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Primary School
Head Teacher: Mr Christopher Shields
Deputy Head Teacher: Mr Jeff Sherwin

Severn Drive
T: 01772 335065
F: 01772 626707

4th April 2016

Dear Parents,
We are planning a trip to Lakes Aquarium on Wednesday 29 rd June 2016, the trip will include two train rides, entry to the
aquarium and a packed lunch. The trip will cost 12.00 . and we would welcome any parents with a current CRB who
would like to volunteer to help on the trip to inform a member of the foundation team. The trip will depart at 9.00 AM
and will return at 3.30 PM. The trip can be paid on Parentpay or cheque payable to Walton le Dale Primary School. We
would like to encourage you to make payment through Parent pay, if you have not yet logged on and would like your
login details please email for details.
What your child will need for the trip:

Their school uniform, it is essential to wear a red school jumper.

No food/drink will be consumed until lunch time, so please do not give your children any sweets or drinks for
the journey.
A packed lunch will be provided by school for each child.
Weather suitable clothing: sun cream and or a waterproof coat.
Any medication will need to be up to date and available to take on the trip, with parental consent form
Children suffering from travel sickness should take appropriate steps (Long lasting travel sickness tablets/travel
sickness bands)
Children will not need spending money.

Please complete the slip below and return it with your payment.
Yours Sincerely
The Foundation Team

Childs name... Class..

I give permission for my child to take part in the trip to Lakes Aquarium.
I confirm there have been no changes to the Medical Consent Form completed in September 2015.
I enclose 12.00 (Chq payable to Walton le Dale Primary School)

I have paid on Parentpay

I have a current CRB and I am able to help with the Trip YES / NO *please delete as appropriate.

Working together, the best is yet to come

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