Term Paper Marketing Communication

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Any company or organization which engaged in marketing the product(s) or Services particularly
in Tanzania uses different means of advertisements. The advertisement chosen by the
organization its main purpose is to attract targeted customer and ultimately is for the organization
to guarantee the sales. For the purpose of this study I shall select two advertising message used
by Tanzania Tourist Board in England.
The advertisements that will be discussed are Billboard, and Television (Big Screen) on the
stadium which are very expensive, but reach many people at their destination, and very
successful advertisement, according to TTB.
The study in detail shall will describe the targeted audience and justify from the advertisements.
The approach positioning adapted by TTB marketer and to find out why marketer decided on the
Another core issue is to tress out whether TTB used position statement that conforms to the
required parameters.

The Tanzania Tourist Board (TTB) is a Government organization, established under the Tanzania
Tourist Board Act, CAP 364. The main functions of the Board include the promotion of
Destination Tanzania, encouraging tourism development, and fostering an understanding within
Tanzania of the importance and economic benefits of the tourist industry. The main function of
the body to market the tourism service and product that found within Tanzania destination also to
provide potential information to the tourist and Tanzanian where it needed, such as The number
of visitors per year, or an emergence situation such disease and natural disasters so as to avoid
any problem and disturbers for tourist. Tanzania Tourist Board is responsible on advertizing
international tourism and domestic tourism.
A) Who are the targeted audience for the selected message? Explain
The targeted audience in this massage or advertisement were European Tourist and Young
Adventures from Europe especially United Kingdom.
European Tourist, Tanzania Tourist Board (TTB) in their massage (advertisement) target much
European who seemed lover on adventures differ from American tourist who likes leisure
tourism, this shown clearly due to the cross boundary marketing that reach direct to United
Kingdom for seeking the adventure marketing power which easier to persuade neighboring
countries to come in Tanzania and experience the real product among the world natural seven
Also Young Adventures TTB targeted young generation who likes adventures, hence they think
to find place which can be easy to meet crowd of young people and transforming rapidly and

clearly information about their product and service and result appoint Blackburn rovers Football
Stadium as a meeting point and place their advertisement.
B) What approach of positioning is adopted by the marketer? Why do you think so?
Positioning is also defined as the way by which the marketers attempt to create a distinct
impression in the customer's mind, specifically, the place, product, brand, or group of products
occupies in consumers minds relative to competing offerings.
There are seven common Approach of brand or product positioning. There are as following.

positioning by product attribute (product feature and/or benefit),

Positioning by Users
positioning by product class,
positioning versus competition,
positioning by use/application, and
positioning by quality or value.

The Marketing department of Tanzania Tourist Board (TTB) has used two types of brand
positioning, such as Positioning by versus competition and positioning by user.
Reasons of Marketers to use the above approach on positioning the tourism service found in
Tanzania positioning.

Positioning by User, Most of the tourist from Europe likes mountain climbing but first
question they ask how many meters it has, for how much it known (product class) before
any purchasing, some of them are very aware with Kilimanjaro Mountain while others do
not, TTB decided to market on football stadium since most of the watchers are young
also likes adventures, from this reason the marketers occur expensive cost of laying out
the short information on advertisement about land of Kilimanjaro in the stadium.

Also the Marketers use versus competition positioning since most of East African and
African countries in general fighting for European tourist market, the country like Kenya
are well using such opportunity of Kenya Airways and sometimes advertise Mt
Kilimanjaro are found in Kenya, but Tanzania must go direct to the market and must hard
work on advertisement hence to get potential share at European tourism market, and
making clearity on where the Mountain found and who belong them.

C) Is there any positioning statement? Does it confirm to the required parameters for an
effective positioning statement? Discuss
A positioning statement is an expression of how a given product, service or brand fills a
particular consumer needs in a way that its competitors don't. TTB positioning statement
Conquer Tanzania Kilimanjaro Mountain
TTB positioning statement confirms the required parameters for effective positioning statement
for the following reasons.
Values, Mission statements typically include a statement of company values. Values such as
customer service. TTB described clearly the value of the mountain Kilimanjaro, which other
mountain has not, also describe the activity that available which can not practiced in other tourist
destination. Also remind the customer service that available from the qualified tour guide.
Technology, also is the other good positioning statement that used by Mt Kilimanjaro team, they
are using modern helicopter in case of any emergence, also latest hot Balloons for those who
what to experience such activity on climbing.
Location: Mt Kilimanjaro are knows well that is the land of Tanzania, and the good rout on
climbing mountain available in Tanzania, so is not easy for any other country to advertise the Mt
Kilimanjaro since the product are found in Tanzania and service also available there, thus why
positioning statement said Conquer Tanzania Kilimanjaro Mountain
Political Boundaries: When the tourist looking for map clearly sees the right and authority of
TTB to advertise Mountain Kilimanjaro, this is other parameter for such positioning statement
since there is no country to say Mt Kilimanjaro are their land.

D) What type of appeal (s) is used in the message? Explain.

Commercial advertisement use some form of appeal to reach a potential customers,
advertisement use appeal to influence a customer to purchase a product or support a brand.

Appeals always speak to an individual need, wants and interest. The most common
advertisement appeals are sex appeal, humor appeal, and fear appeal.
TTB marketing department used Fear Appeal and Benefit appeal in the massage. The marketers
used such Appeal due to the following reasons.
Fear Appeal, most of the young tourist (Mountain Climbers) interesting much on the adventures
tourism, when you advertising tourist service or product you must speak about dangerous
experience, the picture of Mt Kilimanjaro seemed tallest, snow full, and including reptilians
which are danger. From such fear the adventures are very interesting to buy such product or
service since meet their wants and interests of experience in the product.
Benefit appeal, the customer behavior always wants to know the benefit which archived by the
consumer in a certain product, by understanding such element the TTB marketing department
clearly shows the benefit that archived by adventures or mountain climber, when they conquer
Mt Kilimanjaro, Example Recognition Certificate, involve in the record log, free honor T-shirt
and so many other, and a lot available for personal health which are most important.
E) Do you find integration of some promotion mix element in the massage?
In marketing, the promotional mix describes a blend of promotional variables chosen by
marketers to help a firm reach its goals. It has been identified as a subset of the marketing mix. It
is believed that there is an optimal way of allocating budgets for the different elements within the
promotional mix to achieve best marketing results, and the challenge for marketers is to find the
right mix of them. Activities identified as elements of the promotional mix vary, but the Tanzania
Tourist Board used the following promotion mix in their marketing.
Advertising is the paid presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, or services by an identified
sponsor in a mass medium. Examples include print ads, radio, television, billboard, direct mail,
brochures and catalogs. In term of advertisement TTB used the billboard of the stadium to
present their product and service, through the stadium the advertisement are well success since
more than 60 thousand people see the advertisement every weekend.

Personal selling is the process of helping and persuading one or more prospects to purchase a
good or service or to act on any idea through the use of an verbal or non verbal presentation,
often in a face-to-face manner or by telephone. Examples include sales presentations. In this
element Tanzania tourist Board used the Sunderland Players to present the sale in their exercise
T-shirt as seen at the pictures.
Sales Promotion is media and non-media marketing communication used for a pre-determined
limited time to increase consumer demand, stimulate market demand or improve product
availability. Examples include coupons, and brochures, some of the big match in the home
stadium of Blackburn rovers, the audience were given brochures as a package of tickets.
Public relations or publicity is information about a firm's products and services carried by a
third party in an indirect way. This includes free publicity as well as paid efforts to stimulate
discussion and interest. It can be accomplished by planting a significant news story indirectly in
the media, or presenting it favorably through press releases or corporate. Examples at the
breaking time, the Tv of the Stadium were shown what best to experience in Mt Kilimanjaro, the
big screen were very clear and interested many of the football watchers
Sponsorship of an event or contest or race is a way to generate further positive publicity. TTB
were sponsor the warming t-shirt of sunderland in the Barclays premium league, the sponsor also
helps on marketing of Mountain Kilimanjaro and Tanzania in general.
Direct Marketing is a channel agnostic form of advertising that allows businesses and
nonprofits to communicate directly to the customer, with methods such as mobile messaging,
email, interactive consumer websites, online display ads, fliers, catalog distribution, promotional
letters, and outdoor advertising. During this time of advertisement TTB also lay out their official
website, the website has the function of making direct communication and sales by replying an
Product placement is paying a movie studio or television show to include a product or service
prominently in the show. In the stadium the scream were showing the different tourism activities
that conducted during the climbing mountain.

In the targeting audience, positioning approach, positioning statement, advertisement appeal and
promotion mix element are well showed and organized by the TTB in their advertisement for
marketing tourism service and product that available in Tanzania. Due to that effort, the
Tanzanian government should expand the budget of marketing Tanzania in and out of Africa and
marketers department should be very creativity and work hard in research and development for
seeking new markets.


Conquer Tanzania Kilimanjaro Mountain

PERSONAL SALLING by Sunderland Player


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Kotler and Armstrong (2006), Principles of Marketing, Prentice Hall.
Root (1994) p.3 The influence of internal and external factors on entry modes- D-UPPSAT
DR. PROF. SHIV K. TRIPATHI Class Sessions.

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