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After teachers conference votes for strikes...

Build solidarity with
junior doctors


are set to strike again from
8am on Wednesday 6 April for
48 hours. This will be followed by
full walkouts on 26 and 27 April.
Every picket line must be a focus
for mass solidarity from workers,
students and campaigners.
Teachers march against academies Photo: Guy Smallman


thousands of junior doctors will
strike again across England. The 48
hour strike is an escalation of their action
following Jeremy Hunts announcement
that he will impose their new contracts.
There could not be a more important time
to fight.
The government is on the rampage. The
budget announcement that they want all
schools to be Academies by 2022 in England
has rightly enraged teachers and parents.
And at the National Union of Teachers
conference last week, union members voted
overwhelmingly for strikes to stop the plan
with an initial strike planned for the summer


This opens the prospect of a united fight of

doctors and teachers. And these battles are
fights for all of us. If the Tories can get away
with imposing doctors contracts or imposing
Academies across Englandthey will keep
coming back for more.
Also this week, came the announcement
that a massive 20,000 jobs in steel are now
threatened, as multinational Tata announced
its intention to sell its British operations. These
are potential job cuts on a huge scale that will
decimate working class communities in places
like Port Talbot.
In 2008 there was an unlimited amount
of money to bail out the bankswhy not
for steel? Thats why the calls being made
for nationalisation of the industry are right.
But the Tories are doing nothing to save
jobs. There has to be a serious fight back,
coordinated by the unions, to save jobs.
This government really has thrown
down the gauntlet to the entire trade union

Its great that Jeremy Corbyn has called for
Parliament to be recalled over job cuts at Tata
but Labour and the union leaders should be
calling protests for the nationalisation of steel.


If they did, there would be the potential to

mobilise hundreds of thousands of people
across Britain.
The Peoples Assembly demonstration
on 16 April for Jobs, Homes, Health and
Education comes at an important moment,
it can play a part in building support for the
doctors strikes and putting pressure on over the
steel crisis.
If the doctors were to beat Jeremy Hunt or
the teachers to stop Nicky Morgans academy
plans it will give millions of people hope that
we can turn the tide against the Tories and their
austerity policies.
Iain Duncan Smiths departure as
Department for Work and Pensions minister is
an indication of just how split the Tories are.
The arguments over Europe are causing
them profound problems. And while they are
splitnow is the time to strike!

What you can do:

Visit the picket line at your

nearest hospital next Wednesday or
Thursday either in the morning or
at lunch time. Can you get your union
banner along? Encourage other
workmates to go with you.
Can you make contact with
local junior doctors and invite them
to a union or campaign meeting, to
explain why they are on strikeand
then discuss how you can get
support for them?


Health, Homes,
Jobs, Education.
Saturday 16 April,
Assemble 1pm,
Gower Street, NW1

Called by the Peoples Assembly

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