AP US History Themes and Traces (Ch1-9)

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American Diversity
• Native Americans
o Came over Beriniga
o Agricultural revolution- gradual shift from hunting and
gathering to cultivating.
o Chaco canyon city and Mississippi civilization strived
o Atlantic coast tribes allied with Europeans against one another
o Curiosity
o Disease took the most impact
o Hunted more for trade- reduction of food.
o South American- Aztecs and Incas were dominated by
o Encomienda system
o Pocahontas Married John Rolfe
o Powhatan tried to drive them off the new world
o Squanto helps the pilgrims survive America
o Metacomet creates war in Mass Bay
o Native Americans stake the Middle ground for trade
o Sided with both sides when France fought Britain and
provoked them even more.
o Most Indians sided with France but when they lost they were
subjected to English rule
o Defeated by Americans in Battle of fallen timbers and forced
to give up Ohio.
o Tecumseh was leader of Native Americans that resisted the
Western Expansion.
o British encouraged them to resist
• African Americans

o Thousands of slaves took up arms for the British, hoping in

either case to gain “unalienable rights” for their services.
(British made the promise to them that if they join the army,
British will give them freedom.)
o Richard Allen—found the Bethel Church for Negro Methodists
o John Woolman – Poet
o Benjamin Banneker—Scientific accomplishments
o Philis Wheatley—Maryland’s astronomer and mathematician.
o Manumission Society (1785)  Found by John Jay, Alexander
Hamilton, and other prominent New Yorkerspurposes: anti-
o 3/5 law- for every 5 slaves it counts as 3 citizens
o Missouri Compromise- Missouri as a slave state Maine as a
free state, north states are free south are slave.
• Immigrant groups (Irish, Germany, French)
o Irish : economic reason
o Germany: religious reason, and also for searching land of their
o French had Canada and traded mostly with Indians for furs,
not much colonization
o Irish came to America to escape British oppression

• Women
o Abigail Adams—a brilliant woman whose plea to limit the
power of husbands gained little sympathetic attention.
o Although women made some gains in education and law,
society still defined them exclusively as homemakers, wives,
and mothers.
o In 1780, Ester DeBerdt Reed founded a large women’s
organization in Philadelphia—raised more than $300,000 for
Washington’s army.
o In 1790, the New Jersey legislature explicitly allowed women
who owned property to vote.
o Mostly housewives that worked the house.
o They were scarce in the south but even in the North
o Worked while men were away at war
o Some went with their husbands during Revolutionary war.
o Wanted more rights but not very important at the time
2). Demographic Changes
• Virginia used to be a 6 to 1 ratio of men vs. women.
• Usually only men came.
• Eventually changed to 1 to 1 by 1700 ’s
• Mass Bay has always been a 1 to 1 ratio since the beginning
because they came in families.
• Population in the Americas exploded.
• By 1775 there were 2.5 million people inhabiting the Colonies.
• The north was more populated then the south.
• People began to move westward and grab any kind of land they can
3). Economic Transformation
• Tobacco
• Sugar Act (Revenue Act of 1764)
• Molasses Act of 1773
• Stamp Acts of 1765
• Current Act
• Tea Act
• Township duties
• Coercive Acts (Intolerable Acts)
• Non-importation
• Prohibition Act
• Proclamtion of 1763
• Bank of the United States (Established by Alexander Hamilton)
• Report on the Public Credits (by Alexander Hamilton)
• Report on Manufactures (by Alexander Hamilton)
• American economy started with the cultivation and exportation of
tobacco which was started by John Rolfe
• Traded with Indians- gave them metal goods and they gave us furs.
• Pennsylvania earned its money by selling land
• Importation of slaves to generate more exports
• Mercantilism was on the rise
• Regulation of colonial trade
• Navigation act allowed enumerated goods to only go to England
• The colonies became consumer society- imported goods.
• By the time of war Americans had to pay large taxes to pay for
• After the Revolution the government had trouble repaying the
national debt
• Jefferson wanted a agricultural society
• Putting out system- merchants give materials to women and they
make it and merchants pick up finished materials to sell.
• Factories were developing with the first by Lowell.
• Transportation
4). Globalization and International Relations
• Relationship with Great Britain
o Jay’s Treaty
o British impressment of American Sailors angered the
• Relationship with France
o Treaty of Amity
o The Treaty of Paris
o Quasi- war- unofficial war with France because France began
to seize American ships because of the Jay’s treaty
o XYZ Affair- Adams sent a team to negotiate with France- the
French intermediaries demanded a huge bribe and expected a
loan of millions of dollars.
o Purchase of Louisiana from the French for 15 million dollars
o War of 1812- America joined on the side of the French
• Spain
o Treaty of San Lorenzo (Pinckney’s Treaty)
• Monroe Doctrine- America would stay out of European affairs if
Europeans stay out of America.
5). Politics and Citizenship
• FederalistAlexander Hamilton
o For constitution
o Wanted to have a strong central govt.
o Alliance with Great Britain
o Favored urbanization
o Favored military advantage: navy, army
o Bank of the United States
o Alien and Sedition Acts
o Better organized, more well-financed, and more capable
• Anti-Federalists (Republicans)Thomas Jefferson
o Criticism of constitution
o Forced Congress to accept Bill of Rights
o De-Centralized govt.
o Most of them were farmers
o Alliance with France
o Maintain public order
o Agriculture, economy, land ownership
o Land Ordinance of 1784—by Thomas Jefferson—to carve ten
new states out of the western lands located north of the Ohio
River and recently ceded to the US by Virginia
o Land Ordinance of 1785—to est. an orderly process for laying
out new townships and marketing public lands.
o Northwest Ordinance—formulated plans for govt. in American
northwestern territories, defined a procedure for the
territories’ admission to the Union as states and prohibited
slavery north of the Ohio River.
• Virginia Plan (Later became the House of Representative)
• New Jersey Plan (Later became Senate)
• Natural Rights: Three fundamental freedom: religious, speech, and
• Property requirement to get vote
• Articles of Confederation (Finally Fail)
o Weak central govt.
o Unique cameral
o No tax ability
o Every states govt. only get ONE vote
o Can not regulate trade
o Can not draft army
• Washington’s Farewell address- warned of political factions and
Foreign relationships
• Adams presidency
• Alien and Sedition Acts- allowed government control over jailing and
deportation of enemy citizens
• Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions- Right of individual state
assemblies to interpret the constitutionality of federal law
• Adam’s Finest Hour- New Negotiations with France
• Election of 1800- Jefferson won
• Madison, then Monroe, then John Quincy Adams
• Republican domination- Federalists were growing smaller and smaller.
• Hartford Convention- Federalist were wanting to separate New England
• Era of Good feelings- Monroe
• American System- national economic strategy by Henry clay
stressed high tariffs and internal improvements (Henry Clay)
6). Reform Movement
• Glorious Revolution
• Bacon’s Rebellion- In Virginia
• Glorious Revolution in Bay Colony- Sir Edmund Andros sent by James II-
Tyrant- Over thrown and Mass Bay petitioned to be a royal colony
• Contagion of Witchcraft- no more witch trials
• Glorious Revolution in New York and Maryland- Leisler’s Rebellion- died,
Coode in Maryland didn’t die
• No Taxation without Representation
• Popular Protests
• Boston Tea Party
• Loss of the Privileged- no more splitting of titles or land
• Constitutional Reform- first met in Maryland to discuss commerce but
planned the Constitutional Convention
• Constitutional Convention made a new Constitution
• Bill of Rights- Natural rights by the anti-federalists
• Hartford Convention- Federalist wanted to make it a 2/3 vote for war.
• American system
• Judicial Review
7). Supreme Court Cases
• Quok Walker Vs. Jennison- Quok walker escaped and went to work as a
free laborer, captured and punished with assult. Jennison was charged with
assault and cost him 50 pounds
• Marbury vs Madison- Judiciary Review
• Darth mouth College Vs. Woodward- Ruled that Constitution protected
Charters given to corporations by states.
• McCulloch Vs. Maryland- Propped up the idea of implied Powers. The
constitution could be broadly interpreted. This pivotal ruling also assessed
the supremacy of federal power over state power
• Gibbons Vs. Ogden- Affirmed and expanded the power of the federal
government to regulate interstate commerce
• John Marshall
8). Religious and Philosophy
• Quaker
• Society of the Cincinnati
• Enlightenment- Intellectual Revolution
• Benjamin Franklin- considered a philosophe, inventor, and writer
• Great Awakening- Protestant Revival
• George Whitefield- itinerant preachers- very good at capturing
• After war the U.S wanted to end Anglicanism as main church because it
was associated with England
• John Woolman- Quaker leader that reminded people of the evils of

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