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Bristol Junior Chamber

AGM Minutes Tuesday 5th April 2015 6pm Merchants Hall

Attendees Honorary Vice-Presidents Bob Durie and James Durie (2 HVPs).

Members Gemma Alaway, Tom Alexander, Thomas Bacon, Lucy Baldwin, Robert Barnes,
Georgina Baxter, David Bird, Amy Bracey, Karl Brown, Oliver Brown, Jack Callow, Charles
Chami, Edward Chapman, Chris Conway, James Cook, Emma Custance-Baker, Laura East,
Tim Fairlie, James Forward, Tom Gable, Kerry Grove, Edward Gunnery, Michael Holder,
Owen Jennings, Benjamin Kenny, Alexandra Momtahan, Leon Musmann, Miles Nesbitt,
Robert Nye, Carly ODwyer, Gemma-Jane Ogden, Alice Peacock, Benjamin Pean, Michael
Pearce, Lauren Preedy, Rebecca Purchase, Edward Romaine, Samantha Rosoman, Ashley
Sandeman, Daniel Smith, Ben St.Quintin, Paul Staples, Kirsty Swan, Helene Titus-Glover,
Megan Turnbull (45 members). Guests Audrey Husson (1 guest).
Apologies: Ben Hardy, Darren Jones, Andrew Evans, Lucy Carson, Simon Pitchers (HVP),
Mark Langmead, Alistair Kimpton, Claire Tomlin

Ben St.Quintin (BSQ) Welcome to our 67th Annual General Meeting of the BJC.
Introduction of Tom Selway (TS) President 2013-2014 and Robert Nye (RN)
Treasurer 2013-2014 to present the accounts for this year.

Signing off on the Accounts from 2014-2015



LM Summary of accounts for the year 2014-2015. Few things wanted to achieve;
good value for money for members and as robust accounts as possible. Turnover was
a good figure, but down slightly. Better debtor control was focused on, and this was
able to be brought down and more cash in the accounts. More typical balance for
the year is a 10k mark; prudent amount of cash to have. Creditors; we were paying
things on time. Those are the headline figures.
BSQ Show of hands for the accounts. All in favour, with no against or abstaining.
Accounts approved.

Signing off on the Minutes from the AGM 2015


BSQ Any queries about the minutes?

BSQ Show of hands for the minutes 2015. All in favour, with no against and no
abstaining. Minutes approved.

Review from Council of Management 2015-2016 (0utgoing only)



Immediate Past-President Karl Brown (KB) Not much to report, but wanted to
congratulate Ben on a fantastic year and wish Oliver all the best. As 8 years as a
member and 7 years on the Council of Management, last moment as a member BJC
is a fantastic member, you get out what you put in. I got an awful lot back, it has
helped me professionally and in other areas of my life. Wherever I am, I will always
be a friend of the BJC.
Treasurer Tom Alexander (TA) Its been a great year, and Im happy with the
strong cash flow for the BJC accounts we will continue to progress in a strong
financial capacity under the direction of next year. Everyone I have worked with this
year has helped me develop in my role, wish you every success going forward.




Marketing & PR Laura East (LE) Strong personality maintained on Facebook,

hope the content has been engaging 6,000 reach on Facebook and on Twitter. Its
been a great year, best of luck to the new Chair of Marketing.
Education & Skills Rob Barnes (RB) School interviews this year has been
successful, 100+ students directly benefiting from 5 schools overwhelmingly good
reviews. BJC members offering up their time has been incredible, thank you Alex
Cross, Lyndsey Mayhew, Claire Tomlin, Georgie Baxter and Karl Brown. A quote
from a school we worked with this year I would like to thank you so much for the
huge effort you put into [the school interviews]! We are so fortunate that you have
these brilliant young professionals that you can call upon and they roll up and get on
with things in such a professional and completely amazing way! The L6th, without
exception, say how much they get from these interviews so please do pass on our
Chair of Heritage and Culture Gareth Mason (GM) Absent, read by BSQ Three
years in the role, and has done an excellent job, thank you Gareth.

The Handover



President Ben St.Quintin (BSQ) A formal thanks to the CofM and all others, who
have assisted in delivering a really great BJC year. A year ago, I was nervous and not
sure what the year ahead would hold I wanted to focus my year on promoting and
giving back to Bristol; lots of new venues and locations. Weve averaged 50 attendees
at every meeting, networking and business off the back of that. Promoting Bristol
heavily internationally too, we look forward to going back to Hanover in July. Bristol
Leadership Programme, Rotary charitable donation, first Junior Apprentice. Im a
firm believer that the BJC provides the best networking opportunities for young
people in this city providing contacts and friends. Prospective new member went
along to a property networking breakfast, new employee too, came away with two
connections and doing business with them the power of the BJC. The BJC is not
the sort of organisation you want to stand on the edge of, be in the middle and get
involved. Youll find it rewarding. I hope you have a good year and its been a
pleasure to be the President for the last 12 months.
Ed Gunnery is also leaving the BJC, as it is his last year as a member formally
marked occasion, moving on to be in the 39ers. Thank you Ed.
a) Ed Gunnery (EG) President 2006, been a member for 16 years. Changed a
phenomenal amount, from very formal interviews with 40 members. Been a
fantastic time, I will carry on influencing from the 39ers will continue to be
involved. Thank you.
BSQ Formal hand over of the gavel and the BJC gong from BSQ to OB. Handover
of the rod for the Hanover exchange. Handover from OB to BSQ of the IPP medal.

The President

Oliver Brown (OB) Thank you to the outgoing President BSQ (and congratulations
on the engagement too). 2016-2017; there are certain things I want to achieve;
a) Incubator Projector BJC to invest in start-up project in Bristol, providing a
team of mentors to help this young business in their infancy. The BJC helped
found the Bristol International Balloon Fiesta, time to get out into the
community and let them know what we can do and see if we can help.
b) Joining Fee As from 1st April 2016, reduced from 120 to 60. Appreciate that
everyone has paid this amount in this room, but going forward we are underrepresented in some areas; social enterprise, charities, start-up businesses. Do
more in that area. We have doubled in size, and the last few

Presidents/Treasurers has been very good at getting bad debt sorted we are in
a good financial position.
c) We have a usual rolling calendar of events and good speakers for the monthly
d) Encourage members to get in touch and get involved.

The Elections






Charlie Chami (CC) Vice-President As outgoing Chair of B&E; very

enjoyable for past two years really hit the ground running. Lots of stuff I got done,
we arranged 4 networking breakfasts (including 2 property specific ones) and 3
business visits (Cameron Balloons, Bloodhound and Marshfield Bakery), 1
networking lunch with Clare Moody MEP. Partnership with UWE Distinguished
Address Series was carried on with, promoting BJC/UWE connections. Polled BJC
membership about Brexit; a re-sounding stay. Two business mayoral hustings, next
of which is coming up for 14th April. On to the VP nomination; graduated in
Economics & Business, had a good 7 years in London. Now work as Director at
family business. Whatever expectations I had, they have been exceeded continue to
be impressed by what BJC has to offer and I feel a better person for it. Being on the
CofM has taught me a huge amount, and looking forward to the VP position. Have
been advised to be open to new ideas and opportunities, but have ideas already for
new Presidential year. Networking events focus. Expanding membership social
media, to drive sign ups specifically. Launch BJC Summer Internship
student/sixth former on a 4-6 week internship by companies represented by the BJC.
a) OB To a vote; all in favour, non against, none abstaining.
Alice Peacock (AP) Honorary Secretary I have been a member for 5 years,
have done this role for 3 years and enjoy the variety of tasks and roles it offers,
working alongside the CofM.
a) OB To a vote; all in favour, none against, none abstaining.
Ben Kenny (BK) Co-Treasurer To challenge decisions, to ensure the deficit
runs sustainably (with plan to reduce the joining fee). Forensic accountant. Like to
follow on from excellent work of Tom.
a) OB To a vote, all in favour, none against, 1 abstaining.
Jack Callow (JC) Co-Treasurer Work at Bishop Fleming, qualified
accountant. Member of BJC for 2 years. Good at chasing debts, and to bring
something more to the table.
a) OB To a vote, all in favour, none against, 1 abstaining.
Heather Rees (HR) Chair of Membership - Been a really positive year, 47
new members total number is 158; the largest BJC has ever been. Legal, finance,
property the three largest sectors (67%) but with new additions, were diversifying.
Weve continued with pop-up drinks with a craft beer theme, really good mix of
members and guests. First prospective members drinks as well, which went well.
Positive year with aim of building the BJC. To look forward to the year ahead;
introduce BJC to wider audience. Greatest challenge has been trying to broaden the
membership the joining fee has been prohibitive; this reduction will be a positive
change trying to meet people that may not have joined otherwise.
a) OB To a vote, all in favour, none against, 1 abstention.
Emma Custance-Baker Chair of Marketing & PR Joined the BJC two
years ago, work at Deloitte in VAT advice. Prior to this at Bristol University. Plan for

Marketing & PR broaden the BJC, social media build on Lauras great work.
When I joined, I didnt know what BJC was like to open this out and try to market it
in new and different ways to access a broader range of people. With new website;
utilise this as much as possible.
a) OB To a vote, all in favour, none against, 1 abstention.
OB First contested position is Chair of Business and Enterprise
Rob Nye I am a wealth manager, working with entrepreneurs in Bristol
and surrounding areas. I have been a member for 4 years; was on CofM
previously in 2012/2013, and have been involved in Hanover and Bordeaux
exchange, and BJC investments, Annual Dinners and Dragon Boat Racing and
Softball. Building on work of predecessors; focus on fostering relationships of
BJC businesses real value in increasing opportunities to find out what we
do; weekly email Members Bio about what we do, continue relationship with
UWE and networking breakfasts including branching out to other industries,
promoting Bristol in interesting political year.
Kirsty Swan I am a solicitor, I joined in 2014 and have been involved in a
few different areas and am Chair of Softball team. Look to organise events to
add value to your business. Events for business owners; client base and
profits. BusinessWest; events to tie in with their membership and their
network. Last years events; seeking to keep this going and hold upcoming
events. Topical presentations important to help members personal growth
as well as business growth; mortgages/savings, pensions. Plan of action; a lot
going on in Bristol in terms of devolution etc Junction 21 enterprise zone,
Bristol & Bath Science Park.
a) Member Question Both have ideas, what would you prioritise;
o KS As a business owner Id focus on Business Seminars, training.
o RN President sets the focus; internal networking.
b) Member Question Networking event with anyone from Bristol living or
o RN Isambard Kingdom Brunel
o KS Jaya Chakrabarti; modern slavery act.
Rebecca Purchase (RP) Chair of Events New venues, locally sourced, more
Bristol products was my focus for this year. Clifton Club gave us more flexibility and
space, Yurt Lush was completely different again. Spring Drinks will be held at the RWA
again. Members Dinner will be held at the Clifton Club again. The Christmas Party move
this to a Friday; informal event was on a Tuesday so look to move this later in the week
Yurt Lush was popular as it was a different location. Annual Dinner, Marriott Royal has
been a great venue will be at Paintworks or Ashton Gate in terms of size and value for
money. Tried to keep prices down; youve paid less than the previous year the events
are for you as good value for money as possible and payments through Eventbrite.
These events are hard to put on, time and effort, social committee together strong
committee for all events will help going forward next year. This would help with the
changeover going forward.
a) OB To a vote, all in favour, none against, 1 abstention.
Georgie Baxter (GB) - Chair of Education & Skills Time to come back this year,
having had a year off from buying a house/moving jobs, great programme and works
really well hope to get members involved running at each school. Young Professional
Womens week South Bristol Youth; week long programme of events. Thanks to a great
success of that; Young Professional Gentlemens week too. Ablaze, UWE, Leadership
Programme, Young Enterprise lots of partnerships. Members can dip in and out.
a) OB To a vote, all in favour, none against, 1 abstention.





OB Results from the contested positions announced;

Chair of Business & Enterprise Kirsty Swan
OB Congratulations to Kirsty, commiserations to Rob hope you can help out
with the Incubator project.
Rob Barnes (RB) - Chair of Culture & Heritage Enjoyed experiencing everything
Bristol has to offer. Key cultural event every quarter, and using social media and events
on weekly emails/social media to publicise other events (not BJC related, but to
promote). Encourage you to join in!
a) OB To a vote, all in favour, none against, 1 abstention.
Benjamin Pean (BP) - Chair of Charity I would like to take this role, to achieve
things in an original and more consistent way. To offer charities visibility platform; to
raise funds together.
a) OB To a vote, all in favour, none against, 1 abstention.
BSQ Michael Pearce is keen to continue in his role as Company Secretary. Show of
a) OB To a vote, all in favour, none against, 1 abstention.

James Durie Honorary Vice-President Was delighted to be asked to be honorary

Vice-President last year, good news on numbers and debtors the numbers here
tonight is fantastic. Its fantastic to see it going from strength to strength, I would
encourage you to get involved. For those that arent on CofM, and best of luck to
those elected tonight, it is about getting people to give it a go. If you are an ordinary
member it is fantastic to get stuck in. You can learn to make speeches, make
mistakes, things you wouldnt otherwise get to do I wish you the very best of luck.
LE Latest edition of The Bugle is at the back of the room, please do take a copy.
RP Spring Drinks is 19th May at the RWA.

Meeting finishes 20.00 Adjourn to The Mall Pub

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