic threshold indices, and
indices of anaerobic capacity to the performance of the run.
It was found that in 10- to 11-year-old boys, a 9-week interval training increased the indices of anaerobic capacity: mean
power by 10% and peak power by 14%. No change was found
in percent fatigue. The training also increased V02 max by
7% in absolute terms and by 8%/kg body weight. A significant
increase was also found in the running velocity at the anaerobic threshold (running velocity at inflection point of lactate
accumulation curve), but in relative terms (percent of VO2max),
the anaerobic threshold decreased by approximately 4.4%. It
is concluded that proper training may improve maximal aerobic power and anaerobic capacity of preadolescent boys. It is
also concluded that anaerobic threshold measures are less sensitive to the training regimen than VO2rnax and that the
1200-rn running performance is strongly associated with both
aerobic and anaerobic capacities and less with the anaerobic
threshold, which in preadolescent boys seems to be higher
than in adults.
Key words: preadolescence, anaerobic threshold, ','02 max,
anaerobic capacity, training, running performance

It is generally accepted that children's response to exercise is
quantitatively different from that of adults (1, 3, 28).
Among other differences, children have distinctly lower
maximal anaerobic power and capacity than do adolescents
and adults (16). This is in line with children's low levels of
muscle lactate during maximal exercise (12). Most (1, 22,
28, 40), but not all (7) authors have found low maximal
blood lactate concentration in children.
There is also a controversy regarding the aerobic trainability
of children. While some authors (4, 19, 29, 36, 38, 29)
* Present address: Dept. of Pediatrics, Faculty of Health Sciences,

McMaster University, 1200 Main Street W., Hamilton, Ont.

L8N 3Z5, Canada.

found children and adolescents to be as trainable as adults,

others (5, 8,23,41) could not elicit an increase in maximal
02 uptake (V02 max) of preadolescents who were given
training regimens known to be effective among adults.
In recent years, the anaerobic threshold (AT) emerged as a
measure of maximal aerobic power among adults (13, 18,
20, 26). Aerobic training was found to increase not only
the maximal oxygen consumption (V02 max) but also the
AT in absolute, as well as relative, terms. According to some
reports (13, 34), performance of adults in long-distance
running seems to correlate better with AT than with "O2max.
Furthermore, a low AT (when defined as the appearance of
4 mM lactate in blood) was related to poor running economy
(33). AT was suggested as an important tool for the evaluation of training efficacy and for the planning of training
programs (14,21).
Less information is available on the AT and its relationship
to other criteria of aerobic performance in children. A
number of investigators have used ventilatory, with or without expiratory gas,, criteria for AT. Reybrouck et al. (27)
found it to be highly correlated (r = 0.93) to the mechanical
power at a heart rate (HR) of 170 bts/min (W10) of 5- to
6-year-old children. Likewise, Cooper et al. (6) reported an
r = 0.92 between AT and the measured VO2max of 6- to
17-year-old children. Such correlation coefficients are
spuriously high because AT, W170, and V02 were all expressed
in absolute terms, which made them dependent on body
size. Indeed, when AT was expressed in relative terms (i.e.,
as a percentage of VU2 max), its association with the 2000-rn
running time of 10- to 14-year-old children was low (r-0.50).
This study had two general objectives: (1) to evaluate the
effect of a 9-week interval training program on maximal
aerobic power, peak anaerobic power, mean anaerobic
power, and AT of preadolescent boys and (2) to investigate the relationship of some laboratory indices to performance in a 1200-rn run. A specific question was whether
running performance will be better correlated with AT than
with VO2max.

Twenty-eight 10.2- to 11.6-year-old boys (mean age 10.79
0.33 years) volunteered for the study. The subjects were
nonathletes but with a normal physical activity level for
their age. They had no overt manifestations of any disease.

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Department of Research and Sport Medicine, Wingate Institute, Israel

A. Rotstein, R. Dotan, 0. Bar-Or, and G. Tenenbaum

mt. 1. Sports Med. 7 (1986)

Selection of subjects for experimental and control groups

was done by matching for age and general physical activity.
No fitness tests were done for the selection procedure.
Sixteen served as the experimental group and 12 as controls.
The two groups were tested twice, with 9 weeks in between
testing sessions. The following tests were performed:
1. Anthropometric measurements, including height, weight,
and ten skinfolds. Percent fat was assessed according to
Parizkova (25).
2. The Wingate anaerobic test (WAnT) was performed following a 6-mm warm-up (pedaling at HR of approx. 130
bts/min, interspersed with three 5-s all-out pedaling sprints)
and a 5- to 6-mm resting period. Details of this test have
been described elsewhere (2, 10). Briefly, the child pedaled
for 30 s at a maximal velocity, using the Fleisch (Metabo,
Switzerland) mechanical ergometer, against a resistance of
3.92 J per kg body weight. This resistance has been found
optimal for children (10). Revolutions were counted electrically for each 5-s interval. Three indices were calculated:
peak power at any given 5-s interval (PP), mean power
throughout the test (MP), and the degree of power drop,
as a percentage of the peak power (% fatigue).

3. "0max was measured, using a treadmill running test.

A continuous progressive protocol of 2-mm stages was
adopted (35). Expired air was collected into Douglas bags
and volume measured using a Tissot spirorneter. An infrared and a paramagnetic Beckman analyzer were used to
determine the fraction of CO2 and 02, respectively. HR
was monitored through a bipolar (MC5) electrocardiographic
chest lead.
4. AT was determined while subjects were running on the
treadmill at 1% grade. Each run lasted 5 mm, with 23 mm
rest in between. Initial velocity was 8 km/h. This was increased in subsequent runs by 1 km/h or by 0.5 km/h, depending on the velocity at which AT was presumed to occur.
In each run, V02 was determined during the last minute.
A blood sample was collected from a preheated fingertip
toward the end of each resting period. Lactate concentration was determined by an enzymatic method (30). As
there is scarce information for the best criterion of AT in
children, four different indices were calculated: (a) running
velocity at which blood lactate concentration reached
4 mM (LA-4-V); (b) running velocity at which the inflexion
point of the lactate curve occurred (LA.I-V); [The inflexion
point was found by calculating two regression lines, one for
the points clearly below the inflexion area and the other
for points above the inflexion area. Any points within the
inflexion were excluded from the lines. The meeting point
of these two regression lines was recorded as the inflexion
point of the lactate accumulation curve.] (c) percentage of
V02 max at which the LA-4-V occurred (LA-4-V%); and
(d) percentage of VU2 max at which the LA-I-V occurred

5. A field test consisting of a 1200-m run was performed in

a municipal park on asphalt paths. The children received
instructions and explanations as to the proper way to perform the run but they had no previous experience with
this test. Subjects were encouraged to repeat the run after
a proper recovery, and only the best time was recorded.

Testing Protocol
Day 1: Anthropometric measurements and performance
of the Wingate Anaerobic Test. Following a 45-mm rest,
the ''02max test was performed.
Day 2: Anaerobic threshold test.
The field test of 1200-m run was performed within 38
days of the laboratory test. The same testing protocol was
repeated after a training period of 9 weeks.
During the 9-week period between testing sessions, the experimental group was trained three times per week. Each
45-mm training session included: 1520 mm of warming
up and movement games, one or two series of 3x600 m
runs with 2.5 mm rest in between runs, 5x400 m runs with
2 mm rest in between, and 6x150 m runs with 1.5 mm rest
in between. Each session ended with some less formal
"aerobic" activities and games.

Each subject trained at an intensity suitable for his condition according to the initial test performance. The training intensity was adjusted periodically according to changes
in the physical condition of the subject.
Mean attendance in the training program was 85.5%. The
controls were asked not to change their habitual activity
during the study, but the investigators had no means of
supervising this activity, short of obtaining oral confirmation from the subjects, nor was it possible to control the
physical activities of the experimental group outside the
training sessions.
The differences between the groups and the pre-post measures within each group were obtained by independent
and dependent t tests, respectively. The relationship between
1200-rn run and the physiologic parameters was obtained
by Pearson product-moment correlation procedure.

Pre- and post-training anthropometric characteristics are

summarized in Table 1. As expected, both groups increased
in height. Wlhile %fat decreased significantly in both groups,
the mean decrease was 1.6% in the experimental group and
only 0.4% in the controls, although this difference between
the groups was not significant.

The 1200-m running performance and the results of the

WAnT are summarized in Table 2. Running time decreased
by 10% in the experimental group, with no change among
the controls. Similarly, the experimental group had a highly significant improvement in MP (10%) and PP (14%).
There were no changes in % fatigue.

As shown in Table 3, 'O2max increased with training,

both in absolute terms (7%) and per kg body weight (8%).
The experimental group had significant changes in three
of the AT indices: the LA-I-V increased by 0.51 km/h,
the LA-4-V% decreased by 4.4% ofVO2max, and the
LA-I-V% decreased by 4.3% of V02 max. The latter two
may reflect the increase in V02 max. No significant changes
were observed in any of the AT indices among the controls.

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Effect of Training on Anaerobic Threshold, Maximal Aerobic Power and Anaerobic Performance

mt. J. Sports Med. 7 (1986)


Table I Anthropometric characteristics of subjects pre- and post-training (mean SD)











Height (cm)



Weight (kg)

Paired t

% Fat


13.6 p.46



Paired t


Paired t










**** < 0.0001

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*P <0.05;




LMB (kg)



Table 2 Long-distance running and anaerobic performance pre- and post-training


1200 m (s)





Paired t

6.79 0.71
7.47 0.69

6.94 0.65
7.04 0.64



7.70 0.78
8.79 0.85

8.12 0.82
8.05 0.75


30.73 6.16
28.26 5.49




Paired t

Fatigue %


27.02 5.44
30.29 3.95






Max HR


Paired t

209.14 5.7
205.75 5.55



203.54 5.32
204.88 8.15



*P<005; ***P<OfJtTh ****p<00001

Table 3 Aerobic capacity and anaerobic threshold parameters pre- and post-training



max '2


ml'kg min


















Paired t




Paired t
*P<005; **P<001; ***p<OIjjJfJl




Paired t

md t














A. Rotstein, R. Dotan, 0. Bar-Or, and G. Tenenbaum

mt. J. Sports Mcd. 7 (1986)

Tab(e 4 SeLected correlations between various measured parameters

and the performance time of 1200-m run post-training





max V02






< 0.01

Table 4 lists some selected correlations between measured

parameters of anaerobic and aerobic capacity to performance of the 1200-rn run post-training.

The increase in maximal aerobic power among these boys

is in agreement with other studies in which high intensity
training induced an increase in V02 max of preadolescents
and adolescents(11, 19, 36, 38, 39). A lack of reported
improvement in maximal aerobic power seems to occur
where training intensity was not specified, where training
was of low intensity, or where training was not "aerobic"
in nature (5, 8, 37). While children's aerobic characteristics
are trainable, more research is still needed to assess whether
the degree of trainability is similar across ages, nor is it
clear what intensity of aerobic training is optimal for children.

Although the pre-training 'O2 max of the participants in

this study was quite high (55.46 ml/kgmin), it did respond
to the training regimen. A similar response was reported
by Lussier and Buskirk (19) for preadolescent boys whose
initial maximal aerobic power was 55.6 ml/kgmin.
Maximal HR dropped by 3.4 bts/min following training.
This may reflect a higher maximal stroke volume. A similar
training-induced change in maximal HR has been described
before (19, 37). This change is an indirect indication that
the increase in the measured V02 max was not due to habituation or greater motivation but to a real improvement in
maximal aerobic power.

As seen in Table 4, both the anaerobic indices and the 'O2

max were significantly correlated to the post-training 1200-m
running time. In contrast, among the four indices of AT,
only the LA-4-V had a significant correlation (r= 0.74) to
running time. The relevance of this latter association is
hard to interpret since LA-4-V was the one AT index which
did not change with training. In this context it is noteworthy that the measures of maximal aerobic power (Table
3) seemed more sensitive to training (higher t values) than
did the AT indices. The lack of a clear relationship between
the 1200-rn running time of these children and their AT is
in contrast to reports on adults which show high correlations between various measures of AT and long-distance
running performance (13, 18). One should, however, take

into consideration that the low correlation between the 1 200-n

running performance and the AT may be the result of the
homogeneity of the sample. Yet, such a homogeneity did
not prevent significant correlations with other measured
parameters. Our findings are in line with those of Palgi et
al. (24) who studied 10- to 14-year-old girls and boys. They
reported association of r = 0.73 and 0.50 between
2000-rn running time and the absolute or relative AT, respectively. Sjokin (31) showed correlations of 0.86, 0.90,
0.86, and 0.71 between LA-4-V and the performance of
400-, 1000-, 3000-, and 4200-rn run, respectively, in
adolescent boys. His subjects, however, were older (1115
years) than the present sample, and they were all experienced
competitive runners.
Among adults, those who have high maximal aerobic power
usually score low in anaerobic tests and their long-distance
running performance is better than in those with high anaerobic capacity (4, 17). This is not the case in the 10- to
11-year-old boys of this study. As seen from Table 4, those
who did well in the 1200-rn run had both high aerobic and
high anaerobic scores. One interpretation is that 1200 m is
too short a distance to be considered "aerobic" for these
boys. This, however, is not likely the explanation for Palgi's
findings (24) of a 0.77 correlation between anaerobic MP
(using the WAnT) and the 2000-rn running performance
of 10- to 15-year-old children. These findings further
strengthen the notion that unlike adults, preadolescents are
not yet specialized into either the "aerobic" or the "anaerobic" type (3).
The percentage of O2 max at which AT was reached in
the present study is relatively high; the LA-I-V% of the
exercise group occurred at an average of 82.24% of VO2max
before training and 779% of V02 max after training. Similar values were found for the control group (Table 3).
These values are similar to values obtained in our laboratory
for adult elite endurance athletes performing the same
protocol. Comparison of the AT values found in our subjects with results of other studies is difficult and should be
evaluated very carefully. The percent of V02 max at which
the AT occurs is strongly affected by even small variations
in the test protocol used, as well as by the method chosen
to determine the "threshold," such as 4 mM blood lactate,
inflexion point of blood lactate accumulation curve,
ventilatory measures, or changes in base excess. Farrell et
al. (13), for example, found a mean LA-I-V% of 69.9%
among young adults and Davis et al. (19) found a range of
43.6%49.3% among untrained middle-aged men, using
the ventilatory criterion for AT. Reports on children are
somewhat contradictory. Using ventilatory criteria, Palgi
et al. (24) and Reybrouck et al. (27) found mean AT of
60% and 67%. In contrast, Gaisl(15), who studied 10.8year-old boys, reported an AT of 84.3%, based on changes
in base excess. Cooper et al. (6), using ventilatory and expired gas criteria, found an AT of 64% in their 10-year-old
children and only 55% in the 16-year-old ones. The biological importance of a high relative AT among children is not
clear, although it goes in line with their very low anaerobic
performance and about equal aerobic performance when
compared with adults (3).

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Another difference between adults' response to aerobic

training and that of our boys is reflected in the meager and
inconsistent increase in AT of the latter (Table 3). The decrease in relative AT of these boys is in contrast to the
training-induced increase in relative AT among adults (9,
26, 32). Yet, we cannot exclude the possibility that had the
training protocol stressed distance more than intensity,
a more pronounced increase would have been discerned in
these children's relative AT.
The following conclusions are suggested: (a) in 10- to 11year-old boys, maximal aerobic power, mean anaerobic
power, and peak anaerobic power can all be improved by
interval training; (b) the absolute and relative AT are less
responsive to such a training regimen than is the O2max;
(c) the 1200-rn running performance of these boys is strongly associated with both aerobic and anaerobic scores and
less so with their AT; and (d) the relative AT of preadolescent boys, especially when determined by the blood
lactate criteria, seems to be higher than in adults.

The authors wish to acknowledge the invaluable assistance of Mr. Dan
Griber in all phases of the project and especially in organizing and
coaching the training.

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Effect of Training on Anaerobic Threshold, Maximal Aerobic Power and Anaerobic Performance

mt. J. Sports Med. 7 (1986)

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Dr. Are Rotstein, Dept. of Research & Sport Medicine, Wingate Institute, Wingate Post 42902, Israel

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