Bolivia: Tour Code: 46100 Grade: SS/D/P OCTOBER 2015

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TOUR CODE: 46100


04 Oct - 17 Oct

14 days duration

The Western Hemispheres highest, most isolated nation

Ramblers Worldwide Holidays 2014

ADK/adk/Nov 2014

This information is additional to our General Information Booklet, which is enclosed.
Uniquely gifted with natural wonders, diverse geography and biodiversity Bolivia makes a
wonderful holiday destination. It is less well known to western travellers than much of Latin
America. However it offers everything that can be seen in any of its close neighbours by way of
mountains, wildlife, history, culture or food but there is a sense that visiting Bolivia is travelling
away from the mainstream. You will stay in as good accommodation as can be found in Latin
America, enjoy excellent food and your creature comforts but with the feeling that you are
somewhere a little different.
Our flight takes us to Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivias second city set on the Chaco; fertile
plains that stretch across the continent. The climate here is tropical the terrain flat and the
mountains Bolivia is famous for are just visible on the horizon to the west. We will have a look
around the city and also travel out into the Chaco to enjoy the wildlife and countryside.
A short internal flight then takes us up to Sucre, the former capital and now beautifully
maintained colonial city. The flight takes less than one hour, the road journey would take more
than twelve hours, giving you an idea of the terrain we cross. Sucre at 2500m is in the Andes
giving it a beautiful climate, warm throughout the year. It is easy to see why the Spanish chose
the site for their capital.
We continue on the historic road along which the silver from the mountains was brought down
to Sucre and sent onwards eventually to Spain. As we head up into the mountains the scenery
becomes barren, stark and beautiful. Great vistas open out until finally Cerro Rico, the rich
mountain above Potosi comes into view. It was from this one mountain that the huge quantities
of silver that bankrolled the Spanish empire for 300 years were dug at enormous human cost.
We will take the morning to drive up to 4000m and will go straight to our hotel at slightly lower
altitude, beautifully situated in farmland outside the city. We spend the afternoon acclimatising
before starting our sightseeing the next day. The history of the mountain and the city is tragic
and fascinating in equal measure. We will spend a day acquiring insight into both aspects.
From Potosi we continue to Uyuni along a new built road across the altiplano, the high country.
On the way to Uyuni we stop at the ghostly Pulacayo mine. Rusting steam engines and mining
equipment decorate a scene that could easily be from the 1800s. We continue on to the surreal
landscape of Salar de Uyuni, the largest salt flat in the world and a place which completely
disorientates ones sense of distance and perspective. We stay in the Salt Hotel out on the flat,
a unique experience in itself. We should arrive late afternoon so make sure you are out
watching the sunset and the myriad stars coming out. We spend a day exploring the salt flat
and the islands above the sea of salt.
From Uyuni we fly up to La Paz, the worlds highest capital and rivalling Rio as the worlds most
spectacularly situated city. We have time to take in the sites and indigenous market, quite
rightly the most well known attraction in the city if not the country.

Ramblers Worldwide Holidays 2014

ADK/adk/Nov 2014

After a good look at La Paz we drive out across the altiplano to Tiwanaku, perhaps the best
preserved pre-hispanic city in the Americas and continue on to Huatajata on the shores of Lake
Titicaca. This holiday perhaps saves the best until last with a trip out across the lake to Sun
Island where we spend the night and then back to the mainland and on to La Paz for our final



Daily itinerary:


In Flight

We fly from London Gatwick to Madrid to connect with

the overnight flight to Santa Cruz de la Sierra.


Santa Cruz










Salar de Uyuni

We land early morning and transfer to our hotel. The

rooms will be ready for us on arrival and we have
some time to shower, change and relax before seeing
the town.
In the morning we travel out to the Guembe centre to
see a little of the Chaco wildlife before returning to
Santa Cruz airport for our flight up to Sucre. We
arrive late afternoon but should have time for a quick
stroll around the city.
We spend the day exploring the city. Highlights
include the visit to the San Francisco church above
the city and the House of Liberty where Simon de
Bolivar signed the Declaration of Independence for
We will drive up to Potosi with stops to take in the
history and beauty of the route. Our hotel is outside
the city. We will continue straight there for a quiet
afternoon relaxing in this beautiful location to allow us
to acclimatise. Arriving at 4000m no one will feel like
doing anything very active this afternoon. Best relax
with a cup of coca tea.
We will explore the city of Potosi at a relaxed pace,
the Casa de la Moneda, the former royal mint is the
highlight. It offers insight into the history of the silver
mines from digging the silver ore to minting the coins.
We will spend most of the day driving out to Uyuni
town and the salt flats. We will stop at the Pulacayo
Silver mine famous for a train that Butch Cassidy and
the Sundance Kid allegedly robbed. Bullet holes can
still be seen in one of the wagons.
We should arrive at our hotel out on the salt flats late

Ramblers Worldwide Holidays 2014

ADK/adk/Nov 2014









Daily itinerary:


Salar de Uyuni

Hopefully having enjoyed the stunning night sky we

can spend a day exploring the Salar de Uyuni by day.
We visit Colchani to see the salt production process,
Coquesa to see the pre Hispanic chulpas and Isla
Pescado, perhaps the most photographed place in


La Paz

We fly north from Uyuni to La Paz. Just after take off

we should fly over the Salt Hotel so keep an eye out
of the window. We land at El Alto on the altiplano
above La Paz. Out first view of the huge bowl that
contains the city comes a few minutes after leaving
the airport. We will spend the afternoon with our
guide looking around the city. What it lacks in
classical architecture it makes up for in street life and



Leaving the city we head out to Tiwanaku, an

extraordinary set of ruins and perhaps the oldest
remains in the Americas. The technical ability of the
stone carvers is almost beyond comprehension.
Much of the carving would be difficult to reproduce
now with modern technology at our disposal. Our
Bolivian guide will give us expert commentary on
what we are seeing.
Later in the day we continue to Huatajata and the
Inca Utama hotel. On site they have a fascinating
museum covering pre-Hispanic healing and
medicines. You will have a chance to consult a
Kallawaya or medicine man.



Sun Island

Today we head out across Lake Titicaca, first to the

Uros Iruitos Indian settlement on reed islands floating
on the lake and then to Moon and Sun Islands. Both
are sacred places in Incan culture. We visit Moon
Island before continuing to Sun Island where we stay
the night in the spectacularly situated Posada del
Inca Eco Lodge. Views from the hotel are amongst
the best on the holiday.



La Paz

In the morning we have plenty of time for a stroll

around the island paths before returning by hydrofoil
and coach to our hotel in la Paz for our final evening.



In flight

We fly from La Paz down to Santa Cruz to catch our

onwards flights home.





Ramblers Worldwide Holidays 2014

ADK/adk/Nov 2014



Daily itinerary:


We arrive back in the UK.


This holiday is graded Ss/D/P. Each evening, the leader will discuss with you the programme
for the following day. If you do not wish to join in the planned activities, please let the leader
This holiday is predominantly sightseeing although as most of the sightseeing is done on foot
you will still have plenty of opportunity to exercise. We have some excellent walks through
stunning scenery but these are generally easy walks taken at a gentle pace as we will be
walking at high altitude. A good example of the walks is on Sun Island. Most of the paths
contour the island. We will walk for about 3 hours always accompanied by panoramic views. Do
not worry unduly about walking at high altitude: we will walk at a slow pace stopping regularly to
take in the stunning views.
Please note: This itinerary has been planned to be busy and full packed, so that you make the
most of your time and experience as much as possible. There will be some free time during the
tour, for you to explore on your own or relax, and details will be confirmed locally by your

We fly with Air Europa via Madrid to Santa Cruz de la Sierra and vice versa. Please note there
is no complementary in flight catering between London and Madrid and return.
Within Bolivia we travel by air, rail, small boat and road as per the itinerary above. Details of
your baggage allowance will be confirmed in your travel documents, sent to you approximately
ten days before departure.
As we travel between eight hotels, and you will have to handle your own baggage, please try to
travel reasonably light. You should be able to lift and carry your own luggage. At some hotels,
the coach may have to stop some distance short of the hotel entrance. Also, within some of the
hotels there may be some long walks between the rooms and lobby area, which may include
steps. Due to baggage restrictions on flights within Bolivia, your luggage should be kept to a
maximum of 20kg (44lbs).
If you are joining and leaving in Bolivia, it is assumed, unless you have advised us otherwise,
that you will meet the party at the hotel in Santa Cruz and leave the party at the hotel in La Paz.
If this is not your plan, please let us know, in writing, at least 5 weeks before departure.

Ramblers Worldwide Holidays 2014

ADK/adk/Nov 2014


Please refer to Section 2 of the enclosed General Information Booklet.
A passport is required which should be valid for 6 months beyond your intended stay.
Your passport is often required when checking into hotels and when changing money, so carry
it with you on these occasions. It is also an excellent idea to memorise your passport number
for the form filling. No visas are required for UK nationals.
It is a good idea to carry photocopies of the personal details pages of your passport. Should
you lose your passport, this may assist with the issue of replacement documents and your
return to the UK.
Passport, visa and health requirements can change at any time. It is your own responsibility to
ensure that you inform yourself from a professionally qualified source on, and comply with, such
requirements. Advice on vaccinations is available from your GP, or can be obtained from the
Medical Advisory Services for Travellers Abroad (MASTA). In addition, general travel advice is
available from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office at

Please refer to Section 2 of our General Information Booklet for details.
The currency in Bolivia is the Boliviano.
The Boliviano is not widely available outside the country. However, it is quite possible to rely on
ATM machines which exist in all the major cities we visit. Please notify your bank before
travelling if you intend to use ATMs in Bolivia. Most hotels will exchange cash but the rates will
not be ideal.
Most of our hotels accept credit cards.

All organised excursions mentioned in the itinerary are included in the holiday cost. There is
very little additional cost to be paid locally in regards to the noted itinerary, however if
you wish to take any optional excursions, or visit sites not mentioned, these will be at your own
It is difficult to estimate an allowance for spending money, however about 150-200 per
person for the trip should be sufficient for lunches, drinks, any optional visits, and personal tips.
In order to simplify tipping, we strongly recommend that you allow your leader to take care of
making sure tips are given to hotel and restaurant staff & to local guides and drivers. This will
be done using some funds provided by Ramblers Worldwide Holidays plus, if you wish, a
contribution from you, which the leader will collect during the holiday. We suggest an amount of
35 per person for this, although this is a discretionary amount.
Ramblers Worldwide Holidays 2014
ADK/adk/Nov 2014

Hotel drinks, particularly imported spirits can be expensive. You will need to allow extra for
souvenirs and gifts. Major purchases can often be charged to a credit card account.
Please note that the estimation of local costs relating to this holiday is based on currency
exchange rates valid at the time of the publication of this Holiday Information sheet. Any
fluctuations in exchange rates may impact on this estimation of local costs. Please check with
your bank or foreign currency provider prior to your holiday to enable you to plan your


Accommodation is in twin-bedded and single rooms generally with shower and wc.
electricity supply is 220v AC. You will require an adaptor of the 2 flat pin variety.
We hope to use some of the following hotels:
Hotel Camino Real
PO Box 2130
Santa Cruz
2130, Bolivia


+591 3 342 3535

+591 3 343 1515

Mi Peublo Samary
Dalence Street 349


+591 4 642 5088

Hotel Museo Cayara

22 km - Potosi


+591 6 740 9097

Salt Hotel Uyuni

Palacio de Sal
Salar de Uyuni


+591 6 842 0888

Inca Utama Hotel & Spa

86 Carretera Asfaltada
Huatajata 4785


+591 2 233 7533

Posada del Inca Eco Lodge

Isla del Sol


+591 2 233 7533

Suites Camino Real La Paz

Calacoto Av. Ballivin #369
La Paz


+591 2 279 2323

Ramblers Worldwide Holidays 2014

ADK/adk/Nov 2014


The hotels are of an excellent standard and offer unique attractions. The Camino Real hotels in
Santa Cruz and La Paz are modern built with all modern amenities. They both offer excellent
restaurants where we will eat. The hotel in Sucre is a beautiful colonial building built around a
courtyard. You can expect to wake each morning to the smell of baking bread coming from their
own bread oven in the courtyard. Single rooms here are palatial. The Hotel Cayara outside
Potosi is a beautifully restored haven of peace and quiet, a great place to acclimatise to the
altitude. The Inca Utama has its own museums and replica Incan village and the best views
must be from the Posada del Inca.
An accommodation list confirming all hotels will be sent to you with your air tickets
approximately 10 days before departure.
The holiday is on a half board basis with breakfasts and dinners provided in hotels or local
restaurants. Meals commence with breakfast on Day 2. Lunch is included on 6 days.
The food is generally excellent with potatoes, beans and rice predominant in the mountains.
Bolivians like many Latin Americans love red meat, particularly steak. You will be offered some
excellent quality meat. Vegetarians are generally well catered for but some patience at meal
times may be required.


Drinking or cleaning teeth in unboiled water is not recommended. Bottled pure water is
inexpensive and widely available in shops, at hotels, and on the coach. Make sure you only buy
sealed bottles. Exercise caution with what you eat to avoid upset stomachs and stay away from
unpeeled fruit, salads and do not have ice in your drinks. Hot, fresh cooked food, where
possible, is best.
You should also be aware of issues associated with travelling at high altitudes. The lower
atmospheric pressure at higher altitudes results in less oxygen finding its way into the blood.
Problems can start for most people at around 2,500 to 3,000 metres. If you reach this altitude
gradually the body can accustom itself to having less oxygen, and once you are above it if you
gain further height slowly you are less likely to have problems. It is important on arrival at
destinations at this kind of altitude to rest for a few hours and not to over-exert yourself in the
first day or two, as over-exertion can make altitude problems more likely. Local people also
swear by coca leaf tea, which you will probably be offered on arrival, as a means of preventing
or treating altitude problems. It is harmless and if you drink plenty of it, it will at least help you to
avoid dehydration, something else that makes altitude problems more likely, so drink plenty of
fluids (not alcohol!) at these high altitude destinations. Anybody who has a medical condition
affecting blood circulation or breathing or has any other worries should consult their doctor
before departure.
You may wish to visit the website, which is provided by the NHS
Scotland, and gives vaccination, disease and malaria advice for your destination. Using this
information in conjunction to speaking with your GP or nurse will help keep you healthy while

Ramblers Worldwide Holidays 2014

ADK/adk/Nov 2014


We recommend that you to pack your clothing and equipment in a strong suitcase or holdall
and take a small rucksack to carry those items you will need during the day. You will also
require a small bag for the night on Sun Island. A day sack should do fine.
We also recommend you take a waterproof jacket, trousers, some long-sleeved shirts, warm
fleeces together with thin jumpers, woollen socks, shorts and lighter summer clothes, swimwear
and a towel. A torch is essential as electricity supply in remote areas can be erratic.
If you have lightweight walking boots we recommend you take them, but stout shoes or trainers
should be adequate for this holiday.

At some hotels, the coach may have to stop some distance short of the hotel entrance due to
narrow access roads. Also, within some of the hotels themselves, there may be some long
walks between the rooms and entrance area, which may include steps.

On this holiday we drive over a 4500m pass by bus but do not walk at this altitude. However
some of the walking will be above 3500m. Please make sure that your holiday insurance covers
you for guided walking at this height.

Please take sensible precautions like leaving your credit cards and passport in the hotel safe
and avoiding displays of wealth such as wearing expensive jewellery or watches. Do not carry
more cash on you than you need for each day.
We recommend to all our clients travelling in major cities that a money belt is used as there is
the occasional unpredictable problem with pickpockets.

A small first aid kit should be carried in a plastic container. This should have a selection of
plasters, antiseptic cream, a cream to alleviate nettle rashes and insect bites, paracetamol or
aspirin, antiseptic throat lozenges and something for upset stomachs.

Ramblers Worldwide Holidays 2014

ADK/adk/Nov 2014

We travel to hugely diverse climatic zones so you should expect every kind of weather. In
Santa Cruz the weather should be warm, a t-shirt should be fine even in the evening. Once in
the mountains it will be warm during the day in the sunshine but noticeably cooler out of the sun
and extremely cold at night with frosts common.
Maps and books of Bolivia may be obtained before departure from specialist map sellers such
The Map Shop
15 High Street
Upton upon Severn, Worcs. WR8 0HJ
Tel : 01684 593146
Fax : 01684 594559
Further information can be found on the last page of our General Information Booklet.
Street maps of each city are available locally.
Many local libraries stock a good selection of travel guides/books which may offer you more
information on Peru. You may find the following website useful:
Bolivia Tourism:

Revisions to this Holiday Information sheet

Please note that this Holiday Information sheet may be periodically updated and reissued.
In most cases any revisions will be minor and the overall nature of the holiday will be
unchanged. Should we need to make a major change to the holiday arrangements between
you booking your holiday and your date of travel we will notify you to specifically draw your
attention to any significant change.
You may wish to review the latest version of the Holiday Information sheet online prior to travel.

Ramblers Worldwide Holidays 2014

ADK/adk/Nov 2014

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