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Environmental Impact

Assessment (EIA)
Assignment. Environmental Issues of
Engr. Adnan Ahmed Chahal

Subject Specialist:

Madam Dr. Khalida Faryal Almani

Director, Department of Environmental Sciences, UoS, Jamshoro

Environmental Problems in Pakistan and Its Effect on Human Life
Environmental problems and pollutions are very dangerous menace that the modern world is
facing today. Environmental problems are nearing hazardous limits because people do not
have awareness of its dangerous. Today world is talking about to remove the elements that are
causing environmental problems and making lives hard of people and animals. There are many
environmental problems in Pakistan that are causing Pakistan big time. The population of
Pakistan is increasing rabidly with the passage of time. If the population of Pakistan was one
million at the time of independence most probably it would be around 300 million at the end of
21 century which will be more than American population. Floods will be common that would be
harmful for Pakistan moreover the first surface of earth would be flown with flood and land will
be barren and water under the earth will be polluted. Pakistan has limited sources but still it has
to resolve the pollution or environmental problems at priority bases. There are many factors
responsible for environmental problems in Pakistan few are mentioned here in details.
Air Pollution in Pakistan:

Air is the most essential need of humans but really unfortunately air is more polluted than others
all today in our country. Smokes coming out from factories, industries, homes and vehicles are
causing of air pollution. I would say that one of the most probable reasons of air pollution is the
manufacturing industries and it is really alarming situation for Pakistan that with the passage of
time manufacturing industries are increasing even in residential areas. The smokes of
manufacturer industries are causing of air pollution because of its dangerous gases. These

deadly gases are so much dangerous for human health. Chemical reactions can also be harmful
for humans and as well as for nature such as when sulfuric acid mix with water that help to
make clouds and when rains drops fall down it effect humans, trees animals etc.
Water Pollution in Pakistan:

Water pollution is second most dangerous factor that is causing of environmental problems not
only for Pakistan but also for other countries. Water is need of every living thing on the earth in
other words it is not possible to live without water. Most of Pakistani people are compel to drink
the polluted water and this water is causing deaths of people and causes seriously dangerous
diseases. The sewerage system in Pakistan is substandard due to this the sewerage water is
mixed with drinking and people drink this water so you can imagine how it will be harmful for
human body.

Noise Pollution in Pakistan:

Every living thing on earth love peaceful and comfortable environment noise is
undesirable sound that destroys the peace of humans minds. Plenty of traffic on the
road in shape of cars, bikes, rickshaws and other vehicles are the main factors for noise
pollution that are destroying the peace of people of Pakistan. Noise pollution is really
common in Pakistan. With fast increase of population this environmental problem is
continuously increasing day by day in Pakistan.
Solution of Environmental Problems in Pakistan:
The people and as well as the government of Pakistan will has to take some serious
interests to control the environmental problems in Pakistan for living better and healthy
lives. The government should take responsibility of making environment good for its
people by making such laws that prohibited the environmental problems and pollutions.
Print media and as well as electronic media of Pakistan should create awareness
among the people about harms of environmental problems. The vehicles should be
allowed on the road after proper checking of engines.

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