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1. State the Armys definition of leadership. What are the key components?

Leadership - Influencing people by providing purpose, direction, and motivation, while operating
to accomplish the mission and improve the organization.
Key components are influencing others and improving the organization.

2. Define Mission Command and discuss what it means to you.

it is the exercise of authority and direction by the commander using mission orders to enable
disciplined initiative within the commander's intent to empower agile and adaptive leaders in the
conduct of Unified Land Operations.
To me, it means giving leaders the freedom to make their own choices to accomplish the mission
without being micro managed.

3. What are the 3 levels of leadership?

Directdirect leaders use face-to-face continuous contact with those under their
Organizationalorganizational leaders influence a team of sub-teams, without
direct contact with the majority of their down-line employees.
Strategicstrategic leaders must influence a team of organizations, often
geographically dispersed, with little direct contact with most team members.

4. What is the most important step in MDMP? Who leads MDMP?

7 steps of MDMP
1. Receipt of Mission
2. Mission Analysis - When performed properly, it provides the staff with an understanding of the
battalion's role in the brigade's operation and what parameters the battalion must operate within to meet
its mission. The XO must ensure that the staff has sufficient time to do a thorough mission analysis.

3. COA Development
4. COA Analysis
5. COA Comparison
6. COA Approval
7. Orders Production
Most important step of the MDMP is Mission Analysis;
The person who leads MDMP is the XO

5. What are the 3 types of operations conducted outside the US?

6. What are the 3 types of operations conducted inside the US? Why are they

7. What are the 6 tenets of Unified Land Operations?

Flexibility Versatile mix of operations; flexible during adversity

Integration Part of larger unified actions; integration of Army operations
Lethality Effective decisive action; Lethal versus nonlethal purposes
Adaptability Critical thinking; to accept prudent risk
Depth Extension of operations; achieve definitive results
Synchronization Combat power at a decisive place and time; executing multiple
related tasks

8. Discuss the key points of supply operations.

9. Discuss the key points of maintenance operations.
10. State at least 3 sources/agencies that you will like refer Soldiers to or that
Soldiers can go to for assistance.
11. State the 5 functions (Dimensions of Strength) of Comprehensive Soldier Fitness.
Which one is the most important? Least important?
1. Physical - not just how fit we look on the outside, but how we perform in stressful activities





requiring aerobic fitness, endurance and strength. It also includes a healthy body built and
maintained using good habits and health decisions. Regular exercise, nutritional foods and
challenging training develops habits now that pay off years down the road. A healthy heart and
body will ensure you fill your obligations to your unit now and your family later in life.
Emotional - approaching lifes challenges in a positive, optimistic way by demonstrating selfcontrol, stamina and good character. Good emotional control allows you to think through
stressful situations and benefits your family life and your units ability to function as a team. It
also helps you make better decisions in your everyday life.
Social - This means that you trust your unit, your family and others. More importantly, it
means that others trust you and value you as a team member. Mutual trust, valued
relationships and friendships foster good communication, including shared ideas, views and
experiences. All are crucial to being healthy in mind and contribute to a healthy body.
Family - A safe, supportive and loving family provides a strong foundation that helps you deal
with stressful situations. The great thing about being a member of the military is that you
belong to the Army family. You have the benefit of leaning on your friends you serve with
when your family is not available. Take care of your family, and you will be taken care of.
Spiritual - completes Comprehensive Soldier Fitness. Spiritual strength means having and
building on a set of beliefs, principles or values that sustain you beyond family, institutional
and social groups. This is your moral code as a person and shapes how well you interact with
others in your unit and your family.

12. Define organizational development and list the 6 elements of organizational

1. Knowledge management
Ways and methods than an organization processes information
Vertical and horizontal information flow
2. Communication and group processes
Elements of teamwork
Intra- and inter- working of teams
3. Leadership development
Delegation of authority
Decision-making at appropriate level
4. Leading and managing change
Response to internal challenges
Response to external challenges
5. Organizational culture
Complex set of expectations that members share
Values, beliefs, goals, assumptions, attitudes, history, behavioral norms
6. Organizational learning
Adapt and learn from change
Teamwork, initiative, toleration of mistakes, open to feedback

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