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Problem-Solution Essay Outline

I. Introduction
1. Background
1. Briefly state the problem:
Corruption in the Indian government system and the black money earned by
people representatives and business magnets by looting people and escaping
from paying taxes.
2. Briefly state one or two solutions or the process
The solution to this deep rooted problem is, Introducing LOKPAL bill which will bring
all people representatives under one roof who are the main cause of black money and
corruption in the independent India.
Severe punishment must be given to those who ask for bribes. Likewise in the USA, where
Laws and order are strict .
II. Problem
A. Topic Sentence Define problem
Corruption and black money causing disadvancement of the rising nation INDIA.
B. Describe
Since the British declared India as an Independent nation due to lack of stringent laws
many of the businessman are not paying taxes to the government which inturn turns into
black money.Approximate estimatations of SWISS bank reveals that that there are alone 2
lakh crore rupess
Rich are getting richer and poor the poorer due to this unevenness.
C. Examples
Schams in hosted XIXth common wealth games in which 71 common wealth nations had
taken part. Suresh kalmadi the then CWG chairman has allegedly misused the funds
allocated for the games.
Another scham which happened due to the involvement of many member of parliaments is
Coal scham.The then Prime minister Dr.Manmohan Singh is the first person to be reocrded
in the case.
Many more schams came into light during 2004 to 2014 leaving india backward.
D. Who or What is affected
Common man is the one who got affected by these schams.Because of, rich people
who are not paying tax to the government and depositing the same in their SWISS
Bank account ,prices increased and inflation occurred.
The whole system is corrupted and even the clerk in any government office asks for
bribe for getting our work to be done.
III. Solution
A. Transition sentence to lead into the solution.
B. Explain and support the solution
C. Evaluate its effectiveness (Explain what evidence shows: why the solution is effective or
not effective in fixing the problem. If the solution creates another problem, explain why?
IV. Solution #2 or Process for the Solution.
A. Transition sentence to lead into a 2nd solution or a process.
B. Explain and support the 2nd solution OR describe the process.

C. Evaluate its effectiveness (Explain what evidence shows: why the solution is effective or
not effective in fixing the problem. If the solution creates another problem, explain why?
V. Conclusion
A. Transition sentence to lead into conclusion
2. Restate problem and solution(s)
3. Call to action leave readers with something to thin about

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