Nanochemistry: Sebastian Polarz

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Encyclopedia of

Nanoscience and

Sebastian Polarz
Ruhr-University Bochum, Bochum, Germany

1. Nanochemistry: Denitions
and Expectations
2. Nanochemically Designed
Features in Nature
3. Nanochemical Strategies: Self-Assembly
and the Nanoreactor Concept
4. Hard-Matter Chemical Connements
5. Soft-Matter Chemical Connements
6. Summary

The term nanochemistry was originally invented by G. Ozin
from Toronto back in 1992 [1]. In this article, Ozin described
the state of the eld at this point. Nanochemistry is highly
related to the larger eld of Nanotechnology [27], which
promises to be a future focus for many sciences (chemistry,
physics, engineering, etc.). One might say that nanotechnology contains the disciplines nanochemistry, nanophysics,
nanoengineering, and many other disciplines. It might be
questionable if such a differentiation makes much sense
because as nanotechnology itself is highly interdisciplinary,
a topic like nanochemistry cannot be reduced to one eld as
well. However, a denition as sharp as possible is required.

1.1. Denition of Nanochemistry and

the Correlation to Nanotechnology
Obviously, the term nanochemistry is composed of the two
words nano and chemistry. Nano is a description of the
relevant lengthscales l or dimensions in this eld, namely,
the nanometer-sized dimension. Nowadays, this differentiation is not anymore absolutely correct because nano can
mean everything above molecular dimensions (l > 1 nm)
and smaller than macroscopic sizes (<1 m) [8]. This might

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have initiated Ozin to talk about mesochemistry rather

than nanochemistry some time later [9].
For this chapter, chemistry (the second component of
nanochemistry) stands for two sorts of events. Chemistry
can mean the construction of larger units from smaller ones
(synthetic point-of-view) also represented by the well-known
expression bottom-up approach, or simple reactions
between molecules without forming time-durable chemical bonds (physico-chemical point-of-view). The bottom-up
approach stands in contrast to the top-down approach
taken by nanophysics and nanoengineering. Therefore,
nanochemistry is unique.
This new type of matter, created by nanochemistry,
smaller than a macroscopic unit but signicantly larger than
a few pairs of atoms or molecules, should have unique
and novel electronical, optical, magnetic, photochemical,
electrochemical, catalytical, or mechanical properties (see
Section 2.2 about quantum-size effects) and applications.
In other words, nanochemistry describes how this special
sort of matter can be created and organized by designing
new experiments applying well-established chemical methods. Mainly, three strategies for this type of chemical syntheses can be mentioned [8]:
Sequential formation of covalent bonds. This method
allows the generation of structures of limited size but
far away from the thermodynamic equilibrium.
Covalent polymerization. High molecular mass macromolecules are produced. A control about a designed
composition in these objects is difcult to achieve.
Self-organizing synthesis. Smaller units are assembled by weak intermolecular forces (van der Waals,
electrostatic) into organized structures. Examples are
molecular crystals, liquid crystals, micelles, emulsions,
phase-separated polymers, LangmuirBlodgett lms,
and self-assembled monolayers. Several orders of magnitude can be addressed this way and the structures are
in thermodynamic equilibrium.
On the other hand, the chemistry itself, the way molecules
behave, might change when matter is conned to such small
length scales as several nanometers. This is an extension
of the original meaning of nanochemistry because chemical
rules themselves may change.

Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

Edited by H. S. Nalwa
Volume 6: Pages (179196)

In clear contrast to this stands nanophysics. Here, a topdown approach tries to scale down objects until they are in
the nano-size regime [10]. For instance, one very important
technique of nanophysics, is nanolithography [10, 11].
So, how does nanochemistry t into the concept of nanotechnology and what is nanotechnology? Nanotechnology
can be described as an engineering discipline in which the
task is to prepare functional devices and structures that have
every nanometer-sized subunit (molecules or atoms) in the
proper place. Under these conditions, all units with their
known properties act together and create new functions.
This is just an extremely brief description and the further
interested reader is referred to the literature [27, 12, 13].
Thus, nanochemistry covers strategies to prepare nanotechnologically relevant devices by a bottom-up approach.

1.2. Expectations
The structures that emerge from nanochemical experiments
certainly have new and sometimes unexpected properties as
will be mentioned later in this article. They are believed
to be able to solve many problems (and already did), to
overcome established materials, and to initiate completely
new elds of applications [14]. Some points of interest are
sensors [1522], molecular recognition [23], controlling the
mechanical strength of composites, drug release systems,
clean up of environmental pollutants, electrochromic displays or paper, or separation and detection of biomolecules
Two areas of materials derived by nanochemistry are
of extraordinary importance. One is the so-called smartmaterials area. These are materials that are able to dynamically respond to externally applied stimuli (chemical or
physical ones) [2427].
Second, nanostructures are expected to have a signicant
impact on computer technology via minimization of devices,
increase of memory speed, and mesoscopic wires for nanosized electrical circuits [2831].
Finally, the ultimate goal, which yet sounds like some type
of science ction, is to create nanomachines and nally a
special nanomachine called the assembler. These types of
systems have been dened nicely by G. M. Whitesides [32]:
I choose to take a machine to be a device performing a task.
Going further, a machine has a design; it is constructed following
some process; it uses power; it operates according to information built into it when it is fabricated.    why shouldnt a complex
molecular system that performs a function also be considered a
machine    So the issue is not whether nanoscale machines can
existthey already door whether they can be important    but
rather where we should look for new ideas for design.

And about the assembler he writes:

It would be a new type of machinea universal fabricator. It
would make any structure, including itself    The assembler
essentially is a nanorobot able to put everything in a nano-device
in the proper spot with atom precision.

In the future, it is believed that nearly everything will

contain nanotechnology and, therefore, is connected to
nanochemistry [6]. In the next section, it will be shown that
nature already uses nanotechnology. Interestingly, nature
exclusively applies nanochemistry and not nanophysics.


Already Whitesides realized [32] that many prototypes with
a nanochemical design can be found in nature driven to perfection by evolution. Some examples should elucidate this.

2.1. Examples
2.1.1. Natures Nanoarchitecture
Nanostructural features and their superior properties were
discovered quite early due to the beauty connected to these
features. Haeckel, who depicted the skeletal structure of
diatoms and radiolariae [33], inspired many scientists and
even architects. However, nature is not interested in beauty.
Beauty is just an indirect, maybe logical consequence. Structures we nd in living organisms, no matter if one considers
diatoms, human bones, etc., exhibit maximum performance
at minimum metabolic costs [34]. Unlike materials synthesis
in the laboratory, living organisms are additionally restricted
to prepare their materials at room temperature and neutral
One ideal example for nanoarchitecture in natural systems is the abalone shell nacre. The material is composed
of plates of calcium carbonate is used (interestingly, the
thermodynamic unfavorable crystal modication aragonite
is expressed) and interlayered biopolymer domains. It is
assumed that the biopolymers guide the growth of the inorganic crystal phase by selectively binding to selective crystal
sides. This model has been supported by Coelfen on the
inuence of double-hydrophilic polymers mimicking natural systems on the crystal growth of BaSO4 [3538]. It was
reasonably demonstrated in these articles that the polymer
recognizes specic crystal surfaces, adsorbs there, and blocks
them for further growth. Crystal planes without polymer
grow more and more, and this determines the crystals nal
shape. Other scientists argue that this model is too simple [39]. This shows that much more understanding about
the bottom-up mechanisms nature uses is needed in order
to be able to mimic such materials. Biomimetics is actually
nanochemistry in most parts.

2.1.2. Natures Nanoparticle Factories

Much of the research attention in nanochemistry was and
still is devoted to the production of nanoparticles of various
compositions, selective sizes, and shapes, as will be seen later
in this review article. Interestingly, there are also different
cellular organisms creating and using nanoparticles. One can
nd Fe3 O4 , Fe3 S4 , CdS, La(NO3 2 , HUO2 PO4 , Ag, Te, Se,
Au, and Tc nanoparticles in natural systems [40].
Presumably, the most amazing example is the creation and
use of magnetite nanoparticles enabling the use of biomagnetism [41]. The Fe3 O4 crystals exhibit a magnetic moment
and enable the organism to navigate within the magnetic
eld of the earth. Many birds possess magnetic senses [42],
insects [43], sh [44] do, but interestingly there are also
simple bacteria having magnetotactic properties [45]. These
bacteria were discovered by Blakemore in 1975 [46]. Magnetotactic bacteria live in anaerobic environments and the
magnetic sensor enables them to swim downwards, away



from the oxygen-rich water-air surface [47]. The magnetite

particles themselves seem to be formed inside vesicles with
a phospholipid/protein membrane, while different vesicles
are aligned in chain-like structures. The particles are crystallographically oriented with the [111] crystal axis along
the chain direction and the particle sizes range typically
from 35120 nm, which is the single-domain-size range for
While magnetite is of real use for the mentioned organisms, it will be evolutionarily favorable especially for bacteria
if they would be resistant against dissolved heavy-metal ions.
Some microorganisms solve these problems by transforming
heavy-metal poisoning into nanoparticle deposits inside the
cell. Examples are the deposition of Cd2+ as CdS nanoparticles [48], Ag+ as Silver [49], or Au3+ as gold [50].

2.1.3. Natures Anti-Freezing Systems

A completely different nanochemical task that nature has to
cope with is to avoid crystallization. As temperatures can fall
below 0  C in winter, it would be fatal for many organisms if
the cell water starts to freeze and ice crystals grow. Natures
solution is to develop anti-freezing proteins. It seems that
the protein possess functional groups in its backbone, which
exhibits a geometrical motive tting to the surface patterns
of ice crystals [51]. Similarly to biomineralization, which was
previously explained, these biopolymers block the growth of
ice nuclei completely.

2.2. Quantum-Size Effects

The previous section demonstrated how nature is able
to achieve desired mechanical, chemical, optical, magnetical, or electronically propertied by making nano objects
via nanochemistry (bottom-up). For the latter three target properties (electronically, magnetically, and optical) the
internal electronic structure of the used nano objects is of
particular importance. Indeed, the electronic properties of
nanoparticles is somewhat special and, in general, is summarized under the expression quantum-size effects [5254]. The
properties of a semiconductor, for instance, can be related
to its electronic structure, a bandgap between an electronlled band and an electron-empty band (Fig. 1). Similarly,
the properties of the atom is given by the energies and occupancies of the atomic orbitals. When the size of the particle
is extended by a repetition of atoms in one, two, or three
dimensions, a transition from molecular (or atomic) to solid
state (or innite) systems occurs. This transition is characterized by sometimes surprising properties of the nanoparticles
and by a high size-dependence of these properties. One typical example is the size-dependence of the color (for instance,
the UV/V is a spectrum of gold nanoparticles) [55].

2.3. Concluding Remarks

The previous section described just an innitesimal fraction of natures solution by nanochemical approaches. Confronted with this perfection, one might suspect that all
optimum solutions already exist. Scientists would now just
need to nd these natural solutions for a particular application or problem and search for ways to translate natures
ideas into technologically realizable approaches. This route

Figure 1. Schematic representation of quantum-size effects. The left

side of the gure shows matter in decreasing size and the right side
indicates the correlating electronic situation. On the atomic scale, one
nds atomic orbitals (a s- and p-orbital are shown) separated by a
certain energy. When atoms assemble to nanostructures or nanoparticles, respectively, x atomic orbitals of suitable symmetry lead to x
combinations of orbitals. Every of these orbitals has a distinct energy,
symmetry, and spin property. In this respect, the electronic situation
of nanostructures is still somewhat similar to atoms. However, there
is already delocalization of electrons in a certain volume leading to
a decrease in the energy gap between the frontier orbitals. It should
also be noticed that surface state (not indicated in the scheme) are
of extreme importance for the electronic properties of nanostructures.
Finally, when the number of interacting units exceeds a certain threshold, one obtains continuum behavior, the bulk state of matter, respectively. Bands separated by bandgaps have formed.

will be taken and is worth being taken by many groups

(biomimetics). But the perfection seen in nature does not
automatically mean that there are not better solutions or
that there are problems not relevant or existing in nature
One example that could elucidate this is photosynthesis. Photosynthesis transforms light into a different form of
energychemical energy, respectively. For us, it is much
more interesting to transform light into electrical energy,
and it can be seen that even conventional solar cells show
slightly higher efciency performances than photosynthetical
cells. Many more improvements are possible by nanochemical design as Graetzel et al. showed [5759]. Nanocrystalline, nanoporous titania lms sensitized with viologen
dyes [60] are used to adsorb light and create charge carriers. The charges are then separated and collected at the
counter electrode. This helps to avoid charge recombination
and, therefore, enhances the efciency, a true nanochemical
Natures solution can help but they are not the limit. However, it should be noted again that nature is restricted to
ambient temperatures and predetermined concentrations of
electrolytes. In order to synthesize nanocompounds, organisms cannot raise the cell-internal temperature and just
by spending much energy are able to locally increase the

concentration of ions. This is a signicant advantage for synthesis in the laboratory but also a challengeto search for
nanochemical routes avoiding extreme conditions.

The bottom-up approaches to prepare nanosized objects as
introduced in section 1.1 are mainly covered by two strategies relevant for this review article. These are:
self-assembly processes
the nanoreactor concept
Methods, where larger structures are prepared by step-bystep covalent linkage and polymer chemistry, are not taken
into consideration here and are not likely to be seen as
nanochemical approaches, although the nal products may
be nanostructures.
Even self-assembly processes are, in principle, a separate
topic. However, because self-assembly is of extreme importance for nanochemistry, it will be mentioned exemplarily
for the aggregation of amphiphiles in aqueous media (Fig. 2)

3.1. Self-Assembly Processes

Figure 2 shows the principles of self-assembly and the
emerging structures for amphile molecules in water.
Figure 2(a) shows the pure water-air interface. Due to an
anisotropic distribution of molecules at this interface, a
resulting force pointing inwards to the solvent is present.
When amphiphiles are added (Fig. 2(b)), they accumulate at
this interface. The hydrophobic tail points towards the gas
phase, while the hydrophobic part is located in the aqueous
domain. The amphiphile is enriched at the interface until
it is fully occupied. All further added molecules need to be
dissolved in-phase or can macro-phase separately. However,
dispersion of amphiphilic molecules in the continuous phase
is possible when micelles are formed due to minimization
of interface energy. In a micelle, the hydrophilic units point

Figure 2. Schematic presentation of self-assembly processes of ampiphilic molecules. (a) shows the air-water interface and a force diagram;
(bc) shows the enrichment of amphiphiles at the air-water interface
and the formation of micelles; (de) show higher order structures, dense
micellar packings (hexagonal and cubic symmetry), and lyotropic phases
(hexagonal, gyroid, and lamellar) obtained for higher amphiphile concentration. Even larger structures (f) are obtained when swelling agents
or selective solvents are usedmicro-emulsions and vesicles.


towards the solvent while the hydrophobic chains are separated from the water in a hydrophobic core (Fig. 2(c)).
By the addition of more and more amphiphile, more and
more micelles are formed. They can assemble to dense packings as fcc or bcc (Fig. 2(d)). Furthermore, at some point
the micelles fuse and build more continuous structures, socalled lyotropic phases. First, two-dimensional phases as a
hexagonal alignment of cylinders are built. Then, at higher
concentrations even the cylinders fuse and build sheets
of a lamellar lyotropic liquid crystal (Fig. 2(e)). Bicontinuous three-dimensional structures as the gyroid phase
can emerge during the transition of hexagonal to lamellar
phases. Micelles and lyotropic phases can be swollen by different solvents. The results are emulsions [61], for instance,
microemulsions (Fig. 2(f)), or vesicles (Fig. 2(f)). Other selfassembly processes that occur in supramolecular chemistry
are described elsewhere [23, 62]. This indicates that selfassembled structures are ideal helpers for nanochemistry
due to the structural control over several length scales.
Although these structures themselves are already nanochemical structures, they are much more as will be described
later. This builds the basis for the nanoreactor concept
which is a most relevant idea for the concept of nanochemistry itself, which will be explained in the next section.

3.2. The Nanoreactor Concept

A common theme of all the presented self-organizing structures is that they divide a macroscopic volume in small
compartments. For instance, micelles create spherical compartments (the micellar cores) of just a few nanometer and
hydrophobic conditions. Hydrophobic solvents can be introduced that lead to microemulsions (up to 50 nm in size).
Inverted systems lead to other core properties (hydrophilic).
For vesicles, the size of the compartment can be of the order
of micrometers and is hydrophilic in nature.
Amphiphilic self-organized structures represent softmatter spatial connements and, therefore, are one prototype for nanoreactors. Chemistry can now be performed in
these connements (Fig. 3).
The requirements that can be identied for a good
nanoreactor are quite similar to those present for the macroscopic reactors used in labs (for instance, glassware). The
reactor volume should be accessible and the wall material
should be able to exhibit variable properties independently
from other parameters. The reactor should be controllable
in size. This will enable control of the amount of matter
(stoichiometry) and energy per nanoreactor.
Concerning these general requirements, hard-matter and
soft-matter connements can be very different as indicated
in the following. It is the belief of this author that hardmatter structures, in other words porous materials, are more
generally applicable as nanoreactors. However, for certain
applications soft-matter nanoreactors can be more suitable. Soft- and hard-matter connements are compared in
Table 1, where + stands for favorable properties. It can be
seen that these types of nanoreactors are quite different but
often complementary.
As was previously mentioned, the prototype for a hardmatter nanoreactor (a) are porous materials, while the prototype for a soft-matter reactor (b) is an emulsion droplet.



Figure 3. The variety of possible nanoreactors is shown and related to

size and dimensionality. 0D systems are given for spherical reactors.
Here, soft-matter reactors (color-coded red) are dominant (micelles
emulsion droplets vesicles), although some hard-matter connements can be found as well (see Section 3). 1D-connements (cylinders) are mainly found for mesoporous materials (hard matter; blue).
2D-reactor systems (lamellar structures) are relevant for organicinorganic hybrid materials and some pure inorganic compounds as clays.
3D reactors with a bicontinous structure can be found in the eld of
porous materials (hard matter) but also in the case of micro-emulsions

The nanoreactor volume can be accessed by the precursors equally well. For (a), it is diffusion into the porous
system guided by capillary forces and for (b), the reaction
educts can be dispersed from the beginning. Addition of
chemicals might be more difcult for (a) once the pores
are lled, and more easy for (b) because the reactor size is
not so much restricted, and the droplets are in contact with
a macro-reservoir that is the dispersion solvent. The single
nanoreactor volume in a porous medium is neighbored by
equal reactors separated by walls and is, therefore, not in
direct contact with the macroscopic reservoir outside. The
size of soft-matter structures can be easily varied, while it
is a bit more difcult for hard-matter connements to nd
appropriate templates to create a great diversity of sizes.
The reactor volumes of porous materials are quite monodispersive and constant due to the rigid walls. This is often not

the case for soft-matter structures (b); only in some cases

these conditions are fullled and polydispersity is a major
problem. The walls of soft-matter nanoreactors are always
given by the exible water-surfactant-solvent interface and,
therefore, hard to vary systematically. For porous materials
(a) on the other hand, modication techniques make nearly
every wall composition possible [18, 6388]. Because in a
porous system all reactors are neighbored by equal ones
and the reactor volume is constant at a given concentration, the stoichiometry can be easily controlled. For emulsion droplets, exchange processes through the continuous
phase can have major effects and the polydispersity of volumes was previously mentioned. To reach energy equilibrium is more difcult for solid materials because one might
create gradients from the materials surface to the interior. It
is much easier to reach energy equilibrium for independent
particles like nanodroplets. The preparation of soft-matter
structures is often very facile and sometimes requires special amphiphiles while the template concept [89] enables a
simple way to porous materials. The soft-matter structures
mentioned are dispersed in a liquid phase and, therefore,
processibility is often advantageous for them in comparison
to the solid-state connements (a).

3.3. A General Concept of Nanochemistry

As was described in Section 1, a connement leading to
nanochemistry can have two different effects, namely, effects
on molecular processes and effects on processes on a
higher scale, which mainly describes the formation of special nanoparticles. Investigations in our group showed that
these two areas of nanochemistry can be correlated to the
nanoreactor dimensions itself (Fig. 4).
Figure 4 attempts to give a more general concept for
nanochemistry. The nanoreactor possesses different structural features on different length scales. The smallest features are directly present at the nanoreactor surface, namely,
the chemical surface-bound groups (alcohol, amino groups,

Table 1. Advantages (+) and disadvantages () of different nanochemical connements.

Reactor requirements
Size variation
Rigidity of size
Variation of walls
Control of stoichiometry
Control of energy
Ease of preparation







Figure 4. Schematical correlation between the nanoreactor features,

the emerging nanochemical instruments, and the resulting nanochemical effects. A porous nanoreactor has different features being effective
on different scales. On the lowest scale (below nanometer), one nds
the functional groups (indicated R) determining the properties of the
surface (i). Next, comes the pore sizes (above nm scale) which is also
related to the curvature (ii). The next level of complexity is given by the
pore shape (iii), and nally the pores are three-dimensionally aligned in
space (iv). These different material features are combined at the intersections to three nanochemical instruments leading to three possible
nanochemical effects.

etc.). These groups determine the functionality of the surface. Next, the nanoreactor has a certain size. It should also
be noted that the radius of the reactor is related to the curvature H (H r 2 ). On the third level, the nanoreactor
has a specic shape. In the elds of nanoporous materials,
this shape can range from spherical, cylindrical, worm-type
to lamellar. Finally, the single nanoreactors are somehow
distributed in three-dimensional space as, for instance, the
hexagonal alignment of cylinders. These four structural features can be combined to result in three nanochemical
instruments. The functional groups on the reactor surface
determine if there is attraction or repulsion between the
substrate in the pores and this surface. In case of attraction, molecules are located directly at the reactors surface
and experience the curvature. This combination of surface
function and curvate gives the nanochemical instrument
(Fig. 4(a)) and it connes molecules to a scale that effects
molecular reaction (nanochemical effect). In case there is
a slight repulsion, the substrates are located in the reactor volume and, therefore, the complete size of the reactor is relevant. Then the reactor size has to be combined
with its shape to give a second nanochemical instrument
(Fig. 4(b)). This nanochemical instrument (Fig. 4(b)) can
be used to effect and control nanoparticle chemistry. The
highest level of complexity is achieved when the shape (and
size) is combined with the three-dimensional distribution of
the nanoreactors, which results in the third nanochemical
instrument (Fig. 4(c)). Now, nanoparticles can be forced
into a distinct structural order as well and new materials
A worked-through example should elucidate this. As will
be seen later, possible nanoreactors can be mesoporous silica materials. Silica SiO2 is normally derived by the solgel
process [74, 9094]. Depending on aging and post-treatment,
the surface functionalities of the resulting materials can
range from highly polar and protic Si-OH groups to relatively unpolar and unreactive Si-O-Si motives. Bronstein
et al. prepared mesoporous silica differing only in poresurface properties by liquid-liquid extraction and succeeding supercritical drying (silanol-rich material) and by
high-temperature calcination (silanol-poor material) [95].
They further investigated the reduction of noble-metal precursors and [PdCl4 ]2 in such materials. A specic interaction between the [PdCl4 ]2 precursor and the pore surface,
already evident by a change in coloration, is found (Fig. 5b)
when the silanol-rich materials are inltrated with the precursor solution. The palladium precursors are bound to
the pore surface. This interaction by a square-planar Pdcomplex and an Si-OH group would normally never occur
because the Si-OH group is a weak ligand. However, under
nanochemical conditions it does, the curvature of the mesopore presumably leads to a release of water from the pore
surface when the complex is bound. This water release provides an entropic driving force for the formation of the
unusual surface complex (molecular nanochemistry). When
the [PdCl4 ]2 is reduced, this interaction prevents Ostwaldripening after nucleation of Pd0 species to larger crystals.
Therefore, no Pd-particles are visible in transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images (see Fig. 5b). It can be
concluded that the nanochemical instrument was effective
(see Fig. 4(a)). When on the other hand, the silanol-poor


Figure 5. It is shown how the pore itself can be used to create new
nanostructured matter as metal nanoparticles for instance. When the
interaction between the pore walls and the precursors is tuned, it is
possible to direct the growth of nanoparticles and obtain control about
their size and properties of the hybrid materials (a). When the pore
wall binds strongly to the metal precursors, Ostwald-ripening is kinetically suppressed and subnanometer nanoparticles cover the pore walls
(b). For repulsive or nonbonding interactions, the size of the nanoparticles, their polydispersity, and their shape is dictated by the pore system.

material is used, this interaction is not present as can also

be seen in the normal color of the inltrated material
(Fig. 5a). The [PdCl4 ]2 species that are located in the
pore volume are free to move and, therefore, by Ostwaldripening, larger particles are formed. However, the pore
connes the growth of the nanoparticles until they match
exactly the size and shape of the nanoreactor pores (see
Fig. 5a). Obviously, now the nanochemical instrument (see
Fig. 4(b)) is effective. If one would nally increase the loading of this material with more Pd, so that each pore is
lled with metal, one would obtain a mutual ordering of the
nanoparticles themselves. Via instrument (Fig. 4(c)), a new
hybrid material is obtained.

Up to this point, this chapter has discussed in a more
general fashion, methods and strategies that are involved
in nanochemistry. Following will be a highlight of specic
achievements using these strategies and concepts.

4.1. Porous Materials

Porous materials are characterized by a solid network having voids throughout the material. According to the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC),
porous materials are characterized by pore size categorized
by sorption behavior [9698]. There are microporous solids
with pore sizes smaller than 2 nm, mesoporous materials
with pores between 2 nm and 50 nm, and macroporous



materials with pores larger than 50 nm. Naturally, for performing nanochemistry, nanoporous materials are ideal target compounds. To describe nanoporous materials in detail
here is beyond the scope of this article, but a comprehensive
review can be found in literature of Polarz [2002, #2053].

4.1.1. Zeolithes and Catalysis

Zeolithes are microporous materials, having very small pores
(Dp > 2 nm) that can be represented by the general formula M2/nO  Al2 O3  SiO2  yH2 O [99101]. If one takes
the general concepts about nanochemistry given in Section 3
into account, the substrates in microporous materials will
be automatically forced to be at the pore wall. There is no
other choice. Therefore, one has to expect effects of these
kinds of materials mainly for molecular processes which was
introduced as molecular nanochemistry.
This area of nanochemistry is extremely important
because it contains zeolitic catalysis. Zeolites are amongst
the most important modern catalyst materials [102, 103].
The realm of zeolite catalysis is vast, of course, and the
interested reader is referred to the literature of Breck and
Corma, respectively [99, 104]. Zeolites are known for their
high catalytic activity and high selectivity [105]. In the sense
of nanochemistry, zeolites already extend the classical meaning of catalysis, which is to accelerate chemical reactions.
Zeolites, for instance in the case of the isomerization of
oelens, selectively favor the formation of a particular product [106]. In other words, they alter chemical equilibria in
comparison to the unconned state. The activity of the zeolites is caused by active surface functions (for instance, acid
sides) and the high electric elds present in zeolitic channels are summarized as coordination and coulombic effects
[107]. Other typical nanochemical factors are the shape and
size of zeolite pores favoring the formation of one product due to steric constraints. One product, for instance one
isomer, may need slightly more space than the other isomers, so its production is repressed. Other factors are the
differences in diffusion behavior and the lack of solvation of
reactand molecules [101, 108113]. It was further discussed
by Zicovichwilson et al. that zeolites additionally modify the
electronic structures of included guests and thus, increase
the reactivity [107].

4.1.2. Mesoporous Materials

As mesoporous materials are characterized by larger and a
larger diversity of pore sizes (250 nm), these nanoreactor
systems can be used to perform both molecular nanochemistry and nanoparticle chemistry.
In this section, we will begin to discuss phenomena where
guests conned to the physical space of the ordered mesopore volume show some extraordinary characteristics not
present in the bulk state.
One example for the unique feature occurring under connements in the mesoporous range is the capillary condensation of gases during the sorption process. In comparison
to the bulk, the temperature for the capillary critical temperature is far below the bulk critical temperature [114]. This
connement effect is very simple and has been recognized
and studied for a long time. It is the basis for the Kelvin

equation (see Eq. 1) and all analytic techniques related to

gas sorption.

RT ln pp

rp  pore radius
  surface tension
t  thickness of the adsorbate lm
VL  molecular volume of the condensate.
However, the development of ordered mesoporous materials allows one to perform much more systematic studies on
sorption processes.
Also for water, one of the most common solvents, physical properties are inuenced by geometrical connements.
The physical properties of water under connement conditions are of particular interest due to the similarity to supercooled water in living biological cells. First indications for
supercooled water in the pores of MCM-41 were found by
Hansen et al. in 1995 [115, 116]. They applied 1 H-NMR
techniques to investigate water located in the mesopores and
found two transition temperaturesone that was dependent
on the pore size (T > 222 K) and one that was independent at T = 209 K. The latter transition point was attributed
to water bound to the pore surface as a 5.4 thick interface layer. Baker et al. reported that the freezing point of
water in MCM-41 is depressed to 21  C at a pore radius
of 3.4 nm [117]. At extremely low temperatures, X-ray
diffraction (XRD) data indicated a glassy state of ice (frustrated nucleation) while the cubic form of ice was also
found [117]. This work was extended and it was seen that
a pore system of 4.2 nm pores led to an abrupt crystallization of water to cubic ice at T = 232 K, while the freezing
process was very slow in 2.4 nm pores [118]. Quasi elastic neutron scattering revealed that the mobility of water
is restricted under connement [119]. Later, Smirnov et al.
also investigates water in the uid state [120]. With X-ray
scattering methods, it was found that water exists in a distorted tetrahedral-like hydrogen-bonded network inside the
porous environment. H2 OH2 O and H2 OSiO2 interactions
were present simultaneously.
Other interesting guests are fullerene molecules as C60 .
The rst systematic study was presented by Rachdi et al.
[83]. C60 was deposited in MCM-41 with different pore sizes
from the gas phase and the electron spin resonance (ESR)
spectra were recorded. It could be seen that the connement
through the mesoporous host inuenced the electronic band
structure of the fullerenes. In contrast to the bulk state, an
intense photoluminescence at 642 nm, as well as an emission
at 484 nm, was created by inclusion of C60 to MCM-41 [121].
These features were attributed to strong interactions of the
fullerene with the silica wall (passivation of the surface).
Later, Chen et al. published a study with infrared (IR) spectroscopy and claimed that the fullerene reacts with hydroxyl
groups on the wall surface (addition to the aromatic ring)
during heat treatment [122].
A completely different idea was followed by Alvaro et al.
[123]. They adsorbed the methyl viologen cation MV2+ in
mobil composition of matter (MCM)-41 and created MV+
radicals by ash photolysis. The radicals were very timestable and it was presumed that MCM could act as an

single electron donor. Acidic MCM-41 was loaded with thiantrene and the corresponding radical cation was formed
[124]. It is a very common feature that even very unstable
species like radicals have a signicant lifetime in ordered
mesoporous hosts. The creation rate of radicals of mesotetraphenylporphyrin was higher with increasing pore sizes
of MCM-41 and the deactivation was also very slow for
other radical cations like N-alkylphenotiazines [125128].
Deactivation processes are also one limitation for photoinduced electron transfer reactions. By investigating the isomerization of cis-stilbene, it was shown that the stability
and efciency of the 2,4,6-triphenylpyrylium cation could be
enhanced by immobilization in MCM-41 [129]. In particular,
it was argued that the strong electrostatic eld occurring in
porous materials might be responsible for the stabilization
of charged species.
Also macromolecules can be guests in porous silicas. They
can be introduced via solution impregnation or they are created directly in the porous system as will be shown later.
A very interesting piece of research was presented by
Tolbert et al. in 2000 [130, 131]. They could take advantage
of some modern developments in the elds of mesoporous
materials and polymer chemistry. As a mesoporous host, a
MCM-related material that pore channels aligned parallel
along one direction, was used. The alignment of the channels was achieved via treatment of the preparation sol under
high magnetic elds during the solgel transition [130, 131].
This porous glass was then lled with the semiconducting
polymer poly[2-methoxy-5-(2 -ethylhexyloxy)-1,4-phenylene
vinylene]. The pore size of the silica was selected in a
way that only one polymer molecule had sufcient room in
the pore. This way, the polymer chains were isolated and
aligned simultaneously. The composite material was excited
and investigated with polarized femtosecond spectroscopy.
It was seen that the excited states or the energy, respectively,
moves from nonoriented polymer segments outside the silica to the oriented polymer conned to the mesopores. The
polymers inside the material nally emit red-shifted light.
As a consequence, this nanocomposite mimicks to a certain
degree the antenna chromophores in photosynthesis.
In a similar fashion, mesoporous silica have shown their
potential for creating new laser materials. Generally, an
active laser dye is brought into a porous environment and its
laser activity is studied. It was envisioned by Marlow et al.
that a whole laser could be produced by using the selfassembly laws [132]. They could prepare a silica-surfactant
laser dye (Rhodamine 6G) hybrid material, which had
a brous morphology. The laser dye is located in the
hydrophobic domains of the lyotropic template phase. The
ber was pumped perpendicular to the ber direction
and above a certain threshold, laser activity was detected.
Wirnsberger and Stucky and Yang et al., respectively,
extended their works [133, 134] and recently they prepared impressive waveguides by a combination of selfassembly and soft-litography techniques [135]. Mesoporous
silica (template removed) was deposited on silicon and as
the third layer, they were the waveguides containing the
dye-doped-ordered mesoporous silica [134]. The cylindrical
channels were aligned throughout the whole waveguide and
even the dye seemed to be oriented in the template phase.


As for most of the so-far mentioned examples, guests in

the pore system have been quite static; it is an obvious extension to study chemical reactions inside pores.
Several researchers succeeded in the direct preparation
of dye molecules in the channels of mesoporous silicas
like MCM-41. The photosensitizer cation triphenylpyrilium
TPP+ [129], tris(4-methoxyphenyl)methylium, and malachite
green [136] were prepared accordingly. These organicinorganic hybrid materials can be used as a heterogeneous photosensitizer for the dimerization of cylohexadienes
[85, 137], electron transfer agents [129], and isomerization
reaction of cis-stilbene [129].
A lot of research has been done in the eld of polymerization in ordered mesoporous hosts. The polymer is directly
created in the pore system of the silica and this method
again organic-inorganic hybrid materials are obtained. It
can be envisioned that future generations of these materials
display electron and quantum connement effects for the
tailor-made provision of electronic, magnetic, and nonlinear
optic effects.
Llewellyn et al. polymerized vinyl acetate, styrene, and
methyl methacrylate (MMA) in MCM-41 [138]. It appeared
that the termination rate could be decreased in comparison to the bulk polymerization. This leads to a molecular
weight that can exceed the bulk situation by an order of magnitude [139]. Similarly, Moller et al. prepared poly(methyl
methacrylate) (PMMA) in MCM-41 and MCM-48 [140].
They reported that the polymer dynamics changed dramatically. Cooperative polymer parameters like the glass
transition was suppressed in their cases. Goeltner and
Weienberger used a bicontinuous mesoporous silica matrix
as the template for the production of porous PMMA polymer monoliths [141]. Other polymer systems were introduced by Johnson et al. [142]. Phenol was adsorbed in
MCM-41 and treated with formaldehyde vapor. The resulting phenolic resin was a structural imprint of the pores.
After removal of the silica with HF the recovered polymer
bers were used to determine the length of the cylindrical pores in MCM-41 [142]. A two step nanochemistry
was performed by MacLachlan et al. when he performed
the ring-opening polymerization of a silaferrocenophane in
MCM-41 and then transformed the polymer into nanoparticles of iron [143]. Polyesters were synthesized from lactones and alcohols in a living polymerization in Al-MCM-41.
By using different lactones, block copolymer synthesis was
accessible. Interestingly, no polymerization was found for
pure SiO2 -MCM-41 or microporous zeolithes [144, 145].
Obviously, the mesopores, as well as the Lewis acidity,
is necessary for this reaction. Also, mesoporous materials grafted with organo-metallic complexes have been used
for polymerizations. A zirconocene containing silica was
used to copolymerize ethylene and propylene [146148]. It
was seen that in the case of a chiral metallocene, selectivity towards isotactic and high molecular-weight polypropylene could be achieved. But a big breakthrough, and
presumably the most ideal example of nanochemistry in
ordered mesoporous silica materials, was provided by
Kageyama et al. in 1999 [149]. They connected a titanocence
catalyst covalently to the pore walls of MCM-41. When the
polymerization of ethylene is performed the poly(ethylene)
chain is hindered to bend backwards, so it has to grow along


the channel axes. This results in the situation where hexagonally aligned polymer bers leave the MCM-41 crystals.
Finally, bundles of several polymer bers with diameters of
3050 nm are formed. The obtained molecular weight is
extremely high (Mn = 62 107 ).
Great attention has been devoted in the preparation of
hybrids of a mesoporous silica hosting a conducting polymer
[86]. Wu and Bein produced polyaniline in MCM-41 [150].
Aniline vapor was adsorbed by the silica which is then given
to a solution of the oxidant to start the polymerization. The
aniline laments were several monomer units long and still
had some conductivity [150, 151]. The polymers of Wu and
Bein, when investigated, had lower molecular weights than
in the corresponding bulk situation indicating diffusional
constraints in the mesoporous host. The pore environment,
therefore, seems to inuence polymerization under connement in two ways: (i) creating diffusional constraints, and
(ii) an increase in the stability of transition states.
Polymer-silica hybrid materials can be further used to
prepare carbon-silica hybrids. The preparation of elemental carbon is quite easy to achieve for several precursors.
As shown by Wu and Bein, poly(acrylonitrile) conned to
the pores of MCM-41 can be pyrolized to elemental carbon
[152]. The authors argue that the growth of graphene layers
is guided by the pores. At a pyrolysis temperature between
10701270 K, conductivity determined by microwave conductivity measurements emerged, which exceeded the conductivity of a carbon prepared under nonconned conditions
by one magnitude.
In the meantime carbon-silica nanocomposites with preservation of the mesoporous structure through the carbon have also been achieved by other methods (Fig. 6).
One way is chemical vapor deposition of hydrocarbons and
succeeding pyrolysis [153]. Other precursors like sucrose
[154] are also successful and fascinating, three-dimensionalordered carbon materials emerge [154156]. This interesting area of producing ordered, porous carbon materials was
reviewed elsewhere [156, 157]. The resulting carbon-silica
hybrid materials can be transformed into pure nanostructured carbon materials by removal of the silica matrix via
HF etching. The silica-carbon materials and the new carbon materials might become very important. As Mastai et al.
showed, the hybrid materials can be applied as so-called
selective solar absorbers [158].

As was previously described, the other important subeld
of nanochemistry in ordered mesoporous materials is the
creation of nanoparticles. Here in accordance with Figure 4,
the size and shape of the nanoreactor becomes important.
Due to the high interface energy once nucleated, nanosized crystals tend to grow by Ostwald-ripening. This growth
can be restricted by performing the crystallization inside
the pore system of a mesoporous host. Often caused by
quantum-size effects, interesting composite materials are
created. Therefore, much of the work has been devoted to
prepare semiconductor nanoparticles via this route. Examples are gallium nitride [159], cadmium selenide [160], cadmium sulde [161], silicon [162, 163], titanium dioxide [164],
Germanium [165], Galliumarsenide [166], zinc sulde [167],
and Indium phosphide [168]. Ordered mesoporous silica
materials, especially of the MCM-41-type have also been
used as matrices for the preparation of metal colloids. In
this way, for example, metal nanowires have been produced
with Pd [169, 170], Pt [171], or Ag [171, 172].
For all these materials, the relation between pore size and
pore shape and the characteristics of the nanoparticles was
obvious. A class of materials that is also quite important are
derived, when ordered mesoporous silica materials are just
supports. Due to the stability of amorphous silica, a huge
number of compounds with ordered mesoporous materials
as supports have been reported. The most common technique to prepare them is via liquid impregnation or via vapor
deposition techniques.
It is known that the acidity of MCM-based materials is relatively low when the acidic centers are incorporated into the
network. This is behind the scope of this review article and
can be found in the literature of Corma [173]. A different
strategy to introduce sufcient acidity for catalytic applications involves deposition of active species inside the pores.
Ordered mesoporous SiO2 acts as a support or one could
again say as a host. Quite often, polyoxometalate species
were deposited on ordered mesoporous host systems. In
1994, heteropolyacids of the Keggin-type as, for instance,
H3 PW12 O40 were taken [174176]. Interestingly, high loadings up to 50 wt% were achieved without crystallization of
the heteropolyacid. The new materials were acidic enough
to catalyze even the alkylation of 4-tert-butylphenol with
MCM-41 is very likely to act as a support for noble metal
colloids. Junges et al. produced a MCM-41 with a high Pt
loading [177] and catalytic activity for hydrogenation reactions of benzene, naphthalene, phenantrene, and oelens
were demonstrated [73, 178, 179]. For all of these strategies where the goal is to replicate the whole pore system
with a different material, two points have to be considered
in further detail:
1. if the used precursor solutions wets the pore wall,
2. if the reaction forming the new material is slow enough
to avoid pore blocking.

Figure 6. TEM images of two ordered mesoporous carbon materials

CMK-1 and CMK-1 introduced by Ryoo et al. Reprinted with permission from [156], R. Ryoo, Adv. Maters. 13, 677 (2001). 2001, WileyVCH.

Even more demanding is hydrogenation of aromatics in

the presence of sulfur. Due to the shortage of nonregenerable energy sources, future diesel fuels will contain a significant amount of sulfur. To increase the cetane number of
the fuel, a certain fraction needs to be hydrogenated by suitable catalysts. Corma et al. found out that Pt on a MCM-41

support was much more stable against sulfur determination
than other supporting systems used like Al2 O3 [180].
Only few publications addressed the deposition of metal
oxide particles in mesoporous oxides like MCM-41. Abe
et al. [181] and, later, Froeba et al. [182] described the
synthesis of iron oxide in the pore system of MCM-41. A
simple impregnation technique was applied to obtain the
nal materials. Under similar conditions, TiO2 particles for
purposes in photocatalysis [164, 183186] and VOx species
in a tetrahedral coordination mode [70, 82, 187] were prepared. A Mo/MCM-41 with molybdenum in the oxidation
state +VI are accessible via deposition of molybdocene
dichloride as a precursor [188]. Depending on the concentrations of the precursor, discrete molybdate species or
smaller polymolybdates were created as Mo K-edge X-ray
absorption spectroscopy indicated. The resulting materials
were used for the catalytic dehydrogenation of methanol
to formaldehyde. A manganese-grafted MCM-41 was prepared via vapor deposition of Mn2 (CO)10 [189191]. This
resulted in good oxidizing catalysts. Aronson et al. tried
to obtain special structures of manganese oxide under connement of the silica pores since they adapted a method
for preparing layered compounds [192]. Unfortunately,
this was not the case but the particles have been amorphous. Via deposition and decomposition of Co2 (CO)8 ,
a Co/MCM-41 was created by Kim et al., which was
then used to catalyze the PausonKhand reaction [193].
Schueth et al. deposited zirconia ZrO2 , iron oxide, and
two rare metal oxides (europium oxide and yttrium oxide)
in MCM-41 and SBA-15 [194]. The Fe2 O3 /MCM-41 was
catalytically tested towards the oxidation of SO2 to SO3 .
Already in 1997, a very interesting article was presented
by Shephard et al. [195]. They used a relatively complex bimetallic cluster as the precursor for a bimetallic
Ru-Ag-O-species conned to MCM-41 pores. The introduction of two different species might be an interesting way to
prepare new compounds in the future.

4.1.3. Anodized Alumina: A Route

Towards Nanowires
An alternative route towards porous nanoreactors is via the
preparation of porous alumina. Porous alumina is prepared
via the anodization of aluminum metal in an acidic solution.
Further information about this process can be found in the
literature by Despic and Parkhutik [196]. Porous alumina
membranes have certain typical characteristics:
They contain cylindrical pores of uniform diameter in
a hexagonal array.
The cylinder axes are strictly perpendicular to the membrane surface plane.
The pores can be produced with a great variety of pore
sizes ranging from just 5 nm up to 200 nm [197, 198].
Pore densities on the membrane surface are of the order of
1011 pores per cm2 . The membrane thickness is typically in
the range of 10 to 100 mm.
Within the context of the concepts of nanochemistry
described in Section 3.3, it is obvious that porous alumina
membranes are ideal to illustrate the impact on particle
preparation and materials chemistry. The size and shape of


nanoparticles will be predetermined by the shape and size

of the pores. However, the shape and arrangement of new
nanostructures is limited to hexagonally aligned cylinders. A
nanorod of some material may be used as a nanowire as
will be discussed later. Alternatively, hollow tubes, so-called
nanobrils, can be prepared.
Nanotubes and nanobrils of conducting poylmers
[199207], metals [197, 198, 208216], semiconductors
[217, 218], and carbon have been prepared [219].
The materials that one prefers to deposit inside the pores
can be produced in several different ways:
Electrochemical deposition: One face of the membrane
is coated by a thin metal lm acting as a cathode for
the reduction of metals inside the pores. The more
metal that is deposited, the longer the metal nanowires
get. Also, some conductive polymers as polypyrrole or
polyaniline can be deposited electrochemically.
Chemical reduction.
Chemical polymerization of organic monomers.
Solgel processes: Solgel methods [74, 9092, 220
222] are mainly used for the preparation of inorganic
oxide-type nanostructures as TiO2 , ZnO, or WO3 .
Chemical vapor deposition (CVD).
Preparing nanowires by nanochemistry via porous alumina
membranes has thus proved to be a very versatile tool. In
further experiments, Mallouk et al. attempted to construct
electrical circuits capable of performing simple calculations

4.2. Other Hard Matter

Nanoreactor Systems
4.2.1. Nanotubes
Recently, a new class of fascinating nanoreactors emerged
through and through made from carbon. These are, in
the meantime, famous carbon nanotubes and fullerenes
[4, 229, 230]. However, fullerenes are not ideal nanoreactors because they are closed-shell objects. Therefore, carbon
nanotubes are considered in much more detail here. Carbon nanotubes exhibit three different types of surfaces: the
outer and inner surface as well as edges. Carbon nanotubes
have been known since the ingenious discovery of Iijima
in 1991 [231, 232]. The formation and chemistry of carbon nanotubes is reviewed in much more detail elsewhere
[233, 234]. However, some of the nanochemical aspects in
the area of carbon nanotubes should be highlighted. First
of all, the formation of carbon nanotubes themselves can be
seen as a nanochemical event. The thermodynamic stable
form of carbon is graphite. When just a nite number of
atoms are present to form a carbon allotrope, this situation
changes because now the interface energy becomes much
more important as the surface-to-volume ratio increases.
Additionally, in a graphene layer of just a few nanometers extension, the amount of so-called dangling bonds at
the edges of these surfaces becomes signicant in determining the total energy of the structure. These dangling bonds
become eliminated when the graphene layer folds and bonds
to itself. To do so, exactly 12 carbon pentagons are needed
no more and no less. One alternative for stabilization are


the famous fullerenes, which are not described in further

detail here [230]. Carbon nanotubes are highly related to
fullerenes and can be understood as folded graphene sheets
capped by half-fullerene caps. It was recognized very early
that there is a tilting angle in the orientation of the graphene
sheets leading to helicity [235237]. This helicity is one
of the most important features of carbon nanotubes. Two
nanochemical applications of carbon nanotubes have been
discussed in depth and often controversially. Much, even
worldwide research attention, was focussed on the hydrogen
storage properties of carbon nanotubes. The number of publications and groups are countless. Hydrogen uptakes from
0.468% hydrogen have been reported but lacked reproducibility [238]. The storage of hydrogen was explained by
the small pores in carbon nanotubes and the related capillary pressure expressed by the Kelvin equation [239]. In the
meantime, there are also indications that the high hydrogen
storage capability is caused by metal impurities instead of
the carbon nanotubes themselves [240].
A straightforward application of carbon nanotubes is to
use the inner cavity as a nanotemplate for the creation of
all kinds of nanowires. The rst example for this was shown
in 1993 [241] by Iijima himself when he was able to solidify a molten salt inside a carbon nanotube. Due to their
good wetting properties, it is also possible to inltrate the
carbon nanotubes with dissolved species in organic solvents
[242, 243]. Now the question arises how the solvents are able
to penetrate into the internal cavity. Obviously, the carbon
nanotubes have to be opened prior to their use as nanoreactors. This can be done by different methods of oxidation
[244] and the secret is that the tips with their pentagonal
defects are more reactive than the hexagonal sheets. Therefore, carbon nanotubes can be selectively opened at the tips.
Interestingly, carbon nanotubes are more stable against oxidation than graphite. This is a result of the closed shell
structure of the graphene sheets while graphite possesses
exposed edges where oxidation starts.
Carbon nanotubes are representatives of a whole new
class of compounds with varying compositions. The most
related compounds are the isoelectronical boron-nitride
(BN) nanotubes and, later, boron-carbide (BC) nanotubes
Recently, some attention was devoted to the preparation of nanotubes with a more classic inorganic composition
[240]. Interestingly, for some of these new nanotubes, carbon nanotubes have been used as templates. For instance,
V2 O5 nanotubes have been prepared this way [249], but also
strategies using amphiphiles as long-alkyle amines phases
as templates are successful [250252]. The interlayer distance in the latter system is determined by the length of
the amines and can range from 1.7 nm to 3.8 nm. Vanadiumpentoxide nanotubes are very interesting due to their
high catalytic potential, as is TiO2 . The rst examples of
titania nanotubes were prepared by using polymer bers as
templates [253, 254]. Tenne et al. reported in 1992 about the
preparation of the rst chalkogenide nanotubes WS2 [255].

4.2.2. Polyoxometalates
As was shown previously, complex structures emerge by selfassembly processes of amphiphilic molecules. Examples have
been micelles or lyotropic phases.

A completely different system that nevertheless shows
incredibly complex structures and a highly interesting nanochemistry are the so-called supramolecular polyoxometalates [256, 257]. It was Mueller et al. who showed in 1994
that solutions of the so-called molybdenum-blue contained
molecular well-dened species possessing the structure of
a giant molecular wheel (Fig. 7) [258]. This discovery is
astonishing in two ways. First, molybdenum blue was known
scince 1783 [259] but its secrets were never unleashed completely until the investigations of Mueller et al. Second,
one has to realize the simple way of preparing these compounds: An aqueous solution of a molybdate (for instance,
Na2 MoO4  is acidied and a reducing agent is added in a
certain amount. Within hours, the complex, highly-ordered
giant polyoxometalates form. The rst member of this new
class of compounds contained 154 Mo atoms and its formula
is (NH4 28 [Mo154 (NO)14 O448 H14 (H2 O)70 ]  350H2 O. Therefore, its molecular mass is similar to those of small proteins.
Under certain conditions, even larger and more complex
compounds can be obtained. Further larger giant wheels
with the formulae [Mo176 O528 (H2 O)63 (CH3 OH)17 Hn ]32n
and [H16 Mo248 O720 (H2 O)128 ]16 have been found [260, 261].
Concerning the emergence of these astonishing compounds, Muellers analyses [262265]:
According to our experiments, the following conditions favor
the corresponding emergence of molecular complexity (in several
successive reaction steps) at least in the system we are investigating: (1) Abundance of linkable units, that is, building blocks.
(2) Possibility of generation of units with high free enthalpy to
drive polymerization or growth processes, for example, by formation of H2 O. (3) Possibility of an easy structural change in the
building blocks. (4) Possibility of including hetero elements in
the fragments. (5) Possibility to form larger units which can be
linked in different ways. (6) Bonding between fragments should
neither be too strong nor too weak. (7) Possibility to control the
structure-forming processes by templates. (8) Possibility to generate structural defects in reaction intermediates (leading to lacunary structures) by the presence of species which remove building
units. (9) Presence of energetically low-lying unoccupied molecular orbitals in the fragments. (10) Possibility to localize and
delocalize electrons in different ways in order to gain versatility.
(11) Possibility to control and vary the charge (e.g. by protonation,
electron transfer reactions, or substitution of building parts).

Interestingly, under slightly different conditions, a new,

closed-shell polyoxometalate with 132 Mo atoms and icosahedral symmetry is built (see Fig. 7b) [266].

Figure 7. Two examples of giant polyoxometalate structures, (a) a giant

wheel (Mo174 -cluster), and (b) a giant sphere (Mo132 cluster). (b) shows
how the internal surface is covered by phosphate groups which have
been introduced by the nanochemistry shown in Figure 7a.

Although the formation of these compounds can already
be seen as a nanochemical event, the giant polyoxometalates
are also promising nanoreactor candidates. These molecules
possess well-dened inner cavities and have very high surface areas. From the huge possibilities for nanochemistry
[262265], just two should be selected in the following
The spherical Mo132 cluster shows an astonishing nanochemistry in aqueous solution (Fig. 8a) [267]. A lid of this
cluster opens and closes, and the ligands attached to the
internal surface can be exchanged. This way, the internal
surface of the molecular spheres can be varied from acetate,
phosphate, sulfate, to adenosine-mono-phosphate or even
phenylphosphonate ligand coverages. This allows the creation of any desired surface and the study of host-guest
The second example (Fig. 8b) shows how the chemisorption of cationic surfactants on the molybdate cluster
surface leads to new kinds of amphiphiles assembling to
liquid-crystalline polyoxometalate-surfactant hybrid phases
[268]. The surfactant selectively binds to the equator
region of the giant wheel, resulting in a new supramolecular
species being hard, hydrophilic, and inorganic in the core,
and soft, hydrophobic, and organic in the shell. Therefore,

Figure 8. (a) shows the open-and-shut nanochemistry present in the

Mo132 cluster system. In solution, the cluster opens and chemical
compounds can get access to the internal cavity of the molecular
hollow sphere. (b) shows the formation of quadrupolar surfactantpolyoxometalate hybrid amphiphiles and the resulting formation of
hexagonally ordered lyotropic phases. A representative TEM micrograph of these liquid crystals is also shown.


these molecules are amphiphiles but with a quadrupolar distribution of different domains. It can be seen that these
amphiphiles self-assemble into ordered hexagonal structures
(Fig. 8b). Similar phenomena with other polyoxometalate
clusters prove the generality of this approach [269272].

In general, soft-matter chemical connements are produced
by self-assembly processes. The emergence of these structures were briey explained in Section 2, but it should
be pointed out that all nanoreactors themselves are the
result of nanochemistry. However, the formations of the
nanoreactors, as micelles, for instance, often belong to a
completely different eld. Therefore, the formation of the
soft-matter nanostructures mentioned in this review is seen
as a premise. The interested reader is referred to the literature of Antonietti and Goltner [273] concerning the
nanochemical origins of the formation of complex softmatter nanostructures.

5.1. Micelles
Simple micelles are formed by even relatively short chain
surfactants and correspondingly formed micelles are small
(24 nm). Additionally, micelles of this type undergo constant reconstruction on a timescale of 105 109 s [274276].
Therefore, micelles made from low molecular weight surfactant are of limited use as nanoreactors. Additionally,
the lling of micelles often leads to the formation of
emulsions that are discussed in the next section. The
high exchange rates between micelles makes it even hard
to control the polymerization of polymerizable surfactants
although some interesting studies have been published
[277279]. Recently, a review article discussed the use of
polymerizable surfactants to produce nanostructures [280].
Much more stable and larger micellar systems can be
obtained when heavier amphiphilic block copolymers are
used [281, 282]. The size of these micelles is ideal in determining the size of solids formed in the inner core [283285].
The rst step of this nanochemistry involves the loading of
micelles with metal salts. Interestingly, this is less difcult
than expected. The dispersion efciency of the block copolymers is so huge that they even incorporate salt crystals into
their micelles. The transformation of the precursors follows
the loading step. Now kinetic considerations are extremely
important. When the nucleation of the resulting material
(e.g., the precipitation of sulde nanoparticles in micelles) is
slow, every nanoreactor will only contain one crystal that will
grow to its maximum size. On the other hand, when the reaction is performed fast, each micelle will host several nuclei
which will remain small [282, 285, 286]. Another ideal example is the production of PbS nanoclusters in block-copolymer
micelles [287].

5.2. Emulsions, Micro-Emulsions,

and Mini-Emulsions
Micelles and lyotropic phases also can be swollen by selective solvents. One possible solvent is a monomer for a succeeding polymerization reaction. The polymerization inside



the droplets leads to a huge variety of spherical nanostructures. This principle leads to the vast eld of heterophase
polymerization, which is also technologically highly relevant.
In an ideal case, monodisperse nanostructures are obtained.
The most obvious choice for emulsion nanoreactors are
micro-emulsions due to their thermodynamic stability and
the correlating well-predictable properties [61]. The difculty in using micro-emulsions as polymerization nanoreactors is to nd a suitable surfactant system [288]. The
approach of using micro-emulsions as nanoreactors enables
micro-lattices with varying surface properties (aminated,
hydroxylated, bipyridin, etc.) to be prepared [288, 289].
Of particular interest in this respect is also that biochemically relevant groups like enzymes can be incorporated
into the surface of the micro-lattices [289291]. Natural
lipids are suitable surfactants for these micro-emulsions
because they dont denaturalize the proteins [289291].
Three-dimensional bicontinous micro-emulsions can be used
to produce interesting porous polymer-network materials
[292294]. One ideal example was presented by Chew et al.
[295]. However, micro-emulsions can also be used to control
the size of nucleating inorganic species such as BaTiO3 , for
instance [296].
Another type of interesting nanoreactors are the so-called
mini-emulsions [297]. Mini-emulsions are a special type of
emulsion containing two immiscible liquids, a surfactant stabilizing the liquid-liquid interface, and an additive soluble
in the dispersed phase [298, 299]. Mini-emulsions are kinetically stabilized in contrast to micro-emulsions. It has been
shown that the lifetime of mini-emulsion droplets can be of
the order of days to months [300], which makes them quite
promising nanoreactor systems. One illustrative example for
their nal application is the preparation of asymmetric zirconyl chloride nanocrystals [301].

5.3. Lyotropic Phases

The next level of complexity is given when lyotropic phases
(or bicontinuous micro-emulsions) act as hosts for nanochemistry educts as, for instance, the monomers which are
then transformed into polymer rods, sponges, or sheets
[302, 303]. It is evident in these experiments that due to
their exibility lyotropic phases are not able to effectively
shape the formed polymers. The thermodynamic contribution of the forming polymer becomes more and more
signicant for the composite system in time [292]. The
connement of the polymer chains to the dimensions of
the lyotropic phase is equivalent to a signicant decrease in
entropy. The polymer breaks free and destroys the order on a
nanoscale. Although the produced materials are quite interesting [293, 304], lyotropic phases are of limited use to act
as nanoreactors for polymerization reactions. For instance,
Akagi et al. polymerized acetylene inside a thermotropic
(nematic) chiral liquid crystal leading to helical bers [305].
Although the nal product is very interesting, it could not
be predicted. The interested reader can nd a more detailed
review about polymerization in lyotropic phases in [306, 307].

5.4. Vesicles
Vesicles are practically a solvent droplet enclosed by a bior multi-layer made from surfactants. The size of vesicles
is quite polydispersive and can exceed the nano-dimension

signicantly. Therefore, vesicles are no favorable nanoreactors. However, there have been some reports in the
literature that assign vesicles as nanoreactors. For example, Nardin et al. incorporated channel proteins into the
walls of a vesicle containing polymerizable block copolymers
amphiphiles [308], or Hubert et al. used vesicles to produce
hollow silica spheres [309].

We have seen that a nearly innite number of single nanostructures (nanospheres, nanwires, etc.) with various compositions can be created by nanochemistry, where the key
concept seems to be in step where the nanoreactor determines the accessible space for the chemical process. Denitely, this eld will grow further and scientists will start to
investigate the key properties of these new nanostructures.
However, if one comes back once again to the comparison
to natural systems, it becomes obvious that working natural systems do not contain single nanostructures, although
nature uses similar nanochemical methods. To obtain functional systems, the single nanostructures need to be implemented into a complex system [310] of nanostructures.
These complex systems will eventually have two features:
Every single nanostructures has to be exactly in the right
place. The result of the interactions between the nanostructures might not be a linear one, but the superior functionality might result from synergistic effects and is, therefore,
hard to predict or plan. These two problems need to be
solved in the future in order to create functional nanodevices. It will not be enough to count on self-assembly
processes. Additionally, still (and unlike to natural systems)
the creation of particular nanostructures require unique
nanochemical conditions. It follows that a necessary variety of nanostructures (lets imagine a device made from
nanowires and semiconductor quantum dots) can only be
currently produced step-by-step (rst the nanowires and
then the quantum dots). The next question that arises is how
these independent nanostructures can be put in the right
place (connected to each other). Currently, the only way to
realize this is to use nanoengineering techniques that are yet
Furthermore, current nanostructures and their already
realized assemblies are static. Once they are formed, their
phaenotypus and properties are xed. This paradigm might
be broken if one succeeds in connecting the mostly inorganic
nanostructures to functional polymeric units with so-called
smart properties [2427]. Nanochemistry is the only possibility in obtaining these functional organic-inorganic nanocomposites.
As already indicated in the concept for nanochemistry
described in more detail in Section 3.2, the current success
in nanochemistry has been made in the eld of nanoparticle
chemistry. Single nanostructures have been obtained. The
step to higher lengthscales seems to be quite easy to realize (creation of new materials by nanochemistry) as some
examples have already demonstrated. The effect of spatial
connements on molecular chemical processes is much less



Biomineralization A process used by nature to structure
inorganic matter on the nanoscale using structure directing
organic auxiliaries.
Bottom-up Describes one approach, mostly taken in chemistry, to derive nanostructured matter. Starting from atoms
materials growth is initiated and stopped in the nano-regime
when the objects reach a desired size.
Hard-matter Self-organized structures containing inorganic units.
Lyotropic phases Liquid crystals of an amphiphilic system
in water.
MCM-41 The rst ordered mesoporous silica material. It
possesses a hexagonal system of cylindrical 3 nm wide pores.
Nanoreactor A reaction vessel of a size of just few
Soft-matter Self-organized structures containing organic
Top-down Describes one approach, mostly taken in
physics, to derive nanostructured matter. Starting from bulkmaterials matter is made smaller and smaller as much as



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