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Cadence tool installation

and mounting
Revision 3.0
Iscape 4.1

Developed by,
Cadence, Bangalore

Table of contents

I-scape Installation procedure

Checklist before we start the procedure
List of Activities to be done on Server side
Licensing the tool
List of Activities to be done on each of the client
Mounting the tool on all the clients

Make sure that you have the required binaries with you.
Log in to your Linux in root.

Checklist before we start:

Firewall should be disabled

Login to root UserName: su and password xxxxxxxx

Type setup
Setup window pops up
Click firewall tab and check if it is disabled or not.
If not, disable it
Move through different options in Setup window using tab

Check for the operating system (RedHat Linux 5/6 any update)

In the terminal window type the command cat /etc/redhat-release

Server and the Client machines should be assigned a static IP address and
a hostname.
o Check for the hostname and IP address for server and clients
o Type the command hostname to check the hostname
o Type /sbin/ifconfig to know the machines IP and also to check if
eth0 is active

All the client machines should be able to ping the server with the IP
address of the server as well as the hostname of the server with 0% packet
loss.( Please use ping command )

Client machines should also ping themselves with their respective

hostname and the IP address.

Client machines date and time should be in proper sync with that of

A separate login can be created for the root and the user in the client

Ftp and telnet must be enabled


Try to telnet to a client from a server and try to transfer a test file
to it (optional)

Server should have a DVD reader.

Open a terminal and create a directory
]$ mkdir Cadence_tools
]$ cd Cadence_tools
Put the DVD containing binaries in to DVD reader.
In the same terminal opened previously untar the Base_<tool name>_xxx.tar files
]$tar xvf /media/xxxxx/Base_IC06.15.011_lnx86_1of7.tar

Do the step five for all the base .tar files.

In the same terminal opened previously untar the Hotfix_<tool name>_xxx.tar

Do the step five for all the hotfix .tar files.

Two directories will be created.
Go into the Base directory and then to CDROM1

]$cd Base_IC<directory name>

]$cd CDROM1
Untar the IScape04.11<name>.tar.Z
]$tar xvf IScape04.11<>name.tar.Z

Go into the iscape4.1 directory and then to bin
]$cd iscape<name>
]$cd bin
Run the iscape.

]$ /
After typing the above and pressing enter you wll get a window like,

Select the localdirectory/Media Install option and set the path upto

Select the check box and click next.

Make sure that all the check boxes are selected.
Browse the installation directory.

After browsing click Start.

If a pop up comes and ask you to choose Y or N press Y and then press Enter.

Click Enter to continue. (When it will ask to configure)

After installation you can see the Installation and Configuration status as

Click done and close/exit the installscape window.
In the terminal go to the Hotfix_....then to CDROM1.
Repeat the step 8 to step 17 for hotfix installation.

Note: If you have the binaries as tar files only (not base and hotfix i.e not iscape
installation) then just untar the binaries in a directory for tool installation.
You have to install the tools in the server PC.

List of activities to be done on Server Side

1. Get the Hostname
2. Get the Ipadr, Hw No. (eth0 must be active)
3. Ping server (self) with Host_name &
4. Open & edit /etc/exports file
5. Edit the license file
6. Up the license through lmgrd
7. Check the license daemons status
8. Reboot nfs twice
8. Check lmstat to see if license got invoked by
the client

Basic Commands
~]$ hostname
~]$ /sbin/ifconfig a
~]$ ping <server_name or IP>
gvim /etc/exports and edit the file
gvim /
]$ lmdrd c license_filename
]$ lmstat all c port_no@server_hostname
]$ /etc/init.d/nfs execute twice

List of activities to be done on Clients Side

1. Create a sub-directory in mount

]$ Mkdir /mnt/cadence_tools

2. Edit /etc/hosts
3. Ping Server and self with respective
hostname and IPs

Add IP address and host name of server and the

]$ Ping server_hostname/Server_IP
]$ ping client_host name/Client_IP

4. Edit /etc/fstab file

Mount the tool w.r.t its path in the server

5. Edit cshrc file

Set the license path in the file

1. To know the hostname of the Server/Client
]$ hostname

2. To know the IP- address and Host ID of the System:

]$ /sbin/ifconfig -a
Below figure shows the example for this command. Note the IP-address and Host
ID (or Hardware-address) under eth0 section.

3. Operating System details: (for Linux only)

a. To know the operating system and its version details on present
working machine (Server), type the below command in terminal
[santosh@blropt06 /etc]$ cat /etc/redhat-release
[santosh@blropt06 /etc]$ uname -a

4. Self-Ping Server with its host name and IP address


-- Ping <server_hostname> or <Server_IP>

-- Contrl C to break the pinging
-- Make sure there is zero packet loss
[santosh@blropt04 Software]$ ping
PING blropt04 ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from blropt04 ( icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=0.050
64 bytes from blropt04 ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.051
64 bytes from blropt04 ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.052
64 bytes from blropt04 ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.048
64 bytes from blropt04 ( icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=0.051
--- blropt04 ping statistics --5 packets transmitted, 5 received, 0% packet loss, time 4000ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.048/0.050/0.052/0.006 ms, pipe 2
5. Edit /etc/exports file
a. Open exports file
gvim /etc/exports
b. Get the path where the tools are installed in the server
Eg: /ccstools/cdsind1/Software/
c. Append the following line in the file
/ccstools/cdsind1/Software/ *(rw, sync)
* signifies IP Addresses of the clients

6. Edit the license file

To work on any cadence tool, corresponding tool license must be

License file will be in text format.


For license file generation, customer needs to provide Host ID (or)

Physical Address of the machine for which license needs to be generated
(Generally server machine)
Generally, the license will be generated to the server machine, in
requested quantity, while purchasing it.

Below figure shows the License Keys section of a typical license file

SERVER Cadence_Server 0019B9584B9A 5280

Server host name

Server Hardware ID
Port No.
In the first line, by default the server name would be Cadence_Server
You need to change this default name with the host name of the machine (Server)
for which the license is generated. Likewise, Server_hardware ID and port
number are changed accordingly.
SERVER <Server_HostName or Server IP> <Server_HW ID> <PortNo>
Second line gives the License Daemon info. By default it will be mentioned as
./cdslmd You need to change the Daemon path (or cdslmd path) as per the LCU
(License Configuration Utility) location in the server
DAEMON cdslmd <Location of the License Daemons (cdslmd)>

Ex: DAEMON cdslmd /export/home/user1/lcu/tools/bin/cdslmd

Here the cdslmd is placed inside tools/bin folder of LCU.
Save and Exit

Below figure shows the complete modified license file.


- PC-BLRTR10 Host Name of the Server

- /export/home/user1/lcu/tools/bin/cdslmd - Path for License Daemon
7. Licensing Executables
a. After modifying the license file, you need to up the license to activate
it and makes the tool ready to use.
b. To up the license, to down the license, and to test the license status
there are pre-defined executables.
lmgrd: This command is used to up the license
lmgrd -c <license_file_name>
lmgrd -c new_oct12.txt
Here new_oct12.txt is the license file name.
When the above command is executed, it will return the confirmation message with
respect to license file, as shown


If there is any problem in upping the license file, it will return the below message.

Above problem occurs, when path file is not properly set to the lcu/tools/bin path.


This problem occurs when host_name in the license file is not properly set.


This problem occurs when Daemon (cdslmd) path is not properly set in the license file.
(Please compare it with top figure, i.e for successful lmgrd. You can note here, there is no
cdslmd section.)
lmstat: Once the license file is up, in order to check the status of the license (i.e How
many license are being used presently), we can use this command
Usage: Below command shows the usage of this executable
lmstat -a -c <license_file_name> or
lmstat -a -c <port_name>@<IP_address_of_the_licensing_machine>
lmstat -a -c my_license.txt (or)
lmstat -a -c 5280@169.354.150.178
- my_license.txt Name of the license file
- 5280 - Port number; 169.354.150.178 - IP_address of the present licensing
Executing the above command will return the present status of the license, as shown


lmdown: At any point of time, if we want to down the license server, use this
Usage: Below command shows the usage of this executable
lmdown -c <license_file_name>
lmddown c new_opt12.txt
- new_opt12.txt is the name of the license file
Executing this command returns a confirmation message, Type y and press enter to
confirm it, as shown


(Note: At any point of time, while working with the tool on client machines, do not shut
down the server machine on which the license is up and running. This will automatically
down the license and you cant work with the tool.)
8. Reboot the NFS
Once the license is up and running, the final step to do is to reboot the nfs using the
following command
/etc/init.d/nfs (Execute twice)
Execute the above command twice to complete the reboot
6. Create a directory in mount directory

Mkdir /mnt/cadence_tools

7. Edit /etc/hosts
8. Ping server and self with hostname and IPs

Add IP address and host name of server

and the client
Ping server_hostname/client_host name

9. Edit /etc/fstab file

Append mount line in the file

1. Change to Mount Directory in the client

cd /mnt/
2. Create a directory in the mnt folder say Cadence_tools


mkdir Cadence_tools
3. Edit hosts file in /etc folder
gvim /etc/hosts
By default the following lines would already be there inside this file

Append the following two new lines to the file

<server IP address>
<Server_Host Name>
<client IP address>
<Client_Host Name>
After the Hostname and IP addresses of both server and client are added, the file looks as
shown below

Client IP address and Client

Server IP Address and Server Host
the Server with Server_HostName and Server name
IP address to confirm whether the
hosts file is read properly
- ping
- ping
5.Similarly ping the client with Client_Hostname and Client IP address
- ping
- ping
6. Mounting the tools on the client

Open fstab file


gvim /etc/fstab
Below snapshot shows a sample fstab file

Append a new line with servers host name, Tools path in the server, and mounted
path to this file in the following format
<Server_HostName>:/<Tools Path in Server> /mnt/Cadence_tools nfs default 0 0

Eg: server04cadence:/ccstools/cdsind1/tools/

/mnt/Cadence_tools nfs default 0 0

Below snapshot shows the sample fstab file after the new line is appended


Tools Path
Mounted path
- Check whether the tool has mounted
Mnt]# ls l Cadence_tools/
- If mounting fails we could give following command in the terminal itself
mount f nfs <Server_HostName>:/<Toolspath><space> /mnt/Cadence_tools
Or Simply type mount a in the terminal.


7. CSHRC file (Client Side)


Open the cshrc file

gvim cshrc

Set the license path in the file by adding the following line
setenv LM_LICENSE_FILE <port_number>@<host_name_of_the_server>

The above line sets the path for license. It defines the server information from where the
present working machine (Client) picks the tool license.

Below figure shows the typical cshrc file with the license path set

As cshrc file (kept in each client machine) contains the below line

When you source cshrc file, the clients automatically pick the license from server
according to provided server host name.
- Instead of host name of the server, you can also mention the IP address of the
server, as shown in below line
Ex: setenv LM_LICENSE_FILE 5280@<IP-address_of_the_server>)


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