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“The Beethoven Effect”: The Origins of Vibroacoustics

By Regina Murphy

The popular “The Mozart Effect” is an inclusive term signifying the

transformational power of music in health, education and well being. It
represents the general use of music to reduce stress, depression, anxiety,
activate the body and improves memory and awareness. Vibroacoustics is a
defined as “the process of delivering sound vibration into and through the

An analogy would be that you can enjoy and benefit from music by simply
hearing it, however getting the cells to feel it is exponentially better, just as
much as you can enjoy seeing and smelling food but nothing compares to
tasting and digesting it. That being said, in the 90’s movie, “Mr. Holland’s
Opus”, the turning point of Mr. Holland’s relationship with his deaf son was
when his son figured out that he could feel music his father played by sitting
on the speakers if the volume was loud enough. Beethoven’s Masterpiece,
5TH Symphony was composed when he could ONLY feel the vibration of the
piano because he was completely deaf. He would put the side of his face on
the piano as he played to feel the sound. Beethoven also believed he could
instill his emotion and intention into his music. The “Beethoven Effect” is the
greater effect of music when vibration is actually FELT. According to Dr.
Candice Pert, Ph.D., human cells respond instantly to sound.

In the 1970’s, it was discovered that disabled children improved on all

levels when they could feel music by putting speakers into the bean bags
and playing music that calmed them with slow bass tones coming from the
speakers in the bean bags. Since 1995 The National Institute of Health has
treated and studied 750,000 patients with vibroacoustics and shows at least
a 50% improvement in pain, other physical symptoms and anxiety.

Everything has a measurable frequency or vibration. Every musical note,

flower, rock, animal, bug, person, every planet in the universe,
microorganism, sound, color and cell in the human body has a unique
frequency. At UCLA Medical Research Hospital, scientists use an atomic
microscope to determine if the sound of the cell is healthy or not. Sound
from tuning forks can kill unhealthy cells in a Petri dish; such as cancer.
Now that we have the ability to put sustained perfect frequencies into our
bodies, via digital technology, we can treat our “OUT OF TUNE” cells with
Medical Music. It sounds too good to be true and I am sure those of us
“Addicted to Logic and Reason” will not understand nor accept this.

Our limiting belief that “A doctor will call in a prescription” to fix our ailments
and pains, keeps us trapped in victim consciousness. Although allopathic
and chemical medicine is sometimes the best and only solution to many
things, it is not the only or best way to truly heal the symptom or the cause.
Pharmaceutical Giants are hurrying to patent sound and light frequencies as
they realize the immense power sound and light have on all biology; plant,
insect and human. Sound is being used to double the growth rate of crops
and totally eliminate the need for pesticides. Science is using sound
technology for everything from forecasting the weather to weapons of mass

By putting the correct frequencies into the brain and by tactical stimulation
of the physical body, we increase its effects exponentially. What type of
music we listen to is a double edge sword considering some of the types of
music we listen to on our iPods or stereos. It is possible that the
deterioration of music is directly related to the deterioration of society. The
Chinese believe that the planetary tones used in China for thousands of
years to tune their musical instruments is what kept the great civilizations of
its rich past in tack for so long.


Most of us have the ability to begin to incorporate vibroacustics and

neoroacoustics into our self care home treatment programs. Unlike health
supplements that need to replaced endlessly, once you purchase the medical
music, the music it is yours forever to use and share. The majority of us
have CD players with speakers or headphones and the ability to purchase
CDs online. With these items you can begin your vibroacoustic journey. A
list of vibroacoustic composers and products are readily available using your
internet search engine.

The products are available at a range of prices levels which will fit the
household budget. Everything from tuning forks at an average investment of
$40 to a $2,000 sound bed or chair. It is possible to make these devices
yourself if you are that type of person. There are how-to models of all types.
Because sound travels faster through water and deeper through the skin, I
will soon be trying a transducer that can go into the bathtub. However, until
you know that I have actually survived my research without severe
consequences, I wouldn’t try this yourself. The vibroacoustic bathtub is
$10,000 but the transducer is only $500 and sometimes cheaper is not
better. My husband, an insurance agent, just added accidental death to my
existing policy.


In 1998, The National Institute of Health presented its findings; a 65%

reduction is pain and anxiety in all individuals studied. Not bad. No “Side
Effects” were found. These figures would put BIG PHARM in the red if
individuals adopted them in their home health care programs, so there was
not much of a fuss about these astounding initial results disclosed in news

With the refinement of binaural beats and brain entrainment through sound,
it just gets better and better. Tactical stimulation with healing frequencies
has been refined to such precision that you can determine with a 3 second
voice recording exactly what frequency you need to get your body to
produce its own B12. Now you are able to treat yourself with a frequency of
light or sound; available at minimal or in some cases, no cost.


I recently visited the spa convention in Las Vegas and I was pleased to see
two manufacturers of “sound massage tables” displaying the latest
technology. I am bringing three of my sound beds to the 2010 “Energy
Psychology” Conference in San Diego in June of this year to demonstrate
incorporating the use of tuning forks while the individual is on the
vibroacustic bed as a way to enhance an already highly effective therapy.

In the 6 months that I have combined these therapies, EFT with tuning forks
and vibroacustic bed treatments, I have witnessed so many astounding
results that I have now devoted all of my time to research in vibroacustics. I
chose to participate in the Energy Psychology Conference in San Diego
rather than take a long overdue vacation.

One example of the effects of vibroacoustics was X- rays reflecting a young

girl’s scoliosis completely disappearing after two treatments on the
vibroacustic bed. There is research reflecting 80% improvement in autism,
and many high blood pressure patients experiencing remarkable
improvement. I would continued on but I would simply sound like I was
making this all up. Armed with your search engine and your curiosity, I
implore you to Google the magic word vibroacoustic, with research on the
disease of your choice and be prepared to be shocked.

There are two components to consider when and if you decide to

incorporate this into your healthcare. One is the content, or healing sound
frequencies, and the other is the actual device you choose to deliver the
sound into the body. Sound pads, tables, chairs and pillows are only a few.
I have found all composers the medical music and product manufactures in
the industry to be very reputable and a list of most will follow. The only
contraindications I have been able to find are to avoid treating those with
pacemakers, psychosis and those who are pregnant. This precaution should
be taken for legal purposes.

The most important aspect of vibroacustics is that it is an extremely

enjoyable experience: one rarely found in the health care industry.

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