Tourism IA

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Tourism Internal Assessment

Name:Roshea R. Masters
School:St.Hughs High School
Territory: Jamaica
Candidate #:
Centre #:
Year of Examination: 2016


Table of Contents

Executive Summary

Jamaica Union of Travellers Association (JUTA) tours is a very popular transportation

service which provides a wide range of transport modes such as cars, minivans, limousines and
also trucks to locals as well as international clients. The organization is located at 49 Lady
Musgrave Road, Kingston but other branches are located island wide such as in Montego Bay,
Falmouth, Ochio Rios, Portland and also Manchester. It was established in 1973 and is owned
and operated by an association of member organizations. The Mission Statement of JUTA is
Everything Transportation, this means that they provide all types of transportation. JUTA aims
to provide excellent transportation services island wide. The physical environment of the
business coexists positively within the environment and does not necessarily degrade the air,
water systems or other natural systems. The organization has made links with the Events and
Conferences sector over the years.
It is the researchers intention to highlight the strategies that may be employed to deal
with issues related to sustainability as well as to provide recommendations for dealing with such

Description/Profile of the Business

JUTA, located at 49 Lady Musgrave Road in the urban area of Kingston Jamaica,
surrounded by other business places and complexes, is owned by an association made up of over
300 member organizations. The Kingston branch of the business currently employs 9 staff
members which includes 1 secretary, 1 treasurer, 1 secretary, 1 company secretary, 3 accountants
and 3 persons in the sales department. The business offers a range of transport to clients to take
them around the island. The clients who mainly utilize the services are both local and
internationals seeking transport from place to place. Clients who use JUTA services include
organizations and companies, churches and also schools for trips. The organization assists the
members of the community by providing jobs for them. The organization employs both locals
and international people to work with them, international people are hired mainly because of the
language barrier which may arise when dealing with international clients. Tell how they practice

In order to carry out this research, various methods of data collection were used. These
methods included observation and an interview.
Interview is the verbal conversation between two people with the objective of collecting
relevant information for the purpose of research. The reason the researcher chose to use
interview as a data-gathering tool is due to the fact that it provides a more hands on feel than
questionnaire because you can see the persons face when theyre responding. Advantages of
using interviews include, In depth analysis, through planed interviews detailed information can
be collected which enables proper analysis of a problem. Also, It is time saving, Interview can
help to save time to select the best suitable candidate. Within a very short time communication
can be accomplished with the interview. A telephone interview was conducted with the president
of the organization along with a face-to-face interview.
The term observation can be defined as the action or process of closely observing or monitoring
something or someone. The observation at the organization was carried out over a one-day
period, which was the day the interview was carried out. This method was chosen to use as a data
collection method because of the fact that more honest responses can be received when a person
does not know that they are being observed. Advantages of using observation include the fact
that Data collected is very accurate in nature and also very reliable, also observation Helps in
understanding verbal responses more efficiently. One limitation in using the telephone interview
method was the fact that the respondent was speaking too fast and the researcher was not able to
fully understand what was being said and also the researcher was not able to record all the

The researcher also encountered overall problems in carrying out the research. These
problems included the fact that the researcher did not get to visit the site on the set date as a
result of the examinations which took place in January. Also, another problem encountered in
carrying out the research was the 2016 General Election which caused the president of the
organization to be very busy due to the fact that the organization were busy providing vehicles so
there was no member of the organization readily available to speak to and conduct the interview

Identification and description of inter-sectoral linkages

The term linkage refers to the usage of other sectors at the destination, which stimulates
the economy as a whole and creates synergy effects between different sectors of the economy.
Over the years JUTA has managed to form linkages with various sectors such as the Food and
Beverage sector, Events and Conferences sector and also The Attractions sector.
As it relates to the Food and Beverage sector, tour operators often times transport locals
and visitors to local eateries for example, Glorias, a famous sea food restaurant located at Port
Royal, is a famous recommendation when visitors ask for a nice place to get sea food.
As mentioned, JUTA also makes links with the Events and Conferences sector. The most
recent link with this sector occurred when JUTA was asked to provide 547 vehicles for the
February 25, 2016 General Elections. JUTA also caters for school field trips, church trips and
funerals as well as government conferences, where they provide shuttle services to and from
these events.
JUTA tours is one of the islands premiere transport operators that provides reliable
transport services to all. As it relates to JUTAs link with the attraction sector, JUTA provides
comfortable, efficient services to both locals and visitors to the islands top attractions such as
Mystic Mountains, Dunns River Falls, Chukka Adventure Park and others. The reason the
Attractions sector links with JUTA is due to the fact that they are able to provide strong vehicles,
which can withstand all types of terrains.
Linkages are important because they insert reason.

Assessment of environmental and social impacts created by the

Not only does JUTA benefit communities by providing employment for the members, but
also, impacts socially and environmentally. Social impacts are created by JUTA in the form of
sponsorships and giving back to communities and its people. Recently JUTA sponsored a
wedding free of cost and being the official transport for that wedding. They also sponsor schools
and provide official transport for their field trips. JUTA has been helpingchildren in a major way
by putting on school kids promotions when it is back to school time where they give children
free school items. As it relates to the environmental impacts, JUTA uses the recommended oil to
fuel all vehicles, diesel, which is said to be better for the environment. Also, in order to keep
people from littering the environment, signs are placed on buses and other vehicles instructing
people of how to properly dispose of their garbage. Also the company ensures that cans are
attached to all vehicles to promote proper garbage disposal.

After careful observation, the researcher would like to make a few recommendations as it
relates to fixing the problem. One recommendation the researcher would like to make is that the
organization starts to recycle.

In conclusion,







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