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The Morris Marketplace Mission Statement

The Morris Marketplace aims to create a relaxed, yet engaging environment where farmers help other
area farmers and local artisans to establish a direct connection to their consumer while encouraging the
local food movement, sustainable agriculture practices, preservation of our areas beautiful farmland, and
awareness of increasing good health through diet. The Morris Marketplace intends to further these
initiatives while stimulating the local economy and building a strong culture of community.
Guiding Principles and Vendor Standards of The Morris Marketplace
The Morris Marketplace commits to the following guidelines to ensure that our mission is fulfilled.

Local Food-Local Economy/Vendor Pledge

Each vendor at The Morris Marketplace has agreed to our vendor pledge that specifies they will
only sell products they have grown, harvested, raised, or made assuring that all products sold by
vendors at The Morris Marketplace has a traceable Connecticut source. Vendors are encouraged
to display the CT-grown logo where applicable.


Liability Insurance
The Connecticut Department of Agriculture requires that all vendors carry a minimum of
$500,000 of liability insurance with the following names of the farm and farmers market
identified on the certificate of insurance The Morris Marketplace; SouthFarms Homestead; Paletsky
Farm; Dorsett Farm.

The Morris Marketplace will never discriminate on the basis of age, race, gender,
disability, or religion.


All vendors comply with all federal, state, and local regulations. Vendors must file crop plans
with the CT Department of Agriculture and receive certification/licenses from the local Area
Health District where applicable.


Market Integrity
All vendors are encouraged to provide quality products and outstanding customer service at The
Morris Marketplace. Additionally, vendors must value customer interaction and feedback for the
purpose of building a positive relationship to promote market growth. Vendors are encouraged to
embrace an innovative and creative approach to their business marketing. While vendors are
responsible for marketing and selling their own goods, The Morris Marketplace is presented as a
whole to the public and vendors and market coordinators agree to work cooperatively to ensure
that each vendor and the market is successful.

PO BOX 51 MORRIS, CT 06763

The Morris Marketplaces Vendor Application Evaluation Criteria

Does the vendor applicant offer a unique or quality Connecticut sourced product?
What niche does the vendor applicant fill for the market?
Will the vendor applicant provide a new approach on existing or traditional products?
Will the vendor applicant help to contribute to the overall success of the market?
Will the vendor applicant have a consistent presence at the market?
Does the applicant reflect the mission and guiding principles of the market?
Does the vendor application provide sufficient detail on the products they wish to sell?
Did the vendor application make a strong effort to describe their marketplace set-up
and will such a set-up compliment the look and feel of the market?
Does the vendor application convey the spirit of cooperation expected in the
marketplace community?
Will the vendor applicant value the privilege of being a vendor at the market?
Does the market have a space that can be best utilized by the vendor applicant?

PO BOX 51 MORRIS, CT 06763

Vendor Application Form

The Morris Marketplace 2016 Season
Sundays 11a-2p / June 12th through October 30th
Farm/Business Name:____________________________________________________________
Farm/Business Address:__________________________________________________________
Mailing Address:_______________________________________________________________


Primary Phone:________________________

Alternate #: _____________________________

Which of the following best describes your product(s):


__Prepared Foods
__Value-Added Goods
__Baked Goods


Provide a detailed description of what you plan to sell:_________________________________

The Morris Marketplace aims to be a producer-only market at which farmers sell only what they
themselves have grown, harvested, raised, or produced. If you intend to send an employee or
someone other than yourself to act as a representative for your farm/business during market
hours, please explain their role in your business:______________________________________

PO BOX 51 MORRIS, CT 06763

Please check any of the following that best describe your business practices:
__certified organic
__uncertified organic
__hormone/antibiotic free
__signer of CTNOFA Pledge
Check one of the following:
__I am licensed.

__I dont need a license.

Clearly describe what your market booth will look like:_________________________________

How much space do you anticipate needing for your market booth?________________________
Do you require electricity? yes / no
If yes, please specify what will be consuming power:___________________________________
Any other special requirements? _______ If so, please explain___________________________
Market Dates Available: Entire Market season _____

Half Season _____ (please state if

alternating weeks or specific dates equaling half season) ______________________________

Only specific dates: ____________________________________________________________
By submitting this application, you agree to further inquiries by Market Coordinators i.e. more
info requested, and/or a farm visit. You also agree that, if selected, you will sign the Vendor
Pledge agreement and will review the Morris Marketplace Mission and Vendor Standards and
follow all rules and conditions put in place by The Morris Marketplace.
Signature:_________________________________________________ Date:_______________
Print Name:____________________________________________________________________

PO BOX 51 MORRIS, CT 06763

PO BOX 51 MORRIS, CT 06763

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