1.65% Monthly Conditional Coupon - European Barrier at 90% - 1 Year - EUR

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Autocall Certificate with Memory Effect on DJ EURO STOXX 50

1.65% Monthly Conditional Coupon - European Barrier at 90% - 1 Year - EUR

Details Redemption
Issuer EFG Financial Products On 06.05.2010 Client pays EUR 1000 (Denomination)
Guarantor EFG International
Rating: Fitch A Each month, starting from the third month, if the Underlying closes above the Autocall Trigger
Underlying DJ EURO STOXX 50 € Pr Level, and with N being the number of years since inception:
Bbg Ticker SX5E Index The Investor will receive a (N x 1.65%) Coupon
Strike Level EUR 2828.12
Autocall Trigger Level (100%) EUR 2828.12 (100% of the Strike Level) On 06.05.2011 Client receiv es (if the product has not been early redeemed):
Coupon Trigger Level (100%) EUR 2828.12 (100% of the Strike Level)
Barrier Level (90%) EUR 2545.31 (90% of the Strike Level) Scenario 1: If the Underlying closes above the Autocall Trigger Level
Payment Date 06.05.2010 the Investor will receive a Cash Settlement in the Settlement Currency
Valuation Date 29.04.2010 equal to: Denomination + 19.8% Coupon (12 x 1.65%)
Maturity Date 06.05.2011 Scenario 2: If the Underlying closes between the Autocall Trigger and the Barrier Levels
Details Cash Settlement the Investor will receive a Cash Settlement in the Settlement Currency
Monthly Autocall Observations equal to: Denomination
ISIN CH0112500050 Scenario 3: If the Underlying closes at or below the Barrier Level
Valoren 11250005 the Investor will receive a Cash Settlement in the Settlement Currency
SIX Symbol not listed equal to: Denomination x Final Fixing Level / Strike Level

The Dow Jones EURO STOXX 50 (Price) Index is a free-float market capitalization-weighted index of 50 European blue-chip stocks from those countries participating in the EMU. Each component's weight is
capped at 10% of the index's total free float market capitalization. The index was developed with a base value of 1000 as of December 31, 1991.

Opportunities___________________________________________________________________________ Risks____________________________________________________________________________________________
1. Each month, starting from the third month, you have the opportunity to be early 1. If the product has not been early redeemed and if the Underlying closes below the
redeemed and to receiv e your Denomination + a (N x 1.65%) Coupon Barrier Lev el on the Valuation Date, the I nvestor will suffer a loss reflecting the
2. Your capital is protected against a decrease of 10% in Underlying's price at maturity performance of the Underlying
3. Secondary market as liquid as equity markets

Best case scenario________________________________________________________________________ Worst case scenario______________________________________________________________________________

The Underlying closes below the Autocall Trigger Lev el on each Observ ation Date, and The Underlying closes below the Autocall Trigger Level on each monthly Observ ation date
closes at or abov e the Autocall Trigger Lev el on the Valuation Date and closes below the Barrier Lev el on the Final Fixing Date.

Redemption: Denomination x 119.8% (100 + 12 x 1.65%) Redemption: Denomination x Final Fixing Level / Strike Lev el

Historical Chart
importer depuis la deuxieme feuille

Observation Date scenario

4000 N Months since inception

Early Redemption: Denomination

3500 + (N x 1.65% ) Coupon

3000 Autocall Trigger Level: EUR 2828.12 (100% of Strike Level)

Redemption on the Maturity Date:

2500 Denomination

Coupon Trigger and Barrier Level: EUR 2545.31 (90% of Strike Level)
Redemption on the Maturity Date:
Underlying's performance
Jan-08 May-08 Sep-08 Jan-09 May-09 Sep-09 Jan-10

Filippo Colombo Christophe Spanier Nathanael Gabay
Bruno Frateschi +41 58 800 10 45 Sofiane Zaiem
Stanislas Perromat +41 22 918 70 05
Alejandro Pou Cuturi Live prices at www.efgfp.com
+377 93 15 11 66

This publicatio n serves only for information purposes and is no t research; it co nstitutes neither a reco mmendatio n for the purchase of financial instruments no r an offer or an invitation for an o ffer. No respo nsibility is taken for the correctness of this informatio n. The financial instruments mentio ned in this document are derivative
instruments. They do not qualify as units of a collective investment scheme pursuant to art. 7 et seqq. of the Swiss Federal A ct on Collective Investment Schemes (CISA ) and are therefo re neither registered nor supervised by the Swiss Financial M arket Supervisory A uthority FINM A . Investors bear the credit risk of the issuer/guarantor.
B efore investing in derivative instruments, Investors are highly recommended to ask their financial adviso r for advice specifically focused on the Investor´s financial situation; the information contained in this document does not substitute such advice. This publicatio n do es not constitute a simplified prospectus pursuant to art. 5 CISA ,
or a listing pro spectus pursuant to art. 652a or 1156 of the Swiss Code of Obligations. The relevant product do cumentation can be o btained directly at EFG Financial P ro ducts A G: Tel. +41(0)58 800 1111, Fax +41(0)58 800 1010, or via e-mail: termsheet@efgfp.co m. Selling restrictions apply fo r Euro pe, Hong Kong, Singapore, the USA , US
persons, and the United Kingdo m (the issuance is subject to Swiss law). The Underlyings´ performance in the past do es not constitute a guarantee fo r their future performance.
The financial products' value is subject to market fluctuation, what can lead to a partial o r total lo ss of the invested capital. The purchase of the financial pro ducts triggers co sts and fees. EFG Financial P roducts A G and/or another related company may o perate as market maker for the financial pro ducts, may trade as principal, and may
co nclude hedging transactions. Such activity may influence the market price, the price movement, or the liquidity of the financial products. © EFG Financial P roducts A G All rights reserved.

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