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Sales Agreement


Special discount in celebrating Hari Kartini 21 April 2016

What you get :

Invoice #

Customers Info

Effective tools to attract serious

and relevant candidates

Dedicated customer service for 5

Star Ads consultation

Reduce your cost per hire with

Company Name
NPWP Address
Contact Person


Company Address

Company Name and NPWP Address provided above will be used for preparation of Faktur Pajak. Please ensure the information provided are correct as any amendment will only be entertained
after full payment has been made.

Package Description


Package Validity

50 Job Posting

12 Months

100 Job Posting

12 Months

300 Job Posting

12 Months

500 Job Posting

12 Months

1000 Job Posting

12 Months

2000 Job Posting

12 Months

Extra Benefits
2 SOL + 1 Job Posting +
16 Resume Search
2 SOL + 1 Job Posting +
16 Resume Search
2 SOL + 1 Job Posting +
16 Resume Search
2 SOL + 1 Job Posting +
16 Resume Search
2 SOL + 1 Job Posting +
16 Resume Search
2 SOL + 1 Job Posting +
16 Resume Search

After 4% discount*


Rp 7,180,800
Rp 11,616,000
Rp 23,760,000
Rp 38,848,000
Rp 58,080,000
Rp 92,928,000

*Above prices are for postpaid payment. Price includes 10% Value Added Tax and shall be subjected to WH 23 (PPH 23) Withholding Tax 2%. Please provide the Withholding Tax Certificate
(Bukti Potong PPH 23), no later than the end of the following month. Discount available for any purchase above Rp. 1,000,000,-

Payment Method
Cheque / Bank In / Transfer

Online transfer to our bank account: PT. JobStreet Indonesia BCA-KCP Wisma Nusantara, Acc No: 734 0360 031.
The Bank Deposit Slip must be faxed to 021 5700152 or email to
Please Indicate yout Company Name and Invoice Number on the deposit slip.
Official receipt will be provided upon request

Terms & Conditions:

This Sales Agreement is binding between and the Company, hereafter referred to as Advertiser and subject to the Terms of Use stated in JobStreet.coms website
This package is open for work location and placement in Indonesia website only. Recruitment firms are not eligible for these packages. This is a self posting DIY Package.
This is POSTPAID package, payment must be made within 2 weeks after package is activated. The above rates are valid only on 1-30 April 2016. does not allow job advertisement that has more than 1 job position in each job posting. Extensions will not be granted on unutilized credits past the expiry date.
Advertisements posted will remain online for period of thirty (30) days. The above rates are valid for 30 days from the date we offer this service agreement.
Job postings credits are deducted based on number of posting made. All credits and packages are not for resale and non-transferrable.
Company acknowledges & agrees that in accordance with any agreement between and other media, may include the job advertisements in the respective
media without any prior notification. reserves the right to withhold delivery of services until all outstanding invoices have been fully settled. All content of recruitment and job banners are subject to JobStreet.coms
approval. reserves the right to cancel any advertisement at any time for any reason whatsoever. Please refer to our Job Advertisement Policy for more information. Full details
of our terms and conditions are available on our website at
All the resumes will be stored in SiVA for 12 months from the posting date of the advertisement or the retrieval/request date from Resume Search database, whichever date is earlier. All job
advertisement posted will be stored in SiVA for 24 months from the posting date.
This Sales Agreement is not revocable by the advertiser. The advertisement are for the sole usage of the advertiser and cannot be resold and/or transferred to any third party.
has the right to cancel resold advertisement and charge the advertiser the normal rates if the advertiser is found to have resold advertisement.
Definition of terms:
Package Validity Refers to the duration you have to fully utilize all the credits in the package.

I / We understand and agree to the terms and conditions of this agreement.

Authorized Signature
Company Stamp:

AM Name
AM Email
AM Tel.



Please fax this form to

021 5700 152


PT. JobStreet Indonesia

Wisma Bumiputera, 5th floor,Jl. Jendral Sudirman Kav. 75 - Jakarta 12910 Tel: 62-21 5700151
Fax: 62-21 5700152
Email: Website:

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