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Score Notes

Sound is one of the most important aspects in a horror movie as it helps to set a
scene. Depending on the type of music that is used also helps to create more
emotions for the audience to experience whilst watching the movie. For our
productions The devils helper, I had used specific sound that is used in a horror
movie to emphasis what our chosen to genre is and to create a mood for the scene
Equipment used for sound: The equipment that I had used for sound was a canon
A microphone is input into the camera therefore a separate microphone and
headphones were not needed whilst filming. An input connection lets you choose the
best way of how to capture sound by the camera alone according to the type of
movie that you are making. Whereas with a manual audio control the sound that is
recorded during filming is much more precise that the input microphone.
Diegetic and non- diegetic sound: The sound that I have chosen to be used for the
production is non-diegetic sound and diegetic sound. Non-diegetic sound is used for
background music to build more interest for the audience and to let the film have as
flow while being played. To get non-diegetic sound that had been used in our
production I have typed into the search engine the kind of sound that I am looking
for. To covert the music that had found and wanted to use in my production I had
used YouTube converter and downloaded it.
Continues sound: Non-diegetic sound was used throughout the production to help
keep the phase of the film steady and to have continuous tension In the opening
sequence of our production we had decided to use non diegetic music that is slow to
build more suspense and tension in the existing scene for the audience.
Specific sound chosen: I had looked for other effective sounds for example
footsteps, heavy breathing, gasping, heartbeat sound, screams and lullaby. Footstep
sounds where used for when the character Abbey and the possessed girl running
down the corridors. Heavy breathing was used when Abbey was running down the
corridor when the possessed girl had disappeared and a close up shot was taken to
show her breathing hard with a non-diegetic sound affect being used in the

Maheen Hashmi

I had used a sound effect of a girl gasping for when Abbey confronts the possessed
girl; I had used this sound effect to show that seeing the possessed girls face shocks
her. I had used a heartbeat sound from you tube for when Abbey was running after
the possessed female character. Sound of screams and lullaby was used for the
possessed girl when she was grabbing Abbey attention.

Maheen Hashmi

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