2016 Wonderware Training Catalog - 12012015

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2016 Training Course Catalog

Wonderware Software Solutions for Real-Time SuccessSM

Wonderware is the market leader in real-time operations management software. Wonderware software solutions
enable companies to synchronize production and industrial operations with business objectives, obtaining the
speed and flexibility to attain sustainable profitability.
Wonderware delivers significant cost reductions associated with designing, building, deploying and maintaining,
secure and standardized applications for manufacturing and infrastructure operations.

World-Class Training
Wonderware offers comprehensive, world-class training courses that match the power and excellence of
Wonderware software. Since 1991, thousands of customers have been trained in the use of Wonderware
products. Wonderware is committed to delivering intensive and hands-on educational programs that can enable
you to develop and use an application as soon as you return to your plant.
Many Wonderware courses are available at Certified Training Centers throughout the world. These centers go
through a rigorous certification process to ensure their ability to effectively train customers using Wonderware
training materials. Wonderware follows strict guidelines and standards to provide Continuing Education Units
(CEUs) for all courses.
Wonderware Training pushes beyond traditional classroom settings with innovative training products in a wide
variety of media including new and exciting distance learning opportunities. As Wonderware adds new
components to our products, we will provide the courses and programs critical to our customers educational

Wonderware Training Opportunities

To attend training, you can:

Attend training courses at our state-of-the-art training facility in Lake Forest, California or at several
regional offices
Attend virtual instructor-led training courses whereby remote students can join instructor-led training
from their own locations via an Internet-based virtual classroom
Attend training courses at our Certified Training Provider locations worldwide
Attend eLearning at your convenience
Arrange on-site customer training programs at your location

Visit our website at www.wonderware.com/training for more information, the current Wonderware Training
Schedule, and to register for a class.
Contact us at:
Wonderware Training
26561 Rancho Parkway South
Lake Forest, CA 92630
U.S. & Canada: 866-WW-TRAIN (866-998-7246)
Direct: 949-639-8508

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Table of Contents
Wonderware Training Learning Paths .................................................................................................................... 7
Wonderware InTouch Learning Path ...................................................................................................................... 8
Wonderware System Platform Learning Path ........................................................................................................ 9
Wonderware Course Delivery Types .................................................................................................................... 10
Wonderware Instructor-Led Training (ILT) Course Descriptions ........................................................................... 11
Application Server 2014 R2 Location: Lake Forest, Virtual ...............................................................................11
Historian Client 2014 R2 Location: Virtual .......................................................................................................11
Historian Server 2014 R2 Location: Virtual ......................................................................................................12
InBatch 2012
Location: Virtual........................................................................................................................12
Information Server 2014 R2 Location: Virtual..................................................................................................13
IntelaTrac 4.2 Location: Virtual........................................................................................................................14
Intelligence 1.1 Location: On Demand .............................................................................................................14
InTouch 2014 R2 Location: Lake Forest, Virtual ...............................................................................................15
InTouch for System Platform 2014 R2 Location: Lake Forest, Virtual ..............................................................15
InTouch Machine Edition 2014 Location: On-Demand ....................................................................................16
MES 2014 Operations Location: Virtual ........................................................................................................17
MES 2014 Performance Location: Virtual .....................................................................................................17
MES 2014 Quality Location: Virtual...............................................................................................................18
Skelta BPM 2014 Overview Location: Virtual ...................................................................................................18
Wonderware eLearning Course Descriptions ....................................................................................................... 20
Web-Based Training (WBT) ..................................................................................................................................20
Advanced Topics on Operations and Performance 3.5 .................................................................................20
Alarm Adviser ................................................................................................................................................20
Alarm Logging ................................................................................................................................................21
Alarm Modes .................................................................................................................................................21
Alarm Severities ............................................................................................................................................22
Alarm Shelving ...............................................................................................................................................22
Alarms Overview ...........................................................................................................................................23
Application Server 2012 R2 Recorded Instructor-Led Training .....................................................................23
Application Server 2014 Web-Based Training ...............................................................................................24
ArchestrA Bulk Import Utility ........................................................................................................................24
ArchestrA GRAccess Toolkit API - Part 1........................................................................................................25
ArchestrA GRAccess Toolkit API - Part 2........................................................................................................25
ArchestrA License Manager...........................................................................................................................25
ArchestrA Object Toolkit 3.1 Recorded Instructor-Led Training ...................................................................26
ArchestrA Sequencer Object .........................................................................................................................26
ArchestrA SQLData Object.............................................................................................................................26
ArchestrA SQLData Script Library ..................................................................................................................27
ArchestrA SQLDataGrid Symbol ....................................................................................................................27

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ArchestrA Symbol Editor ...............................................................................................................................28

Backing Up a Tag-Based InTouch Application ...............................................................................................28
Corporate Energy Management Application 1.1 RILT ...................................................................................28
DAS Toolkit 3.0: Simple DAS Framework RILT ..............................................................................................29
Element Styles ...............................................................................................................................................29
Historian 10.0 Store and Forward Options....................................................................................................30
Historian Client 2014 Web-Based Training....................................................................................................30
Historian Server 2014 for System Platform WBT ..........................................................................................31
Historian Software Development Kit - Part 1: Overview ...............................................................................31
Historian Software Development Kit - Part 2: Maintenance .........................................................................32
Information Server 2012: ActiveFactory Reporting Website ........................................................................32
Information Server 2012: Administration .....................................................................................................32
Information Server 2012: ArchestrA Reports ................................................................................................33
Information Server 2012: TableWeaver ........................................................................................................33
Information Server 2012: Visualization Integration ......................................................................................34
Information Server: OverView ......................................................................................................................34
InTouch Alarms ..............................................................................................................................................35
InTouch for System Platform 2012 R2 Recorded Instructor-Led Training.....................................................35
InTouch for System Platform 2014 Part 1 Web-Based Training ....................................................................36
InTouch for System Platform 2014 Part 2 Web-Based Training ....................................................................36
InTouch I/O Access ........................................................................................................................................37
InTouch Security ............................................................................................................................................38
InTouch Tags..................................................................................................................................................38
InTouch Windows and Navigation ................................................................................................................39
InTouch: How to Use ArchestrA Windows Controls on a Tag-Based InTouch Application ...........................39
Introduction to Application Server ................................................................................................................39
Introduction to InTouch ................................................................................................................................40
Introduction to InTouch for System Platform ...............................................................................................40
Multi-Galaxy Communications ......................................................................................................................40
MXAccess Toolkit Overview .......................................................................................................................41
Object I/O Access ..........................................................................................................................................41
Object I/O Assignment through Scripting .....................................................................................................41
Platform Manager .........................................................................................................................................42
QI Analyst 8.0 Software Recorded Instructor-Led Training ...........................................................................42
Recipe Manager Plus 2014 Web-Based Training ...........................................................................................43
Remote Response Objects.............................................................................................................................43
Understanding the Application Engine..........................................................................................................44
Unified Attribute Name Space ......................................................................................................................44
Upgrading UDAs, Extensions, and Field Attributes to Attributes ..................................................................44
Using ArchestrA Symbols with InTouch Tags ................................................................................................45
Using FactorySuite Gateway..........................................................................................................................45
Webinars ..............................................................................................................................................................47
Application Server: Complex Containment vs. Complex Objects ..................................................................47
ArchestrA Alarm Control for InTouch 10.1 ....................................................................................................47
ArchestrA Alarm Control for Wonderware Application Server 3.1 ...............................................................47

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ArchestrA Trend Client for System Platform .................................................................................................48

Autosave for System Platform 1.0 End-User Training ...................................................................................48
Backing up the Historian Databases ..............................................................................................................49
Benefits of Managed InTouch Applications...................................................................................................49
Embedded Symbols with Containment .........................................................................................................49
Galaxy Backup and Restore ...........................................................................................................................50
Galaxy Backup with Scripting ........................................................................................................................50
Historian Server IDAS Failover and Alternate Server ....................................................................................50
InTouch Alarms - Alarming Basics .................................................................................................................51
InTouch Cells and Symbols ............................................................................................................................51
InTouch Graphics to ArchestrA Symbols Conversion ....................................................................................51
InTouch Legacy Alarm Animations ................................................................................................................52
InTouch Legacy Distributed Alarm Display ....................................................................................................52
InTouch Machine Edition 01 Preparation ...................................................................................................52
InTouch Machine Edition 02 Introduction ..................................................................................................52
InTouch Machine Edition 03 Product Overview .........................................................................................53
InTouch Machine Edition 05 User Interface Overview ...............................................................................53
InTouch Machine Edition 06 Tags...............................................................................................................53
InTouch Machine Edition 07 Drivers Part 1 ................................................................................................54
InTouch Machine Edition 07 Drivers Part 2 ................................................................................................54
InTouch Machine Edition 08 Screen Groups ..............................................................................................54
InTouch Machine Edition 09 Formatting and Shapes .................................................................................55
InTouch Machine Edition 10 Active Objects Part 1 ....................................................................................55
InTouch Machine Edition 10 Active Objects Part 2 ....................................................................................55
InTouch Machine Edition 10 Active Objects Part 3 ....................................................................................56
InTouch Machine Edition 11 Animation Overview .....................................................................................56
InTouch Machine Edition 12 Animation Details .........................................................................................56
InTouch New Alarm Objects and Functionality .............................................................................................57
InTouch Runtime Language Switching ..........................................................................................................57
InTouch SmartSymbols ..................................................................................................................................58
InTouch Wizards Overview ............................................................................................................................58
InTouch: Using the XML Importer .................................................................................................................58
Migrating from InTouch 9.5 to InTouch 10 Managed Applications...............................................................59
New Animations Using ArchestrA Graphics ..................................................................................................59
Rearranging the Derivation Tree ...................................................................................................................59
Recipe Manager with Node Security .............................................................................................................60
Setting Up Communications with the ABCIP DAServer .................................................................................60
Setting Up Communications with the MBTCP DAServer ...............................................................................60
System Platform: Providing IT Information ...................................................................................................60
Using the Quality and Status Functions of ArchestrA Graphics ....................................................................61
Wonderware ArchestrA Reusable Objects ....................................................................................................61
Registration and Contact Information.................................................................................................................. 62

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Wonderware Training Learning Paths

There are two distinct learning paths available for your technical training needs. The correct learning path depends
on which Wonderware products comprise the infrastructure of your system or solution:
Wonderware System Platform, or
Wonderware InTouch


System Platform

It might not be obvious to identify which infrastructure is in place, if you are not familiar with the
products. Here are things to look for to help identify the correct learning path for you:

If your application is using the ArchestrA framework, developed from the ArchestrA IDE,
hosted in a Galaxy, and is object-based, the infrastructure is Wonderware System
If your application is tag-based, the infrastructure is Wonderware InTouch.

Keep in mind that the most recent versions of Wonderware InTouch allow the creation of tagbased applications using the ArchestrA IDE and hosted within a Galaxy for the sole purpose of
using the new ArchestrA Graphics. These applications are not really object-based.

While both learning paths share certain courses, each one has a different entry point:

The Wonderware System Platform learning path starts with the Application Server training course.
The Wonderware InTouch learning path starts with the InTouch training course.

It is important to note that the Wonderware InTouch product is used as the visualization component regardless of
the infrastructure in place, but we have designed and developed InTouch training courses tailored specifically for
each infrastructure:

The InTouch for System Platform training course is designed for users of applications based on the
Wonderware System Platform infrastructure. It teaches how to use the InTouch product as the
visualization component of object-based applications built with Application Server.
The InTouch training course is designed for users of tag-based applications created with Wonderware

Some of our courses can be taken standalone, that is, they don't have another class as a pre-requisite (for
example, Historian Client training or IntelaTrac training). This is not the case for the majority of our training
courses, which require knowledge of other products. For a graphical representation of the dependencies between
all the different courses we offer, please refer to the following diagrams:

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Wonderware InTouch Learning Path

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Wonderware System Platform Learning Path

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Wonderware Course Delivery Types

Wonderware Training offers courses in a variety of delivery methodologies.

Instructor-Led Training (ILT)

Instructor-led Training (ILT) Traditional classroom product/solution training that includes lectures and
interactive labs to practice concepts and procedures. These classes are offered in our Lake Forest,
California training facility, and identified in this catalog with a location of Lake Forest.
Click here for a direct link to register for Wonderware Training courses.
Note that some classes are not regularly scheduled and are only available on an on-demand basis. These
are identified in this catalog with a location of On-Demand.

Virtual Training Virtual classroom training, whereby remote students join instructor-led training classes
from their own locations via an Internet-based virtual classroom. These are identified in the catalog with a
location of Virtual.


Web-Based Training (WBT) This category includes recorded versions of our traditional instructor-led
training classes, as well as short topic-specific modules.
Click here for a direct link to register for Wonderware Web-Based Training courses.

Webinar This category is a collection of feature-specific recorded lectures and software demonstrations.
Customer First program members have access to most Webinars at no charge.
Click here for a direct link to register for Wonderware Webinars.

Learning Tools These tools are Quick Reference Guides to help answer how-to questions.
Click here to access Wonderware Learning Tools and other information.

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Wonderware Instructor-Led Training (ILT) Course Descriptions

Application Server 2014 R2

Location: Lake Forest, Virtual

The Application Server 2014 R2 course is an instructor-led class designed to provide a fundamental understanding
of the features and functionality of Wonderware Application Server. This course provides lectures and hands-on
labs to supply and reinforce the knowledge necessary to use the ArchestrA tools and services in the System
Platform for plant modeling.
The class will demonstrate how to use Wonderware Application Server to utilize the ArchestrA technology to
connect to field devices, process data, run scripts, handle alarms, and historize alarms and events. This is achieved
using features and functionality such as Automation Objects, templates, instances, the ArchestrA Integrated
Development Environment (IDE), and the QuickScript .NET scripting engine.
This course also provides a fundamental understanding of Galaxy maintenance, real-time alarm recording and
security settings, and how to setup redundancy.
Duration: 4 days
Who should attend?
Application developers, engineers, system integrators, and other individuals who use Application Server in
their manufacturing processes
Manufacturing industry experience
Create and deploy new applications using ArchestrA IDE
Model the plant floor using automation objects
Acquire data from field devices
Work with alarm and history configuration in a Galaxy
Define the security model for a Galaxy
Configure application-level and device integration redundancy

Historian Client 2014 R2

Location: Virtual

The Wonderware Historian Client course is an instructor-led class designed to provide a fundamental
understanding of the features and functionality of the Wonderware Historian Client software. The course provides
lectures and hands-on labs to supply and reinforce the knowledge necessary to use Wonderware Historian Client.
The Wonderware Historian Client trending, analysis, and reporting software offers a suite of data analysis and
reporting clients that maximize the value of data stored on Wonderware Historian. Wonderware Historian Client
enables individuals at all levels of an organization to easily access plant- and process-related data through simple
point-and-click dialog boxes.
Duration: 2 days
Who should attend?
Audience for this course includes plant floor operators, managers, and other individuals whose jobs
include using Wonderware Historian data for assessment and reporting within production or
administrative environments
Knowledge of InTouch
Knowledge of Wonderware Historian
Knowledge of Microsoft Office Excel and Microsoft Word
Experience in manufacturing industry

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Retrieve Wonderware Historian data with the help of Wonderware Historian Client
Use the data in its appropriate context, including historical and real-time trend manipulation, and
production-related reporting within Microsoft Excel and Word

Historian Server 2014 R2

Location: Virtual

The Historian Server 2014 R2 course is an instructor-led class designed to provide a fundamental understanding of
the features and functionality of Historian Server for both Application Server and InTouch tag-based applications.
This course provides lectures and hands-on labs to supply and reinforce the knowledge necessary to use
Wonderware Historian Server for SCADA and factory data. This includes how to configure, historize, and retrieve
data using multiple retrieval modes, local and remote summarization, replication, event monitoring, and other
Duration: 2 days
Who should attend?
Application developers, engineers, system integrators, consultants, and other individuals who need to
historize, analyze, and maintain data from Wonderware Application Server or from a tag-based InTouch
Completion of the Wonderware Application Server or an InTouch course
Manufacturing industry experience
Knowledge of Transact-SQL would be helpful
Start and configure Historian Server
Configure and historize Application Server and InTouch data
Distinguish between retrieval modes
Retrieve data with SQL queries
Use time domain extensions in SQL queries
Update and insert history data
Create and configure events and retrieve event data
Configure Historian tags for local summarization
Use a Tier-2 Historian for replication and summarization
Backup and restore Historian data

InBatch 2012

Location: Virtual

The InBatch 2012 course is an instructor-led class that provides you with a fundamental overview of the concepts
and terms associated with Wonderware InBatch Software. The course includes providing you with the opportunity
to apply the product to a batch process application. InBatch is flexible batch management software designed to
model and automate batch-oriented production processes.
InBatch software allows users to quickly and easily create recipes and simulate their execution against a model of
the processall before writing one line of control code.
InBatch software's powerful batch engine reduces the time to automate batch processes by 40 to 60% over
competitive solutions. InBatch software facilitates the design and implementation of solutions that are compliant
with 21 CFR Part 11, the US Regulation on Electronic Records and Electronic Signatures.
Duration: 4 days
Who should attend?
Plant floor operators and managers, system administrators, system integrators, and individuals who work
with batch systems and need to use InBatch software in their manufacturing environment

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Basic knowledge of batch systems and their structure
Microsoft Windows
Manufacturing industry experience
Use the features and functionality of the InBatch software
Create recipes and simulate their execution against a model of the process
Use the information in the course to reduce the cost and time to automate batch processes utilizing the
new enhancements of InBatch software
Understand the basic concepts of using InBatch with System Platform

Information Server 2014 R2

Location: Virtual

The Information Server 2014 R2 course is an instructor-led class designed to provide a fundamental understanding
of the features and functionality of Wonderware Information Server 2014 R2. This course provides lectures and
hands-on labs designed to provide an early learning experience. The class will demonstrate how to use Information
Server to set up and configure your web portal, develop an Information Server system to retrieve and monitor the
plant-wide production information, organize the information into various effective and well-designed formats, and
manage the access security to the information.
Duration: 3 days
Who should attend?
Enterprise IT administrators, plant information system developers and integrators, production
supervisors, plant managers, and other individuals who need to set up or use Information Server in their
manufacturing or other processes
Completion of an InTouch course
Completion of a Historian Server course
Completion of a Historian Client course
ArchestrA graphics
SQL knowledge
Manufacturing industry experience
The following knowledge is not required, but is desirable if known:
o Application Server
o Internet Information Server (IIS) Manager
o Microsoft Reporting Services
o Microsoft SQL Server
o Microsoft SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio (Microsoft SQL Server 2008)
o Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools (Microsoft SQL Server 2012)
Set up and properly configure Information Server, ActiveFactory Reporting, ArchestrA Reporting, and
Information Model components
Develop Information Server system using the Win-XML Exporter and ArchestrA Web Exporter utilities,
TableWeaver Manager, Factory Alarm Manager, ActiveFactory Reports and ArchestrA Reports, and
Information Model
Monitor the plant-wide production information in process graphics, ArchestrA graphics and Factory
Alarms, and retrieve the historical information through reports in TableWeaver, ActiveFactory Reports,
ArchestrA Reports, and OverView
Secure, customize, and maintain Information Server with User Manager, Report Manager, and Panel

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IntelaTrac 4.2

Location: Virtual

The IntelaTrac 4.2 course is an instructor-led class that provides lectures and hands-on labs designed to provide a
basic understanding of Wonderware IntelaTrac. Wonderware IntelaTrac is a suite of configurable software and
ruggedized mobile hardware products that provide workflow management, procedural, and general task
management capabilities typically focused around plant operations, maintenance management, production
tracking, and compliance applications to mobile field workers.
This course addresses the fundamental concepts of security, bases, roles, lists, assets, and working with shifts and
schedules. The course also covers procedure configuration, management, simulation and review, reports, and
integration capabilities to other ArchestrA components.
Duration: 4 days
Who should attend?
Engineers, IT personnel, system integrators, consultants, and other individuals who want to learn about
the product
Configure security
Create lists and reuse them
Build and emulate procedures
Use the Expression Editor when building procedures
Build shifts and create schedules
Complete procedures in Workstation IntelaTrac
Execute reports and approve completed procedures in Auditor Plus
Run and Schedule Web Reports
Use IntelaTrac integration capabilities

Intelligence 1.1

Location: On Demand

The Intelligence 1.1 course is an instructor-led class designed to provide a fundamental understanding of the
features and functionality of Wonderware Intelligence 1.1. The class provides lectures and hands-on labs to supply
and reinforce the knowledge necessary to use Wonderware Intelligence to access, aggregate, contextualize
(provide relationships), and visualize plant data from disparate data sources. This course addresses the
configuration of the main Intelligence elements to deploy and execute the Intelligence model and covers the client
tools used for content authoring, visualization, sharing, and collaboration.
This course is scheduled On-Demand ONLY.
Duration: 2 days
Who should attend?
Engineers, IT personnel, system integrators, consultants, and other individuals who need to use the
Wonderware Intelligence software in their manufacturing processes
Knowledge of Wonderware System Platform
Knowledge of databases and SQL language
Manufacturing industry experience

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Configure Intelligence components in the Configurator application
Create and deploy a dimensional model, which includes one or more data sources, using the Intelligence
automation objects
Implement dimensional slicing to aggregate data in specific time intervals
Create complex Intelligence models using linked dimensions to create the dimensional model
Create dashboards using the Intelligence Analytics client
Publish dashboards for sharing and collaboration

InTouch 2014 R2

Location: Lake Forest, Virtual

The tag-based InTouch 2014 R2 course is an instructor-led class focused on Modern InTouch application design.
The course provides a fundamental understanding of the basic principles of the Wonderware visualization module
and the steps to develop a Human Machine Interface (HMI) system for your specific plant floor. You are guided
through setup, layout, best practice concepts, features, and functions of the InTouch software. Hands-on labs
reinforce concepts and features.
Duration: 5 days
Who should attend?
Plant floor operators and managers, system administrators, system integrators, and other individuals who
need to use the InTouch HMI software in manufacturing processes
Manufacturing industry experience (recommended)
Create a Modern InTouch Application
Construct a Key Performance Indicator display
Configure a DA Server
Establish communications with I/O-aware programs
Create, export, and import tags
Test and monitor tags
Build custom symbols
Visualize advanced interactive data presentations
Configure InTouch Alarms
Manage live and historical alarms
Configure Security
Configure, log, retrieve, and export InTouch history
View data in Real-time Trends
Backup and Restore an InTouch application
Distribute an application to the production environment

InTouch for System Platform 2014 R2

Location: Lake Forest, Virtual

The InTouch for System Platform 2014 R2 course is an instructor-led class designed to provide a fundamental
understanding of how Wonderware InTouch provides visualization for your plant Galaxy data using ArchestrA
symbols within the Wonderware Application Server software.
The focus of this course is to illustrate the use of visualization tools in Wonderware Application Server to provide a
Human Machine Interface (HMI) with connectivity to the Galaxy, graphic symbols, animations, and scripting
features and functionality in InTouch WindowMaker, ArchestrA symbols, the ArchestrA symbol editor, and
QuickScript .NET.
The course provides lectures and hands-on labs to provide a fundamental understanding and reinforce the
knowledge of how to design graphics and windows; how to apply alarm, trending, and history controls for
visualization; and how to secure an InTouch application.

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Duration: 5 days
Who should attend?
Application developers, engineers, system integrators, consultants, and other individuals who need to
develop InTouch HMI applications for System Platform
Completion of an Application Server course
Attendance at a Historian Client course (recommended to obtain knowledge of the Historian Client Trend
Manufacturing industry experience
Create and deploy Managed InTouch applications using the ArchestrA IDE
Use ArchestrA Situational Awareness symbols
Embed ArchestrA symbols in automation objects and reference the object attributes
Use ArchestrA symbols in a containment relationship
Create ArchestrA symbols
Work with the ArchestrA Alarm Client control for alarm visualization
Work with the ArchestrA Situational Awareness trend pen symbols for customized trending
Use the ArchestrA Trend Client control for real-time trending
Work with the Historian Client Trend control for real-time trending
Apply ArchestrA security in a Managed InTouch application

InTouch Machine Edition 2014

Location: On-Demand

The InTouch Machine Edition 2014 course is an instructor-led class designed to provide a fundamental
understanding of the features and functionality of the InTouch Machine Edition software.
InTouch Machine Edition enables end users and machine builders to quickly create intuitive, secure, and highly
maintainable HMI applications for intelligent machines and on a variety of low-level devices using embedded
operating systems for up to 3000 tags.
The course provides lectures and hands-on labs to supply and reinforce the knowledge necessary to use InTouch
Machine Edition to develop an HMI for their specific plant floor environment using basic InTouch Machine Edition
elements. This HMI application will be developed using many of the InTouch Machine Edition software features
and functionality such as tags, classes, indirect addressing, animation, symbols, scripting, alarms, real time and
historical trending, reports, recipes (many types including XML), store-and-forward Historian (including the
Wonderware Historian, PLC drivers, remote troubleshooting, remote clients and project security, application
backup) and more.
This course is scheduled On-Demand ONLY.
Duration: 4 days
Who should attend?
Application developers, engineers, system integrators, consultants, and other individuals who need to use
InTouch Machine Edition in their manufacturing processes or for machine, panel and system builders
Completion of the following InTouch Machine Edition webinars:
o InTouch Machine Edition Introduction
o InTouch Machine Edition Preparation
o InTouch Machine Edition Product Overview
Basic PLC experience
Manufacturing industry experience
Due to the intensive hands-on format of the courses, a familiarity with personal computers and the
Windows operating system is required
Students must have read the InTouch Machine Edition datasheet: http://www.wonderware.com/itme

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Identify target markets for InTouch Machine Edition (end users and machine builders)
Use InTouch Machine Edition to develop a complete HMI application that includes basic navigation, push
buttons, pilot lights, alarms, trends, recipes, scripting, PLC integration and database connectivity
Demonstrate a clear understanding of the InTouch Machine Edition seamless integration with
Wonderware System Platform and Wonderware Historian
This course is scheduled On-Demand ONLY.

MES 2014 Operations

Location: Virtual

The MES 2014 Operations course is an instructor-led class designed to provide a fundamental understanding of
the features and functionality of Wonderware MES Software/Operations. This course provides lectures and handson labs designed to provide an early learning experience. The class will demonstrate how to use MES
Software/Operations to address the configuration and definition of the operations model, product definition, and
production capabilities; implementation of production execution and data collection; and reporting of traceability
and genealogy information. This course also covers integration between Wonderware MES Software/Operations
and System Platform.
This course uses the MES Operations 2014 software and the MES Operations 2012 course materials.
Duration: 4 days
Who should attend?
Plant floor operators and managers, system integrators, consultants, engineers, and technical
professionals who need to configure and use the Wonderware MES Software/Operations product in their
manufacturing processes
Completion of the Applications Server course
Completion of the InTouch for System Platform course
Define a production and execution model which addresses the bill of materials, operations, and inventory
Create and execute work orders that enforce production rules
Implement production capabilities such as data collection, traceability, genealogy, and material
View and analyze production reports
Integrate Wonderware MES Software/Operations with System Platform
Create windows using Wonderware MES .NET Controls

MES 2014 Performance

Location: Virtual

The MES 2014 Performance course is a 3-day, instructor-led class designed to provide a working knowledge of
the features and functionality of Wonderware MES 2014 SP1/Performance. The course uses lectures and hands-on
labs to provide the knowledge needed to use Wonderware MES/Performance. The class will demonstrate how to
configure and deploy a data collection system to analyze and report equipment utilization, availability, quality, and
performance using Application Server objects. Both the MES Client and Web Portal will be addressed.
Duration: 3 days
Who should attend?
Application developers, engineers, system integrators, consultants, and other individuals who need to use
MES/Performance in their manufacturing or other processes
Knowledge of Application Server
Knowledge of InTouch for System Platform

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Configure and license Middleware connections within a single node or between multiple nodes in a
Model plant equipment (Entities) in the MES database
Define entity Utilization States and Reason Codes
Enable capabilities in the Utilization Capability Object to track Performance Events in a production
Use objects in a Galaxy to automatically track equipment utilization
Manage Work Orders and Jobs within MES
Use the Wonderware MES Client and Performance Web Portal to define the information necessary to
collect Overall Equipment Efficiency (OEE) data
Use MES/Performance as a central downtime information repository and reporting tool
Retrieve and report downtime data and analyze OEE
Use the MES Galaxy objects to report OEE
Use MES .Net controls to access OEE data

MES 2014 Quality

Location: Virtual

The MES 2014 Quality course is an instructor-led class designed to provide a fundamental understanding of the
features and functionality of Wonderware MES Software/Quality. The course provides lectures and hands-on labs
to supply and reinforce the knowledge necessary to use Wonderware MES Software/Quality to address the
configuration and deployment of a data collection system, which allows for the analysis and reporting of Quality
Management data using a Sample Recording Object.
Duration: 2 days
Who should attend?
Application developers, engineers, system integrators, consultants, and other individuals who need to use
Wonderware MES Software/Quality in their manufacturing or other processes
Completion of an Application Server course
Completion of an InTouch for System Platform course
Completion of an MES Operations course
Manufacturing industry experience
Implement the concepts of MES Software/Quality
Describe the relationship of Wonderware MES Software/Quality to MES Software/Operations
Use the Wonderware MES Client application to define Sample Plans and their frequency, characteristics,
and Quality Management specifications
Configure a Sample Recording Object
Build the Sample Viewer Control
Build a Control Chart Interface using ArchestrA graphics
Use Wonderware Information Server to view ArchestrA reports

Skelta BPM 2014 Overview

Location: Virtual

The Skelta BPM 2014 Overview course is an instructor-led class designed to provide a basic understanding of the
software as an extension to Business Process Management (BPM) strategies to create end-to-end manufacturing
scenarios spanning across systems and human workforces.
The class provides lectures and hands-on labs to illustrate the configuration, definition, execution, and analysis of
workflows using the System Platform Extension and Connector for integration with Application Server.
This course uses the Skelta BPM 2014 software and the ArchestrA Workflow 2012 Overview course materials.

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Duration: 3 days
Who should attend?
Engineers, IT personnel, system integrators, consultants, and other individuals who need to use
Wonderware Skelta BPM in their manufacturing processes
Application Server
InTouch for System Platform
.NET Controls
XML knowledge
Business process management knowledge
Manufacturing experience
Use the System Platform Connector for Wonderware Skelta BPM
Configure the $WorkflowGateway object within a Galaxy for communication with the Skelta BPM services
Configure workflow events to trigger workflows from within the Galaxy
Configure and execute workflows using a set of primary activities
Design and deploy forms to use within workflows
Configure and report on Key Performance Indicators (KPI) around the execution of workflows

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Wonderware eLearning Course Descriptions

Web-Based Training (WBT)
Advanced Topics on Operations and Performance 3.5
This Online Seminar is designed to provide you with an introduction to advanced topics on developing applications
using Operations and Performance 3.5. In this training you will learn to use Supply Chain Connector, create custom
scripts using the Client API, and customize logic with Operations and Performance Client Controls.
This seminar is applicable to MES/Operations and Performance 2012.
Duration: 4 hours
Who should attend?
Current users of Operations and Performance 3.5 Software, who want to learn advanced functionality to
help create richer MES Applications
Wonderware Operations Software 3.5 or Wonderware Performance Software 3.5
Discuss the features of Supply Chain Connector
Implement custom scripting using the Operations and Performance Client API
Explore advanced functionality of the Operations and Performance Client Controls

Alarm Adviser
The Alarm Adviser training is composed of four sequential videos from 5 to 20 minutes each. Topics include:
overview of Wonderware Alarm Adviser capabilities, installation and configuration of the software, and in-depth
training on configuration, dashboards, and alarm analysis. Several demos and examples are provided.
Duration: 1 hour
Who should attend?
Customers wanting to learn how to identify frequent, standing, fleeting and consequential alarms, which
can help analyze plant upsets and optimize system performance. Engineers, application developers,
system integrators, and other individuals who use Application Server to configure and manage their
Familiarity with Wonderware Application Server and the IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is
recommended, however, much can be learned about the benefits of Wonderware Alarm Adviser by
simply watching the videos
Explain what Alarm Adviser is
Understand how to install and configure the software
Understand the software settings and options
Know how to create Favorites and Dashboards
Understand the different Analysis views

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Alarm Logging
Alarm Logging explains how alarms and events from Application Server are logged with Historian Server, compares
logging alarms and events to the A2ALMDB SQL Server database versus Historian Server proprietary history blocks,
demonstrates how to display historical alarms and events using the Alarm Client Control, and explains how to
migrate alarm and event data from the A2ALMDB database to history blocks.
It also includes video demonstrations to reinforce some key concepts, such as displaying historical alarms and
events in the Alarm Client Control and migrating alarm and event data from the A2ALMDB database to history
Duration: 40 minutes
Who should attend?
Application developers, engineers, system integrators, HMI developers, and application designers who
want to understand the benefits of the alarm logging feature in System Platform
Knowledge of using the ArchestrA IDE
Knowledge of ArchestrA graphics development
Familiarity with Managed InTouch applications
Understanding of ArchestrA alarming
Basic knowledge of using the ArchestrA Alarm Client Control
Basic knowledge of using Historian Server
Manufacturing industry experience
Compare logging alarms and events to the A2ALMDB database versus history blocks
Configure alarm logging from the ArchestrA IDE
Use the Alarm Client Control to retrieve historical alarms and events
Use the A2ALMDB migration utility to migrate alarm and event data from the A2ALMDB database to
history blocks

Alarm Modes
Alarm Modes describes the concepts of alarm modes, alarm inhibit, and alarm plant states, and explains how to
apply these features in Application Server. This course also describes how to configure alarm plant states in the
ArchestrA IDE and shows how to use them at runtime.
It also includes video demonstrations to reinforce some key concepts, such as changing alarm modes and inhibiting
alarms at runtime, and managing alarms through alarm plant states.
Duration: 64 minutes
Who should attend?
Application developers, engineers, system integrators, HMI developers, and application designers who
want to understand the benefits of alarm modes in System Platform
Manufacturing industry experience
Knowledge of using the ArchestrA IDE
Knowledge of ArchestrA graphics development
Familiarity with Managed InTouch applications
Understanding of ArchestrA alarming
Explain the concepts of alarm modes and alarm inhibit
Compare runtime behaviors of using attributes to change alarm modes and inhibit alarms
Configure security permissions for modifying alarm modes and alarm plant states
Apply alarm plant states to manage alarms at runtime

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Alarm Severities
Alarm Severities explains how to use ArchestrA alarm aggregation features to obtain alarm severity information at
runtime. It focusses on how to configure alarm severities and alarm aggregation, visualize alarm severities with
alarm border animation, and use situational awareness symbols to visualize alarm information.
It also includes video demonstrations to reinforce some key concepts, such as mapping alarm severities to alarm
priorities, monitoring alarm severities at runtime, and displaying alarm severity status through situational
awareness symbols.
Duration: 65 minutes
Who should attend?
Application developers, engineers, system integrators, HMI developers, and application designers who
want to understand the benefits of the alarm severity feature
Knowledge of using the ArchestrA IDE
Knowledge of ArchestrA graphics development
Familiarity with Managed InTouch applications
Manufacturing industry experience
Configure alarm severities
Map alarm priorities to alarm severities
Enable alarm aggregation
Use alarm severity-related attributes
Use alarm border animation
Use alarm severity symbols from the Situational Awareness Library to display alarm information at

Alarm Shelving
Alarm Shelving explains how to use the alarm shelving feature of System Platform, and shows how to apply it to
enhance alarm management efficiency. This course explains configurations for enabling alarm shelving,
demonstrates using the ArchestrA Alarm Control to shelve and unshelve alarms at runtime, describes alarm
shelving-related attributes, and demonstrates displaying alarm shelving information in alarm borders.
It also includes video demonstrations to reinforce some key concepts, such as configuring alarm shelving, shelving
alarms from the ArchestrA Alarm Control, using alarm shelving attributes, and displaying alarm borders for the
most urgent shelved alarms.
Duration: 75 minutes
Who should attend?
Application developers, engineers, system integrators, HMI developers, and application designers who
want to understand the benefits of the alarm shelving feature
Knowledge of using the ArchestrA IDE
Knowledge of ArchestrA graphics development
Familiarity with Managed InTouch applications
Understanding of ArchestrA alarming and security
Manufacturing industry experience
Enable alarm shelving
Configure security permissions for shelving alarms
Use alarm shelving attributes at runtime
Use alarm shelving from the ArchestrA Alarm Control

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Alarms Overview
Alarms Overview introduces basic concepts about alarms and events and explains how alarms and events are
handled in Application Server. It shows how to enable and configure alarm and event features in automation
objects and describes alarm runtime behaviors. This course also explains how to use the Alarm Client Control to
display live alarms and events, as well as query and manage alarm and event records.
It also provides video demonstrations to reinforce some key concepts, such as configuring alarms in Application
Server and displaying live alarms and events at runtime with the Alarm Client Control.
Duration: 84 minutes
Who should attend?
Application developers, engineers, system integrators, HMI developers, and application designers who
want to understand alarms and events in System Platform
Manufacturing industry experience and automation knowledge
Knowledge of automation objects
Knowledge of ArchestrA graphics development
Explain alarm- and event-related concepts
Configure alarms and events
Use alarm-related attributes at runtime
Configure the Alarm Client Control and use it to display and manage alarms and events

Application Server 2012 R2 Recorded Instructor-Led Training

The Application Server 2012 R2 recorded instructor-led class is designed to provide a fundamental understanding
of the features and functionality of Wonderware Application Server. This course consists of recorded presentations
and lab demonstrations of the training material presented in the live class to reinforce the knowledge necessary to
use the ArchestrA tools and services in the System Platform for plant modeling. The class demonstrates how to use
Wonderware Application Server to utilize the ArchestrA technology to connect to field devices, process data, run
scripts, handle alarms, and historize alarms and events. This is achieved using features and functionality such as
Automation Objects, templates, instances, the ArchestrA Integrated Development Environment (IDE), and the
QuickScript .NET scripting engine.
Duration: 13 hours, 20 minutes
Who should attend?
Engineers, application developers, system integrators, and other individuals who need to use Application
Server in their manufacturing processes
Manufacturing industry experience
Create and deploy new applications using ArchestrA IDE
Model the plant floor using automation objects
Acquire plant floor data from PLCs and other field devices
Work with the alarm and history configuration in a Galaxy
Define the security model for a Galaxy
Configure application-level and device integration redundancy

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Application Server 2014 Web-Based Training

The Application Server 2014 Web-Based Training course is designed to provide a fundamental understanding of
the features and functionality of Wonderware Application Server. This course provides lectures and hands-on labs
to supply and reinforce the knowledge necessary to use the ArchestrA tools and services in the System Platform
for plant modeling.
The class will demonstrate how to use Wonderware Application Server to utilize the ArchestrA technology to
connect to field devices, process data, run scripts, handle alarms, and historize alarms and events. This is achieved
using features and functionality such as Automation Objects, templates, instances, the ArchestrA Integrated
Development Environment (IDE), and the QuickScript .NET scripting engine.
This course also provides a fundamental understanding of Galaxy maintenance, real-time alarm recording and
security settings and how to setup redundancy.
Duration: 8 hours, 55 minutes
Who should attend?
Application developers, engineers, system integrators, and other individuals who use Application Server in
their manufacturing processes
Manufacturing industry experience
Create and deploy new applications using ArchestrA IDE
Model the plant floor using automation objects
Acquire data from field devices
Work with alarm and history configuration in a Galaxy
Define the security model for a Galaxy
Configure application-level and device integration redundancy

ArchestrA Bulk Import Utility

The ArchestrA Bulk Import Utility seminar gives an overview of the capabilities and use of the ArchestrA Bulk
Import Utility. This utility is used to transform tag definitions from an existing HMI application, such as InTouch
HMI software, into a Wonderware Application Server object structure. This allows migration of an existing tag
structure and parameters into a Galaxy, saving considerable engineering time and effort. Seminar subjects will
include general configuration and operation, how to import from an InTouch application, and how to import from
general CSV and XML files. This session is intended for current Application Server users, as well as potential users,
such as those current InTouch users considering migration to an Application Server Galaxy.
Duration: 60 minutes
Who should attend?
Current and potential Wonderware Application Server users
Knowledge of Microsoft Windows
Manufacturing industry experience
Basic knowledge of Wonderware Application Server
Understand the features of the ArchestrA Bulk Import Utility
Import a CSV or XML file with tag definitions exported from InTouch or other HMI systems
Map tag configuration parameters, such as I/O source, alarm limits, value ranges, and so on, to
Wonderware Application Server attributes
Organize the flat tag data into a hierarchical object structure
Upload the new objects to a Wonderware Application Server Galaxy

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ArchestrA GRAccess Toolkit API - Part 1

The ArchestrA GRAccess Toolkit API Part 1 online seminar discusses how ArchestrA Galaxy configuration is
exposed to .NET and COM clients through a programmable object model called GRAccess. The GRAccess object
model allows you to write programs that automate configuration of local and remote Galaxies using programming
languages such as Visual Basic 6.0, C++, Visual Basic .NET and Visual C#.
Duration: 1 hour
Who should attend?
Proficient users of Industrial Application Server who have applications running
Completion of an Industrial Application Server course
Intermediate knowledge and experience with using Industrial Application Server
Program development skills (Visual Studio preferred)
Knowledge of Microsoft Windows
Manufacturing industry experience
Use the ArchestrA GRAccess Toolkit API to access Industrial Application Server configuration data

ArchestrA GRAccess Toolkit API - Part 2

The ArchestrA GRAccess Toolkit API Part 2 online seminar extends the sample client application demonstrated in
the ArchestrA GRAccess Toolkit API Part 1 seminar to discuss in detail some of the other object classes and
methods available.
Duration: 1 hour
Who should attend?
Proficient users of Wonderware Application Server who have applications running
Completion of the ArchestrA GRAccess Toolkit API Part 1 Online Seminar
Intermediate knowledge and experience with using Wonderware Application Server
Program development skills (Visual Studio preferred)
Knowledge of Microsoft Windows
Manufacturing industry experience
Use the ArchestrA GRAccess Toolkit API to access Wonderware Application Server configuration data

ArchestrA License Manager

The ArchestrA License Manager online seminar reviews the ArchestrA License Utility, discusses in detail how to use
the ArchestrA License Manager to install license files, and discusses the ArchestrA License Server. Also included are
software and hardware requirements, order of installation, and a demonstration.
Duration: 30 minutes
Who should attend?
New or existing Wonderware customers
Properly install Wonderware Software license files using either the ArchestrA License Utility or the
ArchestrA License Manager

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ArchestrA Object Toolkit 3.1 Recorded Instructor-Led Training

The ArchestrA Object Toolkit course will explain how to develop Application Objects using the ArchestrA Object
Toolkit 3.1 software. In this course, you will create, configure, and deploy Application Objects using the ArchestrA
Object Toolkit, Microsoft Visual Studio, and Wonderware System Platform. You will learn about the general object
development cycle, and you will leverage the power of reusable code through the use of object-oriented building
blocks, such as utility primitives provided with the software and custom primitives you will create. You will also
create and customize your own object editor.
Duration: 11 hours
Who should attend?
Current Wonderware System Platform users who want to extend the capabilities of their System Platform
through the creation of custom ArchestrA Application Objects
Application Server course
Knowledge of C# and Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
Manufacturing industry experience
Create custom ArchestrA Application Objects using the ArchestrA Object Toolkit and Microsoft Visual
Take advantage of the code reusability features in the ArchestrA Object Toolkit

ArchestrA Sequencer Object

The ArchestrA Sequencer Object online seminar discusses how to configure and use the ArchestrA Sequencer
Object. The Sequencer Object is a new functional component for the Wonderware Application Server which
coordinates tasks that must be executed in a certain sequence or order of operations. These operations can be
associated with attributes from multiple application objects running within a Wonderware Application Server
Duration: 1 hour
Who should attend?
Proficient users of the Wonderware Application Server who have applications running
Completion of a Wonderware Application Server course
Intermediate knowledge and experience with using the Wonderware Application Server
Knowledge of Microsoft Windows
Manufacturing industry experience
Use the ArchestrA Sequencer Object to configure, execute, and manipulate a sequence of operations in
the Wonderware Application Server

ArchestrA SQLData Object

This course is designed to provide the participant with a fundamental understanding of the SQLData Object. The
SQLData Object is part of the ArchestrA SQLData Components, which includes the SQLDataGrid ArchestrA Graphic
Symbol, the SQLData Object and the SQLData Script Library. This online seminar is part of a series that covers all
three of the ArchestrA SQLData Components. The SQLData Object is an ArchestrA application object that can be
used to store data to, and retrieve data from a SQL Server database. The SQLData Object provides the means to
map data in a SQL Database to attributes in a Galaxy.
Duration: 60 minutes
Who should attend?
System Platform users who would like to access database information from objects in the Galaxy

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A thorough understanding of the basic functionalities of Application Server
Use the SQLData object to connect to database tables
Use the SQLData object to access data from database tables
Use the SQLData object to insert data to database tables
Use the SQLData object to create databases
Use the SQLData object to create database tables

ArchestrA SQLData Script Library

The ArchestrA SQLData Script Library online seminar is designed to provide the participant with a fundamental
understanding of the ArchestrA SQLData Script Library. The ArchestrA SQLData Script Library is part of the
ArchestrA SQLData Components, which includes the SQLData Object, the ArchestrA SQLDataGrid Symbol and the
SQLData Script Library. This online seminar is part of a series that covers these three ArchestrA SQLData
Components. The ArchestrA SQLData Script Library provides the Wonderware System Platform with database
integration using ArchestrA scripting. This session discusses the use of methods and properties provided by the
library to enable scripting of complex SQL operations, including asynchronous execution, transaction support, and
advanced diagnostics.
Duration: 90 minutes
Who should attend?
System Platform users who would like to execute SQL operations using ArchestrA scripting
Thorough understanding of basic functionalities of ArchestrA scripting
Programmatically access database information using ArchestrA scripting
Execute multiple SQL operations as single database transactions
Provide database integration to multiple objects in the Galaxy while minimizing connections to the

ArchestrA SQLDataGrid Symbol

This course is designed to provide the participant with a fundamental understanding of the ArchestrA SQLDataGrid
Symbol. The ArchestrA SQLDataGrid Symbol is part of the ArchestrA SQLData Components, which includes the
SQLData Object, the ArchestrA SQLDataGrid Symbol and the SQLData Script Library. This online seminar is part of a
series that covers all three of the ArchestrA SQLData Components. The ArchestrA SQLDataGrid Symbol is an
ArchestrA Graphic component that enables you to interact with data stored in SQL databases. You can use the
SQLDataGrid symbol in an InTouch application that you create in a published or managed mode.
Duration: 30 minutes
Who should attend?
System Platform users who would like to create interfaces in HMI to interact with SQL databases
Thorough understanding of basic functionalities of ArchestrA Graphics
Select data from existing tables and views
Insert or modify data in selected database tables and views
Delete rows from a database table (select the row and press the Delete key)
Run a custom SQL query

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ArchestrA Symbol Editor

The ArchestrA Symbol Editor course explains the basic methods and components of creating and editing an
ArchestrA symbol for both System Platform and tag-based InTouch applications. The main focus of this course is on
the drawing and organization tools available within the Symbol Editor, presented in slides, recorded lectures, and
Who should attend?
InTouch graphic developers
Familiarity with ArchestrA symbols
Working knowledge of the Managed InTouch WindowMaker development environment and Application
Server objects
Working knowledge of the Modern InTouch WindowMaker development environment and InTouch tags
Understanding of ArchestrA symbol custom properties
Use the various drawing tools of the ArchestrA Symbol Editor
Use connectors to keep different graphic elements linked together
Adjust the appearance of graphic elements
Organize and group graphic elements
Create custom graphic shapes using Path Combine
Use tools to align, space, and rotate graphic elements on the canvas

Backing Up a Tag-Based InTouch Application

Backing Up a Tag-Based InTouch Application explores and demonstrates the methods of backing up and restoring
tag-based Modern and legacy InTouch applications. All appropriate methods of backup are addressed: the export
and import functions of modern applications, and file copy and the publish function of legacy applications.
Duration: 20 minutes
Who should attend?
InTouch application developers
Development experience with Modern tag-based InTouch applications
Development experience with legacy tag-based InTouch applications
Backup and restore a Modern tag-based InTouch application
Backup and restore a legacy tag-based InTouch application

Corporate Energy Management Application 1.1 RILT

The Corporate Energy Management (CEM) Application 1.1 course is designed to provide a fundamental
understanding of the features and functionality of the Wonderware CEM Application 1.1.
The course provides recorded lecture and lab demonstrations to supply and reinforce the knowledge necessary to
use the Wonderware CEM Application to capture, aggregate, contextualize, and visualize plant energy usage from
different energy sources.
Duration: 3 hours
Who should attend?
This training is for system integrators, consultants, engineers, and technical professionals who need to
track energy usage and calculate real-time cost related to energy consumption during operation and
manufacturing activities

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Knowledge of Wonderware Application Server
Knowledge of Wonderware InTouch
Knowledge of database concepts
Knowledge of ArchestrA Reports
Manufacturing industry experience
Participants must have access to the following software to work with the application:
Wonderware Application Server
Wonderware Corporate Energy Management Application
Microsoft SQL Server
Wonderware InTouch
Wonderware Historian
Configure and deploy the CEM objects
Visualize energy consumption and cost-related data via ArchestrA symbols embedded in InTouch and
ArchestrA Reports from Wonderware Information Server

DAS Toolkit 3.0: Simple DAS Framework RILT

This recorded instructor-led training is designed to provide the participant with an introduction to the Simple DAS
Framework, and integral features of DAS Toolkit 3.0. The Simple DAS Framework allows users to easily create a TCP
or Serial DAServer with a minimal amount of code. This series will cover an overview of DAServer components, and
the use of the Visual Studio wizards provided by the DAS Toolkit to create simple DAServers.
Duration: 3.5 hours
Who should attend?
Users who wish to create simple serial or TCP DAServers using the DAS Toolkit 3.0
Proficiency in C++
Thorough understanding of the use and configuration of DAServers
Basic understanding of SuiteLink and OPC
Identify the components of a DAServer
Use the Simple DAS Framework to create a device-specific DAServer
Use the Visual Studio wizards provided by DAServer Toolkit 3.0

Element Styles
This course explains the Element Styles that are available in the ArchestrA Symbol Editor and shows how they are
applied to enhance your application at runtime. This course will demonstrate how to configure predefined Element
Styles, as well as user-defined Element Styles, how to apply Element Styles, and how to configure Element Style
animations. Additionally, a discussion on how to export and import Element Styles is included.
Duration: 30 minutes
Who should attend?
Application developers, engineers, and system integrators
Knowledge of System Platform or InTouch is helpful
Manufacturing industry experience

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Configure Element Style Overrides
Apply Element Styles
Update Element Styles at runtime
Use Element Style animations
Export and import a Galaxy Style Library

Historian 10.0 Store and Forward Options

This course is designed to provide the participant with a fundamental understanding of the following three
implementations of Store and Forward functionality within Wonderware Historian 10.0:
Store and Forward within the context of working with a remote IDAS node
Store and Forward with Wonderware System Platform
Store and Forward capabilities with a Tier-2 Historian
Duration: 1 hour
Who should attend?
Current and potential Wonderware Historian users
Knowledge of Microsoft Windows
Manufacturing industry experience
Basic knowledge of Wonderware Historian
Implement Store and Forward with a Remote IDAS node
Implement Store and Forward with System Platform
Implement Store and Forward when using a Tier-2 Historian

Historian Client 2014 Web-Based Training

The Wonderware Historian Client Web-Based Training course is a recorded instructor-led training designed to
provide you with a fundamental understanding of the Wonderware Historian Client suite of tools.
The Wonderware Historian Client trending, analysis, and reporting software offers a suite of data analysis and
reporting clients that maximize the value of data stored on Wonderware Historian. Wonderware Historian Client
enables individuals at all levels of an organization to easily access plant- and process-related data through simple
point-and-click dialog boxes.
This course consists of recorded presentations, lab demonstrations of the training material, and interactive training
simulations. The videos are best viewed with a screen resolution of 1280 x 1024.
This course is accompanied by the training manual, which contains all of the written steps for the labs.
Duration: 4 hours, 39 minutes
Who should attend?
Audience for this course includes plant floor operators, managers, and other individuals whose jobs
include using Wonderware Historian data for assessment and reporting within production or
administrative environments
Knowledge of InTouch
Knowledge of Wonderware Historian
Knowledge of Microsoft Office Excel and Microsoft Word
Experience in manufacturing industry
Retrieve Wonderware Historian data with the help of Wonderware Historian Client
Use the data in its appropriate context, including historical and real-time trend manipulation, and
production-related reporting within Microsoft Excel and Word

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Historian Server 2014 for System Platform WBT

The Historian Server 2014 for System Platform Web-Based Training course is designed to provide a fundamental
understanding of the features and functionality of Historian Server for System Platform applications. This course
will demonstrate how to use Historian Server for SCADA and factory data, and how it integrates with ArchestrA
technology to extend the capabilities of System Platform applications. This includes how to configure, historize,
and retrieve Application Server data using multiple retrieval modes, local and remote summarization, replication,
event monitoring, store-and-forward, redundancy, and other features.
This course consists of recorded presentations and lab demonstrations of the training material presented in a live
class. The videos are best viewed with a screen resolution of 1280 x 1024.
This course is accompanied by the training manual, which contains all of the written steps for the labs, as well as
student files to support the labs.
Duration: 5 hours, 38 minutes
Who should attend?
Application developers, engineers, system integrators, consultants, and other individuals who need to use
Historian Server to store and analyze Galaxy data
Completion of the Application Server course
Manufacturing industry experience
Some knowledge of database concepts and basic structured query language such as SQL would be helpful
Historize ArchestrA attributes
Distinguish between multiple retrieval modes
Retrieve data using time domain extensions
Configure Historian Server for local data summarization
Configure a Tier-2 Historian for replication and summarization
Import, update, and insert history data
Create and configure events
Configure and verify the store-and-forward functionality
Configure a redundant Historian and test its behavior

Historian Software Development Kit - Part 1: Overview

The IndustrialSQL Server 9.0 Software Development Kit (SDK) online seminar discusses how the new InSQL SDK is
used to historize and retrieve data from the InSQL historian, as well as how to perform tasks such as configuring
tags, creating history blocks, and getting configuration status information. The InSQL SDK provides programmatic
access to storage, retrieval, and system configuration functionality in an InSQL historian. The InSQL SDK can be
used within stand-alone .NET applications, as well as from within ArchestrA scripts.
Duration: 1 hour
Who should attend?
Advanced users of InSQL who have applications running
Completion of a Fundamentals of IndustrialSQL Server Historian and ActiveFactory Software course
Advanced knowledge and experience with using IndustrialSQL Server Historian
Program development skills
Knowledge of Microsoft Windows
Manufacturing industry experience
Understand the appropriate applications of the InSQL SDK
Understand how to use the SDK to access the InSQL historian from custom .NET applications and IAS

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Historian Software Development Kit - Part 2: Maintenance

The Wonderware Historian 9.0 Software Development Kit (SDK) Part 2 online seminar discusses how to use the
Wonderware Historian SDK to perform maintenance and housekeeping tasks on a Wonderware Historian node
through a custom built, stand-alone .NET application, or within ArchestrA scripts.
Duration: 1 hour
Who should attend?
Advanced users of the Wonderware Historian who have applications running
Completion of a Fundamentals of Wonderware Historian and ActiveFactory Software course
Completion of the IndustrialSQL Server 9.0 Software Development Kit online seminar
Advanced knowledge and experience with the Wonderware Historian
Program development skills (Visual Studio preferred)
Knowledge of Microsoft Windows
Manufacturing industry experience
Understand how to use the SDK to access the Wonderware Historian configuration and status information
from custom .NET application and Wonderware Historian Quickscripts.

Information Server 2012: ActiveFactory Reporting Website

Information Server 2012: ActiveFactory Reporting Website is designed to provide you with the knowledge to
administer, customize, and manage the creation and execution of reports with data gathered from Wonderware
Historian Server.
The purpose of this course is to give you the ability to understand how the Historian Client (formerly ActiveFactory)
web tools can be used to report data stored in Historian Server.
Duration: 1 hour
Who should attend?
Engineers, application developers, system integrators, and other individuals whose jobs include setup and
administration of Wonderware Information Server
Basics of Wonderware Historian Client
Basics of SQL query syntax
Basics of Microsoft IIS management tools
Configure the prerequisite software
Understand the out-of-the-box reports
Create new report schedules and storage folders

Information Server 2012: Administration

Information Server 2012: Administration is designed to provide you with the knowledge to set up, configure, and
administer your Information Server 2012 web portal.
The purpose of this course is to give you the ability to understand the interaction of Information Server with the
various software components that are needed by the software and to successfully administer and customize the
Duration: 1 hour
Who should attend?
Engineers, application developers, system integrators, and other individuals whose jobs include setup and
administration of Wonderware Information Server

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Basics of Internet Information Server (IIS) administration
Basic ASP knowledge
Basics of Microsoft SharePoint administration
Configure the prerequisite software
Configure the Information Server portal
Establish Security and customize the portal

Information Server 2012: ArchestrA Reports

Information Server 2012 ArchestrA Reports is designed to introduce the commonly used functions of the ArchestrA
Reporting component of Information Server.
The purpose of this course is to give you the ability to understand the interaction of Information Server with SQL
Server Reporting Services.
Duration: 1 hour
Who should attend?
Engineers, application developers, system integrators, and other individuals, whose jobs include setup
and administration of Information Server
Basics of SQL query syntax
Basics of Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services
Configure the prerequisite software
Use Microsoft Report Builder and Business Intelligence Development Studio to create reports
Distribute and deploy reports

Information Server 2012: TableWeaver

Information Server 2012: TableWeaver is designed to provide you with the knowledge to use the TableWeaver
components that let you create data displays in your Information Server 2012 web portal.
The purpose of this course is to give you the ability to understand the various components of TableWeaver and
create various types of displays to your database or web pages.
Duration: 1 hour
Who should attend?
Engineers, application developers, system integrators, and other individuals whose jobs include data
representation in the web portal
Basics of Internet Information Server (IIS) administration
Basic ASP knowledge
Basics of SQL query language
Create different types of displays from databases or web pages
Link information between data displays
Extend the provided functionality by using external programming languages

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Information Server 2012: Visualization Integration

Information Server 2012: Visualization Integration is designed to describe the tools and steps necessary to publish
your InTouch windows and ArchestrA graphics onto an Information Server web portal for Internet viewing.
The purpose of this course is to give you the ability to understand the different kinds of process displays that can
be published to an Information Server 2012 portal, and how the portal Administrator can allow the interaction of
the published content with the process.
Duration: 1 hour
Who should attend?
Engineers, application developers, system integrators, and other individuals whose jobs include the setup
and administration of Information Server and the publishing of process displays
Basic knowledge of InTouch and ArchestrA IDE
Basic knowledge of Information Server 2012 TableWeaver
Configure the prerequisite software
Prepare to convert InTouch windows and ArchestrA graphics to XML by installing the ArchestrA Web
Convert InTouch windows and ArchestrA graphics to XML
Publish the converted displays to the Information Server and view the windows over the Internet using
Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher

Information Server: OverView

Information Server: OverView provides lectures and demonstrations on the new features in the Information Model
and OverView. This course includes details on how to use the Information Model Configuration Tool, construct an
Information Model using multiple data sources, data items, and build relationships as sub-components that can
then be viewed using OverView as a web client tool.
Duration: 1 hour, 45 minutes
Who should attend?
Enterprise IT administrators, plant information system developers and integrators, production
supervisors, plant managers, and other individuals who need to set up or use Information Server in their
manufacturing or other processes
Completion of an InTouch course
Completion of a Historian Server course
Completion of a Historian Client course
ArchestrA graphics
SQL knowledge
Manufacturing industry experience
The following knowledge is not required, but is desirable if known:
o Application Server
o Internet Information Server (IIS) Manager
o Microsoft Reporting Services
o Microsoft SQL Server
o Microsoft SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio (Microsoft SQL Server 2008)
o Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools (Microsoft SQL Server 2012)

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Use the Information Model component in the web portal and OverView as the web client tool
Configure the ArchestrA Information Model Server and ArchestrA Data Adapter as the window services
used by the Information Model, and import the predefined model contents
Construct the model contents, including the data sources, data items, and relationships as the
Information Model sub-components
Build an Information Model from the ground-up and run the model contents in OverView

InTouch Alarms
InTouch Alarms explains how to implement an alarm strategy for a tag-based InTouch application. The course
discusses and provides demonstrations of alarms and events for both analog and discrete tags and explains how to
interact with alarms using visualization, acknowledgement, inhibition, and hiding. Students will be able to create a
permanent record of alarms using alarm database functions.
Duration: 2 hours
Who should attend?
Application developers, engineers, system integrators, and other individuals who need to implement
alarms within their InTouch application
Experience with tag-based InTouch application development
Manufacturing industry experience
Define alarms and events for InTouch tags
Create an Alarm Client for an InTouch application
Define an alarm group hierarchy
Configure alarm acknowledgement
Configure alarm inhibition
Implement alarm hiding
Log alarms to, and retrieve alarms from, an alarm database

InTouch for System Platform 2012 R2 Recorded Instructor-Led Training

The InTouch for System Platform 2012 R2 Recorded Instructor-Led Training (RILT) is designed to provide you with a
fundamental understanding of how the Wonderware Application Server provides visualization for your plant
Galaxy data using ArchestrA Symbols, by seamlessly integrating the InTouch for System Platform software.
This RILT consists of recorded presentations and lab demonstrations of the training material presented in a live
class. The videos are in MP4 format and are best viewed in Windows Media Player, with a screen resolution of
1280 x 1024.
This course is accompanied by a Training Manual, which contains all of the labs.
Duration: 12 hours
Who should attend?
Application developers, engineers, system integrators, and other individuals who need to develop
Galaxies for System Platform applications
Attendance of the Application Server course
Attendance of the Historian Client course is recommended to obtain knowledge of the Historian Client
Trend component
Manufacturing industry experience
Some graphic design experience helpful

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Create and deploy new InTouch Managed applications using the ArchestrA IDE
Create ArchestrA Symbols
Embed ArchestrA Symbols in Automation Objects and reference the objects attributes
Use ArchestrA Symbols in a containment relationship
Work with the ArchestrA Alarm Client control for alarm visualization
Work with the ArchestrA Trend Client control for real-time trending
Work with the Historian Client Trend control for historical trending
Apply ArchestrA security in an InTouch Managed application

InTouch for System Platform 2014 Part 1 Web-Based Training

The InTouch for System Platform 2014 Part 1 Web-Based Training (WBT) course is designed to provide a
fundamental understanding of InTouch for System Platform.
The WBT consists of recorded presentations and demonstrations of the training material present in a live class.
This course is best viewed with a screen resolution of 1280 x 1024.
The course is accompanied by the training manual, which contains all of the labs, as well as student files to support
the labs.
Duration: 9 hours, 22 minutes
Who should attend?
Application developers, engineers, system integrators, consultants, and other individuals who need to
develop InTouch HMI applications for use with System Platform
Attendance of an Application Server course
Attendance of a Historian Client course is recommended to obtain knowledge of the Historian Client
Trend component
Manufacturing industry experience
Some graphical design experience is helpful
Create and deploy Managed InTouch applications using the ArchestrA IDE
Create ArchestrA symbols
Embed ArchestrA symbols in Automation objects and reference the objects attributes
Use ArchestrA symbols in a containment relationship
Work with the ArchestrA Alarm Client control for alarm visualization
Work with the ArchestrA Trend Client control for real-time trending
Work with the Historian Client Trend control for historical trending
Apply ArchestrA security in a Managed InTouch application

InTouch for System Platform 2014 Part 2 Web-Based Training

The InTouch for System Platform 2014 - Part 2 Web-Based Training (WBT) course is designed to provide a
continued understanding of how Wonderware Application Server provides visualization for your plant Galaxy data
using ArchestrA symbols within the Wonderware InTouch for System Platform software.
This course is a continuation of the subjects and themes of the InTouch for System Platform 2014 - Part 1 course
and continues to illustrate the use of visualization tools in Wonderware Application Server to provide a Human
Machine Interface (HMI) utilizing connectivity to the Galaxy, graphic symbols, animations, scripting features, and
functionality found in InTouch WindowMaker, ArchestrA symbols, the ArchestrA Symbol Editor, and
This WBT consists of recorded presentations and lab demonstrations of the training material presented in the live
class. The videos are best viewed with a screen resolution of 1280 x 1024.
This course is accompanied by the training manual, which contains all of the written steps for the labs.

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Duration: 7 hours, 58 minutes

Who should attend?
Application developers, engineers, system integrators, consultants, and other individuals who need to
develop InTouch HMI applications for use with System Platform
Completion of the InTouch for System Platform Part 1 course
Completion of the Application Server course
Manufacturing industry experience
Some graphical design experience is helpful
Create and deploy managed InTouch applications using the ArchestrA IDE
Use the Situational Awareness Library (SAL)
Import Galaxy Styles
Apply Symbol Wizard tools for creating advanced ArchestrA symbols
Use additional components of ArchestrA graphics, such as Trend Pen animations, Point animations, and
Start and Sweep Angles
Implement Alarm Severities using SAL graphics
Use .NET controls within an ArchestrA symbol
Use the ArchestrA Alarm Client, Trend Client, and Historian Trend Client as .NET controls
Work with the Show Symbol and Show Graphic functions
Apply ArchestrA security using script functionality for Signed Writes and Signed Alarms
Implement the features of Runtime Language Selection

InTouch I/O Access

The InTouch I/O Access course provides information on how to acquire tag-based data from remote data sources.
You will explore using Wonderware InTouch to connect to remote data sources for data acquisition and
supervisory control. The course also includes video demonstrations showing you how to configure InTouch Access
Names, create I/O tagnames, and set up a DAS data server.
Video demonstrations will show how to:
Set up a Data Access Server (DAS)
Configure InTouch Access Names
Create I/O tagnames
Check the health of I/O communication and Tags
Duration: 40 minutes
Who should attend?
Application developers, engineers, and system integrators
Manufacturing industry experience
Acquire data in Wonderware InTouch from field devices
Set up a Data Access Server (DAS)
Create and define an InTouch Access Name
Create and define an InTouch I/O Tagname
Watch I/O values and check the quality of I/O Tagnames

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InTouch Security
InTouch Security discusses and demonstrates the security features available in InTouch. This course provides an
introduction to the types of tag-based InTouch Security and how to use the InTouch Security features to secure
your application at runtime. This course will demonstrate how to configure native InTouch Security, as well as
Operating System (OS) Security, how the two types compare and contrast to each other, and how to enable and
configure some of the built-in WindowViewer security features. Additionally, a discussion on how to enhance
security using scripting is included.
Duration: 1 hour
Who should attend?
Application developers, engineers, system integrators, HMI developers, and other individuals who need to
secure their tag-based InTouch applications
Familiarity with InTouch applications
Knowledge of QuickScript recommended for the scripting pieces of this course
Configure the Security Environmental Configuration (local users and groups)
Set up user permissions
Explain security scripting functions
Create an interface for credentials
Use the PostLogonDialog( ) script function to log on users
Use the Logoff( ) script function to log off users
Configure Automatic Logoff
Create operator inactivity warning and timeout indicators
Permit window navigation for authorized users
Hide menu access

InTouch Tags
The InTouch Tags course defines what an InTouch Tag is and covers the use of the WindowMaker Tagname
Dictionary, WindowViewer Tag Viewer, and the Application Manager's DBDump and DBLoad utilities. In this
course, you will learn how to create and define tags, test tag values in real-time, use tag utilities to dump tags to a
file, modify the file, load tags from a file to create new tags, and modify tag definitions. This course will also include
finding where a tag is used with Cross Reference, determine tag usage with Update Use Counts, Delete Unused
Tags, and modify tag definitions, such as changing a tag's name and a tag's type, after a tag has been used.
Duration: 2 hours, 15 minutes
Who should attend?
Application developers, engineers, and system integrators
Manufacturing industry experience
Create tags with the Tagname Dictionary
Define dotfields using the Tagname Dictionary
Monitor tag values and dotfields in real-time
Write tag values
Use tag utilities: DBDump, DBLoad, Update Use Counts, Cross Reference, and Delete Unused Tags.

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InTouch Windows and Navigation

The InTouch Windows and Navigation course will teach students how InTouch uses different types of windows to
visualize and present industrial information and data to application users. This course will then explain how
InTouch application designers can add navigation to these windows so that users can switch between these
windows to supervise and control their plant-specific operations.
Duration: 60 minutes
Who should attend?
Individuals who use InTouch in their manufacturing processes
Basic manufacturing industry experience
Define windows properties
Design application layouts
Employ window navigation strategies

InTouch: How to Use ArchestrA Windows Controls on a Tag-Based InTouch Application

The InTouch: How to Use ArchestrA Windows Controls on a Tag-Based InTouch Application online seminar
provides an explanation and demonstration of how to use ArchestrA Windows controls. The seminar shows the
power of building rich user interfaces with the following controls: Radio Button Group, Check Box, Edit Box, Combo
Box, Calendar, DateTime Picker, and List Box.
This seminar discusses and demonstrates the animations, properties, and functions of these controls, but will focus
specifically on those features that work on tag-based InTouch applications.
Duration: 1 hour
Who should attend?
Wonderware InTouch Application designers who develop Wonderware InTouch applications for
production environments
Completion of the InTouch Software Part 1 training course or equivalent experience developing a
managed InTouch application using ArchestrA Graphics
Experience with ArchestrA Graphic Symbol Scripting or equivalent InTouch scripting (beneficial)
Manufacturing industry experience
Develop and deploy ArchestrA Windows controls on an InTouch tag-based application

Introduction to Application Server

The Introduction to Application provides an overview of Wonderware Application Server. A demonstration is
provided to reinforce the information presented in this course.
Duration: 50 minutes
Who should attend?
Application developers, engineers, system integrators, and other individuals who need to develop
Galaxies for System Platform applications
Manufacturing industry experience
Define the System Platform and its topology
Explain the main features of Application Server
Describe automation objects

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Introduction to InTouch
The Introduction to InTouch course is designed to introduce and familiarize viewers with the Wonderware InTouch
software. InTouch allows users to quickly create standardized, reusable Human Machine Interface or HMI
applications and deploy them across an entire enterprise. This course will discuss and provide demonstrations of
the three major software components of InTouch: InTouch Application Manager, InTouch WindowMaker, and
InTouch WindowViewer.
Video demonstrations will show how to:
Create a Modern Application
Link to I/O Data
Create a tagname
Create a window
Add graphics
Present live data in runtime
Duration: 45 minutes
Who should attend?
Anyone who wants to become familiar with Wonderware InTouch software, application developers,
engineers, system integrators, and InTouch application designers who want to understand the benefits of
Modern InTouch Application design
Knowledge of the concepts of a Human Machine Interface (HMI)
Knowledge of the concepts of Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA)
Describe what InTouch is
Identify the three major components of InTouch
Summarize the functions and features of InTouch Application Manager, WindowMaker, and

Introduction to InTouch for System Platform

The Introduction to InTouch for System Platform course provides an overview of Wonderware InTouch for System
Platform. Demonstrations are provided to reinforce the information presented in this course.
Who should attend?
Application developers, engineers, system integrators, and HMI developers
Completion of an Application Server or the Introduction to Application Server WBT course
Manufacturing industry experience is helpful for understanding the concepts presented in this course
Describe InTouch for System Platform features
Define a Managed InTouch application
Describe ArchestrA symbols
Describe Situational Awareness applications

Multi-Galaxy Communications
The Multi-Galaxy Communications course explains how to access multiple Galaxies by using the ArchestrA Service
Bus. Live demonstrations are included to increase your knowledge of these tools and processes.
Duration: 30 minutes
Who should attend?
Engineers, application developers, system integrators, and other individuals who need to use Application
Server in their manufacturing processes

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Successful completion of the Application Server or System Platform course
Describe what Multi-Galaxy Communications is and explain why you would use it
Use the ArchestrA Service Bus (ASB)
Access multiple Galaxies

MXAccess Toolkit Overview

The MX Access Toolkit Overview seminar discusses how the new Local Message Exchange (LMX) Proxy Function
Library is used to read and write data from the Industrial Application Server Galaxy, as well as how to access data
easily from any application built with Visual Studio. The LMX Proxy Function Library provides programmatic access
to extract and write values from single and array elements, as well as integration with ArchestrA security. The LMX
Proxy Function Library can be used within stand-alone .NET applications, as well with ActiveX Controls.
Duration: 1 hour
Who should attend?
Proficient users of Industrial Application Server who have applications running
Completion of an Industrial Application Server course
Intermediate knowledge and experience with using Industrial Application Server
Program development skills (Visual Studio preferred)
Knowledge of Microsoft Windows
Manufacturing industry experience
Implement the appropriate applications of the MXAccess Toolkit
Use the SDK to access the Industrial Application Server data from custom .NET applications

Object I/O Access

Object I/O Access provides explanations and demonstrations of the Automatic IO Binding feature introduced in
Application Server 2014 R2. This course includes the following topics: What is Automatic I/O Binding, How I/O
Auto Assignment (Automatic IO Binding) is different from assigning attribute I/O addresses manually, and using IO
Devices and IO Device Mapping panes in Application Server.
Duration: 60 minutes
Who should attend?
Application developers, engineers, system integrators, and other individuals who configure Application
Server applications
Basic working knowledge of Wonderware Application Server
Basic working knowledge of attributes and I/O addressing
Manufacturing industry experience
Configure attribute I/O references using Automatic I/O Binding
Apply proper naming conventions
Apply and use the IO Devices pane in Application Server
Apply and use the IO Device Mapping pane in Application Server

Object I/O Assignment through Scripting

The Object I/O Assignment through Scripting training explains how to assign I/O objects using scripts. A
demonstration is provided to enhance your knowledge of this subject.
Duration: 30 minutes

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Who should attend?

Engineers, application developers, system integrators, and other individuals who need to use Application
Server in their manufacturing processes
Successful completion of the Application Server or System Platform course
Define auto-binding and explain why you would want to use it
Use relative references in I/O assignment scripts
Determine when to run a script, how to trigger a script, and how to build the prefix string for the script

Platform Manager
Platform Manager explains what the Platform Manager is and how to use it.
Duration: 30 minutes
Who should attend?
Application developers, engineers, system integrators, and other individuals who need to develop
Galaxies for System Platform applications
Manufacturing industry experience
Understanding of the deployment model, security configuration, and redundancy in Application Server
Explain what Platform Manager is and know what it can be used for
Configure the security settings needed to use Platform Manager
Demonstrate how to use Platform Manager

QI Analyst 8.0 Software Recorded Instructor-Led Training

The Wonderware QI Analyst 8.0 Software course provides a basic overview of Wonderware QI Analyst 8.0
This training discusses Statistical Process Control (SPC) charts and powerful statistical procedures that identify
variations and help a production line run smoothly. These powerful statistical tools automatically test data against
statistical rules to detect trends, runs, patterns, and outliers; the software immediately charts and identifies
violations. This training also discusses the steps to create customizable alarm alerts. These alarms help users to
solve quality problems immediately when any unnatural violations occur in the data.
The course includes demonstrations that supply and reinforce the knowledge needed to install, configure,
customize, and link to Wonderware QI Analyst 8.0 software. Students will then perform the labs after viewing the
Duration: 3.5 hours
Who should attend?
Plant floor operators and managers, system administrators, system integrators, and other individuals who
need to use QI Analyst Software in their manufacturing processes
Completion of InTouch for System Platform or InTouch Software Part 2 course
Knowledge of Microsoft Windows
Experience in the manufacturing industry

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Configure data tables
Configure variables and attributes
Set rules, causes/actions, and alarms
Filter data and set control limits
Customize and set data table preferences
Establish a link to external data

Recipe Manager Plus 2014 Web-Based Training

The Recipe Manager Plus 2014 Web-Based Training course is designed to provide a fundamental understanding of
the features and functionality of Recipe Manager Plus. This course introduces the Recipe Manager Plus product
and provides an orientation regarding installation, architecture, configuration, and licensing. This course instructs
in detail how to create recipe models, execute recipe models through Application Server, and configure and create
client connections from InTouch using an imbedded web browser control.
This course consists of recorded presentations and lab demonstrations of the training material. The videos are best
viewed with a screen resolution of 1280 x 1024.
Duration: 1 hour, 40 minutes
Who should attend?
Application developers, engineers, system integrators, consultants, and other individuals who need to use
Recipe Manager Plus in their manufacturing or other processes
Knowledge of Wonderware Application Server helpful
Batch manufacturing experience helpful
Manufacturing industry experience
Install and configure Recipe Manager Plus
Configure Security
Define and Configure Units of Measure, Equipment, Formula Templates, Formulas, Parameter Extensions
Execute a recipe model through Wonderware Application Server
Imbed and configure an ActiveX or .NET client control into an InTouch Application

Remote Response Objects

This seminar provides an overview of the capabilities and use of Wonderware Remote Response Objects 1.0. The
two Remote Response Objects work together to send alarms from ArchestrA objects as e-mail and/or SMS
messages. Clients receiving these alarms can reply and acknowledge the alarms via e-mail clients and mobile
phones. These objects provide the capability of instant, up-to-date remote alarm notifications from the Galaxy
with detailed configurable alarm information and flexible response methods. This effectively exposes process,
manufacturing, and SCADA alarm information from the Galaxy to remote operators and managers. Seminar
subjects will include system requirements and installation, general configuration and operation, and a simple
demonstration/tutorial of how to quickly set up a test application for the Remote Response Objects.
Duration: 60 minutes
Who should attend?
This session is intended for current Application Server users who are interested in receiving Galaxy alarms
via email and/or SMS
Familiarity with Wonderware Application Server 3.0 or newer

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Appropriately apply the features of the Remote Response Objects
Install the Remote Response Objects
Configure the Remote Notifier Object to detect alarms and configure alarm messages
Configure the Remote Communicator Object to send and receive email and/or SMS message
Set up a quick test for the Remote Response Objects

Understanding the Application Engine

The Understanding the Application Engine training explains the Application Engine, configuration options, tuning,
and best practices. Subjects covered include scan states, process order, interrupts, and performance ratio.
Duration: 1 hour
Who should attend?
Engineers, application developers, system integrators, and other individuals who need to use Application
Server in their manufacturing processes
Successful completion of the Application Server or System Platform course
Explain what the Application Engine is
Troubleshoot the Application Engine
Optimize the runtime behavior of the Application Engine

Unified Attribute Name Space

The Unified Attribute Name Space course provides explanations and demonstrations of the Attribute tab
introduced in Application Server 2014 R2. This course includes the following topics: Attributes and what they are
used for; differences in attributes before and after Application Server 2014 R2; Features of the Attribute such as
Data Type, Description, Alarms, I/O, History, Diagnostics; creating, duplicating, and deleting attributes; definitions
of the Security and Lock options; and a thorough explanation of the Attribute Name List including the icon
indicators and filter capabilities.
Duration: 30 minutes
Who should attend?
Application developers, engineers, system integrators, and other individuals who configure their
Application Server manufacturing processes
Basic working knowledge of Wonderware Application Server
Manufacturing industry experience
Create and configure attributes
Apply available features to attributes
Apply Security and Lock filters
Lock and configure security for attribute fields
Apply filters to search for attributes

Upgrading UDAs, Extensions, and Field Attributes to Attributes

Upgrading UDAs, Extensions, and Field Attributes to Attributes explains how to upgrade objects with User Defined
Attributes and extensions, as well as upgrade User Defined Objects with Field Attributes to Application Server 2014
R2 Patch 1 or later. The course discusses and provides a demonstration of the way attributes are defined in
Application Server and describes the Attributes tab as it relates to the User Defined Attributes and Field Attributes
in Legacy versions.

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Duration: 30 minutes
Who should attend?
Application developers, engineers, system integrators, and other individuals who need to upgrade User
Defined Attributes, extensions, and Field Attributes
Manufacturing industry experience
Application Server experience
Knowledge of Field Attributes and User Defined Attributes in Application Server
Knowledge of 2014 R2 Attributes
Upgrade Objects with User Defined Attributes and Extensions
Upgrade User Defined Objects with Field Attributes

Using ArchestrA Symbols with InTouch Tags

Using ArchestrA Symbols with InTouch Tags provides an explanation of how to use the ArchestrA Graphic Toolbox
within a Modern InTouch application. Demonstrations will be provided to show how custom properties of
ArchestrA symbols are linked to tags, .dotfields, and expressions. Students will be able to explain the selection of
InTouch tag types to match the data types used in ArchestrA symbols. Using an example from the Situational
Awareness Library, learners will be able to explain how to set wizard options for symbols designed using the
Symbol Wizard and the effects that wizard options have on the final appearance and behavior of an embedded
ArchestrA graphic.
Duration: 90 minutes
Who should attend?
Application developers, engineers, and system integrators
Embed ArchestrA symbols in a window
Select and link InTouch tags and dotfields with custom properties of an ArchestrA symbol
Configure wizard options
Duplicate and reuse ArchestrA symbols to display different data
Basic working knowledge of InTouch
Manufacturing industry experience

Using FactorySuite Gateway

Using FactorySuite Gateway introduces the functionality, configuration, and troubleshooting of the FactorySuite
Gateway, whose primary function is protocol conversion. FactorySuite Gateway can be used to link clients and data
sources that communicate using different data access protocols. FactorySuite Gateway allows Windows
application programs access to data from a variety of data sources. The supported protocols of these data sources
are OPC, SuiteLink, DDE, FastDDE, and ArchestrA Message Exchange (MX). FactorySuite Gateway provides features
such as the ability to communicate over multiple application-level protocols at the same time; the ability to add
new application-level protocols on the fly; remote configuration; and robust diagnostic capabilities.
Duration: 60 minutes
Who should attend?
Users who need to establish communications between Wonderware software using different protocols,
or users who need to establish communications between Wonderware software and other software that
supports DDE, FastDDE, Suitelink or OPC protocols

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Knowledge of Microsoft Windows
Knowledge of communication protocols such as DDE, SuiteLink, OPC, and MX
Experience using the ArchestrA System Management Console
Manufacturing industry experience
Describe the purpose and application of the FactorySuite Gateway software
Correctly configure the FactorySuite Gateway software to act as a Universal Protocol Converter for
Wonderware products
Define the supported client protocols (DDE, FastDDE, Suitelink and OPC)
Troubleshoot issues using the diagnostics functions of the FactorySuite Gateway

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Application Server: Complex Containment vs. Complex Objects
Application Server: Complex Containment vs. Complex Objects explains how to define the most effective quantity
of objects to represent a process. The equipment and object quantity mix should always be a major consideration
of application design. This course uses a Tank System and a User Defined Object used as a container to test the
different efficiencies of various application designs.
Duration: 1 hour
Who should attend?
Current Industrial Application Server 2.1 users who have applications running
Completion of an Industrial Application Server course or experience with the software
Knowledge of Microsoft Windows
Manufacturing industry experience
Determine the efficiency of your current processes
Determine the most effective quantity of objects to represent your processes

ArchestrA Alarm Control for InTouch 10.1

The ArchestrA Alarm Control for InTouch 10.1 online seminar gives an overview of the capabilities and use of the
new Alarm Control to display alarms from an InTouch Application. Seminar subjects will include a review of
InTouch Alarming, an overview of the new ArchestrA Alarm Control, how to configure live and historical alarms for
visualization, and an overview of basic scripting. This seminar is applicable to InTouch 2012.
Duration: 20 minutes
Who should attend?
Current InTouch users
Knowledge of Microsoft Windows
Manufacturing industry experience
Basic knowledge of Wonderware Application Server
Basic knowledge of InTouch
Basic knowledge of ArchestrA Symbols
Configure the ArchestrA Alarm Control for live alarms visualization
Configure the ArchestrA Alarm Control for historical alarms visualization
Apply basic scripting in the Alarm Control

ArchestrA Alarm Control for Wonderware Application Server 3.1

The ArchestrA Alarm Control for System Platform 3.1 online seminar gives an overview of the capabilities and use
of the new Alarm Control to display alarms from a System Platform 3.1 Galaxy. Seminar subjects will include a
review of ArchestrA Alarming, an overview of the new ArchestrA Alarm Control, how to configure live and
historical alarms for visualization, and an overview of basic scripting. This seminar is applicable to Application
Server 2012.
Duration: 60 minutes
Who should attend?
Current InTouch for System Platform users

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Knowledge of Microsoft Windows
Manufacturing industry experience
Basic knowledge of Wonderware Application Server
Basic knowledge of InTouch for System Platform
Basic knowledge of ArchestrA Symbols
Configure the ArchestrA Alarm Control for live alarms visualization
Configure the ArchestrA Alarm Control for historical alarms visualization
Apply basic scripting in the Alarm Control

ArchestrA Trend Client for System Platform

The ArchestrA Trend client for System Platform 3.1 Online Seminar gives an overview of the capabilities and use of
the new Trend Control to chart real-time data from a System Platform 3.1 Galaxy. Seminar subjects will include an
overview of the new ArchestrA Trend Control, how to configure the control for initialization with Historian data,
and an overview of basic scripting.
Duration: 60 minutes
Who should attend?
Current InTouch for System Platform users
Knowledge of Microsoft Windows
Manufacturing industry experience
Basic knowledge of Wonderware Application Server
Basic knowledge of InTouch for System Platform
Basic knowledge of ArchestrA Symbols
Configure the ArchestrA Trend Control for real-time chart visualization
Configure the ArchestrA Trend Control to initialize with data from the Historian
Apply basic scripting in the Trend Control

Autosave for System Platform 1.0 End-User Training

The AutoSave System Platform course provides an overview of A4SP software, which is used for enhanced change
management for the Wonderware System Platform.
The course includes lab demonstrations that supply and reinforce the knowledge needed to install, configure, use,
and maintain the A4SP software.
Duration: 60 minutes
Who should attend?
Developers and engineers, users, and sales personnel
Knowledge of Wonderware System Platform 4.0 (Application Server 3.1 SP2)
Install the AutoSave System Platform Software on server, client, and broker machines
Configure the A4SP server, client, users, and privileges
Access prior revisions of objects
View differences in versions
Restore object-specific changes
Identify client tools
Use the Help menu and Diagnostic feature

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Backing up the Historian Databases

Backing up the Historian Databases explains how to back up Historian databases.
Duration: 6 minutes
Who should attend?
Engineers, application developers, system integrators, and other individuals who need to use Application
Server in their manufacturing processes
Successful completion of the Historian Server course
Use the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio to back up Historian databases
Locate and manually back up the Historian Circular files using the System Management Console

Benefits of Managed InTouch Applications

The Benefits of Managed InTouch Applications webinar provides presentations and demonstrations to help tagbased InTouch designers leverage the power of the ArchestrA Integrated Development Environment (IDE) as a
replacement for the InTouch Application Manager. The webinar will describe the knowledge needed to use the
ArchestrA IDE to create, back up, restore, and deploy their tag-based InTouch applications in a multi-developer
environment with self-documenting audit trails and version tracking. The webinar will illustrate how to take full
advantage of Managed InTouch Applications, including access to the ArchestrA Graphic Toolbox a centralized
library of reusable industrial graphics, which can be embedded in their tag-based InTouch designs.
Duration: 1 hour
Who should attend?
Legacy InTouch application designers and Modern InTouch application designers looking for Managed
InTouch application benefits
Familiarity with creating Tag-based InTouch applications using the InTouch Application Manager (InTouch
version 5.0 or later) and using WindowMaker and WindowViewer
It is recommended that students are familiar with creating a Modern InTouch application a new feature
in InTouch 2014 R2
Create a Base_InTouch.cab Galaxy
Derive an editable $InTouchViewApp template
Start the $InTouchViewApp template wizard to create a Managed InTouch application
Initiate application check-in and provide comments
Examine $InTouchViewApp revision history
Use ArchestrA graphics
Perform a backup and a restore of a Managed InTouch application
Observe how changes to graphics are propagated
Deploy a Managed InTouch application

Embedded Symbols with Containment

The Embedded Symbols with Containment training explains how to create a graphic symbol template and embed
symbols in the ArchestrA Integrated Development Environment and InTouch.
Duration: 5 minutes
Who should attend?
Engineers, application developers, system integrators, and other individuals who need to use Application
Server in their manufacturing processes

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Successful completion of the Application Server or System Platform course
Successful completion of the InTouch or InTouch for System Platform course
Create a graphics template in the ArchestrA IDE
Embed a symbol to an ArchestrA object template
Add an embedded object in InTouch WindowMaker and view it in runtime

Galaxy Backup and Restore

The Galaxy Backup and Restore training explains how to backup and restore a Galaxy in the ArchestrA IDE.
Duration: 5 minutes
Who should attend?
Engineers, application developers, system integrators, and other individuals who need to use Application
Server in their manufacturing processes
Successful completion of the Application Server or system Platform course
Backup and restore a Galaxy in the ArchestrA IDE

Galaxy Backup with Scripting

The Galaxy Backup with Scripting training explains how to automatically back up a Galaxy using the Galaxy Backup
utility and Windows Task Scheduler.
Duration: 4 minutes
Who should attend?
Engineers, application developers, system integrators, and other individuals who need to use Application
Server in their manufacturing processes
Successful completion of the Application Server or System Platform course
Automatically back up a Galaxy using the Galaxy Backup utility and Windows Task Scheduler

Historian Server IDAS Failover and Alternate Server

Historian Server IDAS Failover and Alternate Server explains how to use the Wonderware Historian Data
Acquisition Subsystem (IDAS) and alternate server for failover with Historian Server. Software demonstrations are
provided to enhance your knowledge of the concepts presented in this course.
This course uses a Historian environment that acquires data from I/O servers and DA Servers in an InTouch tagbased system, not a SCADA system.
Duration: 20 minutes
Who should attend?
Engineers, application developers, system integrators, and other individuals who need to use Application
Server in their manufacturing processes
Successful completion of Historian Server course
Explain what the IDAS is and explain why you would use it for failover
Use the IDAS and an alternate I/O server for failover

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InTouch Alarms - Alarming Basics

The InTouch Alarm Basics online seminar provides an overview of single node InTouch 10.0 alarming, including
alarm/event definition and alarm acknowledgement. Other subjects will include using and configuring the alarm
objects, alarm inhibition, and alarm dot fields. This session is intended for the new InTouch User. This seminar is
applicable to InTouch 2012.
Duration: 1.5 hours
Who should attend?
Current InTouch users who have applications running
InTouch experience
Knowledge of Microsoft Windows
Manufacturing industry experience
Define Alarms and Events in InTouch
View Alarms and Events in InTouch
Acknowledge Alarms in InTouch
Understand how to appropriately apply Alarm dot fields

InTouch Cells and Symbols

The InTouch Cells and Symbols course explores InTouch graphic cells and symbols and demonstrates the key
benefits and differences between them.
Duration: 5 minutes
Who should attend?
Engineers, application developers, system integrators, and other individuals who need to use InTouch in
their manufacturing processes
Familiarity with InTouch is encouraged, but not necessary
Create cells
Create symbols

InTouch Graphics to ArchestrA Symbols Conversion

The InTouch Graphics to ArchestrA Symbols Conversion online seminar is designed to provide the participant with
a fundamental understanding of how SmartSymbols are created and then imported into an ArchestrA Symbol. In
this seminar SmartSymbols are reintroduced as a method of taking existing InTouch Graphics that were already
developed in earlier versions of InTouch, and incorporating them into ArchestrA Symbols. These new ArchestrA
Symbols can then be reused, exported and stored for later application development. No engineering collateral or
design configuration is lost in the conversion.
Duration: 45 minutes
Who should attend?
InTouch and System Platform users who want to save their existing development work and incorporate
into the newer technology
Knowledge of Wonderware InTouch HMI
Knowledge of System Platform
Manufacturing industry experience
Create SmartSymbols from existing InTouch graphics
Import SmartSymbols into and ArchestrA Symbol

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InTouch Legacy Alarm Animations

The InTouch Legacy Alarm Animations training explains how to set up alarm animations based upon discrete and
analog data.
Duration: 10 minutes
Who should attend?
Engineers, application developers, system integrators, and other individuals who need to use Application
Server in their manufacturing processes
Successful completion of the InTouch or InTouch for System Platform course
Configure alarm animations based upon discrete data
Configure alarm animations based upon analog data

InTouch Legacy Distributed Alarm Display

The InTouch Legacy Distributed Alarm Display training explains how to configure the InTouch Legacy Distributed
Alarm Display client.
Duration: 10 minutes
Who should attend?
Engineers, application developers, system integrators, and other individuals who need to use Application
Server in their manufacturing processes
Successful completion of the InTouch or InTouch for System Platform course
Configure the InTouch Legacy Distributed Alarm Display client

InTouch Machine Edition 01 Preparation

The InTouch Machine Edition - Preparation training provides a precursor as to some of the basics of common
keystrokes and mouse clicks that will be used throughout the other training videos in this series. Other preparation
suggestions include ways to get the most out of the entire video series.
Duration: 10 minutes
Who should attend?
HMI project developers, engineers, system integrators, technical sales, support staff, trainers, and other
individuals who will be using InTouch Machine Edition
General understanding of Microsoft Windows (how to use a mouse, copy/paste, click/drag)
General understanding of HMI (Human Machine Interface) concepts
Understand some of the keystrokes and mouse clicks that will be used in the ITME Training Video Series
Understand how to use the videos to get the most out of the series of videos
Recognize the Tabs and Groups located in the Ribbon interface

InTouch Machine Edition 02 Introduction

The InTouch Machine Edition - Introduction training provides a brief introduction to InTouch Machine Edition. This
video gives a quick overview of the development environment interface and various tool locations. It also shows
where some of the trouble shooting tools can be found how they are used. Then a very simple two-screen project
is created highlighting how easy and quick the product is to use.
Duration: 30 minutes

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Who should attend?

HMI project developers, engineers, system integrators, technical sales, support staff, trainers, and other
individuals who will be using InTouch Machine Edition
General understanding of Microsoft Windows (how to use a mouse, copy/paste, click/drag)
General understanding of HMI (Human Machine Interface) concepts
Find the major interfaces in the development environment
Restore the various dock-able windows back to their default configuration
Create and test a simple two screen project

InTouch Machine Edition 03 Product Overview

The InTouch Machine Edition Product Overview training provides an overview of features and capabilities of
InTouch Machine Edition. Included in this training are the product positioning, advantages and features, and an
overview of the integration with Wonderware System Platform.
Duration: 30 minutes
Who should attend?
HMI project developers, engineers, system integrators, technical sales, support staff, trainers, and other
individuals who will be using InTouch Machine Edition
General understanding of Microsoft Windows (how to use a mouse, copy/paste, click/drag)
General understanding of HMI (Human Machine Interface) concepts
Understand how the product is positioned in the market
Know the advantages and features
Realize a basic understanding of the integration with Wonderware System Platform

InTouch Machine Edition 05 User Interface Overview

The InTouch Machine Edition User Interface Overview training provides a brief overview of the user interface in
the InTouch Machine Edition.
Duration: 34 minutes
Who should attend?
HMI project developers, engineers, System Integrators, Technical Sales, Support Staff, trainers, and other
individuals who will be using the InTouch Machine Edition
General understanding of Microsoft Windows (how to use a mouse, copy/paste, click/drag)
General understanding of HMI (Human Machine Interface) concepts
Locate various parts of the user interface
Describe the ribbon interface, project explorer, database spy, output window (Logwin), and status bar

InTouch Machine Edition 06 Tags

The InTouch Machine Edition - Tags training provides an understanding of what tags are in InTouch Machine
Duration: 35 minutes
Who should attend?
HMI project developers, engineers, System Integrators, Technical Sales, Support Staff, trainers, and other
individuals who will be using the InTouch Machine Edition

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General understanding of Microsoft Windows (how to use a mouse, copy/paste, click/drag)
General understanding of HMI (Human Machine Interface) concepts
Describe tags and list the different types of tags
Demonstrate how to create a project tag
Create classes

InTouch Machine Edition 07 Drivers Part 1

The InTouch Machine Edition Drivers Part 1 training provides a basic understanding of how to configure drivers
with InTouch Machine Edition.
Duration: 25 minutes
Who should attend?
HMI project developers, engineers, system integrators, Technical Sales, Support Staff, trainers, and other
individuals who will be using the InTouch Machine Edition
General understanding of Microsoft Windows (how to use a mouse, copy/paste, click/drag)
General understanding of HMI (Human Machine Interface) concepts
Insert a driver into your project
Configure the Main Driver Sheet and Standard Driver Sheet(s)
Establish communications with a PLC or controller
Explain the communications status fields

InTouch Machine Edition 07 Drivers Part 2

The InTouch Machine Edition Drivers Part 2 training provides a more detailed understanding of how to configure
drivers within InTouch Machine Edition.
Duration: 43 minutes
Who should attend?
HMI project developers, engineers, system integrators, Technical Sales, Support Staff, trainers, and other
individuals who will be using The InTouch Machine Edition
General understanding of Microsoft Windows (how to use a mouse, copy/paste, click/drag)
General understanding of HMI (Human Machine Interface) concepts
Insert and configure drivers
Describe the main differences between the Main Driver Sheet and the Standard Driver Sheets
Use virtual reading groups to help you troubleshoot
Use the Tag Integration feature

InTouch Machine Edition 08 Screen Groups

The InTouch Machine Edition Screen Groups training provides a basic understanding of how to create screen
groups and the template that will be used for the remaining training videos.
Duration: 32 minutes
Who should attend?
HMI project developers, engineers, system integrators, Technical Sales, Support Staff, trainers, and other
individuals who will be using the InTouch Machine Edition

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General understanding of Microsoft Windows (how to use a mouse, copy/paste, click/drag)
General understanding of HMI (Human Machine Interface) concepts
Create multiple screens of different sizes and manage them as a Screen Group
Set a Screen Group as a startup
Position X and Y coordinates of screens and select screen background colors

InTouch Machine Edition 09 Formatting and Shapes

The InTouch Machine Edition Formatting and Shapes training provides a basic understanding of how to use the
basic shapes in the InTouch Machine Edition and how to format those.
Duration: 42 minutes
Who should attend?
HMI project developers, engineers, system integrators, Technical Sales, Support Staff, trainers, and other
individuals who will be using the InTouch Machine Edition
General understanding of Microsoft Windows (how to use a mouse, copy/paste, click/drag)
General understanding of HMI (Human Machine Interface) concepts
Use and combine shapes
Position and align shapes
Understand layering by using the object ID
Select an object by ID

InTouch Machine Edition 10 Active Objects Part 1

The InTouch Machine Edition Active Objects Part 1 training explains how to use some of the active objects in the
InTouch Machine Edition.
Duration: 42 minutes
Who should attend?
HMI project developers, engineers, system integrators, Technical Sales, Support Staff, trainers, and other
individuals who will be using the InTouch Machine Edition
General understanding of Microsoft Windows (how to use a mouse, copy/paste, click/drag)
General understanding of HMI (Human Machine Interface) concepts
Use the text, text box, and button objects

InTouch Machine Edition 10 Active Objects Part 2

The InTouch Machine Edition Active Objects Part 2 training explains how to use more of the active objects in the
InTouch Machine Edition.
Duration: 36 minutes
Who should attend?
HMI project developers, engineers, system integrators, Technical Sales, Support Staff, trainers, and other
individuals who will be using the InTouch Machine Edition
General understanding of Microsoft Windows (how to use a mouse, copy/paste, click/drag)
General understanding of HMI (Human Machine Interface) concepts

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Use the push button, check box, and radio button objects

InTouch Machine Edition 10 Active Objects Part 3

The InTouch Machine Edition Active Objects Part 3 training explains how to use more of the active objects in the
InTouch Machine Edition.
Duration: 61 minutes
Who should attend?
HMI project developers, engineers, system integrators, Technical Sales, Support Staff, trainers, and other
individuals who will be using the InTouch Machine Edition
General understanding of Microsoft Windows (how to use a mouse, copy/paste, click/drag)
General understanding of HMI (Human Machine Interface) concepts
Use a combo box, list box, and a smart message objects

InTouch Machine Edition 11 Animation Overview

The InTouch Machine Edition Animation Overview training explains how to apply Animations using InTouch
Machine Edition.
Duration: 45 minutes
Who should attend?
HMI project developers, engineers, system integrators, Technical Sales, Support Staff, trainers, and other
individuals who will be using the InTouch Machine Edition
General understanding of Microsoft Windows (how to use a mouse, copy/paste, click/drag)
General understanding of HMI (Human Machine Interface) concepts
Bar Graph
Text Data Link

InTouch Machine Edition 12 Animation Details

The InTouch Machine Edition Animation Details training explains how to apply Animations in depth using InTouch
Machine Edition.
Duration: 60 minutes
Who should attend?
HMI project developers, engineers, system integrators, Technical Sales, Support Staff, trainers and other
individuals who will be using the InTouch Machine Edition
General understanding of Microsoft Windows (how to use a mouse, copy/paste, click/drag)
General understanding of HMI (Human Machine Interface) concepts

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Bar Graph
Text Data Link

InTouch New Alarm Objects and Functionality

InTouch New Alarm Objects and Functionality discusses the Alarm Tree Viewer ActiveX Control and the Alarm
Pareto ActiveX Control. The Alarm Tree Viewer ActiveX Control shows the alarm group hierarchy of alarm
providers selected by an alarm query. The Alarm Tree Viewer lets you show the alarm group hierarchy in a
graphical representation. You can perform operations involving groups, descendent groups, and ancestor groups.
When used in conjunction with other alarm objects, the Alarm Tree object can assist in modifying alarm providers
or alarm groups. Using the Alarm Pareto ActiveX control, you can analyze which alarms and events occur most
frequently in a given production system. You can also analyze alarm frequency by the time periods during which
they occur. The analysis capabilities of the Alarm Pareto help you recognize where you should focus your efforts to
achieve the most significant improvements.
Duration: 30 minutes
Who should attend?
Current InTouch users who have applications running
Completion of an InTouch course
Understanding of InTouch Alarming
Knowledge of Microsoft Windows
Manufacturing industry experience
Use the Alarm Tree View ActiveX Control to navigate alarm providers and alarm groups
Use the Alarm Pareto ActiveX Control to view the alarm database

InTouch Runtime Language Switching

InTouch Runtime Language Switching discusses the new Runtime Language Switching feature in InTouch HMI 10.0.
The Runtime Language Switching feature allows developers to define which languages a particular InTouch
application will support. This feature is triggered through the use of a button in the application, which, when
clicked, switches the language in InTouch windows to the selected language.
Duration: 15 minutes
Who should attend?
Current InTouch developers who have InTouch applications running
Completion of an InTouch HMI course or equivalent experience
Knowledge of Microsoft Windows
Manufacturing industry experience
Define the different languages you want your InTouch application to use
Export/import application text fields to/from an .XML file for translation
Switch the displayed language during runtime

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InTouch SmartSymbols
InTouch SmartSymbols explains what SmartSymbols are and shows the key features for creating, placing, and
editing InTouch SmartSymbols.
Duration: 5 minutes
Who should attend?
Engineers, application developers, system integrators, and other individuals who need to use InTouch in
their manufacturing processes
Familiarity with InTouch is encouraged, but not necessary
Create InTouch SmartSymbols
Place InTouch SmartSymbol instances
Edit InTouch SmartSymbols
Describe the main benefits for using SmartSymbols

InTouch Wizards Overview

The InTouch Wizards Overview training explains how to use wizards in InTouch.
Duration: 5 minutes
Who should attend?
Engineers, application developers, system integrators, and other individuals who need to use InTouch in
their manufacturing processes
Familiarity with InTouch is encouraged, but not necessary
Explain what a wizard is
List the various wizards available
Use a wizard to control a siren light

InTouch: Using the XML Importer

The InTouch: Using the XML Importer online seminar will provide you with an introduction on how to automate
the creation of InTouch applications, including windows and native InTouch graphics, by using a command file and
an XML file.
Duration: 30 minutes
Who should attend?
Existing InTouch developers who want to programmatically modify their InTouch application
Knowledge of InTouch application development
Basic knowledge of XML syntax
Proficiency on using the Windows Command Prompt window
Use WindowMaker command files and an XML file to: create InTouch applications; create, rename, and
delete InTouch windows; and create native InTouch graphics within a window
Use the DBDUMP and DBLOAD commands

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Migrating from InTouch 9.5 to InTouch 10 Managed Applications

Migrating from InTouch 9.5 to InTouch 10 Managed Applications online seminar will give you an overview of how
to migrate existing InTouch applications to the Integrated Development Environment (IDE), resulting in an InTouch
Managed Application. This migration allows you to take advantage of the ArchestrA Graphics features of InTouch
10.0, as well as the centralized development capabilities of the IDE. This seminar is applicable for InTouch 2012.
Duration: 10 minutes
Who should attend?
Users who wish to migrate their applications from an older version of InTouch to an IDE Managed
InTouch 10 Application
Knowledge of InTouch 9.5 or earlier
Build a basic Galaxy
Migrate your application to an InTouch 10 Managed Application

New Animations Using ArchestrA Graphics

The New Animations Using ArchestrA Graphics online seminar introduces some of the new types of animations
possible using ArchestrA Graphics. These animations include scripting combinations, object properties, and new
animation link types, all to achieve animations never before possible in an InTouch application. Specifically the
seminar covers how to resize an object to make it shrink or grow on mouse over, and how to use the new
Animation Link Show Symbol.
Duration: 20 minutes
Who should attend?
Users who want to know more about animations using ArchestrA Graphics
Knowledge of the InTouch 10 HMI software
Experience using the ArchestrA Integrated Development Environment
Experience working with ArchestrA Graphics
Address the properties of an object
Implement the new animations for an object

Rearranging the Derivation Tree

Rearranging the Derivation Tree explains how to take an object created with one template and apply a different
template to that object in the ArchestrA IDE.
Duration: 5 minutes
Who should attend?
Engineers, application developers, system integrators, and other individuals who need to use Application
Server in their manufacturing processes
Successful completion of the Application Server or System Platform course
Import and export objects to an .aaPKG file
Create a new object instance under a new template
Verify that the new object instance appears under the new template
Operate the software

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Recipe Manager with Node Security

Recipe Manager with Node Security explores how to implement node-based access with Recipe Manager.
Duration: 10 minutes
Who should attend?
Engineers, application developers, system integrators, and other individuals who need to use Recipe
Manager in their manufacturing processes
Basic knowledge of how to use Recipe Manager
Provide node security based on a node name, using tags
Adjust security without modifying the application in InTouch WindowMaker

Setting Up Communications with the ABCIP DAServer

Setting Up Communications with the ABCIP DAServer explains how to set up a DAServer using the Allen Bradley
ControlLogix PLC through Ethernet (ABCIP).
Duration: 5 minutes
Who should attend?
Engineers, application developers, system integrators, and other individuals who need to use Application
Server in their manufacturing processes
Successful completion of the Application Server or System Platform course
Configure a DAServer with an ABCIP

Setting Up Communications with the MBTCP DAServer

Setting Up Communications with the MBTCP DAServer explains how to set up a DAServer using the Modbus PLC
through Ethernet (MBTCP).
Duration: 5 minutes
Who should attend?
Engineers, application developers, system integrators, and other individuals who need to use Application
Server in their manufacturing processes
Successful completion of the Application Server or System Platform course
Configure a DAServer with MBTCP

System Platform: Providing IT Information

This online seminar is designed to provide explanations and examples on how ArchestrA object attributes can be
used to monitor and manage computers in an industrial control system.
Duration: 40 minutes
Who should attend?
System administrators, system integrators, and other individuals who need to use and monitor the
industrial control system in their manufacturing processes
Completion of a System Platform - Application Server course, InTouch for System Platform
Computer/Server management
Microsoft .NET programming

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Identify platform attributes
Build ArchestrA graphics for IT monitoring/management

Using the Quality and Status Functions of ArchestrA Graphics

The Using the Quality and Status Functions of ArchestrA Graphics online seminar will introduce you to the Quality
and Status functions of ArchestrA Graphics. You will learn how to implement the Status object within ArchestrA
Graphics. You will also learn how to configure the Galaxy to use graphical overrides for graphics using the Status
Duration: 10 minutes
Who should attend?
Users who would like to implement Quality and Status indicators within their graphical objects
Knowledge of InTouch 10
Experience using the ArchestrA Integrated Development Environment
Experience working with ArchestrA Graphics
Implement the Status indicator within ArchestrA Graphics
Configure the Galaxy Quality and Status display overrides

Wonderware ArchestrA Reusable Objects

The Wonderware ArchestrA Reusable Objects online seminar provides the participant with a fundamental
understanding of how to create objects in the Wonderware Industrial Application Server product that gather
information from their containers. The concept of reusable objects is covered along with examples of simple data
gathering objects and their usage. A sample Averager object is demonstrated and a technique is shown that allows
the developer to set the execution order between objects.
Duration: 25 minutes
Who should attend?
System Platform users who would like to gather extra information from existing Galaxies
Thorough understanding of basic functionalities of System Platform
Require no data source configuration
Require no reprogramming of the target objects
Use attributes common to most Application objects

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Registration and Contact Information

Certified Training Providers Whether you take a class at one of our training centers or at a Certified Training
Provider facility, you will receive the same high level of instruction, training material, and professional attention.
Visit our website to find a local Certified Training Provider near you.
Visit our website at Wonderware Training for more information, the current Wonderware Training Schedule, and
to register for a class.
Wonderware Training
26561 Rancho Parkway South
Lake Forest, CA 92630
U.S & Canada: 866-WW-TRAIN (866-998-7246)
Direct: 949-639-8508

Note: Information in this document is subject to change without notice.

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