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City of Coral Gables Traffic Advisory Board First Class

c/o Coral Gables Public Works Department U.S. Postage
P.O. Box 141549 PAID
Miami, FL
Coral Gables, Florida 33114-1549 Permit No. 6264

Permanent Traffic Circle

Traffic Calming

Citizen GuideTo

March 2003
Traffic Problems and Solutions
What is Traffic Calming? It seems that everyone is pressed for time these days.
While everyone is under the gun to rush to work, then
rush back home at the end of a long day, Greater
Miami’s traffic problems are getting worse. Coral
Coral Gables is known far beyond Miami- Gables is in the center of a region, meaning drivers
Dade County as a garden city with beautiful cut through the city on their way east, west, north and
south. Major routes traverse the city, adding to its
houses, tree-lined streets, historic
traffic burden. One way to stop dangerous commuters
architecture and quaint shops. The City is to step up enforcement. Citizens are encouraged to
Beautiful also is a regional center for contact the Coral Gables Police Department to report
culture, arts, education and commerce. problem areas, so officers can be assigned to stop
These world-class amenities create traffic. and ticket speeders: 305-442-1600. Education can also
help ease the tension. Traffic planners and police
Fortunately, there are ways of calming forces often note that when a neighborhood asks for a
traffic. Traffic calming has worked in Europe zero tolerance policy on speeding, a good percentage
for decades. In the U.S., traffic calming has of those ticketed are residents of that very
ranged from major city projects that have neighborhood. Civic association and other
replaced freeways with grand boulevards to neighborhood newsletters should remind residents
small town features such as roundabouts that good neighbors obey speed limits, stop signs,
and traffic circles that slow down drivers traffic signals and other rules of the road – including
while adding a landscaped amenity. watching out for pedestrians and bicyclists.

The City of Coral Gables has a procedure Traffic Calming Basics

for residents to get involved in the process Traffic calming is the installation of physical devices to
of slowing down cars and making streets retrofit existing streets to reduce negative traffic
more friendly for pedestrians and bicyclists. impacts such as speeding and excessive volume.
But first, let’s look at traffic calming Effective traffic calming makes streets safer – for
strategies and devices. Controlling traffic is motorists, bicyclists, and pedestrians – and becomes
a complex procedure, but it can be dealt an amenity for the neighborhood.
with in simple terms. There are two kinds of traffic control measures:
passive and active. Both can help manage the speed
The purpose of this brochure, produced by or volume of traffic.
the City’s Traffic Advisory Board, is to Passive controls: regulatory signs such as stop signs,
provide a glimpse into the procedures and speed limit reductions and turn prohibitions.
methodology involved in the traffic calming
Active controls: devices that physically restrict drivers
effort. The key to traffic calming success, from making a certain movement and force them to
as with any municipal project, is an active change their travel path. They create the impression
and informed citizenry. Resident that the street is not meant for through traffic. These
involvement is valued and appreciated. controls also alert drivers that other roadway users –
pedestrians, bicyclists and children – have as much
right to use the street as automobiles. Active control
measures include both speed control measures and
volume control measures.

Speed Control Measures
 Speed Humps and Speed Tables are gradually
raised sections across the width of the roadway.
Speed humps reduce speeds because vehicle
occupants experience an uncomfortable sensation
when their vehicle speeds over the hump. Speed
tables are long raised speed humps with a flat section
in the middle and ramps on the ends.

Median/Road Narrowing

the loss of some parking spaces near the intersection,

is not applicable for many residential street
Speed Table intersections due to space requirements.

Advantages: reduces speed at the location of the  Mid-Block Medians separate two-way traffic
device, discourages through traffic, doesn’t restrict with a raised, landscaped area that narrows the
on-street parking and has no effect on access. roadway, making it easier for pedestrians to cross.
Disadvantages: increases the noise level due to the Advantages: provides refuge for pedestrians and
acceleration and deceleration in areas adjacent to the bicyclists, reduces cut-through traffic and visually
humps, may effect emergency response, has negative enhances residential street with landscaping.
effect on the aesthetic quality of the area and can Disadvantages: has minor effect on speed, may
cause traffic to shift to adjacent residential areas. restrict driveway accessibility and generates extra
maintenance cost when landscaped.
 Traffic Circles and Roundabouts are raised
islands installed at the intersection of two or more  Narrowings at Mid-Blocks and Intersections
connecting streets, at which vehicles travel in a reduce the width of the roadway with wider
counterclockwise direction around the inner circle. sidewalks or landscaped strips.
Vehicles approaching the roundabout have to yield to Advantages: may reduce speeds, shortens pedestrian
pedestrians crossing the approaches and vehicles crossing distance, creates added street landscaping
within the circle. area and discourages truck entry.
Disadvantages: may affect bicycle mobility/safety,
Advantages: reduces speed,
and may cause loss of some curbside parking.
reduces accident potential
and severity, provides  Brick Pavers create a coarse, bumpy texture to
orderly and continuous alert motorists and reduce the speed at mid-block or
traffic flow and is intersection locations.
aesthetically appealing with Advantages: slows down drivers and reduces
landscaping. accidents when pavers are installed before stop
Disadvantages: may be signs.
restrictive for some large Disadvantages: produces a relatively high level of
Temporary Traffic Circle service vehicles, may cause noise and requires high maintenance cost.
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 Horizontal Alignment Changes redesign traffic volumes to adjacent streets and increases
straight roadway sections into narrow wavy sections noise due to acceleration and deceleration of
by adding landscaping or physical barriers. These vehicles.
create the perception of a narrow street and break
the driver’s line of sight.  Semi-Diverters at Intersections involve a
Advantages: reduces vehicle speed, may reduce physical barrier or curb extension that restricts
through traffic volumes and landscaping enhances vehicular movement into a street. They are
aesthetics. constructed by extending the curb to approximately
Disadvantages: causes loss of on-street parking, may the center of the street, effectively obstructing one
affect driveway accessibility and affects emergency direction of traffic.
vehicles’ speed. Advantages: reduces cut-through traffic, reduces
crossing distance for pedestrians, and in emergency
 Landscaping at Road Edge simply involves situations, emergency vehicles can travel in the
planting of vegetation adjacent to the edge of the restricted direction.
roadway to create the perception of a narrow width. Disadvantages: may divert traffic to parallel streets
Advantages: reduces vehicle speed if the width of the without traffic calming measures, may increase trip
lanes is reduced and enhances the beauty of the length for some residents and curbside parking must
neighborhood. be prohibited adjacent to the device.
Disadvantages: requires extra maintenance cost for
landscaping and can affect sight distance.  Right-in, Right-out Diverters are traffic islands
installed at the intersection to allow only right-in and
right-out movements.
Volume Control Measures
Advantages: reduces cut-through traffic, reduces
 Forced Turn Channelization uses islands to rear-end and left-turn accidents and reduces
prevent traffic from making specific movements at an crossing distance for pedestrians.
intersection. In areas with high pedestrian volume, it Disadvantages: may divert traffic onto adjacent
shortens the crossing distance and allows pedestrians streets without traffic calming measures, may
to deal with one traffic direction at a time. increase trip length for some residents and may
Advantages: reduces traffic volume, reduces vehicle increase emergency response time due to
speed of entering and exiting traffic, improves maneuvering around the semi-diverter.
pedestrian safety and discourages through traffic.
Disadvantages: causes minor inconvenience to local  Street Closures use physical barriers installed
users, can be hazardous for vehicular traffic and may across the street to close it completely to through
cause some confusion regarding intersection priority traffic, while leaving an opening for sidewalk and
if not correctly designed. bicycle lanes. Barriers may consist of landscaped
islands, walls, gates, or side-by-side bollards.
 Diagonal Diverters are barriers installed Advantages: reduces non-local and speeding traffic
diagonally across standard, four-way intersections to and improves traffic safety.
convert them into two unconnected streets. They are Disadvantages: increases trip length and travel time
considered to be a type of street closure. for some local users, heavily impacts adjacent streets
Advantages: significantly reduces the number of and restricts emergency and service vehicle access
accidents, reduces traffic volumes and increases and increases their travel time.
pedestrian safety.
Disadvantages: may be inconvenient to residents
trying to gain access to their properties, can shift
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Criteria and Effectiveness of Mid-Block Medians physically separate two-way
Traffic Calming traffic at strategic locations to create a narrow travel
path. With proper design and landscaping, they can
Cut-through traffic and speeding are closely related,
enhance the aesthetic quality of the roadway in the
and measures which have an impact on travel speed
vicinity of the device while reducing speeding.
may also reduce cut-through travel. Street Closures,
Forced Turn Channelization, Diagonal Diverters, Traffic Control Devices, such as stop signs, have
Right-in Right-out Diverters, and Semi-Diverters are historically been used to calm traffic in residential
primarily used to deter cut-through traffic, while neighborhoods. All-way stop controlled intersections
Horizontal Alignment Changes, Speed Humps/Tables, typically reduce speeds immediately upstream and
and Mid-Block Medians typically are designed to downstream of the intersection. However, mid-block
reduce speeds along a corridor. speeds are usually not affected. Excessive
implementation of such traffic control devices
Traffic calming alternatives used to reduce cut-
typically leads to a lack of adherence and an erosion
through traffic generally create an unfavorable travel
of their overall effectiveness. They can also result in
path, which discourage motorists from using a
an increase in exhaust emissions and noise due to
particular roadway for a through trip. Street Closures
the increase in deceleration and acceleration.
impose a physical barrier which eliminates all
possible turning movements into and out of the closed
roadway. They are the most restrictive measures. My street could benefit from
While reducing the amount of traffic using the traffic calming. How do I get my
roadway, such closures also reduce access, and neighbors and the city involved?
require emergency vehicles to use a more circuitous
route to provide services. They also have the effect of The first step for a resident is to complete a “Traffic
increasing volumes on the adjacent roadways that Calming Request” form available online
are not closed which subsequently carry the diverted ( or by phone (305-460-5018.)
traffic. This form helps the resident describe traffic concerns
Forced Turn Channelization, Diagonal Diverters, Semi- in writing. It is important that the document be also
diverters, and Right-in Right-out Diverters are signed by other neighbors on the block who share
essentially less restrictive variations of Street similar concerns. The traffic calming request should
Closures. Each of these alternatives eliminates some be submitted to the Coral Gables Public Works
turning movement options. Diagonal Diverters Department. 285 Aragon Ave., Coral Gables, FL 33134
implemented at an intersection eliminate the through Phone: 305 460-5018 Fax: 305 460-5080
movements, and channel motorists in one direction. A city representative will contact residents and
Forced Turn Channelization, Right-in Right-out forward their concerns to the city’s traffic consultant.
Diverter and Semi-Diverter can be implemented either The traffic consultant will study the traffic issue. If no
at one side or both sides of an approach to an calming measure is merited, the process will stop. If
intersection. In most cases they eliminate the through traffic calming is needed, a plan will be presented to
movement for this approach, and typically create a the Traffic Advisory Board.
right-turn in, right-turn out turning path. The Traffic Advisory Board is comprised of nine
Horizontal Alignment Changes involve the redesign of members who represent nine City Traffic Zones. Each
roadway segments to create a winding travel path. In of five City Commission members appoints a person to
concert with landscaping along the edge of the the board, two board members are appointed by the
roadway, the perception of a narrow roadway can Commission as a whole, one is appointed by the City
also be fostered which contributes to speed Manager and one is appointed by the board as a
reduction. If properly implemented, this can be an whole. All appointments, which are for two-year
effective and aesthetically appealing solution. terms, are confirmed by the Commission. The board

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meets monthly in the City Commission Chambers in Traffic
City Hall. (For the name of the Traffic Advisory Board Calming
Zone Representative from your area, log on to
Zone Map or call 305-460-5018.)
Representatives of the city’s police and fire
departments and other affected agencies will then
meet with area residents to examine existing traffic
problems, present a preliminary traffic calming plan
and hear input from residents. The Traffic Advisory
Board reviews the traffic calming plan drafted by the
city traffic consultant, then the board’s recommenda-
tions are forwarded to the City Commission.
The plan, if it impacts a county or state road, would
then be submitted to Miami-Dade County and/or the
Florida Department of Transportation for approval.
Once approved by all agencies, a temporary traffic
calming device would be installed.
The city and its traffic consultant would collect data
to measure the effectiveness of the traffic calming
device. If the temporary device proves effective, then
residents in the affected area would be notified and
the city would proceed with installing a permanent
traffic calming device.

Traffic Calming and Quality of Life

Traffic calming can lead to a balance between the
needs of busy commuters and the safety and quality
of neighborhood streets. Streets should serve
motorists, bicyclists and pedestrians equally. In Coral
Gables, traffic calming measures are tested by the
police and fire departments for safety before being
installed. Residents must weigh the benefits of safer
streets against the possible noise and inconvenience
caused by some traffic calming devices. Because
some traffic calming measures are quite expensive,
the city would welcome neighborhood donations that
could help beautify traffic calming devices with
fountains, landscaping and other enhancements.
Together with education and enforcement, traffic
calming helps residents to “take back their streets.”

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