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Solution For Whom?

Was Hilter’s “Final Solution”


Mangie Kpaka

Class 802

April 30th ,2010

“An individual who seeks power through the demise of others, only wishes

to find himself in arms of defeat.” I strongly believe that Hitler’s “Final Solution”

was not worthwhile. This horrid act of murder was not beneficial to anyone, not

even Hitler himself. Hitler’s “SOLUTION”, was based on his personal vendettas

against those who did not fit in the category of Aryan Supremacy. Other than the

fact it had taken many lives, the holocaust caused mental torment and reduced

human value among Jews & other ethnic groups. Worst of all, Germany wasn’t

even at its defining moment after World War II. Why go through the troubles of

hatred and not gain anything positive from it?

Adolf Hitler’s decision to exterminate Communists, Jews and all social or

political groups he disliked caused psychological plague among all involved. The

horrors of the concentration camps led to many Jews losing faith in God. (Night,

By Eli Wiesel, section 5). Hitler’s actions influenced Aryan hatred towards Jews

among the youth. ( Your Eyes In Stars, by M.E.Kerr pg.190-195) Harsh treatment

during this period, resulted in many cases of traumatized victims. “The survivors

often experienced several phases of psychosocial response, including attempts to

actively master the traumatic situation, cohesive afflictive actions with intense

emotional links, and finally, passive compliance with the persecutors.”

( This was so serious, that survivors were afraid to

return to the places they called home. The minds of these victims are now suffering

harsh recovery since Hitler’s verdict.

The occurrence of the holocaust has lowered the amount of respect for

human life. Due to scarce food, survivors at the camp literary killed for a small

ration of food. In vicious cases, sons will kill their fathers for a simple ration of

bread tossed across the road. (Night, by Eli Wiesel section six & seven) This

matter was so severe that the Nazis arranged mass shootings and threw them in

mass graves. ( Deverell ,William & White, Gray Deborah, United States

History) Bodies as little as babies were cremated. ( Night, by Eli Wiesel section

one)Some were forced to allow others to die, even if they could help it. (The

Reader, Billy Elliot) How is turning human beings against one another and

burning helpless bodies a solution?

The Nazis did not gain anything from Hitler’s “Aryan Supremacy”

policies either. After the holocaust, many of the Nazi partakers in the holocaust

had fallen from grace to grass. “The International Military Tribunal and a series

of later trials held at Nuremberg, Germany, were not focused on the Holocaust

alone, as reflected in the range of criminal charges brought before these courts.”

( of Hitler’s top men were placed on trial

for their participation in the holocaust. Only eleven received the death sentence,

one took his own life, while seven remained incarcerated. As the years
progressed, over hundreds of Nazis were placed on trial. (© 2009 by Oakwood Publishing Company) What

happened the “Aryan Supremacy”?

Germany faced instability in its government and economy. By the end of

the Second World War, Germany became inflicted with hyperinflation. During

the German hyperinflation the number of German marks in circulation

increased by a factor of 7.32 × 109.(,Michael K. Salemi)

This caused the government to enforce rationing and price control. The

economy was so bad, that people had to produce their own food to avoid paying

too much on food.( ,David R. Henderson) The German

people were left in ruins.

In conclusion, when Hitler created “The Final Solution” he prepared a

strong defeat for himself. In the aftermath of the holocaust, Hitler committed

suicide. “His "1,000 Year Reich" barely lasted 12 years and he died a broken

and defeated man”. ( There is

no sense in killing others if you end up bitter and disgraced. There is no sense in

killing period. In, April 27,1999 two students(Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold)

that attended Columbine High School, carried out a massacre in Denver,

Colorado. Like Hitler, the two held hate for those they considered unworthy of

living. Both ended their lives after committing this heinous crime. It is
imperative for all individuals to think about the consequences of his or her

actions-----if they don’t others are dragged down with them. Henceforth, “The

Final Solution” was not worth the pain it had caused Europe.


 Deverell ,William & White, Gray Deborah, United States History



 North ,David ,Pastoral...American Berserk


 (© 2009 by Oakwood Publishing Company)

 Tames, Richard; Anne Frank


 Wiesel, Elie; Night

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