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Three Case Studies

Jessica Donaldson
Canadian Engineering and Inspection Ltd.
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

NDT in Canada 2015 Conference, June 15-17, 2015, Edmonton, AB (Canada) -

Solving Real World Integrity Problems

Using 3D-Laser Scanning

3D Laser Scanning: What Can It Do?
Case Study 1: 3D Laser Scanning of Visually
deformed newly fabricated pipe bends
Case Study 2: Scanning to Perform Fitness For
Service Assessment of Y-Piping Spool
Case Study 3: Engineering assessment of a
large diameter storage tank and roof rafters
NDT in Canada 2015 Conference

3D Laser Scanning
Capture 3D documentation
Can record complex structures and systems
with (depending on manufacturer):
Distance accuracy up to 2mm
Range from 0.6m up to 130m
Measurement speed: 40 million points/6 minute
Adjustable resolution
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3D Laser Scanning
Constant waves of
varying length
Upon contact with an
object they are
reflected back to the

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Scanning Equipment
Similar to survey
equipment in size
200mm spheres
150mm spheres
6ft CF tripod
15ft elevator tripod

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3D Virtualization
Flaw/Deviation Analysis
Accuracy for Fitness for Service
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Methods of Geometric
Traditional Methods and Limitations

Tape measure, level, plum bob, sweep board, etc

Time consuming and difficult to get many geometric data points
Several approximations must be made
Where is the worst spot when looking at damage?

Different approach 3D Laser Scanning as a tool

Involves creating virtual models of real world objects
Models are created from a point cloud (40 million points generated in a 6
minute scan)
Each point gives the exact location from a detected surface
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Processing Data
Modeling software combines point cloud data into an
accurate model

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Example: Tank External Scan

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Example: Tank Internal Scan

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Example: Facility (as-built) Mapping

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Case Study 1 :
3D Laser Scanning of visually deformed newly fabricated
pipe bends
Background Information
Three newly fabricated pipe bends
O.D. of 914 mm; the three bends had angles of 42, 21,
and 41
Out of roundness identified as a concern by visual
Ends of bends have an out-of-roundness tolerance of 1%,
and the rest of the bend can have an out-of-roundness
tolerance between 1% to 3% (ASME B16.49 paragraph

Pipe Bends and 3D Laser

Scanning Setup

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Ideal 3D Model of Bends

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End Deviation
Maximum Out of Roundness: 8.6mm (0.94%)

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Front Face Deviation

Max Deviation: 8.6mm (0.94%)

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Arc Bend Deviation

Maximum Deviation: 9.5mm (1.04%)

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All three bends meet the tolerance
requirements for out-of-roundness as per
ASME B16.49, for the areas that were
Bends Fit for Service

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Case Study 2:
Scanning to Perform Fitness For Service Assessment of
Y-Piping Spool
Y-spool was permanently distorted when an expansion joint
attached to an associated pump failed. The expansion joint
was replaced but the client wanted to ensure the Y-spool was
still fit for service.
No cracking or crack like indications found with NDE.
Replaced the failed expansion joint.
Requested to perform 3D laser scan of the Y-spool and then
perform an API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 Fitness-For-Service

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Y-Spool Point Cloud image from 3D Scan

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Y-Cross Section Mapping

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The Y-section was modelled for a Level 3 assessment
Deformation data was taken from 3D laser scanning
results and the worst areas were modelled. Five
deformed areas with a deviation greater than 0.4
were considered in the analysis
Straight segments of the Y-spool deviations were
within the permissible 1% out-of-roundness
tolerance and therefore not modeled for Level 3

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Y-Section Model

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Fixed Geometry restraints, internal pressure and fluid

density loading was applied to the model for the Level
3 assessment

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Stress Analysis
Maximum of 7500psi

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Increasing Pressure Simulations

Approach yield at 120psi

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Based on the results of the assessment, it was
determined that the Y-spool was fit-for-service
Visual monitoring of the Y-spool and attached piping for crack
appearance, increased deformation, and any other changes
Repeat 3D laser scanning assessment to monitor deformation
no cracks or crack-like flaws exist or develop on the welds of
the Y-spool by performing periodic NDE examination
Cause of expansion joint failure investigated to ensure there
is no repeat occurrence of failure
NDT in Canada 2015 Conference

Case Study 3:
Tank Deformation and FFS
Internal inspection of a large diameter storage tank
to API 653 requirements
Geometric evaluation of tank shell
Baseline shell evaluation for future inspection
Diameter: 85ft
Height: 40ft
Nominal Capacity: 40395 BBL

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Tank Overview

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Point Cloud Model

Total of 8 scans with tolerance of 3mm

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Cleaned 3D Point Cloud for Shell

Geometric Evaluation

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Ideal 3D Model

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Tank Scanned Model

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Maximum Bulge: 1.65in.

Maximum Dent: 2.05in.

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API 653 Criteria

The maximum radii tolerance for this tank, as per
API-653 for reconstructed tanks and the API 650
construction code, is in. (19 mm) measured at 1 ft.
above the shell to bottom weld.
API 653 also states that the tolerances above the 1 ft.
level are not to exceed 3 times the tolerance at the 1
foot level. This restricts the out of roundness above
the 1 ft. mark to 2 in.

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Comparison of Tank with Tolerances

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Conclusion Shell Evaluation

Deformations found to be acceptable based
on the code requirements.
Recent edge settlement survey showed tank
to be in good condition.
API 653 internal and external inspection
performed at the time of scanning.
Recommended the tank as fit for service.

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Rafter Evaluation
Tank has 43 rafters and one central column
Visual inspection of the rafters revealed
deformations that required further
8 scans were done to model rafters and tank

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Rafter Point Cloud Model

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Cleaned up Rafters

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Rafter Point Cloud to 3D Model

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Analysis of Worst Case Rafter

Maximum Deviation: 1.20 in.

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There are no tolerance limits specified in API 653 for
bending of roof rafters.
Analyzing the worst case condition, with full snow
load and vacuum applied, the rafters had an average
maximum stress of about 19000 psi. This is still well
below the yield strength and did not signify any
integrity concerns.
Tank and roof rafters fit for service.

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Laser scanning has proven to be a valuable tool for
dealing with several asset integrity challenges that
involve dimensional analysis
Improved accuracy of Engineering Assessments API579 Fitness-for-Service (Model whats actually there
instead of guessing and approximating)
Especially useful in the following areas:

Records management
Inspection / QC
Fitness-for-Service and integrity engineering
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NDT in Canada 2015 Conference

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