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4. By which of the following act the laws made under the

previous acts were called as regulations while laws
made under this act were called Acts?

Ram Nagar Coimbatore - 09


A. Regulating act of 1773

B. Pitts India act of
C. Charter act of 1833
D. Charter act of

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Indian Polity Historical Background

5. Consider the following statements:


1. What are the features of the regulating act of 1773?

1. It ended the activities of the East India Company

as a commercial body and made it to became
purely administrative body.

1. It designated Governor of Bengal as Governor

General of Bengal.

2. Introduced a system of open competition for selection of civil servants and stated that the Indians should not be debarred from holding any
place office and employment under the company.


2. Bombay, Madras and Bengal presidencies were

made independent of one another.
3. Provided for the establishment of a supreme
court at Calcutta (1774).
4. The court of directors of East India Company
(EIC) was made to report on its revenue, civil
and military affairs in India to the British crown.


Which of the above statement/statements is/are correct regarding charter act of 1833?
A. 1 only B. 2 only
ther 1 nor 2 .

Choose the correct answer:

A. 1 and 2 only
B. 2 and 4 only
only D. 1,2,3 and 4

C. 1,3 and 4

2. Pitts India act of 1784 was significant for.

A. Government of India Act of 1858

Act of 1853
C. Charter Act of 1833
Council Act of 1861

B. Charter
D. Indian

7. Which act introduced for the first time Local Representation in the Indian (central) legislative council?


2. The British Government was given the supreme

control over companys affairs and its administration in India.

A. Government of India Act of 1858

Act of 1853
C. Charter Act of 1833
Council Act of 1861

Which of the above statement is correct?

B. Charter
D. Indian

D. Nei8. Which of the following act was called as the Act for
the good government of India ?

C. Both 1 and 2

D. Nei-

6. Which act led the Indians to openly compete in the

recruitment of covenanted civil services?

1. The companys territories in India were for the

first time called the British possession in India.

A. 1 only B. 2 only
ther 1 nor 2

C. Both 1 and 2

3. Consider the following statements above Pitts India

act of 1784.


A. Government of India Act of 1858

Act of 1853
C. Charter Act of 1833
Council Act of 1861

1. It distinguished between the commercial and political functions at the company.

B. Charter
D. Indian


9. Match the following:

2. Court of directors were to manage political affairs and board of control to manage commercial

1. First Governor General of Bengal - a) Lord

William Pitt

3. Board of control to supervise and direct all operations of the civil and military government of
the British possession in India.

2. First Governor General of India - b) Lord

William Bentick
3. First Viceroy of India - c) Lord Warren Hastings

Which of the above statements is correct?

A. 1 and 2 only
D. 1,2 and 3

B. 2 and 3 only


- d) Lord Canning

C. 1 and 3 only
A. b c a

B. a b c

C. c b d

D. d c b


3. Morley-Minto Reforms - iii) Regulating act of


10. System of double government i.e, board of control and

court of directors.

4. Montagu-Chelmstord Reforms - iv) Government

of India act of 1919

1. Started through - a) Government of India act of


Match with the correct ones.

2. Ended through - b) Regulating act of 1773

- c) Indian councils act of 1861
- d) Pitts India act of 1784
B. d a

C. a b

B. iv ii iii i

1. The transferred subjects were to be administered

by the governor with the aid of ministers responsible to the legislative council.


1. It created a new office secretary of state for India

vested thus complete authority and control over
Indian administration.

2. The reserved subjects were to be administered

by the governor and his executive legislative.

2. The Secretary of state was a member of Indian


A. 1 only B. 2 only
ther 1 nor 2

C. Both 1 and 2

D. Nei-


3. Secretary of state was responsible ultimately to

the British parliament.

17. Which act introduced direct election in India for the

first time?

Which of the above statement /statements is/are correct over Government of India act of 1858?
B. 3 only

D. iii iv ii

16. Consider the following statements on dyarchy in Government of India act of 1919.

D. c d

11. Consider the following features:

A. 1 and 2 only
D. 1,2 and 3

C. iii i ii iv


A. c b

A. ii iii iv i

A. Indian Council Act of 1909

B. Government of
India Act of 1919
C. Indian Independence Act of
1947 D. Government of India Act of 1935

C. 1 and 3 only




12. The process of centralisation and decentralisation of 18. Consider the following statements regarding GovernBombay, Madras and Bengal presidencies took place
ment of India Act of 1919.
1. It extended the principle of communal repre1. Centralisation - i) Government of India act of
sentation by providing separate electorates for
Sikhs, Indian Christians Anglo Indians and Europeans.
2. Decentralisation - ii) Regulating act of 1773
- iii) Indian councils act of 1861
2. It separated for the first time provincial bud- iv) Pitts India act of 1784
gets from the central budget and authorised the
provincial legislatures to enact their budgets.
A. i iii B. ii iii C. ii i D. i iv
3. It introduced for the first time bicameralism and
direct elections on the country. Thus the Indian
13. The power of discussing the Budget was given through
legislative council was replaced by a legislature
the act of?
consisting of an upper house (Council of state)
A. Indian council act of 1861 B. Indian council act
and a lower house (Legislative Assembly)
of 1892
C. Indian council act of 1909
D. Government of India act of 1858
Which of the above statements are correct?
A. 1 only
and 3

14. Who was called Father of Communal Electorate

A. Lord Canning B. Lord Minto
D. Lord William Bentick

C. Lord Morley

B. 2 only

C. 1 and 3 only

D. 1,2

19. Considering the following statements regarding Government of India act of 1935.

15. Which of following acts were also called so.

1. The act divided the powers between the centre

and units in terms of three lists - Federal list,
Provincial list and the Concurrent list.

1. Pitts India act - i) Amending act of 1781

2. Act of settlement - ii) Indian council act of 1909


21. The word Sovereign implies that India is

The real intention of the British to include the

princely states in the federal union proposed by the
India Act of 1935 has to.
A. Exercise more and directly political and administrative control over the princely states
B. Involve the princes actively in the administration of the
colony C. Finally effect the complete political and
administrative take over of all the princely states by
the British.
D. Use the princes to counter - balance the anti - imperialist doctrines of the nationalist


Which of the above statements is/are correct? A. 1

only B. 2 only C. Both 1 and 2 D. Neither 1
Nor 2

B. A bicameral Legislature
C. Provincial autonomy D. An All India Federation


1. Simon Commission recommended the abolition of dyarchy, extension of responsible government in the provinces.
2. Communal Award not only continued separate electorates for the Muslims, Sikhs, Indian
Christians, Anglo-Indians and Europeans but
also extended it to the depressed classes (Scheduled Castes).


2. It provided for the establishment of a Reserve 24. The most short-lived of all of Britains constitutional
experiments in India was the
Bank of India to control the currency and credit
of the country.
A. Indian Council Act of 1861
B. Indian Council Act of 1892
C. Indian Council Act of 1909
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
D. Government of India Act of 1919
A. 1 only B. 2 only C. Both 1 and 2 D. Nei25. Which one of the following is not a feature of the
ther 1 and 2
Government of India Act, 1935?
20. Consider the following statements.
A. Dyarchy at the centre as well as in the provinces

27. Match List I with II and select the correct answer

using the codes given below the list.

1. Neither a dependency nor a dominion of any

other nation

List I - List II

2. An independent state

C. Both 1 and 2


A. 1 only B. 2 only
ther 1 Nor 2

(Acts of colonial Government of India) - (provision)

Which of the above is/are correct?

A) Character Act , 1813 - 1) Set up a Board of control

in Britain to fully regulate the East India companys
affairs in India.

D. Nei-

B) Regulating Act - 2) Companys Trade monopoly

in India was Ended

22. The members of the constituent Assembly from

provinces were

C) Act of 1858 - 3) The power to govern was transferred from the East India company to the British


A. directly elected by the people of those provinces

B. nominated by the Indian National congress and
the Muslim League
C. elected by the provincial
Legislative Assemblies D. None of the above

D) Pitts India Act - 4) The companys directors were

asked to present do the British government all correspondence and documents pertaining to the administrator of the company.
A. 2 4 3 1
B. 1 3 4 2
C. 2 3 4 1 D. 1 4 3 2


23. Which of the following is/are principal feature(s) of

the Government of India Act, 1919?

1. Introduction of dyarchy in the executive government of the provinces

28. Which one of the following provisions was NOT made
in the charter Act of 1833?
2. Introduction of separate communal electorates
for Muslims
A. The trading activities of the East India company
were to be abolished.
B. The designation of the
3. Devolution of Legislative authority by the centre
changed as the Governor
to the provinces
general of India in Council.
C. All law matching
Select the correct answer using the codes given below:
powers to be conferred on Governor General in council?
D. An Indian was to be appointed as a law
A. 1 only
B. 2 and 3 only
C. a and 3 only
member in the Governor - Generals Council.
D. 1 , 2 and 3


34. Which of the following was/were the main feature of

the Government of India act, 1919
Some of the main feature of the government of India
1. The act provided for the establishment of a public
Act 1935 , were the
service commission in India for the first time. 2. The
1) Abolition of dyarchy in the governors provinces.
act provided for the appointment of Indians to the
viceroys executive council, as well as the provincial
2) Power of the Governors to veto Legislative action
executive councils.
and to Legislate on their own.
3. A provision was made for classification of central
3) Abolition of the Principle of Communal Represenand provincial subjects.
tation. A. 1 only B. 1 and 2 only C. 2 and 3
A. 1 and 2 B. 2 and 3 C. 1 and 3 D. 1,2 and
only D. All of the above


29. Consider the following statements:



30. The Montagu - Chelmsford Report formed the basis 35. The first definite step to provide parliamentary conof
trol over East India Company was taken by
A. The Indian Councils Act, 1909.
B. The GovA. the Regulating Act, 1773
B. the Pitts India
ernment of India Act , 1919.
C. The Government
Act, 1793
C. the Charter Act, 1793
D. the
of India Act , 1935.
D. The Indian Independence
Charter Act, 1813
Act , 1947.
36. Assertion (A) Indian Constitution is quasi-federal.
31. Which one among the following statements regarding
Reason (R) Indian Constitution is neither federal
the Government of India act, 1935 is not correct ?
nor unitary.
A. Both A and r are true and R is the correct explanation of A B. Both A and R are true, but r is not
the correct explanation of A C. A is true, but R is
false D. A is false, but R is true

A. Provincial autonomy came into existence B. Bicameral legislature were provided in six provinces
C. The principles of communal electorates and weightages were further extended
D. The states were
compelled to enter the federation



37. According to the Constitution of India, which of the

following are fundamental for the governance of the
32. Assertion (A) The Government of India Act, 1919
country ?
was passed by the British Parliament to introduce
Dyarchy in the provincial government.
A. Fundamental Rights
B. Fundamental Duties
Reason (R) The Montague-Chelmsford Reforms
C. Directive Principles of State Policy
D. FundaCommittee has recommended the introduction of
mental Rights and Fundamental Duties
Dyarchy in the provincial government.
38. In India Polity which one is supreme ?
A. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explaA. The Supreme Court
B. The Constitution
nation of A
B. Both A and R are true, but R is
nto the correct explanation of A C. A is true, but
R is false D. A is false, but R is true
39. What is/are the minor difference/differences between


33. Which of the following are among the provisions of

the Act of 1858 ?
1. The administration of India and the Indian Territories was transferred to the Crown.
2. The rule of East India Company was abolished.
3. The Governor-General of India was to be known
as the Viceroy of India and a Secretary of State for
India was also appointed.
4. The administrative power of India was to be shared
between the East India Company and the Crown of
A. 1,3 and 4
of these

B. 1,2 and 3

C. 2,3 and 4

D. All

a written and an unwritten constitution ?

1. A written constitution is the formal source of all
constitutional laws in the country and the unwritten
Constitution is not the formal source.
2. A written constitution is entirely codified whereas
an unwritten constitution is not.
Select the correct answer using the codes given below
A. Only 1 B. Only 2
ther 1 nor 2

C. Both 1 and 2

D. Nei-

Which of the following statements is correct with regard to the Indian Constitution ?
1. It is the lengthiest written Constitution.
2. It provides a blend of rigidity and flexibility.


3. It is a synthesis of Parliamentary Sovereignty and 47. Which one of the following determines that the Indian
Constitution is federal ?
Judicial Supremacy.
B. 1 and 3

C. 2 and 3

D. 1,2 and 3

A. A written and rigid Constitution

B. An independent Judiciary
C. Vesting of Residuary Power
with the Centre D. Distribution of power between
the Centre and the States

41. Which of the following is not correct matched ?

Parts - Articles Covered

II : 5 to 11
V : 52 to 151
XV : 324 to 329 A
XXII: 369 to 392

48. The Ninth Schedule to the Indian Constitution was

added by
A. First Amendment
C. Ninth Amendment

42. Which of the following is not correct matched ?

Parts : Deals with

I : Union an Territory
XX : Amendment
XVII : Emergency
IX : Municipalities, panchyats


A. 1 and 2

B. Eighth Amendment
D. Forty Second Amend-

B. 2 1 3 4

C. 2 1 4 3


A. 1 2 3 4




49. Consider the following statements

1. The Constitution of India has 22 parts.
2. There are 395 Articles in the Constitution of India
3. Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh and Twelfth schedules were
added to the Constitution of India by the Constitution
43. Which one among the following features of the Con(Amendment) Acts.
stitution of India is indicative of the fact that real
Which of the statements given above is/are correct ?
executive power is vested in the Council of Ministers
headed by the Prime Minister ?
A. Only 1 B. Only 2 C. 1 and 3 D. 1,2 and 3
A. Federalism
B. Representative legislature
C. Universal adult franchise
D. Parliamentary 50. Under which of the following Constitution Amendment Acts, fourteen language under the Eight Scheddemocracy
ule of the Constitution of India, there by raising their
44. Match List I ( Provision of the Constitution of India
number to 22 ?
with List II (Source) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists
1. Constitution (Twenty-first Amendment) Act
List I - List II
2. Constitution (Ninety-first Amendment) Act
A. Directive Principle - 1. Constitution of Ireland
3. Constitution (Ninety-second Amendment) Act
B. Emergency Power of the President - 2. Constitution of Germany
4. Constitution (Seventy-first Amendment) Act
C. The Union - State Relations - 3. Constitution of
A. 1 Only
B. 1 and 4 only
C. 1, 3 and 4 only
D. Amendments of the Constitution - 4. Constitution
D. 1, 2, 3 and 4
of South Africa
51. The ....... schedule of Constitution of India contains
special provisions for the administration and control
of Scheduled Areas and Schedule Tribe?

D. 1 2 4 3


45. Consider the following statements

1. The Constitution as originally adopted had 22
A. Third B. Fifth C. Seventh D. Ninth
Parts, 395 Articles and 12 Schedules.
2. A chapter on Fundamental Duties did not find a
52. Part IV of Constitution of India deals with
place in the original Constitution.
A. Fundamental Rights
B. Citizenship
C. DiA. Only 1 B. Only 2 C. Both 1 nad 2 D. Neirective Principles of State Policy D. Union Executher 1 nor 2
46. Which Constitution has inspired the Indian concepts
of Rule of law, Parliamentary system and law-making 53. Power, authority and responsibilities of municipalities
are listed in which one of following schedules of the
procedure ?
Constitution of India ?
A. US Constitution
B. British Constitution
A. Ninth B. Tenth C. Eleventh D. Twelfth
C. Canadian Constitution D. All of the above



B. Part VIII - 2. The Union Territories

54. Match List I - List II and select the correct answer by
C. Part IX - 3. The Panchayats
using the codes given below the list
D. Part IX A - 4. The Municipalities
List I - List II
A. Third Schedule - 1. Allocation of Seats in Upper
A. 1 2 3 4 B. 2 1 3 4 C. 4 3 1 2 D. 4 3 2 1
B. Ninth Schedule - 2. Disqualification on grounds of 60. The Seventh Schedule of the Constitution of India
contains provisions regarding
C. Fourth Schedule - 3. Validation of certain acts
A. Scheduled Languages
B. Oaths and AffirD. Tenth Schedule - 4. Forms of Affirmations or oaths.
C. Administration of Tribal Areas
A. 1 2 3 4 B. 2 1 4 3 C. 3 2 4 1 D. 4 3 1 2
D. union, State, Concurrent Lists


55. From the following languages listed in the Eighth

Schedule of the Constitution pick out which is official language of a state
1. Kashmiri
2. Urdu
3. Sindhi

A. 1 only
B. 1 and 4 only
D. 1, 2, 3 and 4


4. Nepali
C. 1, 3 and 4 only

A. 1 2 3 4


56. Match List I with the List II and select the correct
answer by using the codes given below the list
List I - List II
A. Sixth Schedule - 1. Administration and control of
Scheduled areas and Scheduled tribes
B. Second Schedule - 2. Administration of tribal areas
in states of Assam, Tripura and Mizoram and Meghalaya
C. Twelfth Schedule - 3. Salary of constitutional officers.
D. Fifth Schedule - 4. Powers, authority and responsibilities of Municipalities
B. 2 1 4 3

C. 2 3 4 1

D. 4 3 1 2


57. The Tenth Schedule of India Constitution deals with


A. Anti-defection Legislation
B. Panchayati Raj
C. Land Reforms
D. Distribution of power between the Union and States
58. Functions to be assigned to Panchyats by 73rd
Amendment of the Constitution are mentioned in


1. C
10. B
18. B
59. Match List I (Parts of the Indian Constitution) with 26. D
List I (Provisions) and select the correct answer using 35. A
the codes given below
43. B
List I - List II
51. B
59. A
A. Part IV A - 1. The Fundamental Duties
A. Tenth Schedule
C. Twelfth Schedule

B. Eleventh Schedule
D. Thirteenth Schedule

2. C
11. C
19. C
27. A
36. B
44. A
52. C
60. D

3. C
12. B
20. C
28. D
37. C
45. B
53. D

4. C 5. A 6. B 7. B 8. A
13. B 14. B 15. D 16. C
21. C 22. C 23. C 24. C
29. B 31. D 32. A 33. B
38. B 39. C 40. D 41. D
46. B 47. D 48. A 49. D
54. D 55. D 56. C 57. A

9. C
17. B
25. A
34. C
42. C
50. C
58. B

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