Lighting The Way Understanding The Smart Energy Consumer

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IBM Global Business Services

IBM Institute for Business Value

Energy and Utilities

Lighting the way

Understanding the smart
energy consumer
IBM Institute for Business Value
IBM Global Business Services, through the IBM Institute for Business Value,
develops fact-based strategic insights for senior executives around critical public
and private sector issues. This executive brief is based on an in-depth study by
the Institute’s research team. It is part of an ongoing commitment by IBM Global
Business Services to provide analysis and viewpoints that help companies realize
business value. You may contact the authors or send an e-mail to
for more information.
Lighting the way
Understanding the smart energy consumer
By Michael Valocchi, John Juliano and Allan Schurr

Almost 70 percent of 5000 respondents in our 2008 Global Utility Consumer

Survey are willing to experiment with how they interact with energy providers.
Many consumers have specific visions of what they want – and how much
they will pay for it. Their attitude change coincides with rising environmental
and economic urgency that is focusing attention on energy infrastructures
across the globe. To satisfy the smart energy consumer and stay competitive,
utilities must plan now to encourage beneficial consumer behaviors, leverage
customer analytics and segmentation, and understand the enhanced customer
interactions – all vital in a participatory utility network where consumers,
utilities and service providers share responsibilities and benefits.

Persistent climate change concerns, volatile substantial increases in investment in utility

energy prices and a growing awareness of infrastructure are likely. For energy and utility
technological advancement in energy are companies, this presents a historic opportunity
leading consumers across the globe to recon- to encourage new, mutually beneficial behav-
sider their role in the electric power value iors and create business models to meet new
chain. Influenced by their experiences in other consumer demands.
industries, they are willing to assume new roles
and be more involved with providers and tech- Our 2007 report, “Plugging in the consumer:
nology. Utility business models for the future,” explored
the radically changing relationship between
At the same time, due to global demands consumers and energy providers. Even during
for climate change mitigation, the need to the global economic downturn, progress has
support aging networks and some govern- continued along the two dimensions shaping
ment stimulus plans for weakened economies, these changes: technology advancement and
consumers’ desire for more control.

1 Lighting the way

To continue our research about consumer Generation, network and metering technology
expectations of energy providers, we launched available today provide tremendous opportuni-
a second survey in the fall of 2008 (see “The ties to improve capabilities and convenience
2008 Global Utility Consumer Survey”). We for residential and small business customers.
found that the major influences on consumers’ Realizing this potential, however, requires
decisions about taking control of their energy shifting emphasis from utility-controlled deci-
experience have not changed much: respon- sion factors to consumer-driven ones.
dents still believe energy prices are more likely
to rise than fall and a strong majority value The 2008 Global Utility Consumer Survey
environmental considerations in their choices We launched our second Utility Consumer
of products and services (though economic Survey in fall 2008 to assess how changes in
pressures have made them less likely to pay the economic environment, persistent strong
premium prices to meet their goals). messages on climate change and increasing
technological awareness of consumers are further
In combination, our survey findings suggest
influencing consumer expectations of energy
strongly the historical view of customers as
providers. This time, we surveyed an “expanded
like-minded is not sustainable – it is already group” of over 5,000 customers, which included
outdated in most places. As a result, utilities the “core group” of the six countries from our
must plan now to: 2007 survey – the U.S., the UK, Germany, the
• Understand and encourage new consumer Netherlands, Australia and Japan) – plus Canada,
behaviors that will be important in the future Denmark, Belgium, France, Ireland and New
industry environment Zealand. Questions covered a range of topics,
including consumer preferences for green
• Invest in customer analytics and segmenta-
offerings (both energy-related and in general),
tion to assess the current consumer base
future views on costs, usage and control options,
and lay the foundation for continual reevalu- sources of information on energy, and willingness
ation to pay for new products and services.
• Initiate a program to analyze enhanced and
new customer interactions that will take
place over a more dynamic and data-rich

22 IBM
Lighting the way
Understanding the smart energy consumer

Understanding and encouraging new • Constrained Choice – Consumers take

behaviors decisive steps toward more control, but are
Four utility industry models limited to certain “levers” (technologies,
To understand and encourage beneficial new usage decisions or choices in providers) by
consumer behaviors, energy providers must regulatory and/or technological constraints.
recognize that technology evolution and • Participatory Network – An interconnected
increasing consumer control are pointing to environment characterized by a wide variety
the emergence of four industry models (see of grid and network technologies enables
Figure 1). As described in our 2007 report (see shared responsibility and benefits.
Related publications section), they are:
Though each is described distinctly here,
• Passive Persistence – Traditional utility
for at least the near term the industry will be
market structures still dominate and
represented by various combinations of the
consumers either accept or prefer the histor-
four models in different parts of the world.
ical supplier-user relationship.
Ultimately, increasing demand for control by
• Operations Transformation – Some combi- consumers and continual improvement in
nation of grid and network technology technology will result in movement of the basis
evolves to enable shared responsibility, but of the industry to the upper right quadrant –
consumers cannot (or elect not to) exert driving the creation of entirely new markets
much control. (virtual and physical) and products.

Figure 1.
Utility industry evolution over the next decade.
Distributed and

Participatory Network
Operations Transformation

A wide variety of grid and network technology

Some combination of grid and network
evolves to enable shared responsibility, and
technology evolves to enable shared respon-
consumers’ strong interest in specific goals cre-
sibility, but consumers either cannot exert
ates new markets (virtual and physical) and new
much control (or elect not to) and the balance
Technology evolution

product demands, which balances benefits more

of benefits favors the utility
equally between the consumers and utilities

Passive Persistence Constrained Choice

Traditional utility market structures dominate, Consumers take firm steps to move toward
and consumers either accept or prefer the tradi- more control, but are limited to certain “le-
tional supplier-user relationship vers” (technologies, behaviors, or choices in
providers) by regulatory and/or technological
and one-way


Low Degree of consumer control High

Source: IBM Institute for Business Value analysis.

3 Lighting the way

Customer goals in a participatory peak times. Since consumers have a renewed
network curiosity about energy and are willing to
In our surveys over the past two years, many change behavior, now appears to be an
consumers demonstrated at least one goal optimal time to “nudge” consumers in ways like
or trait associated with asserting more control this toward behaviors that benefit everyone.
over their energy usage. The features of a
Thaler and Sunstein also mention another
participatory network appeal tremendously to
device that simply displays energy usage and
them, because it would offer abundant service
allows it to be transmitted to the Internet, facili-
options and information to manage energy
tating a sort of “conservation competition” that
usage according to specific goals, such as 2
would benefit both the user and the provider.
cost reduction or environmental impact.
Linking such capabilities with Internet-based
In order to best align societal benefits, personal communications – for example,
customer needs and company goals, posting usage on a blog, Twitter, or Facebook
providers must leverage consumers’ newfound – is particularly appealing to the habits of the
openness to change, and then provide Millennial Generation, usually defined as those
information, influence behavior and teach born starting in the late 1970s through the
consumers new ways to meet their goals. 1990s. As we will show, these young people
For example, increasingly common customer are well-prepared to embrace new participa-
goals are minimizing cost and “carbon foot- tory network-enabled services. In addition to
print” (estimated greenhouse gas emissions the immediate benefits, such offerings build
produced by daily activities). Both conserva- the provider’s reputation as both aligned with
tion and shifting energy-intensive work to an the consumer and forward-thinking both tech-
off-peak time can help the customer meet nologically and socially.
these goals while directly supporting utilities’
efforts to limit peak load growth and prepare
Managing usage to reduce costs
In our 2008 survey, cost remains the most
for a carbon-constrained operating environ-
powerful motivator for desire for control and
willingness to change behavior. Four in five
In their book Nudge, Richard Thaler and Cass consumers would change the times at which
Sunstein promote the idea that small changes they do energy-consuming housework in
to individuals’ perspectives can cascade into exchange for large savings (50 percent).
major shifts in behavioral patterns for entire This pattern did not vary much by income
populations. Several of their examples are level – those in the upper 5 to 10 percent of
about managing energy usage, such as one the respondents’ national income distribution
utility’s visual device that glowed red when were as open to such change as those below
usage passed a certain threshold. In just median national income. Even for a small
weeks, they reported, those with this device discount (10 percent) for changing time of
reduced their energy use by 40 percent at usage, about half were willing to do this. These
numbers were virtually unchanged from 2007.

4 IBM Global Business Services

In both years’ There is not much evidence that consumers Managing usage to reduce
surveys, consumers think lower rates are in store for them; only 6 environmental impact
percent think that over the next five years, their The emphasis on climate change is as strong
consistently expressed
bills will increase more slowly (or decrease now as with consumers in our 2007 survey. It
the desire to exert more rapidly) than their usage, while over half is also fairly consistent across our expanded
more control over see the cost increasing roughly at the same group of countries. For ten of the twelve coun-
energy usage to pace as usage. Forty percent see their bills tries, between 65 percent and 75 percent of
reduce costs and increasing more rapidly than their usage (or respondents stated that environmental factors
not decreasing as much as any reduction in are “important” in purchases of non-energy
environmental impact.
usage). products (only the Netherlands, at 64 percent
and Canada, at 78 percent, fell slightly outside
Overall, 2008 respondents have a slightly
that band).
more pessimistic view of the next five
years than those in 2007, more because of The availability of renewable energy programs
expected increases in consumption than to in response to this demand for more carbon-
any apparent change in perspective stem- neutral products remained about the same
ming from energy price surges in the summer year to year. Across the core group coun-
of 2008. Two-thirds see their bills increasing tries, the percentage reporting that they did
over the next five years, versus 59 percent in not have renewable power programs avail-
2007; however, in 2008, 38 percent see usage able dropped from 21 percent in 2007 to 16
increasing versus 30 percent in 2007, so the percent in 2008. Rather than increasing the
differential between the two years’ numbers is percentage of affirmative responses, however,
the same. most of the movement was to the “Don’t know”
response (up to 50 percent, from 46 percent
With the prevalent feeling that prices will move
in 2007). Responses of the expanded group
inexorably upward and awareness of smart
countries were consistent with those in the
meters growing, over 90 percent of respon-
core group (see Figure 2).
dents indicated that they would like a smart
meter and tools for managing their usage, According to industry experts in some of the
with 55 to 60 percent of these respondents countries surveyed, the high level of “Don’t
willing to pay a one-time or monthly fee for that know” responses in part reflects doubts in
capability. Consumers are largely indifferent some countries about the veracity of green
to which form this control takes – the percent- power claims. Still, if to a larger extent these
ages wanting this service via a dedicated customers truly cannot answer that question,
control panel, a home computer interface or a this could indicate a valuable opportunity lost
smart meter automatically controlling devices to ineffective communication with customers in
are essentially the same, although there are countries with significant renewable resources
some differences across age groups. and high participation levels.

5 Lighting the way

Availability of renewable energy by country.
Does your electric power provider offer renewable energy sources (such as solar and wind power) as an option for your household energy use?

UK 11% 28% 61%

Japan 14% 31% 55%
Germany 33% 12% 54%
Australia 33% 14% 53%
Netherlands 32% 17% 51%
Core group
US 11% 44% 45% countries
New Zealand 5% 27% 66% Expanded
group countries
Denmark 12% 21% 67%
Belgium 23% 11% 66%
France 18% 29% 53%
Ireland 5% 47% 48%
Canada 8% 46% 46%

Sample size = 5084 Yes No Don’t know

Source: IBM 2008 Utility Consumer Survey.

The impact of the global economic downturn This change in spending patterns also
of 2008 is clearly competing with the envi- seems to influence perceptions of green
ronmental concerns of consumers. Across power options among consumers from core
the core group countries, the number of group countries who do not have (or are
consumers paying a premium for green prod- unsure if they have) green power options.
ucts and services is down 20 to 30 percent The percentage of these respondents who
(see Figure 3). say they want green power options is down

Percent of respondents who pay more for environmentally friendly products not related to energy.
Australia 46% -26% 2007

Japan 39% -25%
Germany 35% -31%
Netherlands 35% -29%
US 38% -20%
UK 33% -27%
Sample size = 3345 (2008), 1893 (2007)
Source: IBM 2008 Utility Consumer Survey.

6 IBM Global Business Services

slightly, from 85 percent in 2007 to 78 percent Analyzing and segmenting
in 2008. But, during that one-year period, the consumers
percentage of those willing to pay an addi- The emergence of new industry models
tional 20 percent or more monthly dropped requires utility companies to abandon the
by nearly two-thirds, from 16 percent to just 6 historical view of residential and small
percent (see Figure 4). commercial customers as largely homo-
geneous. In “Plugging in the consumer,”
The percentage of those with green power
we described an emerging segmentation
options who actually buy them remained about
comprised of four consumer types: Passive
the same, however. This is not surprising, given
Ratepayers, Frugal Goal-Seekers, Energy
contractual commitments, significantly higher
Epicures and Energy Stalwarts (see Figure
prices for non-renewable fuels in the past year
5). Our 2008 survey results reinforce these
(which eliminated some of the cost differential
segments as likely outcomes of current trends.
between standard and green power), and
the overall commitment to the environment Two main attributes are associated with vari-
expected of buyers of green power. ances in consumers’ behavior profiles:

Still, prudence in launching new green • Personal initiative – A consumer’s willingness

programs may be wise until the global to make decisions and take action based
economy is in recovery. Extended reces- on specific goals, such as cost control, reli-
sionary conditions or further deterioration in ability, convenience and climate change
consumers’ incomes might suppress accep- impacts.
tance of higher-cost programs until conditions • Disposable income – A consumer’s financial
improve. wherewithal to support energy-related
goals; in early adoption phases, only those
with sufficient resources will be able to
implement new technologies and buy more
expensive products.

Willingness to pay premiums for green energy.
How much more would you be willing to pay for green power? (percentage of respondents)

50% or more 2% 2007

35% 4%

20% 16%
5% 44%

Would not pay more 34%


Sample size = 5084

Source: IBM 2008 Utility Consumer Survey.

7 Lighting the way

Types of residential and small commercial energy customers.

Frugal Goal-Seeker (FG) Energy Stalwart (ES)
An energy consumer who is willing to take An energy consumer who has specific
modest action to address specific goals or goals or needs in energy usage, and has
needs in energy usage, but is constrained in

Decision-making initiative taken

both the income and desire to act on
what they are able to do because disposable those needs
income is limited
22% 21%
Passive Ratepayer (PR) Energy Epicure (EE)
An energy consumer who is relatively uninvolved A very high-usage energy consumer relatively
with decisions related to energy usage and unconstrained by budget limits, but with little
uninterested in taking or unable to take added or no desire for conservation or active involve-
responsibility for these decisions ment in energy control

31% 26%

Low Disposable income available for energy choices High

Sample size = 5084
Source: IBM 2008 Utility Consumer Survey.

We also found that other demographic char- and technology deployment permit advanced
acteristics – such as age and country of capabilities to be rolled out to the consumer
residence – affect the speed of technology in the form of new products and services,
adoption, ability to leverage control “behind the a groundswell of demand is emerging. The
meter,” goals embedded in accepting more demand is neither even nor universal, so
responsibility for energy choices, and more. customer segmentation work is vital to deter-
mine who wants what.
Consumer profiles
Passive Ratepayers (PRs), who embody a The number of more engaged and goal-
passive preference for the status quo, remain oriented customers all along the income
the most prevalent of any of the four consumer spectrum is approaching one-half of the total
archetypes. However, we see a remarkable customer base. Frugal Goal-Seekers (FGs),
transition in progress: in the past, these typi- about 22 percent of the 2008 survey popula-
cally uninvolved, acquiescent customers tion, have limited resources but strong will to
comprised virtually 100 percent of the change the way they use energy and manage
customer base – they represent just 31 percent its consumption. This group desires low-cost
of our 2008 survey respondents. control of energy choices.

It is eye-opening that almost 70 percent of Energy Stalwarts (ESs) have enough strength
customers would like to take advantage of in both will and wallet to proactively take
what might be offered in a partnership that measures from making simple efficiency
differs from the traditional utility-customer improvements to generating their own elec-
relationship. Even before regulatory structures tricity. They have a clear willingness to invest

8 IBM Global Business Services

A groundswell of demand in energy choices, and represent about one Key consumer attributes by segment
in five consumers surveyed. Both FGs and In order to evaluate and compare various
is emerging for new
ESs will strongly influence the other half of tendencies of the four consumer types, we
consumer products and
consumers as they succeed in meeting their used a scoring system to quantify the relative
services in advance goals. response to similar questions based on six key
of regulatory and attributes (see Figure 6):
The remainder of the respondents (26
technological change.
percent) are Energy Epicures (EEs), who are • Focus on Environment: Interest in green
curious but not committed in the sense that, products and willingness to make changes
while they actually demonstrate more knowl- to reduce personal environmental impact
edge about their provider and options than • Hunger for Information: Desire for more
the any other group, they do not share the frequent and more detailed information
cost concerns or clear desire for information about the cost and impact of personal
and control. This appears to be a matter of energy usage
choice and not ignorance. While passive in
• Willingness to Take Control: Motivation and
some ways, this group is open to experimenta-
desire to actively manage energy usage,
tion in others, particularly when the cost and
cost and environmental impact
lifestyle impact of a behavioral change are
low. Whether EEs gravitate toward ESs (if their • Motivation for Efficiency: Willingness to take
early experimentation has results that spur steps to increase energy efficiency through
additional involvement) or simply continue to some combination of lower-cost and higher-
add new energy-consuming devices into their cost actions
home while abstaining from (or postponing) • Knowledge about Providers: Overall
moves toward more active management of awareness of energy providers and options
energy usage, they will remain high-revenue- that the providers make available to manage
producing customers for years to come. efficiency, environment and cost
• Sensitivity to Cost: Sensitivity to overall cost
of energy or options to actively manage it.

Respondent scores for key attributes.

Focus on environment

Hunger for information Passive Ratepayer

Energy Stalwart
Willingness to take control
Frugal Goal-Seeker
Motivation for efficiency Energy Epicure

Knowledge about providers

Sensitivity to cost

Low Average High

Source: IBM 2008 Utility Consumer Survey.

9 Lighting the way

Personal initiative and The role of generational change To effectively determine the best strategy for
While in the short term, changes in customer a customer-focused transition to the partici-
income will drive change
needs will occur based on personal initiative patory network of the future, every provider
in the short term, but
and income, in the long run, even more radical of energy or related services will need to
even more radical changes may yet emerge as the Millennial construct an inventory of existing customer
changes may be ushered Generation continues to move into adulthood interactions with the spectrum of current and
in as the Millennial and the energy customer base. By varying future providers. They must also understand
Generation ages. definitions, the first wave of these information- how customers get information from govern-
hungry, technology-savvy consumers is ments, the media and even one another.
somewhere in our 25 to 34-year-old demo-
These will collectively shape the customer
graphic grouping and fully encompasses the
experience and pinpoint wants and needs
18 to 24-year-old age group.
inherent in the experience they will find most
Precisely at this juncture, we see major satisfying. Figure 7 shows a representation of
changes in the survey results related to the a generalized electric utility customer experi-
ways consumers learn about companies and ence. In the following sections, we outline how
products, what they value and what they will specific consumer segments view the benefits
pay for, as well as how they communicate with and costs associated with key interactions
each other and the companies with which they (those in bold text).
do business. This, ultimately, may give way to
new consumer segments that will influence Learning about providers and their
the shape of the industry in ways unimagined offerings
just a decade or two ago. Important messages from providers do not
always reach consumers, as evidenced by
Understanding customer interactions consumers’ lack of awareness of available
in a participatory network green power options (see Figure 2). In addi-
As utilities and regulators begin the process tion, only one in six consumers foresees a
of moving from the existing infrastructure decrease in usage over the next five years,
base toward a participatory network, one of and only about a third say their provider can
the most important questions in the public help them save energy – this despite strong
debate is, “What are the societal benefits of efforts by the industry and governments
these investments?” Both customers and to promote energy efficiency through utility
company shareholders need to see clear providers. In particular, provider messages
value in these investments. Utility companies are not reaching the youngest consumers:
and other product or service providers need those 18 to 34 years old are 40 percent more
some idea of how programs will be received likely to not know whether they have choice
by customers prior to rolling them out – in providers than those 35 and older – and
including an understanding of those groups twice as likely to not even know their provider’s
to which they most appeal – so that marketing name.
and awareness campaigns can be effectively

10 IBM Global Business Services

Key interactions comprising the utility customer experience.

• Understand options for controlling costs • Learn about providers and their offerings
• Understand options for conserving energy • Understand how a provider fits my needs
• Obtain information on outages and
interruptions • Choose services
• Report an emergency Solve Utility • Confirm services will meet
problems Choose
• Request help with appliance repair or customer my needs
• Receive bill Connect/ • Schedule service connect/
Pay disconnect
• Review and understand bill disconnect
• Request help understanding bill • Activate service connect/
• Pay bill Use disconnect
• Hook up appliances

• Monitor
Source: IBM analysis. energy use

How providers communicate to consumers German companies did not conduct the same
the effectiveness of new business models, level of direct marketing, but advertising is
programs and services is critical to the increasing. More German customers are being
success of the participatory network. Thus introduced to Internet portals through which
far, performance in communicating options to customers can quickly check pricing for their
consumers is mixed, with the problems noted region and switch online with minimal inconve-
above contrasted by some recent success nience.
regarding provider choice in the Netherlands
While all age groups will continue to rely
and Germany. While four of the six core group
heavily on their providers for information about
countries had similar results on reported avail-
energy (85 to 90 percent of respondents indi-
ability of retail choice in 2008, both the Dutch
cated this was a likely source), reliance on
(80 percent reporting yes, up from 56 percent)
other sources differed starkly. For example,
and German (80 percent reporting yes, up
while 28 percent of respondents over 55
from 61 percent) respondents perceived much
(more than one in three over 65) consider their
higher levels of availability of competition.
governments a trusted information source on
In both cases, the numbers of consumers energy matters, only 16 percent of those under
“getting the message” have clearly been 25 would use this source regularly.
bolstered by intense competitive moves of late.
Conversely, ten percent of those aged 18 to
In recent months, providers in the Netherlands
24 were likely to view fast-growing Internet-
engaged in vigorous direct marketing (particu-
based collaborative platforms such as social
larly by phone), approaching potential new
networking and online video content – often
customers with special offers to switch.
referred to as Web 2.0 – as important sources.

11 Lighting the way

This is three times the rate at which those it enough to pay a premium. This is under-
over 45 expected to use these technologies. standable, since 30 percent of green power
Similarly, those ages 25 to 34 expected to go purchasers in this survey indicated that the
to their now-familiar Facebook, Ning, YouTube annual impact on their electric bill is as high
and Revver arenas to gather energy informa- as a 20 to 50 percent increase. Once these
tion at almost twice the rate of the 45-plus amounts become real rather than theoretical,
group. a consumer may pull back from an option that
seemed previously to be a great idea (see
Those over 55 are more than ten times more “Turning consumer information into valuable
likely to look to governments for energy infor- intelligence”).
mation than to social networks and other Web
2.0 content, while current trends imply that Turning consumer information into
those under 25 are becoming almost as likely valuable intelligence
to use the latter as the former. To reach all To try to predict who would be most likely to
generations, companies need to understand purchase when given the option, we applied a
how different consumers tend to educate simple screen to the set of interested respondents
themselves about providers and their offerings currently without green power. We called those
with the wide variety of media available. who passed the screening “Green Leaners.” We
excluded from this group those who expressed
Choosing services interest in green power, but act in ways that
Evaluating what services consumers will indicate likelihood that they would ultimately not
embrace – and which they will ignore – will be be willing to pay more for it.
a tricky proposition in coming years, since they
We then compared Green Leaners to actual green
are not accustomed to making more complex
power buyers to establish whether their behavior
decisions about their energy services than was similar. Indeed, all of the differentiating
when to pay the bill, and how high or low to set characteristics of the actual green buyer group
the thermostat. Questionnaires can be useful were seen in the Green Leaners. Furthermore,
in determining relative levels of interest, but among those without green power options, the
more must be known about consumers before ratio of Green Leaners to likely non-buyers closely
revenue estimates can be properly formulated. matched the ratio of buyers to non-buyers among
those with green power options.
For example, in both 2007 and 2008, we asked
consumers who did not have the option to This suggests that simply surveying consumers’
buy green power if they wanted that option. interest in green programs may not provide an
accurate barometer of their ultimate uptake. But it
We found in both years that the percentage
also demonstrates that close examination of the
of people who say they want that option was
respondents’ behavior in related areas may make
twice the percentage who actually purchase it
this distinction somewhat predictable (at least in
if given the opportunity.
the aggregate), even without specifying a cost
Clearly, many respondents are likely to change (which may not be known with certainty at the
their minds once the option is offered to time of a survey).
them, perhaps because they do not value

12 IBM Global Business Services

Over half of consumers Our green power example shows the impor- month, versus 13 percent for a smart meter at
tance of evaluating peripheral consumer the same cost).
are willing to invest
actions to determine the true demand for a
in better energy This may suggest that consumers are uncer-
product or service – predictions that can be
usage monitoring and complicated by consumers’ inexperience tain of their ability to save money with a
management – some on with such decisions. Expecting a certain smart meter on their own, but if an expert
takes control and provides some guarantee
their own, some with the level of imprecision in their responses about
any program can help providers avoid over- of savings, their confidence may be higher.
help of an outside party. Alternatively, it may be that providing an inex-
estimating the willingness of consumers to pay
for new products and services, and allow for pensive, simple avenue for saving energy to a
better match of investments to likely returns. particularly energy-hungry consumer can be
Even better, we found that learning more about an attractive proposition for both the consumer
consumers’ overall preferences and evalu- and the provider.
ating that data can help providers form more
Understanding options for controlling
tenable estimates of achievable revenues.
costs and conserving energy
Monitoring energy use via a service Not surprisingly, those age 18 to 34 were
provider most eager for the types of “self-service” and
Another service model in which consumers automated energy management that smart
expressed interest is the monitoring and metering and smart grids will bring; after all,
management of energy usage toward a partic- these young men and women have grown up
ular savings target by some party other than with technology-driven interactivity with the
the consumer. While more consumers were world as an essential part of their lifestyle. What
interested in a smart meter at no cost than may be surprising, however, is that this age
this monitoring and management service for group – and particularly those under 25 – is
free, more consumers were willing to for this the most a willing to pay a stated premium for
service than for smart meters (20 percent had these services of approximately US$100 as a
“strong interest” in this program at US$5 per one-time fee, or a monthly fee of US$5 (see
Figure 8).

Willingness to pay for specific services across age groups.
Percent of respondents that would pay a monthly fee for specific services.

75% Average (all age groups)
68% 65+
56% 57%

Smart meter and energy Third-party energy Remote mobile notifica-

self-management tools management services tion of outages

Source: IBM 2008 Utility Consumer Survey.

13 Lighting the way

The fact that well over half of the under-25 Investing in the consumer
age group is willing to pay these premiums As people around the planet seek ways to
is remarkable because they generally have increasing the efficiency of all kinds of systems
lower incomes; 72 percent of the youngest that affect their everyday activities, substantial
respondents had incomes below national increases in investment in utility infrastructure
median household incomes, versus 51 percent are likely. These investments, however, will
of the rest of the groups. Compared with the come with a great deal of public, regulatory
percentage of highly-motivated FGs below the and shareholder scrutiny. All of these stake-
median income level (66 percent), one would holders will want to know how the public as a
expect this age group to be about as willing whole can benefit.
(maybe less) to pay for smart meters and their
associated tools than FGs. But under-25s Some of the historical focus on operational
overall are about 15 to 20 percent more likely improvement and cost reduction will shift
to pay than FGs – in fact, they are even more toward societal benefits as calls intensify for
likely than comparatively wealthy and moti- improved capabilities and convenience for
vated ESs by a few percentage points. residential and small business customers.
Energy and utility companies will need a
Obtaining information on outages and strategy for aligning customer wants and
interruptions needs with technology deployment roadmaps,
Having a message sent to a mobile device beginning with rigorous customer segmenta-
when power is out at the consumer’s home tion and building an inventory of customer
also garnered significantly higher interest from interactions.
the under-25 age group (about 30 percent
This must be followed by a program to analyze
were more likely than the other age groups
the interactions that are anticipated of each
to be willing to pay US$1 per month for such
consumer segment and to assess whether
a service). This finding may be related to the
existing capabilities are sufficient to leverage
generally higher willingness we observed of
the new infrastructure in ways that support the
younger age groups to subscribe to these
new customer experience, including:
programs, to their higher rate of ownership
of mobile data devices and plans (over 80 • Identifying customer wants and needs
percent higher mobile device ownership, 45 specific to each of the interactions inherent
percent higher mobile Internet plan subscrip- in a particular segment’s customer experi-
tion), or a combination of the two. ence
• Identifying the interactions that can be most
effectively enhanced through participatory
network deployment strategies

14 IBM Global Business Services

Companies will see • Defining new or augmented business capa- (other network-focused industries like tele-
bilities and regulatory models that must be communications and cable), as well as those
long-term benefits from
developed in order to translate technolog- that are very different (like retail goods and
developing strategies now
ical capabilities into customer benefits; and banking).
for leveraging valuable determining which, if any, will be ceded to
consumer intelligence other providers for further development This needs to be an ongoing process;
customer assessment will not cease to be
that will be abundant in a • Integrating the development of specific new important after the participatory network is in
participatory network. business capabilities into the participatory place. The good news is that the data required
network deployment roadmap to perform this continual assessment will be
• Communicating these new capabilities ubiquitous and arrive in realtime from multiple
clearly and effectively to all stakeholders. sources of value-generating insights. But with
this capability comes a challenge – finding
The outcome of this program will lead to new and powerful ways to collect, assimilate
critical decisions about the customer-facing and evaluate this torrent of new data to inspire
business capabilities on which the enterprise new programs and products that appeal to an
will focus. Existing organizational strengths expanding number of increasingly involved
and new capabilities to be developed – one consumers.
by one or in combinations – will form the
basis for a broad menu of new products and Strategies must be developed now to manage
services that the energy provider can offer. and leverage this new intelligence, setting the
Each current (or potential) energy or service foundation for capturing, understanding, and
provider must be prepared to analyze the meeting emerging consumer preferences in
specific wants and needs of its existing (or the long run. Being prepared for and acting
expected) customer base to determine how nimbly during this transition can open new
customers want to see new products and avenues for consumer satisfaction, create
services emerge, as different programs will new revenue streams, define new business
appeal to different subgroups of consumers. models and accelerate technology deploy-
After preferences are evaluated, they need to ment – lighting the way to a participatory utility
be applied to the customer interaction inven- network in which consumers, utilities and
tory in a way that identifies the interactions to service providers successfully share responsi-
be enhanced through technological improve- bilities and benefits.
ments, regulatory change or improvements to
communication channels. To learn more about this IBM Institute for
Business Value study, please contact us at
Such customer segmentation and analysis will For a full catalog of our
be new to many utilities. For early movers in research, visit:
particular, lessons will come from consumer-
focused industries outside the utility sphere,
including industries with some similarities

15 Lighting the way

Related publication Allan Schurr is a 25-year veteran of the
Valocchi, Michael, Allan Schurr, John Juliano energy industry, spanning generation, delivery,
and Ekow Nelson. “Plugging in the consumer: marketing, technology, strategy and regulatory
Innovating utility business models for the affairs. Allan is responsible for IBM solution
future.” IBM Institute for Business Value. development in the energy and environment
Updated January 2009. http:/ arena. As part of this role, he is currently
energy/plugin spearheading a global team that is working
with utility companies, energy policy makers
Authors and other partners to accelerate the devel-
Michael Valocchi, Global Energy and Utility opment of an intelligent utility network and
Industry Leader for IBM Global Business the integration of renewable energy sources
Services, is responsible for the develop- and distributed energy assets. He can be
ment and execution of the strategy to deliver contacted at
consulting services and directing industry
thought leadership. Michael has 23 years Contributors
of experience delivering projects related to Guido Bartels, General Manager, IBM Global
mergers/acquisitions, risk, technology and Energy and Utilities Industry
regulatory strategies. He has also written or Andie Dipasquale, Global Customer
co-written numerous papers and articles on Operations Solution Leader, Energy and
the utility industry. In addition, Michael has Utilities
served on the editorial board of Montgomery
Russell Ives, Director, Energy and Utilities
Research Institute’s Energy and Utilities Project
for the past five editions. He can be contacted Ricardo Klatovsky, Southern Europe Partner,
at Communications Sector

John Juliano is the Global Lead for Energy Don Mak, Global Business Services Partner,
and Utilities with the IBM Institute for Business Energy and Utilities
Value. He has been a consultant in the utili- Ekow Nelson, Global Lead, Communications
ties industry for 20 years, working in business Sector, IBM Institute for Business Value
strategy, operations strategy, financial analysis
Makoto Ohtani, Associate Partner,
and technology assessment across the energy
Communications Sector
value chain. John has written or co-written
over two dozen papers on utility issues. He is Acknowledgments
currently working on research related to utility We appreciate the many IBM employees
business models and electricity consumer across the globe who contributed to the
behavior. He can be contacted at juliano@ development of the survey and this report, including: Steve Ballou, Loic Buot de l’Epine,
Mal Collins, Tony Drummond, Paul Frenay,
Brad Gammons, Carl Haigney, Dan Latimore,
David Lee, Cheryl Linder, Kathy Martin, Tim
McDougal, Tim Mondorf, Detlef Schumann,
Ralf Thiemann, and Jeremy Willsmore.

16 IBM Global Business Services

About IBM Global Business Services
With business experts in more than 170
countries, IBM Global Business Services
provides clients with deep business process
and industry expertise across 17 industries,
using innovation to identify, create and deliver
value faster. We draw on the full breadth of IBM
capabilities, standing behind our advice to
help clients innovate and implement solutions
designed to deliver business outcomes with
far-reaching impact and sustainable results.

Thaler, Richard H. and Cass R. Sunstein.
Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health,
Wealth, and Happiness. Yale University
Press. 2008.
“IBM study shows consumers will accept
new forms of advertising if companies
follow their rules.” IBM Corporation press
release. November 18, 2008. http://www-03.

17 Lighting the way

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