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Table 1:

Volume of Iodine for

Standard solution (ml)
Volume of Iodine for
Fruit Juice (ml)













Table 2: The Weight of Vitamin C for All Group

No. of Group

Weight of vitamin c

Type of sample



Ribena strawberry & blackcurrant


Calamansi with sour plum




Orange + mango




Ribena strawberry & blackcurrant



The aim of this experiment are to determine the ascorbic acid content in fruit juice by
titration method. This method determines the vitamin C concentration in a solution by a redox

titration with potassium iodate in the presence of potassium iodine. Vitamin C, known as
ascorbic acid, is an essential antioxidant needed by the human body.
Redox titration method was used to determine the Vitamin C concentration by titrate
using iodine. The solution turn to blue because of the ascorbic acid was oxidized to
dehydroascorbic acid, the excess iodine was free to react with the starch indicator, forming the
blue-black starch-iodine complex. For easier understanding, refer this equation: ascorbic acid +
I2 2 I2.
Table 1 shows the results of the volume of iodine for standard solution (ml). For
the Replicate 1 was 21.5ml, then, Replicate 2 was 21ml and for Replicate 3 was 22.5ml. These
result shows that all the replicate were follow the range of the endpoint. The mean for the
volume of iodine for standard solution was 21.67ml. Theoretically, the range volume of iodine
for standard solution to reach the endpoint is <25. So, the volume of iodine for standard solution
for all the replicate were tally with the theory.
In this experiment. Calamansi with Sour Plum were used as the sample. The volume of
iodine for fruit juice for Replicate 1 was 7.7ml, and Replicate 2 was 7.8ml and the Replicate 3
was 7.9ml. The result show the volume of titration moderately constant for all the three replicate.
The mean for the volume of the iodine for Calamansi with Sour Plum was 7.8ml. It shows that
the higher the volume of titration, the higher the amount of vitamin C of the fruit juice.
From the table 2 shows the result of the weight of vitamin C for all group. The group 6
have a higher weight of vitamin C which was 150mg as the Ribena Strawberry and Blackcurrant
was the sample. Then, the second higher was Group 1 which was 130mg also the Ribena
Strawberry and Blackcurrant was the sample. Next, Group 5 which was 100mg(Guava), Group 2
which was 90mg(Calamansi with Sour Plum), then Group 4 with the weight 70mg (Orange+
Mango), after that Group 3 which was 50mg and the least weight was Group 7 which was 40mg
There were some advantages of Vitamin C for human body. Vitamin C was required for
the growth and repair tissues in all part of body. It is necessary to form collagen, an important
protein used to make skin, scar tissue, tendons and blood vessels. Furthermore, vitamin C is vital
for the cardiovascular system. When the bodys arteries become clogged, there is not enough

blood flow to the heart which results in a heart attack. Vitamin Cs antioxidant properties are
absorbed into the blood stream, and can actually repress the accumulation of arterial plaque.
The vitamin C was recommended in daily life for a good health is depends on the age.
Average daily recommended amounts for different ages are listed below in milligrams (mg).
Life Stage

Recommended Amount (mg)

Birth to 6 months


Children 1-3 years


Teens 14-18 years (boys)




Adults (men)




Pregnant women


Breastfeeding teens


Breastfeeding women


If the smoker, add 35mg to the above values to known the daily recommended amount.
(The fact above refer to the link: Pauliny,
Furthermore, there were few possible errors might be occur during running the
experiment. For example, the volume of the titrant exceeded the limits which cause errors in
result. The experimenter might not swirled the conical flask during titration that cause the
volume of titrant exceed and the mixture turn to dark blue instead of light blue. During titration
process, the mixture must always swirled to make sure the mixture were mix well. Next, student
might not rinse the burette with iodine, so they might be have other chemical waste that left in
the burette. This will affect the accuracy of the result.

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