Personnel Policies

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I. Definition:
These are the policies adopted by the Foundation that are observed as
guidelines in dealing with the interrelationships of both management and
employees as well as between employees themselves for the promotion of
mutual benefits. Policies adopted by the Foundation should be those not contrary
to law, morals, public order and public policy. These policies are means to
administer relative programs of national and local legislation. Also, to ensure
mutuality of policies, employees should participate to the policy-making
procedure enabling them to protect their rights and to be aware of the policies
enacted as well.
II. Scope:
All foundation employees, whether regular, probationary or project, as well
as borrowed employees are covered by these policies. Should there be any
conflict between Foundation policies and SLU policies applicable to borrowed
employees, the SLU policy shall be prevail. These policies include:

Human Resource Planning (Employee classification, hiring)

Compensation and Benefits
Hours of Work, Holiday and Leave
Employee relations
Employee Resignation and Retirement
Personnel Records
Human Rights and employment equity
Workplace health and safety
Computer use
Other legal provisions or requirements

III. Purpose:
The purpose of this document is to properly and mutually resolve issues
arising from labor disputes between employers and employees, among
employees, and from other working conditions, and to provide a medium to
prevent any form of abuse of authority and to correct misbehaviors.
IV. Policies:
A. Human resource Planning
The Policy and intent of the FOUNDATION is to provide equal
employment opportunity for all person regardless of race, color, religion,
national origin marital status, political affiliation, affectional orientation or
gender identity, status with regard to public assistance, disability, sex, or
The FOUNDATION intends to respond affirmatively in its employment
practices. Affirmative action applies to all aspects of employment
practices including, but not limited tom recruiting, hiring, placement,
promotion, demotion, transfer, training, compensation, benefits, layoff,
recall, and termination. The FOUNDATION seeks to do business with
organizations, agencies as well as individuals that encourage equal
employment opportunity.

2. Employee Classification
All employees are classified as either regular or probationary or project,
either foundation employee or borrowed employee, either full time or part
time. Regular employees hired without specific termination date.
Probationary employees are employees who within a certain period of
time are under evaluation the result of which will determine whether the
employee will continue his employment or not. The basis of evaluation
should be clearly communicated to the employee at the time of his
Part-time Employees are those employees working at least 6 hours but
less than 40 hours per week. Part-time employees are not eligible for fringe
benefits, sick and vacation leave benefits.
Foundation employees are those employees directly hired and paid by
the foundation while Borrowed employees are those employees directly
hired and paid by SLU University but whose services are availed by the
Another classification of employee is the so-called Subsidized
employees who are Foundation employees whose salaries are subsidized
by the University.
The foundation intends to recruit, hire, and place applicants on the
basis of applicants relative knowledge skills and abilities. The decision to
employ an applicant will be based solely on the individuals qualification
for the particular position along with other requisite job skills. Minimum
qualifications shall be specified in the job description. ( JOB DESCRIPTIONS
and JOB SPECIFICATIONS are presented as appendices)
When a position is established or vacated, the Director, through the
Secretary, will prepare a job announcement identifying the positions
responsibilities and overall relationship to the FOUNDATIO for posting or
circulation within the UNIVERSITY and for public notification. Posted
positions will be open for a minimum application period of 15 days.
Processing of applications will be coursed through the Human Resource
Department of the University unless otherwise endorsed to the
Foundations Human Resource Group.
All employees will undergo a probationary period the length of
which depends on the position applied for.
Directorship (by appointment)
Finance Manger (by appointment/application)
Secretary (by application)
Accounting Clerk (by application)



Program Assistant (by application)

Project Extension Technician (by application)

6 months
6 months

At the time of hiring, new employees will receive a letter of

employment, a job description, salary and benefits detail and a copy of the
personnel policies. The magnitude of the work assignments and the full
scope of responsibility for the position will be fully discussed at the time of
Persons employed by the FOUNDATION will receive salary
negotiated at the time of recruitment on a monthly rate basis. In
setting compensation, the FOUNDATION may consider among other
things, external labor market rates, and equitable relationship with
other jobs within the organization and the organizations ability to pay.
Each employee may be eligible for a salary review at the beginning of
each fiscal year provided that the FOUNDATION has a positive result on
its operations and depending on the availability of funds. The Board of
Directors will determine the Directors salary.
The FOUNDATION will establish a 48-hour weekly work schedule
(from Mondays to Saturday and from 8 am to 5:30 pm) unless future
adjustments are warranted, and whenever possible will accommodate
each individuals personal commitments and the needs of the organization
in cases of emergencies. Sunday will be considered as the rest day of
employees. Work performed thereon will be compensated in accordance
with the provision of existing labor laws.
Unless otherwise authorized excess hours will not be compensated.
Authorized overtime hours are to be compensated in accordance with the
provision of the present existing labor laws.
Official holidays are as follows:
New Years Day
Maundy Thursday
Good Friday
Araw ng Kagitingan
Labor Day
Independence Day
National Heroes Day
Bonifiacio Day
Christmas Day
Rizal Day

January 1
Movable Date
Movable Date
April 9
May 1
June 12
Last Sunday of August
November 30
December 25
December 30

The FOUNDATION desires to assist new parents in balancing the
demands of working and caring for children. The FOUNDATION will provide
up to 8 weeks of unpaid family leave to any employee for the birth or
adoption of a child. Leave must be initiated within six weeks of the birth or

adoption of the child, unless otherwise approved by the Director. The use
of the 8 weeks shall be at the discretion of the employee and shall be
discussed with the Director as to its impact on ongoing work
responsibilities and other employees. Although a maximum of 8 weeks is
available, an employee may utilize accumulated sick leave as well as
annual leave to enable either partial payment for or extension of the basic
8 week period.

The FOUNDATION will provide to each full-time staff employee 136
hours or 17 working days paid annual leave based upon one years full
time employment with the FOUNDATION. However, unused vacation leave
will not be carried over the following year. Leaves have to be exhausted
within the same year. Leaves have to be initiated at least 1 week before
the scheduled date of absence.
Moreover, probationary employees are not eligible for paid vacation
leaves. They entitled only to proportionate leaves on the year they
become regular employees and 17 days a year thereafter.
The interchange or exchange of annual leave and sick leave is not
The FOUNDATION will provide up to nine (9) working days each
employment year to each staff person to be utilized for purposes of
addressing health needs. Compensation will be based upon the
employees salary rate at the time sick leave is taken. Sick leave may be
utilized at the discretion of the employee and is granted for sickness of the
individual employee, his or her spouse/partner, children, or other
immediate family members. Sick leave can also be used for health needs,
e.g. dental or medical appointments.
Each staff person of the FOUNDATION should notify the office each
day they will be absent from work due to illness, if at all possible. Upon full
recover, the staff person should duly fill up sick leave application forms
indicating the number of hours of absence. Medical certification should be
attached with the leave forms.
Unused sick leaves at the end of the year are monetized depending
on the employee.


It is the FOUNDATIONs belief that the employees are the primary

means by which the goals and objectives of the FOUNDATION will be
met. To that end, the rights of all employees must be respected. All
employees of the FPUNDATION must understand its position on
harassment. By definition, harassment is any unwanted attention or

action prohibited by law by someone in the workplace that creates an

intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment, including sexual
harassment. The procedure for reporting and dealing with this very
sensitive issue is as follows

If a persons behaviour makes an employee uncomfortable, the

employee should feel free to immediately advise the person that, in
the employees opinion, the behaviour is inappropriate and that the
employee would like it stopped.
If the employee is not comfortable discussing the issue with the
person, or if the person fails to respect an employees request, the
employee should report the incident to his or her supervisor. If, for
whatever reason, the employee does not feel that the supervisor is
suitable person to whom to report the incident, the employee should
contact the Executive Director or, if appropriate, the Board Chair or a
member of the Personnel Committee.

In all instances, a prompt, thorough and, fair investigation will take

place, giving careful consideration to protect the rights and dignity of
all people involved. The FOUNDATION will take those steps it feels
necessary to resolve the problem, which may include verbal or written
reprimand, suspension or termination.
No retaliation or any kind will occur because an employee has in
good faith reported an incident of suspected harassment.


The FOUNDATION is committed to providing a flexible and costeffective, among others, medical care, educational, personality
development and retirement program for all its employees. The
benefits include those required by law and other government agencies.
The FOUNDATION reserves the right, in its discretion, however, to
change the nature of the benefits offered to employees, or to change
deductibles, premiums, or other features of any benefit. In addition,
FOUNDATION may decide to discontinue one or more benefits provided
that affected employees will be notified of such changes or
discontinuations as soon as practicable.
Furthermore, to recognize the efforts of the employees, it is a
management prerogative to grant additional compensations to
participating employees in certain activities provided certain conditions
are met.

minimum of 15 participants
Excess of honorarium over basic rate

Every after Training or activity where the conditions are met, the
Trainer-employee should duly accomplish Terminal Report Form
indicating the number of hours by which the trainer-employee
participated as facilitator or co-facilitator.


Each performance review should be a positive and interactive

process whereby both the FOUNDATION and the individual being
reviewed receive information about his or her success in meeting the
responsibilities of the job, and the FOUNDATION can learn about its
strengths and weaknesses as an employer of the employee. In general,
the goal of FOUNDATION is to conduct a performance review of each
new employee during the sixth month of employment after the first
year of service and annually thereafter.


When the FOUNDATION receives a request for information from another

person or entity about an employee, either during employment or after
the employees employment has ended, it is the FOUNDATIONs policy
to provide the following:
a. Dates of employment
b. Last job title
In general, Foundations policy is not to furnish any other
information about work performance or employment, unless the
employee specifically directs it to do so and signs a release prepared by
the FOUNDATION which authorizes it to do so. If an employee does not
authorize the FOUNDATION to furnish any additional information, it will
advise the requesting person or entity that, absent a release,
FOUDNDATIONs policy is to provide only the information set out in a-b


Any employee of the FOUNDATION may resign by submitting a letter

of resignation to
the Director, the Board of Directors at least thirty (30) working days prior
to the effective date of the resignation.
At the time of the effective date of the resignation, the employee shall
be able to use any accrued annual leave. If the employee has used all
annual leave due prior to resignation, all hours used in excess of those
earned shall be deducted from the employees final pay check at the rate
if salary paid at the time of resignation. No employee shall be
compensated for any unused sick leave at the time of resignation.
Other Discharges
Discipline and/or discharge may result for many reasons including,
but not limited to, inappropriate behaviour and/or unsatisfactory
performance. Inappropriate behavior is defined as including, but not
limited to, misbehaviour on the job, refusal to do work reasonably
expected, wrongful use of or taking of agency property, conviction of a
felony, and violation of any policies or practices of the FOUNDATION.
Unsatisfactory performance means failure of an employee to meet
performance standards, to complete tasks in a timely, competent way, or

to maintain an adequate attendance record. Uncooperative behavior or

negative attitueds that affect the work or morale of others may result in
termination. At the discretion of the Executive Director, any staff member
facing termination for unsatisfactory performance may be given the
option to resign as described in the above section under Resignation.
The FOUNDATION attempts to hire highly qualified staff with broad
capabilities. There may be occasions, however (due to program changes,
loss of contract support, etc.), when it may be necessary to initiate layoffs. In such cases, it is the intent of the FOUNDATION to attempt to avoid
abrupt, arbitrary, and unfair actions whenever possible.

EMPLOYER APPEALS (Grievance Procedure)

The purpose of the employee appeal procedure is to provide a means

for employees to resolve their work place concerns with management. All
employees of the FOUNDATION may file either collectively or individually
a grievance under this section.
Definition of an Appeal
A grievance shall be determined as an alleged misapplication of
FOUNDATION personnel policies. This procedure represents an intent to
offer a dispute resolution mechanism to the employees of the
FOUNDATION. Failure by the FOUNDATION to exactly follow this procedure
shall not subject the FOUNDATION to breach of contract claim.
Timing for Appeals
In order to qualify for processing under this section, an appeal must
be filed no later than thirty (30) calendar days after the date on which the
aggrieved condition commenced.
Step One:
Any employee who is eligible may present an appeal to his/her
immediate supervisor for discussion. The supervisor shall have five (5)
regular working days in which to respond to the relief requested. Should
the supervisor fail to respond within this time limit or if the employee
finds the response unsatisfactory, the appeal may be reduced to writing,
clearly specifying the policy allegedly misapplied, and the relief
requested. The appeal should be submitted to the Executive Director
within five (5) regular working days from the time the first step answer
was due or was given. The Executive Director should respond in writing
within five (5) days of receipt and if the Executive Director fails to
respond within this time, or if the employee finds the response
unsatisfactory, or in cases where the Executive Director is the immediate
supervisor, the employee may proceed to Step Two.
Step Two:
The employee may submit an appeal to a Personnel Committee if
Step One has not resolve the issue. Upon receipt of a written appeal, the

Personnel Committee will inform the Executive Committee and the Board
Chair of the appeal. The personnel Committee shall also convene a
meeting wherein statements shall be taken from the appealing employee
and the employees immediate supervisor, as applicable, either
separately or jointly at the discretion of the Personnel Committee Chair.
The Personnel Committee may also request statements from other
employees. The Committee may refuse to grant the employees request
for appeal when the issues involved are minor in nature or involve
evaluations or judgements by management unless they appear to be
contrary to policy, malicious or vindictive. The Personnel Committee shall
have twenty (20) regular working days in which to respond to the
employee in writing concerning the relief requested. If the Personnel
Committee fails to respond within this time limit, the employee may
petition the Chair of the Board of Directors. Failure on the part of the
employee to petition the Chair of the Board of Directors within thirty (30)
days of the result of Step Two shall result in the appeal being waived.
Step Three:
The Chair of the Board shall convene a meeting with the aggrieved
employee, the Personnel Committee Chair, the Executive Director and the
Immediate Supervisor, as applicable, either separately or jointly at the
discretion of the Chair. The Chair may convene an executive committee
meeting and within ten (10) working days shall respond to the grievant in
writing with the final decision. In all instances, a thorough and fair
investigation will take place, giving careful consideration to the rights and
dignity of the people involved. The Chair will report the grievance and the
result at the next regularly scheduled Board meeting.


All supplies, materials, and work products of an employee if

purchased by FOUDNATION shall remain the property of the
FOUNDATION after resignation, discharge, or layoff of that employee.
The employee may retain any personal files, but work files and other
papers shall remain with the FOUNDATION.


All employees are encouraged to participate in a variety of
community and professional activities. In those instances where an
employees activities are part of their regular duties and
responsibilities, any payment will be turned over to the FOUNDATION.
All fees derived from FOUNDATION reports, activities, events, or
speaking engagements while employed by the FOUNDATION shall also
be turned over to the FOUNDATION.
In some instances, an individual may do work that is based
on activities or experiences prior to or separate from their regular
duties and responsibilities at the FOUNDATION. TO avoid actual or
appearance of conflict of interest, any employee who engages in any
remuneration activity in any field directly related to FOUNDATION
programs must have prior approval by the Director. The Board of
Trustees will review these issues for the Executive Director. No

employee may formally represent himself/herself as a spokesperson for

FOUNDATION without prior approval of his/her supervisor.
Employee Acknowledgement
I acknowledge that I have read and understood the policies
outlined in this copy of FOUNDATIONS Personnel Policy Guidelines. I
understand that these policies provide only a general reference and are
not a full statement of FOUNDATIONSs procedure nor are they a
contract. I will update these policies as I am provided with new
materials and I will return my copy of the Personnel Polies to
FOUNDATION upon termination of my employment.
Employee Signature ___________________________


Employee name: ___________________________________
Employee title: ____________________________________
Period covered: ____________________________________
Date of evaluation: _________________________________






Work quality
Skill Building
General comments on employees performance:

Employees goals for the coming year:

Reviewed by:

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DIRECTOR EVALUATION FORM

OUTSTANDING- Performance at this level is clearly unique and far in excess of
established expectations. The employee consistently exceeds expectations in the
outcomes achieved in work quality, quantity and timeliness. The employee
exhibits leadership among peers in all dimensions of the field of work performed.
SIGNIFICANTLY EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS- Performance at this level often
exceeds established expectations and standards for work quality quantity and
timeliness. The employee exhibits mastery of most dimensions of the field of
work performed.
FULLY CAPABLE- Performance at this level is satisfactory on the established
expectations and standards for work quality, quantity and timeliness. The
employee competently achieves the requirements of the position.
NEEDS IMPROVEMENT- Performance at this level is minimally capable and
below the level expected employee. Improvements is required in significant
dimensions of the job in order to meet the expectations and standards for work
quality, quantity and timeliness. The employee performing at this level may be
denied merit increases until fully capable performance is demonstrated.

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