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Proposal for Charity Event

Move for Syria

Course | Managing an Outlet and Organizing an Event

Block | 2014/15 C
Campus | The Hague
Prepared for | Mrs. Vink, Mr. Laureijs and Mr. Vriend
Date of Submission | 13 February 2014

In phase two, the block Managing an Outlet challenges the students to organise a real life charity
event next to running different outlets of Hotelschool The Hague. The goal is to raise at least 500
Euros for a good cause.
After forming groups of maximum 15 persons, the first step was to create a bid book containing an
extensive event concept.
During the first team meeting, decisions regarding which kind of charity organisation and event had to
be made. Subsequently it was essential to select a core management team of three individuals and
divide the group into several departments (F&B, Rooms Division, Entertainment, Decoration, Finance
and Law, Marketing and Communication and Accountability) with certain assigned tasks. However,
each team member is aware that the key is communication and the continuously exchange of
In week one on Thursday before 17h00 the event proposal has to be handed in and on Friday the
event concept will be presented to the Executive Committee in order to convince them of the projects'
After approval, the team is obliged to hand in an event script by 17h00 on Thursday of week 5. In case
of a GO, the team is allowed to execute the event in week seven.
In week nine the team needs to ensure aftercare, submit an evaluation report and hold a defense.
In order to develop the following Bid Book the team members attended all lectures given and
contacted several charity organisations and possible sponsors. If the feasibility of this proposal is
going to be approved by the Executive Committee, the event team will progress with the organisation
of Move for Syria.

Table of Contents

The Charity Organisation ...................................................................................................................... 9

1.1. Background of the organisation .....................................................................................................9
1.2. Why we choose this organisation ...................................................................................................9
1.3. Further considerable information ...................................................................................................9
Description of the Event ...................................................................................................................... 11
2.1. General Information about the Event ...........................................................................................11
2.2. Target Group ................................................................................................................................11
2.3. Agenda and Layout ......................................................................................................................11
2.4. Entertainment ...............................................................................................................................12
2.5. Food and Beverage ......................................................................................................................12
2.6. Technical and Decoration ............................................................................................................13
2.7. Safety and Security ......................................................................................................................13
2.8. Marketing and Communication ....................................................................................................13
2.9. Sponsors ......................................................................................................................................14
2.10. Finance ........................................................................................................................................15
2.11. Any other relevant information (Plan B) .......................................................................................17
Presentation of the Team .................................................................................................................... 19
3.1. Dimitrie van Leeuwen ...................................................................................................................19
3.2. Malika Wertz.................................................................................................................................19
3.3. Tobias Siegel ................................................................................................................................19
3.4. Joyce Tap .....................................................................................................................................20
3.5. Robert-Paul van Campen .............................................................................................................20
3.6. Xiaohui Hu ....................................................................................................................................21
3.7. Henry Mach ..................................................................................................................................21
3.8. Kaitlyn Ortiz ..................................................................................................................................21
3.9. Maartje Eenhoorn .........................................................................................................................21
Tara Harkink ............................................................................................................................22
Anna Bosten ............................................................................................................................22
Brittany van Gils ......................................................................................................................22
References ...................................................................................................................................................... 23

Executive Summary
The team started off brainstorming ideas regarding the charity event, the team focused on finding a
suitable charity to fundraise for.
UNICEF was chosen as the preferred charity organization to fundraise for due to the suffering war
victims (children) in Syria. The decision was made based on UNICEFs wide international network and
The team shared ideas to develop an event called Move for Syria which will be creative, fun, feasible,
but also successful enough to maximize profit for UNICEF.
An evening full of varied dance performances from Latin to Hip Hop, fantastic music (with DJ), great
food and beverages, as well as exciting raffle prices, was designed to ensure an unforgettable night of
entertainment for all attendees, for a significant cause: making a difference in the lives of Syrian war
The event is designed for at least 100 guests, whom will be invited to let themselves go on the dance
floor and indulge themselves with delicious food and beverages. Adults aged 20-45 who are
enthusiastic for social activities, such as; dancing, is the target market which the team based the event
The team also carefully took into consideration how the event should be marketed in order to attract
sufficient attendees. Flyers, personal interaction as well as social media will be used as promotional
In addition, special promotional events such as a flashmob will be held in the city centre of the Hague
to attract more attention. Tickets will be available on sale from a range of locations such as gyms and
schools, and online.
To ensure the success of the event, the team has devised plans to avoid probable risks that may
occur, and also have proper safety and security measures in place.
Funding for the event will be provided by sponsors Sushi & Grill Kokusai, Stielstra en partners, Vitaal
Leefstijlcoaching, and Mr. van Gils, who are generous to make this event possible.
Putting all aspects into perspective, the team believes that Move for Syria, will provide both excitement
and joy to attendees as well as the necessary revenue for UNICEF to aid Syrian war victims in order to
make a significant impact on their lives.


The Charity Organisation


Background of the organisation

UNICEF is an organisation with its main purpose to stand up for the rights of children all over the
world. It was founded in December 1946 after World War II by the United Nations with the intention to
provide food, clothing and health care to the European children. In 1953, UNICEF became a
permanent part of the United Nations and started a successful global campaign against yaws;
disfiguring disease affecting millions of children, and one that can be cured with penicillin. A few years
later (1959), the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Declaration of the Rights of the Child,
which defines childrens right to protection, education, health care, shelter and good nutrition. In 1965,
UNICEF was awarded with the Nobel Peace Prize For the promotion of brotherhood among nations.
Now-a-days, UNICEF is present in 190 countries, known as the worlds leading advocate for children.
Its headquarters is located in New York City, U.S. and its Dutch department is located in Voorburg,
The Netherlands.
UNICEF is supported entirely by voluntary funds. Governments contribute two thirds of their resources;
private groups and about six million individual donors contribute the rest through their National
Committees. A 36-member Executive Board guides and monitors all of UNICEFs work. They establish
policies, approve programmes and decide on administrative and financial plans and budgets.
Members are elected by the United Nations Economic and Social Council, usually for three-year
UNICEF Nederland has a flat organisation structure, led by General Manager Jan Bouke Wijbrandi
and Operational Manager Ingrid Visscher. They are supported by a management team and staff
officers with a total of 90 paid employees. A Supervisory Board, which consists of eight members, is
responsible for the supervising of the policy implementation, the executive team and its daily business.
UNICEF is reachable by phone (088 444 96 66) from Monday to Friday 8.30 21.00 and on Saturday
from 10.00 15.00. Visits are allowed when an appointment is made at Jacob van den Eyndestraat 73
2274XA Voorburg (UNICEF 2014)


Why we choose this organisation

We chose UNICEF due to their great awareness throughout the world, their goal to help and support
children all over the world and their launched projects such as helping the child victims in Syria.
One important fact is that UNICEF is granted with the Centraal Bureau Fondsenwerving mark that
ensures that a charity is not using more than 25% of the donated money for own purposes such as
costs. Besides that, we have a contact person Linda Seif who is responsible for Finance controlling
and willing to assist us during our event planning. Another important advantage is the assurance of
how the donations will be used.


Further considerable information

UNICEF has around 1248 partners worldwide and 11 partners in the Netherlands, such as; ING, IKEA,
H&M and Starwood. Their Dutch office is located in Voorburg, only 20 min away from the centre of The
Hague. UNICEF Nederland has 10 Celebrities as Ambassador, those are:
Nicolette van Dam
Ranomi Kromowidjojo
Paul van Vliet
Monique van de Ven
Trijntje Oosterhuis
Jrgen Raymann
Claudia de Breij
Renate Verbaan



Description of the Event


General Information about the Event

Together with UNICEF Nederland, we will organise a dance event called Move for Syria. At this
moment the crisis in the Syrian Arab Republic is well into its third year, and the daily headlines focus
on military clashes and political efforts to resolve the crisis, however, the world must not forget the
human realities at stake. The risk of losing a generation in Syria grows with every day that the situation
deteriorates, while the progress made for Syrian children in previous years is undone. UNICEF and its
partners are committed to keeping Syrian children from becoming a lost generation. Critical efforts
are being made to minimize the impact of the crisis on children including in the life-saving areas of
health, nutrition, immunization, water and sanitation, as well as in the future of children, through
education and child protection. (Unicef 2014)

By supporting UNICEF, we have created this event that will take place Friday the 28 of March at
Grand-Caf Rootz (which can accommodate around 250 people) in The Hague between 20.00
00.00. A minimum of 100 guests is predicted for this event. People will be triggered by the dance
performances, Raffle prices, the location and the goal of the event which is to maximize enough profit
for UNICEF to help the children in Syria.


Target Group

In order to raise a profitable charity event, a specific target market has been chosen. People, aged
between 20-45 years old, well-situated, middle-class income,
singles or couples which regularly participate in social
This target group is considered to be outgoing and wanting to
be part of a community. They want to participate in social
activities and are actually willing to pay money for that.
During the event, the focus will be lying on physical activities.
The day of the event, being a Friday is a day of release for the
target group and the opportunity to get away from work and to
blow off steam after the working week.


Agenda and Layout

The event will be hosted at Grand-Caf Rootz, located in the city centre of The Hague. This GrandCaf is well known by the target group and is easy reachable by bike and public transport (Tram 2, 3,
4, 6 and Bus 25). It is also located next to a city parking (kalvermarkt 32G) that offers 354 parking
spots with a rate of 1 Euros per 15 min with a maximum rate of 30 Euros per day. The Rootz provides
space for 175 people on the first floor and 100 on the ground floor. The authentic set-up creates a
perfect ambience to hold a nice dance event. (The Rootz 2014)
The event will be held on Friday the 28 of March 2014 and will start at 20.00 and end around 22.30.

Opening and speech
1 performance
2 performance
3 performance
Fund raising update
Raffle with prices and dance performances by the audience
Acknowledgements and final performance by team members

During the event and between the performances, music will be played by the DJ and finger food will be
provided. There will be the opportunity to network, donate and most importantly, dance!



When the guest arrives at the event, a welcome drink with one raffle ticket will be provided (buying
more raffle tickets will be possible). There will be three dance performances during the evening (Latin,
Hiphop and breakdance). Between the performances, a DJ will be responsible for the music which will
be a mix of different styles.
Later in the evening, a raffle will be held where the guests can win amazing prices such as
complimentary stays at hotels or free dinners at restaurants; however a dance performance on stage
could be a winning price as well.
The keynote speaker will be Joanna (Evenement manager UNICEF) that will inform people about the
project of UNICEF and what is going to happen with the raised funds.


Food and Beverage

As the event will take place after dinner time only light food will be served during the entire evening.
List of food:
Mini sausage sandwiches
Mini cheese sandwiches
The sushi will be provided by a sponsor and the canaps will be purchased by a wholesaler and
prepared by the event team.
List of drinks:
Prosecco as a welcome drink
Fruit cocktails
Orange juice
Pineapple juice
Grapefruit juice
Red and white wine
The sushi as well as the canaps and finger food will be provided by sponsors.
The canaps which will be offered and purchased at the following price;
Fine food mini
Fine food mini
Fine food

12 pieces
12 pieces
12 pieces

1,49 single
1,49 single
1,49 single

5 packages
(60 pieces)
5 packages
(60 pieces)
5 packages
(60 pieces)


Regarding the drinks, the event team is still negotiating with a potential sponsor called Nick Theurer
who is the key Account Manager at Brown Foreman.
The event team is still considering contacting the Sligro in order to negotiate about sponsoring finger
food in order to save the above mentioned costs.
Prices for drinks will be as follows:
Water 0,5l
Cola 0,33l
Fruit Cocktail
Orange juice 0,2l
Pineapple juice 0,2l
Grapefruit juice 0,2l

Beer 0,33 l
Wine 0,2l


Depending on the venue, drinks might be provided by the venue so that the event team will receive a
certain percentage of beverage sales.
The food will be served in a manner of flying buffets, which means that five people will serve the
snacks on trays and walk around during the evening.
Welcome drinks such as a glass of prosecco, water or orange juice are included in the ticket price and
will be served in form of a flying buffet in the begin of the event. There will be a bar which will provide
the guests with drinks during the event.


Technical and Decoration

Audio visual equipment needed:

Equipment for the DJ
Beamer and screen
Space for photo exhibition about
UNICEF and Syria
Decoration following the theme of the event:
piatas, colorful flags, umbrellas,
sombreros and maracas hanging on the
large graffiti paintings, golden necklace
and cap hanging on the ceiling

(tripadvisor, 2014)


Safety and Security

While organizing an event, safety and security measures need to be taken beforehand. The following
steps will be taken to assure a safe and secure set up for the Move for Syria event.
Access into the location:
Entry and exit areas need to be easily accessible and locatable to everyone and especially to
a large crowd of people. This will be done by clearing the exit/entrance area from obstacles
(e.g. furniture, tools) and have people in charge which guide the guests inside and outside the
Prior to the event, fire prevention material will be checked upon expiry dates, sufficiency in
amount according to set rules for the chosen venue.
Prior to the event, the emergency lights and common lightning, as well as the emergency
signage will be checked.
Prior to the event, the stage and platforms will be checked and observed throughout the event.
Prior to the event, personal protective equipment will be determined by the trained team in
order to assure security while e.g. setting up the stage, critical incidents during the event etc.
First aid equipment and trained staff will be present during the event in case of critical
Hygenic materials will be provided in bathrooms, e.g. handsoap, towels, toilet paper etc.


Marketing and Communication

In order to reach the target group, we are going to promote the event using communication tools, for
instance personal promotion, internet and visual promotion. Furthermore, we will draw the attention on

the event using places and methods that are in the daily use of the target group, such as gyms,
dancing schools etc.
By setting up a marketing plan, we can draw out a precise set-up of when we are using what tool and
keep a clear overview of the prices and progress. When selecting each marketing intermediaries, a
relationship between the target market and the actual event will need to be drawn. For example, we
will promote in gyms, dancing schools and colleges such as Haagse Hogeschool and hotelschool The
The link between the event and the guests will be made by the following parties:
Gym and dancing schools - disturber
Fellow students
Haagse Hogeschool
Via Social media, stakeholders will be informed about the goals, targets, objectives of our current
progress with regards to the fund raising, we will draw attention on our Facebook page and with that
tool create awareness about the event and the charity organisation.
In order to create awareness and knowledge about the charity event, we are planning to use the
following advertising methods:
Events: A Flashmob in the city centre of the Hague and at Hotelschool The Hague will be
organized to draw attention on the upcoming event.
Print: Posters will be hanged up in gyms, dancing schools etc. Banners promoting the event
will be hanged up in Hotelschool The Hague and Haagse Hotelschool in order to dramatically
catch the attention of the target group. By adding a free drink coupon per person to the flyers,
they will be kept by people and raise the interest of joining the event.
Newspaper: The goal is to be published in Agenda-sections of Newspapers to increase
awareness of the event.
Sales of the tickets:
Personal ticket sales by the team at HTH and Haagse Hotelschool
Ticket sales at the gym and dancing schools while promoting the event.
Aim to sell tickets online to increase the availability and easiness of buying them.



The group will target the sponsors in regards to those that can help with money or help with providing
tangibles that can support the event. They will receive a visit by one of the team members. This will
allow personal contact and discuss all open-ended questions, and benefits that the team can offer the
sponsors. Sponsors will be constantly updated of the progress of the event and two tickets will be
provided to the sponsors to join the event.
Stielstra en partners
100 euro
accountants en adviseurs
Kokusai Restaurant, Alkmaar Food
500 euro
Vitaal Leefstijlcoaching
50 euro
Mr. van Gils
50 euro
A reward system has been created:
Sponsored Money
0 - 50 euro
50 - 100 euro
100 - 150 euro
150 - 200 euro
200 - 300 euro

On the flyer
On the poster & flyer
On the poster, ticket & flyer
On the poster, ticket, flyer & banner
All of the above and mentioned at the event

For aftercare sponsors will receive a thank you card with a personal signature and message from all
team members.

2.10. Finance
Estimated Revenue & Costs
Amt Sold



Raffle Tickets









Total Revenue










Entertainment & Equipment


Security Fees


Raffle Tickets

Promotion - Flyers, Posters, etc


Tickets (bracelets)


Total Cost




The above table shows the estimated revenue and costs that we expect to incur. We have based the
costs of decorations, security fees, promotion and tickets on price indications from various websites
and price suggested from the team network.
For example we will provide each dancers 2 drinks of choice as compensation and the equipment will
be provided by one of the team members. The 500 Euros of food will be sponsored, as explained in
part 2.9.
Also, we expect the venue to sponsor but keep the revenue from drinks for their selves. We are busy
finding sponsors for the welcoming drinks.
We have based the current estimated ticket sales price on the opinion of our team members. As they
were all willing to pay up to 10 Euros, however, the price per ticket is currently set as 7 Euro. The
actual market research will be done in week 2.
(Online Printers, 2014).
(Polsbandjesfabriek, 2014).
(Roxy Security, 2014).
Worst Case Scenario
Amt Sold


Total Revenue

Raffle Tickets








Total Revenue











Entertainment & Equipment


Security Fees


Raffle Tickets


Promotion - Flyers, Posters, etc


Tickets (bracelets)


Total Cost




In the worst case scenario, we would only be able to sell 60 tickets and 50 of the attendants buy one
raffle ticket per person. At this moment we already know we will get 150 Euros from sponsors and 500
Euros food sponsoring.
In the worst case, we will be suffering from a loss. In the case of if the venue does not sponsor the rent
and also want to keep all the money made from beverages sales. As for the costs, we took some extra
unexpected expenses into consideration compared to the estimated costs.
Best Case
Amt Sold



Raffle Tickets







Beverages 10%


Total Revenue








Entertainment & Equipment

Security Fees

Raffle Tickets

Promotion - Flyers, Posters, etc


Tickets (bracelets)


Total Cost




In the best case scenario, we will be able to sell 150 tickets and all attendants will buy at least two
raffle tickets. For this scenario, we have estimated that we would get 140 Euros more sponsor money
than we already have at this moment. In the best case, the venue will sponsor us by letting us use
their venue for free, including the security and also give us 10% of the beverage revenue. For the
other costs, we have estimated the lowest costs possible.


2.11. Any other relevant information (Plan B)

Probable risks:
Less Attendance
Less funds than goal
Worse time management
Venue not provided
Price risk
Unsafe in regards to legal obligations
Size of venue
Accessibility of venue
Transportation to and from venue
Weather conditions
Nuclear Summit 2014
Probability of Risks
In regards to the current situation, we contacted people involved in the event organisation of our set
venue. Since now, there has not been a decision made whether the venue is available or not.
Above, please find a current overview of the risks this project is facing. We judged on basis of this list
the probability of occurrence of those risks and developed a strategy in order to have this backed up.
In our opinion, the most probable occurrence might be a very low attendance of guests, which has a
high impact on our financial target of fundraising.
Furthermore, we contacted different kinds of sponsors and companies which might support us, such
as: Campari, Brown-Foreman, and private investors. Since we are still awaiting feedback in regards to
sponsored products, there is a probability present of not being sponsored by them. This might impact
our financial performance and realisation in regards to our financial goal as well as it might impact the
marketing effectiveness of our project.
We defined an environmental risk with the upcoming Nuclear Summit 2014 in Den Haag. This event
will impact the accessibility within Den Haag, since control points will be initiated. This might lower the
interest of guests to participate in our event, since it will take place simultaneously. Therefore, the final
date of event might shift another week forward. We need to supervise the local developments in
regards to that, in order to properly choose a date and timeframe for our event.
Unforeseen risks might occur on the basis of weather conditions, as bad weather lowers the amount of
people going out.
How to fight the threats:
Secure a backup plan which involves the Skotel gym as venue. The event will be shifted to this
location. Furthermore, we will switch the event to outdoors in case the venue is not available and
weather conditions are satisfying.
Furthermore, when not being able to get enough sponsors, we will sell "additional products" or
increase the ticket price and/or beverage prices.
Due to the Nuclear Summit 2014, we might postpone the Event Date for another week.




Presentation of the Team

The team consists of 14 highly motivated students who are eager to organise an amazing event in
order to raise at least 500 Euros for the charity organisation UNICEF.
Every individual contributes resources and expertise to achieve the best possible outcome.


Dimitrie van Leeuwen

Age, Place of birth:

20 years | The Hague, South-Holland, The Netherlands

Education level:

Hotelschool The Hague (BBA.HM) | The Mondriaan International

Hotel & Management School


Wine Certificate SWEN 2 | Best Business Plan of ROC Mondriaan


Work experience:

Carlton Ambassador Hotel | Y Mucho Mas | Restaurant-Hotel Savelberg |

Restaurant Amarone | El Nio Beachclub | Steigenberger Kurhaus Hotel | The
Ritz-Carlton |

Current position:

Wine bartender at Grapes & Olives Winebar


Malika Wertz

Age, Place of birth:

23 years | Gokels, Schleswig-Holtstein, Germany

Education level:
Hotelschool The Hague (BBA.HM) | Berufsschule
Kaufmnnische Richtung

Diplom Hotelfachfrau

Work experience:

Porto Bay Hotels & Resorts | Qurt | Grner Jger

Current position:

Demi Chef de Partie at Hilton The Hague


Tobias Siegel

Age, Place of birth:

23 years | Munich, Bayern, Germany

Gymnasium Munich
Work experience:

Hotelschool The Hague (BBA.HM)| Louise-Schroeder-

Current position:

Apprenticeship as a Hotel Specialist at Hotel Bayerischer Hof,

Experience as a waiter on events with up to 1.500 people during the
Porter at Hotel Des Indes, The Hague



Joyce Tap

Age, Place of birth:

23 years | Rheden, Netherlands


Graduated in bilingual HAVO from Tomas a Kempis college,

Graduated in bilingual MBO Hotel management, Arnhem
Bachelor degree in Business management at Hotel School The Hague.


Driving license and first aid assistance

Work experience:

Worked in multiple restaurants from bistro to 1 Michelin star restaurant.

Human Resource trainee in the Hilton Brussels City

Current position:


Robert-Paul van Campen

Age, Place of birth:

24 years | Nijmegen, Gelderland, The Netherlands


Hotelschool The Hague (BBA.HM) | De Rooi Pannen Tilburg

University of Applied Science Breda | Nijmeegs Scholen
Gemeenschap Groenewoud (NSG) | HAVO


Banqueting supervisor, Hilton Antwerpen | F&B Supervisor, Hilton Antwerp.

During my second management internship I organized the all-inclusive New
Years Eve Event for selected, upper-class guests. There were 110 guests
with a total budget of 25.000 euro. The total program of the event took 10
hours. I was the head responsible of this event which was also my internship
project which was grade with excellent.
Landmark, Lent. Part-time work as waiter, sommelier and party manager:
POEMA producties, Nijmegen. Responsible for assembling and disassembling
festival terrains

Work experience:

Current position:

Bouwploeg Nijmegen. Assembling and disassembling of

varies festival areas. Including, OranjePOP, FortaRock, Music Meeting.
Eventure PD, Nijmegen. Bar and cash register manager. Responsible for a
team of 10 to 35 employees.
Kick Producties, Nijmegen. Catering coordinator and Human Recourse
coordinator. Responsible for the personal planning, the bars and the margin
control during festivals.



Xiaohui Hu

Age, Place of birth:

21 years | Alkmaar, The Netherlands


Hotelschool The Hague (BBA.HM) | HAVO


A2 French and Chinese

Work experience:


Current position:

Student Hotelschool The Hague | Part-time waitress at Sushi & Grill KOKUSAI


Henry Mach

Age, Place of birth:

19 years | Bremen, Germany


Hotelschool The Hague (BBA.HM) | Higher School Certificate,

Work experience:

Food & Beverage Coordinator at Browns Hotel London

Current position:

Student Assistant at Hotelschool The Hague


Kaitlyn Ortiz

Age, Place of birth:

24 | Secaucus, New Jersey, USA


High School Diploma

Work experience:


Current position:

Student at Hotelschool The Hague


Maartje Eenhoorn

Age, Place of birth:

20 | The Hague, The Netherlands


VWO (university entrance level), diploma obtained in 2011

Work experience:

Internship at the Crowne Plaza Heidelberg City Centre as

F&B Trainee
In 2011 I was the manager of the Exam Stunt Committee at Adelbert College
Wassenaar. With this committee, we have organized an exam stunt by turning
the school hallways into a military parcours for a day.

Current position:

Student at Hotelschool The Hague


3.10. Tara Harkink

Age, Place of birth:

21 | Karachi, Pakistan


IGCSE, A and AS level diplomas, (Park House English School

Berlitz certificate for Arabic Speaking courses

Work experience:

Worked at two car exhibitions

Promotion of Coca Cola and Harley Davidson
Opening events of new buildings
Worked for Vodaphone promotion
W hotel Doha for 6 months
Le Sereno Hotel in St Barths for 6 months

Current position:

Student at Hotelschool The Hague

3.11. Anna Bosten

Age, Place of birth:

19 | Eupen, Belgium


Abitur at Pater Damian Sekundarschule


Organisation of Final years party at Highschool (350 people)

Banqueting experience in Ambassador Hotel Bosten, banquets up to 700
people, parties up to 1500 people
The Westin Palace Madrid, trainee in Reservations and Revenue

Current position:

Student at Hotelschool The Hague

3.12. Brittany van Gils

Age, Place of birth:

19 | Aberdeen, Scotland


High school diploma received (Dubai American Academy)


Obtained Spanish B2 certificate (Mexico/Marbella)


Airshow Gala Dinner Event at Meydan Hotel Dubai, organizing staff and
serving drinks at the VIP bar.
Hotel Arts Barcelona, F&B Trainee in the casual breakfast/lunch/dinner
restaurant, Bites, and as runner and chef de rang in the two Michelin star
restaurant, Enoteca.
Worked as substitute teacher assistant at Dubai American Academy

Current position:

Student at Hotelschool the Hague


Online Printers. (2014).
Last accessed 13th Feb 2014.
Polsbandjesfabriek. (2014).
Last accessed 13th Feb 2014.
Roxy Security. (2014).
Last accessed 13th Feb 2014.
The Rootz, 2014.
Cafe - Restaurant Rootz.
Available at:
[Accessed February 12, 2014].
tripadvisor. 2014.
tripadvisor. [ONLINE]
Available at:
[Accessed 13 February 14].
Unicef, 2014.
Help de kinderen in Syri.
Available at:
[Accessed February 12, 2014].
UNICEF, 2014.
UNICEF - About UNICEF: Who we are - Who we are.
Available at:
[Accessed February 12, 2014].


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