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Bully In Malaysia

Five Year Three pupils are involved in the bullying of a schoolmate who was forced to cut the tip of his
tongue at a school in Bukit Tinggi on Thursday. The victim, in a police report lodged by his mother,
said he was told by the five nine-year-olds to cut his tongue if he did not want to be punched by them.
Out of fear, he cut his tongue using a pair of scissors himself.
Hello and top of the morning to the honorable judges, wonderful teachers, fellow contestants and my
dearest audiences. I am very honored and glad to be here today, sharing my thoughts and view on a topic
that is very dear to me, which is bullying. I am going to share some of my Bullying Survival Tips that can
be implemented in our daily lives.
First of all, what can be constituted as bullying? The Oxford Dictionary defines bully as a person who
deliberately intimidates or persecutes those who are weaker. Hence, bullying can be defined as an act of
deliberately intimidating or persecuting someone who are weaker.
So what has been happening to our world lately? Bullying is becoming a big issue, an epidemic so to
speak. It has been heavily discussed in the mass-media, such as the television and the internet. The act
of bullying mainly targeted amongst teenagers, ranging from the age of 13 to 7 years old.
One of the most painful aspects of bullying is that if it is not controlled, this problem will expand to be an
act of violence that is both physically and psychologically tormenting to the person who is bullied. On
average, most people can take one episode of teasing, name calling or being shunned at the mall.
However, when such act are deliberately done and continues for an extended period of time, this will
resulted into a state of constant fear for that particular person.
Imagine this, you are happily walking to school to study, when suddenly, theres a group of delinquents at
the end of the road, talking to each other and all of the sudden decided to come over and harass you just
for the fun of it. Do you fight back? I dont think so. Why? Because you are afraid. This is because most of
the times bullies tend to gang up on each other and pick on a single defenseless person.
So what action can be taken to curb this issue? An article from The Guardian News stated that, certain
places in the United Kingdom, namely London and Manchester are now being called as a safe-zone
area. These safe-zone areas are places which used to be the hot-spot for these delinquents to hang out
at, but with the interference of the society, for example fellow teachers, together with parents and their
children, they may create a rally to create a buddy-system whereby students who walked to school are
accompanied by these buddy, creating a safe environment for the students. However, these plan of
action may only be successful if the three said party, which are the teachers, parents and the
neighborhood are willing to lend a hand to create this safe-zone area.
Secondly, a lot of us out there simply choose to stand on the sidelines and watch others being bullied,
without taking any proper actions of help whatsoever. These bystander effect is a social psychological
phenomenon referring to cases in which individuals do not offer any means of help to a victim when other
people are presented. This is because they assumed that other people will actually lend a helping hand.
Such occurrences not only are disruptive and somehow in the long run somehow promoting the act of
bullying and needs to be stopped. The society must be aware that bullying is an intolerable act and if you
do not take action, then who else will?

As a teenager, we should be united and stand together. Treat others the way you want to be treated.
Thats the Golden Rule and it should be followed in every aspect of your life. If someone was in a position
to stop you from being bullied and did nothing, how would you feel? If you find that unacceptable, you
must do everything you can to stop others from hurting people.
Thirdly, avoidance is key. What I mean by this is that you got to ignore the bully and just walk away like
theres nothing happened. People say its a coward response but it definitely works. Whenever you get
hurtful e-mails or instant messages. Ignore it completely. Sooner or later, the bully will get bored with
trying to bother you. Just walk tall and hold your head high. The reason why bullies tend to are that they
are looking for attention. They might think bullying is a way to be popular or to get what they want. Most
bullies are trying to make themselves feel more important. When they pick on someone else, it can make
them feel big and powerful.So you just need to boost your own confidence to successfully avoid them.
In a nutshell, everyone has to be part of the solution as bullying is everyones problem. Bullying is 100%
Preventable and each person can make a difference. It is everyones responsibility and the option of
doing nothing is unacceptable in civilized society. Parents and school authorities should take action as
this issue is increasingly prevalent to our country .If bullying continues. Suicides and violent acts against
others will occur horrendously. However ,we can still dealt it by motivating bullies continuously.

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