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Arts & Culture 7

Alumna returns to direct

University Theatres Little

News 3
Vice provost tells black
students to claim their
space and take charge
in academics

Sports 12
Football gears
up for spring





Chlamydia is the most commonly diagnosed STD

on campus, but symptoms can be easily missed


Editors note: The student

quoted in this story is
described only by their
first name to protect their

hen Elizabeth, a
University student, went to her
gynecologist last summer,
what was a routine check
up became much worse.
She was diagnosed with
Dr. Douglas Dechairo,
director and chief of staff at
Watkins Health Clinic, said
that in 2015 there were 159
positive cases of chlamydia,
16 cases of gonorrhea, 15
cases of syphilis and four
cases of HIV. Chlamydia is
the most common sexually
transmitted disease in the
U.S., according to the Centers for Disease Control.

Trends dont tend to

fluctuate up and down
throughout the year, Dechairo said. But we do see
an increase in the spring semester because you know,
spring break.
The CDC reported that
2014 was a record year for
chlamydia cases in the U.S.
with more than 1.4 million
diagnoses 456 cases in
100,000 people. That is a
three percent increase from
Dechairo said common
signs of chlamydia are urinary track infections and
penal or vaginal discharge.
The officials of the CDC report that chlamydia can be
contracted through vaginal,
anal or oral sex.
But some people who
have [chlamydia] show no
symptoms and therefore
could unknowingly spread
it to other people, Dechairo said.

This was the case for

Elizabeth. A few days after
her checkup, she received a
phone call from her doctor
saying she tested positive
for chlamydia.
I was very surprised
because I hadnt noticed
any symptoms; I felt totally fine," Elizabeth said. "So
when I told [the doctor]
that, she said it is actually
very common for women to
not have symptoms."
Elizabeth had a boyfriend at the time, and had
him get tested as well, but
his results were negative.
Elizabeths doctor said it is
common for men who have
chlamydia to not test positive for the disease.
Elizabeth said if she had
not gone to her gynecologist
for her check up, she could
have gone months without
knowing she had contracted the sexually transmitted
disease. She has since been

I guess not knowing
seems nice, but actually it
was really scary because
sexually transmitted diseases can seriously affect
your body later on, Elizabeth said. I could have really been hurt.
If left untreated for an
extensive period of time,
chlamydia can make it difficult for a woman to get
pregnant, according to the
Confidential tests for
STDs are available for students at Watkins Student
Health Services. The health
center accepts walk-ins or
appointments to test for
multiple infections by a
blood sample or urine test.
For more information, visit
its website.
Edited by Samantha
Infographic by Sam Billman/KANSAN

Kansas author Robert Day jokingly

enters 2016 presidential race

Contributed Image

Senate coalitions to
debate Thursday

A Student Senate debate

will be held between presidential and vice presidential candidates for OneKU
and CARE KU, the two
coalitions in the upcoming
Student Senate election,
on issues facing Senate and
the University as a whole.
The debate will be held at 7
p.m. on April 7 in Woodruff
Auditorium, level five of the
Kansas Union.
Stephonn Alcorn, currently the Student Senate
government relations director, and Gabby Naylor, a
current School of Business
senator, are the presidential and vice presidential
candidates for OneKU.
Richie Hernandez, a
junior from Kansas City,
Kan., and John Castellaw,
a junior from Wichita, are
the presidential and vice
presidential candidates for
Jesse Burbank, chair of
the Student Senate Elections Commission, will
moderate the debate and
ask questions predetermined by himself and other
Commission members. Students are also encouraged
to send in questions for the
candidates on social media
using the hashtag #KUSenDebate.

In an Elections Commission meeting March

28, Burbank and Commission members determined candidates would
make opening and closing
remarks. They also determined answers to questions will be limited to one
minute and 30 seconds.
OneKU, the first coalition to form for the
current election cycle,
has introduced 12 campaign initiatives including
mental health services, a
first-generation peer mentorship program, a campus
sustainability plan, an initiative to revitalize Potter
Lake and funding reform
within Student Senate.
CARE KU formed nearly two weeks after OneKU
and introduced campaign
mental health awareness,
equality and inclusion
on campus, campus safety and security, services
for military and veteran
students, and student resources, specifically focusing on gender-neutral
housing options.
After the debate, the
two campaigns will have
less than a week to campaign before the general
election on April 13 and 14.
Edited by Madi

Kansas author Robert

Day wants to be president
because he "doesnt want
anyone else to be president.
However, Day is not really running for president.
His latest book, Robert Day
for President," is not like his
other work. It is non-fiction,
for one, although certain details are embellished, he
The 88-page memoir
is full of movie references
and musings on current
events and the state of politics. Throughout the book,
anecdotes give readers a
glimpse into Days life and
to what shaped him into the
77-year-old progressive agnostic pagan he is today.
The book isnt political
so much as it is a memoir of
my political bearing, Day
It could be said that Day
started work on Robert Day
for President during the
last presidential campaign.
A friend gave him the idea
in 2012, but he didnt start
writing it until 2015 when
he felt the political climate
grow more hostile.
This time, it seemed like
the election was so bizarre
in so many ways that I proposed the book to a New
York publisher and they said
'sure,' Day said.
The Last Cattle Drive,
Days first and his best-selling novel to date, is about
a modern Kansas rancher who decides to drive
his herd of cattle across
the state. It was a Book of
the Month Club selection
shortly after its release, and
it hasnt gone out of print
In 2007, the University
Press of Kansas published a
special 30th anniversary paperback edition of the book.
"The Last Cattle Drive"
continues to be one of the
publisher's best-selling titles

even more than 30 years after

its initial publication, said Rebecca Murray, the University
Press of Kansas publicity and
social media representative.

This time, it
seemed like the
election was so
bizarre in so
many ways that
I proposed the
book to a New
York publisher
and they said
Robert Day

Such longevity serves as

testimony to Bobs literary
importance and contributions among Kansas writers,
Murray said.
Day was born in Shawnee in 1941. His father was a
moderate Republican and a
fallen-away Catholic who
worked for Trans World Airlines.
The family spent much of
Days childhood relocating to
various areas along the East
Coast. Eventually Day found
himself in Lawrence studying
at the University, where he
received both a B.A. and an
M.F.A. He finished graduate
school in 1965.
When Day was a student,
the University was home to
only 9,000 students. West
campus didnt exist. Rock
Chalk Caf and the Gaslight
Tavern were popular hangout
Day was a student at the
same time as former basketball great Wilt Chamberlain,
and he claimed he once saw
the athlete bowling in the
Union, forced to crouch under the low ceilings.
Around that same time,
Day and a friend participated

in a sit-in in front of Chancellor W. Clarke Wescoes office

in Strong Hall in protest of racial discrimination in campus
Greek letter organizations
and in off-campus housing.
When he took a break to
grab a hamburger, Lawrence
police came in and took the
protestors to jail. Day narrowly avoided arrest and he
continues to be proud of his
role in the protest.
I do still have a very
strong feeling for how much
good we did in the '60s by
protesting things, Day said.
The demonstrations in the
basement of Strong Hall
against blacks and against
Jews worked.
The sit-in is one of many
politically formative experiences detailed in Days book.
He also discusses his Polish
Socialist grandmother and
her distaste for electricity,
as well as his father, who, although they didnt agree on
every issue, was willing to
have thoughtful, respectful

conversations about politics.

Today, Day lives with his
wife Kathryn and dog, Pokey,
in northwestern Kansas near
an unincorporated community called Ludell. After graduation he held various teaching
and writing positions all over
the country.
He spent time with the
Iowa Writers Workshop and
returned to Lawrence twice to
briefly teach at the University.
In 2007, he retired from his
position as a professor of creative writing at Washington
College in Chestertown, Md.
Day rejects the notion that
people become more conservative as they age. He points
out Eleanor Roosevelt and
Bernie Sanders as examples.
"If you live as I do in an
intellectual world writers,
screenplay writers, and professors and so forth were
naturally more progressive in
that sense, Day said.

Edited by Shane

Contributed Photo
Robert Day got the idea to write the book during the last presidential
election from a suggestion by a friend.



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Campus divided over Kansas religious

freedom bill and possible repercussions

The Kansas religious freedom bill, a law that has drawn

criticism for being discriminatory, was signed into law
March 22 and will take effect
July 1.
The bill calls for the exercise of religious freedom by
postsecondary education or
university-level student associations.
Unlike other states such as
Colorado, Kansas has no legislation protecting individuals
from discrimination based on
sexual orientation or gender
identification. This means
University officials have to
work harder to protect its students, said Vanessa Delgado,
coordinator for the Center for
Sexuality and Gender Diversity.
We should fight everything that is going to be discriminating against our students, Delgado said. We
should do everything in our
power and our ability to protect our students so they have
a welcoming and inclusive living and learning environment
because we have students
who live on this campus and
learn on this campus.
Under the religious freedom law, colleges and universities in Kansas cannot deny a
religious student organization
any benefit permissible to
other student groups under
that bill. If a group were to
want to restrict membership
to members of only one faith,
they could under this law.
The bill says colleges cannot discriminate against a religious organization because

The University nondiscrimination clause states:

The University of Kansas is committed to the full participation of previously
excluded or neglected classes of people. Thus, it is also the policy of the
university to prohibit dicrimination on the basis of sexual orientation,
marital status, parental status, gender identity, and gender expression. The
universitys nondiscrimination policy extends to employment, personnel
actions and all other educational programs and activities of the university
and its affiliates.
of the "associations requirement that leaders or members
of the association adhere to or
comply with the associations
sincerely held religious beliefs,
comply with the associations
sincere religious standards of
conduct, or be committed to
furthering the associations
religious missions.
This falls directly at odds
with the University's nondiscrimination clause.
clause protects students from
discrimination on the basis
of sexual orientation, gender
identity and expression. The
policy extends to employment
practices and conditions,
activities or educational programs.
However, Erinn Barcomb-Peterson, director for
News and Media Relations,
said the University will work
in compliance with the law.
Some proponents of the
bill see it as an extension of
the First Amendment, like
Eric Pahls, a senior from Beloit and senior chair of Kansas
College Republicans. He said

he is in support of Senate Bill

175. He said although the bill
appears discriminatory, it essentially is an extension of the
First Amendment to protect
religious freedom of students.
I would venture to say
there is a slight overreaction
to this bill in context," Pahls
He said he is Catholic and
although he is not involved in
student groups, if he were, he
said he would want the leader
to be Catholic.
"That is the basis of which
the group was formed, and
that is the creed for the
group, Pahls said. Catholic
students should have the right
to do that but it goes beyond
He added: "If there is a
Muslim's women's group on
campus, they should be protected as they see fit. In that
sense, they should be protected from things that go against
their faith and that is the type
of thing this bill does.
Pahls said he hopes the
bill is not used to discriminate
against students but rather

to help protect students religious beliefs.

Delgado, on the other
hand, said she sees the bill as
a step backward for student
Despite the legislative
concerns, the University has
worked to make accommodations for students to fight
discrimination and create a
more inclusive campus. Past
accommodations include a
prayer space in the Kansas
Union, a private lunch space
for Muslim women, a wheelchair ramp in the front of
Strong Hall and the Center of
Sexuality and Gender Diversity.
But the University is not
the only place faced with criticized legislation. North Carolina passed a law banning
cities from creating anti-discrimination legislation after
Charlotte attempted to pass
an anti-discrimination law
protecting transgender people choosing to use the bathroom of their gender identity.
Similarly, Georgia legislation is being passed that

Professors discuss
income equality in
professional sports

In the wake of five U.S.

Womens National Team
members filing a federal discrimination complaint March
31, alleging unequal pay when
compared to the less successful U.S. male soccer team,
two University professors discussed pay disparities and inequality in the world of professional sports.
The five members from the
2015 World Cup winning team
in the lawsuit are: Hope Solo,
Carli Lloyd, Alex Morgan, Megan Rapinoe and Becky Sauerbrunn.
Its really interesting because its very difficult, in general, to prove wage discrimination, said Donna Ginther, a
professor of economics and the
director of the Center for Science Technology & Economic
Policy. The womens team
has a very strong case because
their productivity is obviously
much higher than the men.
According to a U.S. Soccer
Federation budget report, the
U.S. womens team is expected to generate $17 million in
2017, with a $5.2 million surplus. The mens team is expected to produce a $1 million
The womens team generates more revenue for U.S.
soccer than the mens team,
their viewership for the World
Cup was higher, attendance
at their exhibition games was
higher but they are still paid
less, Ginther said. Given the
numbers generated and the
performance of the womens
team in the past, it just doesnt
seem right that this difference
in pay exists.
According to data in a New
York Daily News article, in
2015 World Cup players on

the womens team earned

$30,000 for making the
World Cup roster, whereas
players that make the mens
team in 2018 are projected
to receive $68,750 per player. For winning the World
Cup, female players received
around $1.8 million, while
male players would receive
$9.3 million in the 2018
World Cup.
Their case is strong because there doesnt seem to
be any real basis for them to
be paid less than the men,
said Ben Eggleston, a professor of philosophy. Based
on the numbers, it seems as
though it will be difficult for
U.S. soccer to justify the inequality.
Ginther said the teams
case will likely be built on the
revenue producing ability of
Major League Soccer players
on the mens team.
The only argument it
seems U.S. Soccer has is that
the outside opportunity of
the men pays more, Ginther
said. Men are playing in professional soccer leagues in the
U.S. and Europe, and those
pay out more than womens
professional soccer.
Eggleston said the womens teams circumstance is
unique in the sports world
because of their ability to produce revenue.
U.S. soccer is unusual
because the revenue for the
womens side is much greater than for the mens side,
Eggleston said. This wont
likely carry over into the professional basketball, for example. The revenue producing ability of the WNBA just
isnt the same as the NBA.
Edited by Samantha

allows religious leaders and

facilities to deny services to
events or ceremonies they
find objectionable. In response, The Walt Disney Co.,
who films many of its movies
in Georgia, has said they will
stop all film production if the
legislation passes.
Its important for us as an
institution to provide these
accommodations, to make
sure that we are inclusive,
to make sure that we aren't
leaving anyone out because
we are an institution of higher education, Delgado said.
We want to give students the
right to be educated.
Every student that comes
here pays tuition and fees has
worked hard to get to this
place," Delgado said. "They
are here for learning, they are
here to educate themselves
and develop whatever skills
they need to become productive members of society [...]
As an institution we need to
continue to fund and appreciate the resources we do have
on this campus and make
them easier to find."





AP Photo
The United States Womens National Team celebrates with the trophy
after they beat Japan 5-2 in the 2015 FIFA Womens World Cup soccer
championship in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.












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Vice provost draws on academic and professional

success during Black Excellence presentation

n a presentation titled
BurnsWallace, vice provost of
spoke to students about
University resources and
seizing opportunities in
their education.
gathered in The Jay at the
Kansas Union on Monday
night to hear BurnsWallace
her own academic and
professional success and
to learn how they might do
the same.
As a native of Kansas
City, Mo., Burns-Wallace
went on to receive degrees
from Stanford, Princeton
and the University of
Pennsylvania. She also
held positions in the U.S.
Department of State as
a foreign service officer.
Before coming to the
University in January,
assistant vice provost at
the University of Missouri.
She encouraged the
students to work on their
transferable skills and
to grow their personal
I truly believe that
there isnt a job someone
could put in front of me
that I couldnt do, BurnsWallace said. I believe
that; you should believe
yourself in a place to say,
You know what, I may not
have direct experience in
that particular field, but
I feel like I have this set
of transferable skills that

help me do this job in this

way. To say I am a critical
thinker; I can take apart
a problem and put it back
together. I can relate to
people, I can collaborate, I
can manage a project, I can
write well, Burns-Wallace
For many students,
is a matter of accessing
University. Burns-Wallace
said at a large institution
resources arent always

Please understand
that because
someone looks
like you in color
and shape and
size, does not
mean that they
think like you.
DeAngela Burns-Wallace
vice provost of
undergraduate studies

When were at a big

resources are there, and
sometimes the assumption
is, Oh were here, so if
students need us, they
know were here. And
thats not quite the way
we have to look at it, she
said. We have to look at
it [as], Were here and the
students are there, and
we have to go to where
you are. We have to make
sure you know were here;

we have to make sure

you know what resources
you have, and that were
students should pursue
and take advantage of
those resources during this
time when theyre able to
explore and experience
new things.
We have to push
that door to make sure
were engaged, and were
involved and that theyre
pulling you in and were
welcoming you in, she
said. That youre asking
for them as well, saying,
Im looking for this, do we
have this? If we dont have
this who can help me get
spoke about her experience
as a black woman in
higher education and in
the professional world.
Growing up, she said she
usually abbreviated her
name to just De to avoid
De was simple; De was
easy, Burns-Wallace said,.
DeAngela was harder.
graduating high school
and moving to California
to start her undergrad, she
began using her full first
I went to Stanford and
one of the first things I was
taught and what I saw from
faculty and administrators
was that I could be an
intellectual, and I could
be black, Burns-Wallace
said. And I didnt have to
choose, and I didnt have to
make excuses for either.
encounter spaces where

Alex Robinson/KANSAN
DeAngela Burns-Wallace, vice provost of undergraduate studies, gave a presentation called Black Excellence at a
Black Student Union event.

no one else looks like

them. However, she said,
its important to use their
voices, and work to create a
space for themselves.
I think its a comfort
level and it doesnt happen
overnight, it happens
across your career, you
have to build it, you have to
learn, you have to engage
with people who come
from different spaces and
places, she said. And
please understand that
because someone looks like
you in color and shape and
size, does not mean that
they think like you; if that
was the case this would be
a very boring world.
lasted a little under an hour.
Ariel Heim, a freshman
from Sacramento and
chair of the Black Student
Union Freshman Action

Team, said she thought it

was inspiring to hear from
someone who has similar
whos been where Im
from and has experiences
that you can experience in
California and then come
here, its like, Okay, this is
a person of color in power,
and shes taking time out
of her life to come over
here and talk to us about
whatever is going on, and I
was really excited about it,
Heim said.
interim president of Black
Student Union, said the
vice provost is one of many
leaders on campus black
students can look up to.
universities. We have a

lot of people of color in

high spaces, particularly
black women, including a
black male, Nate Thomas,
vice provost [for diversity
and equity], and for black
students to see that, thats
something that we dont
get when we go everywhere
else, Adams said.
Adams said the event
was an opportunity for
students not just to learn
from Burns-Wallace but
also to recognize someone
for her success.
Its just always a good
feeling to see black people
succeed; its like when you
see your family succeed, its
a great thing, Adams said.
And this was a perfect
opportunity for BSU to
celebrate one of our own.
Edited by Samantha

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Text your #FFA

submissions to
People need to pay less
attention to politics.
I wonder if there
have been any puns
about them fixing the
Campanile... I bet some
of them will rock.
Saw a license plate
today that read,
dogydoc. Can we be
friends, please?

Illustration by Jake Kaufmann/KANSAN

Clough: Virtual reality fad poses threat to

communication and authentic experiences

My sweet kitten has

started taking push
pins out of the wall and
leaving them in my bed
for me to lay on.
Just spilled a full
half gallon of milk
at Dillions while
attempting to avoid an
ex-coworker. He saw
Sadness is using the rest
of your tax refund for a
phone bill
We watched Twilight in
class today and now Im
wondering if its too late
to get my tuition money
Whats the appropriate
response when someone
in your class says Racism
is beautiful ?
Editors Note: A
blood-curdling scream.


o much of our time

as a society is spent
engrossed in the virtual. Whether its checking
messages on phones, watching TV shows, playing video games or just scrolling
through the Internet, American adults spend an average
of eight and a half hours per
day behind a screen, according to research from Ball
State Universitys Center for
Media Design.
And if the cultural phenomenon known as virtual
reality continues to gain pop-

* looks at picture of cute

dog to stop self from
being sad *

It may sound utterly ridiculous for the time being,

but eventually society may
come to the point where distinguishing the real from the
imagined isnt a simple task.
Granted, the field has a lot
to accomplish before such
a dystopian scene becomes
reality, but considering the
massive strides its made in
different forms over the past
several decades, it may not
be all that unrealistic.
At the very least, research
has shown that VR technology is changing the way
we think and act, influencing our behavior in the real
world. One study at Stanford
had subjects cut down a virtual tree during a VR experience and found they used
fewer paper towels to clean
up a spill afterward than
those who did not have the
Of course, a lot of different mediums influence the
ways in which we think. But

no platforms to date have

been as intimate or realistic as VR. So, what happens
if the experiences that take
place inside a virtual reality console are traumatic in
some sense or even just unexpected?
Research from Stanford
has indicated that VR experiences can cause at least
nausea and headaches. Additionally, ethical considerations may be called into
question in the case of scares
or disturbances in virtual
experiences. Psychological
effects may be complex and
detrimental if these virtual
experiences influence responses to reality.
Theres no doubt that as
VR technology develops, the
possibilities for social benefit
increase drastically. Analysts
from advisory organizations
such as Macquarie Capital
believe that eventually VR
can be used in the classroom
for students to visit histor-

ical sites or practice scientific projects, and people can

meet face-to-face in virtually constructed spaces. But
are these experiences any
replacement for the tangible
and authentic?
Some might say yes, but I
cant help but wonder if were
at risk of losing some aspect
of what it truly means to feel
something, of what it truly
means to be human.
VR experiences open new
possibilities for exploration,
and technology certainly
helps cultural advancement
more than it hurts. Im not
against the development of
new media and new means
of interacting with our collective idea of culture, but I
do hope we can maintain a
sense of authentic human experience as media continues
to advance.
Matthew Clough is a junior from Wichita studying
English and journalism.

Liston: Supreme Courts decision on congressional

districts beneficial for proper voter representation

You know its going to

be a good day when
the weather is gorgeous
and your neighbors dog
greets you at your car in
the morning
Mondays are difficult,
but you know whats
even more difficult?
Nope...still Mondays.

ularity, that number could

keep increasing.
The concept isnt new.
The term virtual reality, or
VR, gained prominence in
the 1980s during the advent
of personal computers, when
the possibilities of technology enthralled people worldwide. It gained traction in
the 90s as films and video
games toyed with the idea
of producing alternate realities, albeit to underwhelming
results. In 2014, Mark Zuckerberg announced that Facebook purchased Oculus VR,
the leader in VR technology,
for $2 billion.
Just last week, the Oculus
Rift was finally released. The
Oculus Rift is a headset that
immerses users in virtual
worlds, taking gaming and
other related practices to a
new level. But as technology
advances and VR functionality expands across fields,
it may have drastically negative effects on our culture.


On Monday, the Supreme

Court unanimously upheld

existing rules for drawing

up congressional districts
and rejected a proposal that
would require states to draw
districts based solely on the
population of eligible voters.
Currently, all states draw
districts based on relatively
equal-sized populations regardless of voter eligibility.
This current method ensures
a more fair representation of
a states demographics.
While it may seem unimportant that the Supreme
Court simply kept the law the
same, the ramifications of

the decision are far-reaching.

If the Supreme Court had
supported the redistricting
proposal, it would have led
to severe misrepresentation
for the populations of many
According to the Brennan Center for Justice, since
2010, 22 states have implemented restrictive voting
laws that hinder certain
groups, especially minorities, from voting. Kansas is
one such state with restrictive voting laws. On top of
this, populations that include

children, illegal immigrants,

immigrants without citizenship and former prisoners
would not have been accurately represented under the
failed proposal.
Courts decision ensured
that devastating redistricting
rules were not mandatory,
it leaves the possibility that
a state could use the eligible
voter populations to draw
districts. This option should
be eliminated to ensure that
states couldnt suppress representation of diverse popu-

In an ideal society, eligible
voters would represent the
diversity of the whole society. Until voting laws change
and eligible voters accurately
mimic their communities, a
proposition to only account
for eligible voters would simply lead to a misrepresentation of the values and desires
of diverse populations.
Ryan Liston is a freshman from Lawrence studying journalism.

Why do felons worry

about finding jobs after
prison when the NFL is
always hiring?
I have the body of a 21
year-old college student
but the mind and back
pain of an 85 year-old
cat lady.

If you play your snap

stories out loud in a room
full of people chances
are I want to violently
murder you



letters to editor@kansan.com. Write
email subject line.
Length: 300 words

The submission should include the

authors name, year, major and
hometown. Find our full letter to the
editor policy online at

Vicky Diaz-Camacho

Gage Brock
Business Manager

Members of the Kansan
Editorial Board are Vicky
Diaz-Camacho, Kate Miller,
Gage Brock and Maddy

arts & culture




Aries (March 21-April

Take care of business and
rake in the bucks today and
tomorrow. Begin a financial
transformation with this New
Moon. A new source of
income appears. Watch out
for breakage or unexpected


Taurus (April 20-May

Begin a new personal phase
with this New Moon in your
sign. Take charge to fulfill
what you see possible. Grow
and develop your capacities. You're making a good
impression. Watch where
you're going.
Gemini (May 21-June
Conclude arrangements
today and tomorrow. You're
undergoing a metamorphosis. Breakthroughs and
revelations arise with the
New Moon. Discover something new about the past.
Begin a new phase in your
philosophy, spirituality and
Cancer (June 21-July 22)
Teamwork provides the
definitive edge. Begin a new
phase in friendship, social
networks and community with
this New Moon. Take a group
endeavor to a new level.
Apply elbow grease to seize
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)
Begin a professional adventure with this New Moon.
Take on more responsibility, especially today and
tomorrow. There could be a
test. Do what worked before,
including the reading. An
unusual yet fascinating option
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
Studies and travel hold your
focus today and tomorrow.
Changes may seem abrupt.
They could inspire brilliance.
Begin a new phase in your
education, travels and exploration with this New Moon.
Flow with traffic.
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
Your routine could be disrupted. Consider an unusual, brilliant solution. New directions
open with family finances
under this New Moon.
Discover new possibilities
and shift directions. Together
you're more powerful.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov.
Collaborate with your partner
today and tomorrow. Begin
a creative new phase in
your relationship under this
New Moon. Realign for new
priorities. Support each other.
Be spontaneous, not reckless.
Change direction intuitively.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22Dec. 21)
The next two days are
especially busy. Take on an
exciting new project. This
transformational New Moon
launches a new phase in
service, work and health.
Nurture your body, mind and
spirit for balance.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan.
A shift in priorities arises with
the New Moon. Begin a family, fun and passion phase.
Complete one game and
begin another. A romantic
relationship transforms. Listen
for hidden elements. It's all
for love.

Alex Robinson/KANSAN
Bryton Stoll, an engineering student from Marysville, started the Bryton Stoll Band back in his hometown, where they typically play bars and local shops.


Engineering student and country musician


ryton Stoll, a junior

studying engineering,
had no plans to be a country
musician when he first
came to the University.
Stoll had an album out,
but he lacked an identity.
But, after arriving, he
made the decision to be a
country artist and has been
mastering his craft ever
One of the reasons I
wanted to come to KU was
because everyone said there
was a lot of music here. I
hadnt decided I wanted to
be a country musician and
was like, Thats perfect,
Stoll said. Then I decided I
wanted to be a country musician and was like, Oops.

Theres country here, but

not a ton of it. Ill see if I can
change that.
The lack of a country
scene doesnt faze Stoll too
much. He enjoys the wide
range of genres that have a
place in the Lawrence music scene, as it gives him insight into what is going on
outside of his own.
Im glad that I [have]
the chance to kind of have
more diversity rather than
go somewhere where they
just play country music,"
Stoll said. "It is nice to
see what else is out there
and get a broader range of
In high school, Stoll listened to more rock music,
but once he got to college he
changed his mind for what
he wanted going forward.
That was country music.

When I was in high

school I liked rockier music. I listened to Nickelback
and Shinedown and rock
bands," Stoll said. "Then I
dont know what it was, but
freshman year of college I
started listening to more
country and was like, I kind
of want to tone it down.'"
Stoll plays shows both
by himself and with a band,
a group that includes his
brother, Nic Stoll. Under
the name The Bryton Stoll
Band, they play original
songs and cover classics like
Sweet Home Alabama" by
Lynyrd Skynyrd.
Nic thinks highly of his
brother and said hes a talented artist the genre is
prepared to take in.
Bryton can write a song
while performing other
tasks like working; its in-

Freshman year of
college I started
listening to more
country and was
like, I kind of want
to tone it down.
Bryton Stoll
engineering student

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb.

Focus on home over the next
two days. One domestic
phase closes as another
begins under this Taurus New
Moon. Spring cleaning?
Complete the past and invent
new possibilities for your
Pisces (Feb. 19-March
Complete old projects and
launch new creative works
with this New Moon. Begin a
new communications phase,
including research, broadcasting, writing, recording
and publishing. Make an
intellectual discovery. Share
what you're learning.

Alex Robinson/KANSAN
Bryton Stoll plays shows both solo and with his band, The Bryton Stoll Band.

credible, he said. The

folks in country music are
ready for someone like Bryton.
Bryton wants to make a
career out of music, and for
most people in country that
means going to Nashville.
For the time being, though,
hes content with where he
For one thing my family is in Kansas, Bryton
said. My brother is about
to have a kid so Id like to
hang out with my family. Also, theres way more
competition in Nashville. I
cant imagine a place with
more competition.
Nerves are foreign to
Bryton, for the most part,
when it comes to the big
picture of his career. The
only source of fear inside
of him is putting out music

that is rejected by music

I dont think [fans not
liking my music] will happen, but who knows," he
Bryton doesnt know
what his exact career path
will look like, or how hell
find success, but he has an
idea of what a great career
would look like.
As long as I end up
making music for a living,
getting to drive around
the country to play shows
and make money, I think I
would be satisfied," Bryton
said. "Ill keep going until
no one lets me do it anymore."
Edited by Skylar






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Students and



University Theatres Little Women creates

connection between director and lead actor

week after University Theatre

alumni perform
a variety show on April
1, another alumna, Amy
Corcoran, will return to
campus to direct University Theatre's latest production, "Little Women,"
which opens April 8.
Corcoran said coming back to direct "Little
Women" has been an
act of providence, having found her place in
the theater world after
graduating and given
that one of her favorite
mentors had directed
the musical on Broadway
not too long ago.
This is just a very
bizarre puzzle that Ive

found myself in, but I

wouldnt have asked
it to be any different,
Corcoran said. Plus I really love the play.
While she was a student, Corcoran, a psychology major, never
thought about choosing
to study theater.
I spent a good chunk
of my time as a student
performing despite the
fact that I was a psychology major when I was
at KU, Corcoran said.
Oddly enough, even
though I was singing
and directing and performing, I never thought
about being a theater
major when I was a student.
based on the novel by
Allan Knee of the same

name, centers around

a young woman named
Jo, played by sophomore
Sarah Van Zwoll, and
her sisters and mother during the American
Civil War.
Corcoran said to prepare for the performance
and to be as accurate and
true to the source material as possible, she went
straight to the novel.
Its been condensed
to fit in as much as possible from the novel,
Corcoran said. But I
think that weve really
developed these characters in such a way,
with these KU students
who are just hungry to
learn and to develop,
that weve stayed true
to the relationships and
feelings involved, and I

think thats the most important part.

Corcoran said not
only does she like the
story, but shes been able
to connect with it on a
personal level that she
hadnt expected.
Its about strong
women and what its like
for Jo to find her way,
Corcoran said. She
knows shes meant for
something special but
she doesnt know what
and I can remember
feeling that uncertainty
when I was a college student here at KU. I knew
what I wanted to do with
my life but I didnt know
how, and to be doing it,
all these years later here
at KU, is so bizarre and
Van Zwoll, from Over-

land Park, said she connects with Jos struggle

to find her way after recently switching her major after landing the role
changed her life."
I was in graphic design before I switched
to musical theater, Van
Zwoll said. I had been
thinking about making
the switch for a long
time, but it wasnt until recently that I got a
wake-up call and realized that this is what I
should be doing.
With parallels between their stories, its
not surprising that Van
Zwoll has found a mentor in Corcoran and said
that she wouldnt have
been able to play the
classic role if it hadnt
been for the alum.

She is so amazing,
Van Zwoll said. She has
really been such a rock
for me throughout this
process. Ive never had
a role like this before but
having someone believe
in you and support you
like she does has made it
an amazing experience.
Im so grateful to have
had her here.
"Little Women" opens
at 7:30 p.m. April 8.
Following performances will be on April 9, 10,
15, 16 and 17. Matinee
performances on April
10 and 17 will be at 2:30
p.m., and an audio description service will be
available at the April 10
performance for the visually impaired.
Edited by Skylar

Paige Stingley/KANSAN
Sarah Van Zwoll plays Jo in the University Theatres performance of Little Women, opening April 8.



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KU Tango gives students close-knit community

of dancers at all skill levels

rom ballroom to swing,

the University has an
eclectic collection of
dance groups and clubs accessible to all students on
campus. Whether theyre
masters of the art or just
looking for something to do
on a Monday night, anyone
can find their own fit.
KU Tango is no different,
offering classes, workshops
and practices focusing on the
sensual and lively Argentinean Tango.

I wasnt looking
for tango, I was just
trying out some new
things when I ran into
the dance and fell in
love with the music
and the challenge of
the technique.
Ali Irman
graduate student

Ali Imran, a graduate student from Pakistan studying

psychology and the founder
and president of KU Tango,
said his group is more about
the body than the dance, despite there being other dance
groups on campus.
Its a highly improvised
dance, Imran said. Other dances work on routines
and steps but with Argentine
Tango, you really focus on
the body work and the communication between you and
your partner. Youre really
building body awareness and
musicality rather than just
sticking to patterns.
Imrans passion for tango seemed to happen by accident a little over five years
ago when he was looking for
something to take his mind
off of his studies.
I wasnt looking for tango, Imran said. I was just
trying out some new things
when I ran into the dance
and fell in love with the music and the challenge of the
Imran said he had no
experience with tango before, or with any other dance
for that matter, but said he
couldnt deny how beautiful the practice was and was
inspired to share his experience with the rest of the student body.
There was a community group with a handful of
people downtown, and they
organized an intro to tango, and after going, I knew
this was something that KU
students deserved to have
on campus, Imran said. I
found a few other students
who were interested and
founded the club in 2011.
We have about 70 members
The club meets twice a
week for an informal prac-

tice, sometimes partnered

with Lawrence Tango, at
Signs of Life from 8-10 p.m.
and again on Thursdays for
a more structured class on
campus. Because of their
connection with Lawrence
Tango, KU Tango has 60
student members joined by
10 members from the community.
University students Mary
Mitchell, a freshman from
Overland Park, and Taylor
Moreno, a sophomore from
Lansing, said even meeting
just once a week gives them
a chance to destress with
Its a great way to get
away from the day and just
not think about school for
a few hours, Mitchell said.
Plus I get to hang out with
my friends and socialize in a
great atmosphere.
Moreno said while tango
has nothing to do with her
major, shes excited to have
a community to support her
in the future because of KU
Wherever you are, you
can always find the dancers,
and I feel like this is a skill
and an experience that Ill be
able to bring with me wherever I end up after graduating, Moreno said. Its nice
to know that Ill have something to bring with me that I
can fall back on for making
friends and finding a supportive community.
Laura Jimenez, a graduate student from Mexico
studying ecology and evolutionary biology, said she was
surprised to find the tango
community here in Kansas.
I was trying to find people that were interested in
dancing, and I was surprised
to find this style being taught
and practiced, Jimenez
said. I expected to only find
modern dances like hiphop.
Jimenez said KU Tango has helped her with her
studies and branching out
while on campus.
Its helped to have this
to go to when Im overwhelmed at school and I'm
really enjoying meeting,
not only other students, but
other people from the Lawrence area, Jimenez said.
Ill definitely continue with
tango after graduating after
this experience.
More information can be
found at the clubs Facebook page, KU Tango
Club. Beginners and
experienced dancers
are both welcome.
Edited by

graphic by Gracie Williams/KANSAN

Innovation Shaping the Future of Energy

Keynote Presenters Allyn Risley & Kyle Vann

Monday, April 11 // 9 am3 pm // Kansas Union Ballroom



Kansas softball prepares for final non-conference

contests against North Texas and Georgia Tech

After hitting the road for its

first Big 12 conference tilt
last weekend, Kansas soft-

ball will return home for its

final set of non-conference
games this weekend. The
Jayhawks are 20-13 on the
season including 1-2 in conference play.

Kansas will welcome two

teams North Texas and
Georgia Tech to Arrocha
Ballpark for a four-game
weekend series.

man Lauren Craine, who

have a combined 3.88 ERA.
Elder carries much of
the load on the mound. Elder has the lowest ERA on
the pitching staff (3.12), as
well as the most wins (11)
and most innings pitched
(112). She has pitched seven
complete games in 25 appearances.
The seven through nine
spots in the lineup are held
by freshman outfielder
Hannah Gerecke, sophomore infielder Lauren
Miller and freshman utility

player Casady Webb, who

have .158, .139 and .120
batting averages respectively. The trio have only produced 14 of the teams 274
Most of the offensive
production comes from the
leadoff hitter, junior infielder Kelli Schkade, who
has a team-high .423 batting average. She also leads
the team in home runs (12),
hits (47), RBIs (34) and
runs (36).

North Texas

Friday, April 8, and

Saturday, April 9

Paige Stingley/KANSAN
Infielders huddle in Tuesday nights game against the Wichita State Shockers.

Kansas will face North

Texas at 5 p.m. on Friday
and then again at 1:30 p.m.
on Saturday. The Mean
Green enter Lawrence with
an 18-16 overall record.
The team is 3-9 in Conference USA play. North Texas takes a defense-first approach due to poor pitching
on the mound and a lack of
offense in the bottom half of
the line-up.
North Texas' starting
rotation consists of junior
pitchers Jessica Elder, Stacey Underwood and fresh-

Georgia Tech

Saturday, April 9, and

Sunday, April 10
Kansas will face Georgia
Tech immediately following
the game with North Texas on Saturday. The teams
will rematch on Sunday at
11:30 a.m. to close out the
The Yellow Jackets come
in with a 14-21 record,
going 3-8 in the Atlantic
Coast Conference. The Yellow Jackets, much like the
Mean Green, have numerous problems offensively,

Paige Stingley/KANSAN
Jayhawk catcher Harli Ridling jumps into the arms of her cheering teammates. The Jayhawks defeated the St.
Louis Billikens 9-0 during Sunday afternoons Rock Chalk Challenge.

Clip and Save!

particularly in the bottom

half of the order.
Leading the way offensively for Georgia Tech is
infielder/outfielder Katie Krzus, who has
a team-best batting average
(.317), ranks third in RBIs
(10) and fifth in hits (20).
Spots one through five in
the batting order carry the
majority of the offense. Between them, they produce
122 of the 195 hits.

The pitching staff consists of sophomore Emily

Anderson and freshman
Jenna Goodrich. Combined, they post a 3.02 ERA
with 14 wins in 35 games.
However, the offense has
been unable to provide run
support to give them more
wins this season.

Edited by Madi




Kansas heads to Tulsa

for lone road exhibition contest

File Photo/KANSAN
Grace Hagan dribbles the ball against Oregon State. Hagan and Kansas will face Tulsa this Saturday.


or the first time this preseason, Kansas soccer

has the chance to face a
comparable opponent.
After losing by lopsided
scores to the Kansas men's
club team and NWSL champions FC Kansas City, Kansas will face Tulsa this Saturday, in Tulsa, Okla., at 1 p.m.
After the 3-0 loss to FC
Kansas City at Rock Chalk
Park on March 26, freshman
forward Grace Hagan said
she was looking forward to
facing a team on the same
"We understand [FC Kansas City is] a very good team,

but it's a good challenge for

us to have," Hagan said, "especially before we're playing
some other college teams
that we might be able to handle a little bit better than we
did this game."
It is certainly too early to
tell whether the Jayhawks
can improve in 2016. Last
season, Kansas missed the
NCAA tournament and faltered to a 3-4-1 record in Big
12 play to end the season.
Tulsa, with a 13-6-1 record last season, also missed
the tournament. The team
went 4-4-1 in the American
Athletic Conference, facing
lighter competition than
Kansas in conference play.
The two teams had one op-

ponent in common last season in Oklahoma, which

Tulsa lost to 2-1 and Kansas
defeated 1-0.

Our challenge
is going to be how
much offense we
can create. I think
weve got some
personnel coming
in that can help
with that.
Mark Francis
head coach

While one of the most

valuable assets to Kansas last

season was a freshman class
that contributed right away,
the program will be without one of its best players in
Parker Roberts has decided to transfer from the program. With midfielder Liana
Salazar, a leading scorer and
assist leader, graduating
along with forward Ashley
Williams, Kansas will depend even more on younger
players to contribute to the
With only Salazar, Williams and forward Courtney Dickerson graduating,
Kansas has plenty of senior
leadership. Seven seniors

are playing their last seasons

for Kansas soccer this year.
Head coach Mark Francis
said this leadership makes
for strong defensive play.
Of the regular starters at
defender last season, all of
them are seniors. Defensive
midfielders Jackie Georgoulis and Hanna Kallmaier are
also seniors.
"I think our strength's
definitely going to be defensive organization," Francis
said. "They understand what
we're trying to do. We're not
going to have to reteach them
a whole lot. Our challenge
is going to be how much offense we can create. I think
we've got some personnel
coming in that can help with

Francis said his Jayhawks
will be more athletic next
season. Joining the program
for 2016 will be Icelandic
midfielder Erna Gogjonsdottir, who looks to be a key
attacking player for next
season, along with forward
Mandi Duggan; midfielders
Katie McClure, Elise Reina
and Jordan Malone; and defender Addisyn Merrick.
After this weekend's contest against Tulsa, Kansas
will have two home matches
to conclude its spring exhibition schedule. In the first of
these matches, Kansas will
host Iowa on April 16 at Rock
Chalk Park.




John McLendon named

to Naismith Hall of Fame

n Monday, Kansas
named to the Naismith
Hall of Fame as a coach,
according to a release from
the outlet.
McLendon became the
coach in a professional
league in 1962. He died in
1999 at the age of 84.
McLendon is credited
with inventing the four
corners offense, which

was later popularized by

North Carolina coach Dean
Smith. According to the KU
Athletics release, McLendon was mentored by Dr.
James Naismith, the inventor of basketball, while
at Kansas.
Among his many accomplishments, McLendon
was the first African-American coach to win a national
championship and an AAU
national championship.
He joins former NBA
greats Allen Iverson and
Shaquille O'Neal, Michigan State coach Tom Izzo

Champion Sheryl Swoopes

among others in the
class, according to the release.
As a whole, the class will
be inducted at the Naismith
Memorial Basketball Hall
of Fame on Sept. 9.
Edited by Sarah


Former NASA engineer finds

dream job with Kansas football
Christian Hardy/KANSAN
Running backs coach Tony Hull speaks to the media for the first time as a Kansas coach. Hull is a former NASA engineer.


bout nine years ago,

Tony Hull walked
away from what, for
some, seemed like a dream
He endured five years of
engineering school at Louisiana-Lafayette while balancing his football schedule
to end up in the engineering
field. And about a year out
of college, it paid off.
Hull landed a job with
He loved the job as NASA
engineer. But it wasnt his
dream job; football was.
I loved my job at
NASA, Hull said. Just the
love for kids and the love of
for wanting to develop players on and off the field kind
of superseded my love for
In 2005, Hull, now Kansas running backs coach,
was volunteering as a high
school coach at his alma

mater, Sarah T. Reed Senior High School in New

Orleans. There he served as
the offensive line coach and
run game coordinator. The
next year, he volunteered
for another school while
still with NASA.
At the same time, on a
much wider scale, Hurricane Katrina was devastating New Orleans, and
it took entire high school
football teams with it. In
2007, many high school
athletic programs began
to claw their way back into
At the time, Warren
Easton Charter High School
hadnt played a game since
2004. In 2007, the school
began forming its football
team again, and Hull applied to be the coach, ready
to pursue what he thought
he was meant to do.
Easton job became available, I decided to go after
it, Hull said. If I got it, I

figured I would make the

switch and leave NASA.
Two months before
Warren Easton would return to the field, Hull was
hired. Because the school
was opening up a year later
than others, it only had 45
players, with just five that
had played football before.
The first three years,
Hull struggled. It wasnt
until the third year that
Hulls squad barely snuck
into the playoffs.
We developed a process
there me and the coaches
that were there and we
stuck to that process, Hull
said. Day in and day out,
no matter how hard or how
bleak it looked, we continued that process. And all of
a sudden, things just started rolling.
Hull, the former NASA
football coach, and his team
sky-rocketed. In 2014, his
team appeared in the state
championship; in 2015, it

made it to the state semifinals.

After nine years at Warren Easton, Hulls phone
started ringing for other
jobs. One of those calls was
from someone who Hull
considered a good friend:
Kansas coach David Beaty.
Hull first met Beaty
when Beaty was at Texas
A&M and recruited players
from Warren Easton. The
coaches stayed in touch
throughout the 2015 season, but when Beaty offered
him the Jayhawks vacant
running backs job this winter, he had other college offers on the table.
Ultimately, though, Hull
chose Kansas.
I think its because him
and I share the same common values: to love kids
and to always do right by
kids and our players, Hull
said. By us having the same
philosophies, it kind of tied
us together and joined us at
the hip.

Through ten spring

practices, hes settled into
his role with Kansas.
No longer a head coach,
he can focus on a single
position, which is a change
hes welcomed. He sports
a phone case on his iPhone
with a Jayhawk on the back,
and two rubber wristbands
with #EarnIt a Beaty
staple on Twitter printed
on both.
But the main reason hes
settled in is Beaty himself.
Hull and Beaty are not only
great friends but have run
similar offenses.
Tony Hulls been running what I run for a long
time at Warren Easton;
the terminology is almost
exactly the same. He came
and studied with us at
A&M, and it was very, very
similar stuff, Beaty said
after the first spring practice. Some of that was by
design, but the real part of
it was because they were the
right men.

Still, even in comfort

early in Kansas, he never
looks back on his last 13
years especially not with
regret. Though each move
in his life has been integral
to getting him to the next,
and eventually to Kansas,
he focuses on now.
His move from NASA
set him on the path of his
passion. His time at Warren Easton connected him
with Beaty. It opened his
eyes to an offense similar
to Beatys. Now hes at a
place he hopes to call home
for the near future after his
long life in Louisiana.
It was all incredibly
influential to where I am
today, Hull said. I like it
the way it is here; guys and
coaches trusting the process, and were getting better every day. Its going to
pay out in the end.
Edited by Brendan

Kansas offense making strides ahead of spring game


Through the 15 spring

practices Kansas football
had before last season,
there were constant hints of
Kansas coach David
Beaty and offensive coordinator Rob Likens were installing a new offense, while
defensive coordinator Clint
Bowen was switching to a
four-down defensive front.
And all of that change was
coming with a lack of experience among their players.
This year though, its
been different for the
coaches. Simply put: its
less learning and more doing.
Oh my goodness, Likens said when reminded
of last spring. Youd see
me walk off the field last
year and I was white, really
white, shaking my head going, Wow. It was definitely
a different feel.
For the offense, everything has become more effortless this spring with a
year under their belts.
Montell Cozart said Beatys
configuration of the offense
is the simplest hes played
in. Likens said its the reason they have been able
to make such a significant
jump this year in spring
A lot of its the same,
but theres obviously several different things, Likens

said. The reason that were

able to make the jump were
seeing every day is because
a lot of the concepts are the
same as what we did last
For Cozart, the slightly-changed offense means
two things, beside the simplicity: speed and responsibility.

Youd see me
walk off the
field last year
and I was white
[...] shaking my
Rob Likens
Offensive coordinator

Beaty, as the quintessential quarterbacks coach, is

putting more in the quarterbacks hands as he spends
more time with them in
practice. But hes also emphasizing pace a part of
the offense that didnt meet
expectations last year.
We go so fast, we rely on
tempo to help us speed up
the defense to where they
cant do so much against
us, Cozart said. We have
all the answers to the test as
quarterbacks, and we just
have to be able to put our
offense into great situations
and great positions to move
the ball.
The first look at Beatys

quicker, improved offense

will be at Saturdays spring
football game, which is set
for a 1 p.m. start.
I just want to go out
there and compete, make
good throws and be able to
put our offense into great
situations, Cozart said.
Its just another practice,
going against the defense.
Its going to be fun. Its the
closest thing we can get to
being in our season.
Players to watch:
Junior wide receiver
LaQuvionte Gonzalez
Gonzalez is a Texas
A&M transfer who sat out
last year, but has been making waves with his athleticism in spring camp. Hes
5-foot-10, 175-pounds, and
is a speedy guy whos done
most of his work outside in
Difference-maker. Very
quick. Glad to have him,
Likens said. Hes at a different speed, and he can
make people miss in the
open field. Thats what we
were lacking last year.
running back
Taylor Martin
Martin was platooned by
other running backs in the
crowded Kansas backfield
during his freshman year,
but should have a bigger
role this year behind starting back Keaun Kinner.

File Photo/KANSAN
Now-senior quarterback Montell Cozart makes a throw downfield in a 2015 game. Cozart will start the spring game.

Kinner has been banged up

in camp and isnt expected
to have much of a role in the
If Taylor continues to
progress the way he has,
you can definitely expect
to see some exciting things
from him, running backs
coach Tony Hull said. His
ability to stick his foot in
the ground and get vertical
is one of the best Ive seen.

defensive end
Dorance Armstrong, Jr.

Armstrong is a raw,
lanky end who will provide

a ton of speed off the end

for the Jayhawks this year
with the loss of defensive
end Ben Goodman. Hes
expected to start in the upcoming season, but coaches
still think he can do more
before he reaches his potential.
The sky is the limit for
him, defensive line coach
Michael Slater said. Hes
as skinny as a racing lizard
right now. Were planning on playing 13 or 14
games this year, so he needs
to put himself in a position
to be successful.
Senior safety
Bazie Bates IV

Bates spent last season

learning behind senior safety Fish Smithson and now
graduated safety Michael
Glatczak after transferring
in from Trinity Valley Community College. This year,
he should have a bigger impact.
He ended last season
with two tackles and an interception against Kansas
State, and should start this
year off on the same foot.
Expect to see him a bit with
the first and second-team
Edited by Michael

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