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Health Physical


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Toll Free : 1800 200 2244 | 1800 258 5555 | CIN: U80302RJ2007PLC024029

Physical Education


Tournament : A tournament :A tournament is a competition held among various teams in particular activity
according to fixed schedule, where a winner is decided.


Fixture: Fixture is a procedure, through which, the competition among teams/players is fixed on the basis
of lots. Fixtures may be drawn according to different types of tournaments such as Knockout tournament
and league tournament.


Bye: It is an advantage, given to a team generally by drawing lots, exempting it from laying a match in the
first round. Byes are usually given in the first round of the tournament.


Knockout tournament: In a Knockout tournament all teams except the winner, are eliminated. It means,
the team which is defeated once, gets eliminated immediately and will not be given another chance to play.


League tournament : According to this tournament, each team plays with every other team once, if it is a
single league tournament. If it is a double league tournament, each team plays with every other team, twice,
irrespective of victory or defeat.


Double league tournament: Double league tournament is a tournament, in which, everyteam plays twice,
with every other team. The number of matches in such tournaments, is decided by applying the formula N (Nl).


Intramural activities: The activities which are performed within the campus of an institution are called
intramurals. These activities are organised only for the students of a schoolor institution. No students from
other schools can participate in these activities.


Extramural activities: Extramural activities are performed outside the walls of an institution or school. It
means, the activities which are organised by the institution and students oftwo or more schools, participate
in such competition.


Seeding: Seeding may be understood that those teams which are reputed or declared winner of last
tournament, are protected from being eliminated in the preliminary rounds in the tournament.


Importance of tournaments:
(i) Development of sports skills,
(ii) Source of recreation,
(iii) Helpful in selection of players,
(iv) Propaganda of sports,
(v) Development of national and international integration.


Combination tournaments : Combination tournaments are conducted when the matches are to be played
on group basis or zonal basis. As a matter of fact, these tournaments depend on the suitability of the activity.


Consolation tournament: The team once defeated is eliminated or it can be said that such team does
not get second opportunity of play after loosing a match. / ,


Adventure Sports : Adventure sports are the activities which often involves speed, height, a high level of
physical exertion and high specialized gear or spectacular stunts.


Camping: Camping is an outdoor recreational activity. The camper (participant) leave urban area, their
homes/region and enjoy nature while spending one structure several nights outdoor, usually at a camp site.


Trekking: Trekking in India is a fascinating mix of cultural heritage and spectacular natural beauty. It would
be a exciting adventure and a wonderful insight into the Indian culture and heritage.
Corporate Office: CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.)-324005
Website : | E-mail :
Physical Education
Toll Free : 1800 200 2244 | 1800 258 5555 | CIN: U80302RJ2007PTC024029


Physical Education


Rock Climbing: Rock climbing is a style of sports climbing that relies on permanent anchors fixed to the
rock especially bolts for protection.


River Rafting: Rafting or white water rafting is the challenging recreational outdoor activity of using an
inflatable raft to navigate a river or other bodies of water.


Mountaineering: Mountaineering is another type of adventurous sports prevailing all over the world.
Mountaineering is one of the finest outdoor opportunities available rocks and ice and finally reaching a


Natural resources: Natural resources occur naturally within environments that exist relatively undisturbed
by humanity, in a natural form.


Conservation of environment : Conservation of environment simply implies the sustainable use as well
as the management of natural resources such as wildlife, water, air,energy and earth deposits.


Leadership : Leadership is a social quality which is found among people of various ages, sex members of
different races and from various cultural and economic background. The dictionary meaning of the word
leader is one who direct others.


Abiotic resources: Abiotic resources are those that come from non-living, non-organic material. e.g. land,
fresh water, air and heavy metals including ores such as gold, iron, copper and silver etc.


Biotic resources: Biotic resources are obtained from the biosphere (living and organic material) such as
forests and animals and the materials that can be obtained from them.


Renewable resources: Renewable resources are those natural resources which are filled again naturally
such as sunlight, air and wind etc.


Non-renewable resources: Non-renewable resources are those natural resources which are either formed
very slowly or are not formed naturally in the environment.


Nutrition : Nutrition is a branch of science which refers all the processes by which an individual get his food.


Nutrients: Nutrients are those chemical substances which are supplied by food and areneeded as a
source of energy for various activities of the body and as a structural material forevery cell of the body.


Micro Nutrients: Those nutrients which are required in less quantity or in traces like zinc,sulphur and


Macro Nutrients: Those nutrients which are needed in the body in large amount like carbon, hydrogen and
oxygen elements to take these nutrients we take lots of carbohydrates, proteins and fats.


Balanced diet: A balanced diet is that, which contain the proper amount of each nutrient.


Nutritive components ofa diet: (1) Carbohydrates, (2) Proteins, (3) Fats, (4) Minerals (5) Vitamins.


Non-nutritive components of a diet: (1) Water (2) Roughage


Anorexia Nervosa : Anorexia Nervosa is a psychological disorder in which patient has a distorted body
image and an irrational fear of becoming over weight therefore they deliberately try to lose weight.


Bulimia: Bulimia Nervosa is a psychological disorder in which patient experience regular bouts serious over
eating which are always followed by a feeling of guilt which can then lead to extreme reactions such as crash
dieting, doing lots of exercise and purging.
Corporate Office: CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.)-324005
Website : | E-mail :
Physical Education
Toll Free : 1800 200 2244 | 1800 258 5555 | CIN: U80302RJ2007PTC024029


Physical Education


Food intolerance: Food intolerance is bodys reaction to the proteins molecules in a particular food. A
common food intolerance is a reaction to a type of proteins in the milk.


Food myth: Food myths are things which are repeated some time so much that we are inclined to believe
they are true e.g. High protein diets cause ketosis which reduces hunger.


Healthy Weight: Weight is a tough mass. The health benefits of staying at a healthy weight are huge and
well worth effort. It helps in lowering the risk of heart disease, diabetes and high blood pressure.


Posture: Posture means, position or pose and a multi-segmented organism, such as human body cannot
be said to have a single posture.


Correct posture: Good posture is the one, in which, the body is so balanced as to produce least fatigue.
A good posture is the position of the body, held with any sense of effort.


Advantages of correct posture : (i) Hygienic value, (ii) Physical appearance, (ii) Grace and efficiency of
movements, (iii) Social value, (iv) Physical fitness, (v) Improve speech, (vi) Economic value.


Bow-legs: Bow-legged deformity occurs during childhood. In this deformity, the legs bend outwards like a


Lordosis: It is an increase in the amount of the normal concavity ofthe lumbar region of spine. It is inward
curvature of the spine with protruding abdomen, resulting in hollow-back.


Flat-foot: When arch is resting on the supporting of an individuals foot, while he is standing in his habitual
position, a foot is said to be flat-foot.


Knock-knee: In this deformity, both the knees get knocked or touch each other in normal standing position.


Postural deformities: Malfunctioning of a part of the body or functional disorder is called postural deformity.
It may be congenital or by incorrect posture.


Kyphosis: It is an increase in the amount of the normal convexity of the thoracic region of spine. It is an
abnormal increase in the flexion of the spine.


Scoliosis: Postural adaptation of the spine in lateral direction is called scoliosis. Scoliosis means, bending,
twisting or rotating.


Spinal curvature is the deformity related to spine. This is caused by carrying excessive weight beyond
capacity. Weak muscles cause the formation of spinal curvature.


Motor development: Motor development refers to the development of a childs bone, muscles and ability
to move around and manipulate hislher environment. Motor development is the progressive change in
movement throughout the life cycle.


Gross Motor Skills: Gross motor skills refers to movements involving larger muscles like, those in arms,
legs, feet, in the entire body (i.e. it is used in walking, jumping and so on.


Fine Motor Skills: Fine motor skills refers to movements involving smaller muscles, like there in hands,
wrist and fmgers such as those used to hold.

Corporate Office: CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.)-324005
Website : | E-mail :
Physical Education
Toll Free : 1800 200 2244 | 1800 258 5555 | CIN: U80302RJ2007PTC024029


Physical Education


Factors affecting motor development: (1) Heredity (2) Nutrition (3) Immunisation.


Benefits of exercise: (1) Control Weight, (2) Combats health condition and diseases.


Psychological benefits of exercise: (1) Reduces stress as well as improve ability to cope with stress, (2)
Improves body image, 3. Strengthens bones, 4. Strengthens the lungs,


Strengthens the heart, 6. Blood sugar.


Food supplements : Food supplements also known as dietary or nutritional supplements, are a type of
product designed to enhance boost the nutritional content of your diet.


Name the food supplements: (1) Vitamins, (2) Minerals, (3) Meal Replacement and Sport Nutrition, (4)
Herbs and other Nutritional Supplement.


Weight training: Weight training is defmed as those exercises that are designed to strengthen specific
muscles by causing them to overcome a fixed resistance,


Advantages of weight training: 1. Reduces stress and tension, 2. best means of providing fitness, 3.
Helps in getting good shape, 4. Best means to develop strength.


Quality of life: Quality ofIife means how you live your life, what type of health you are having. If you are
healthy and enjoying your life then it can be said that you have a good quality of life.


Role of physical activities in improving the quality of life: 1. Prolong optimal health, 2. Control weight,
3. Enhance the health of heart, 4. Reduce the chances of cancer.


Menstrual Cycle: Menstrual cycle is cyclic physiological discharge through the vagina of blood and muscosal
tissue from transform the non-pregnant uterus.


Menstrual disorders : (i) Oligomenorrhea: In it there is frequent scanty menstruation . (ii) Amenorrhea: It
refers to absence of menstruation in females of 18 years and above. (iii) Dysmenorrhea: It is lower abdominal
pains or cramps during the menstrual period accompanied by headache and backache.

Menarche: It refers to the first menstrual cycle. In the elite athlete it is delayed by few months and years due
to intense training, dieting etc.


Risk of heavy exercise on the pregnant female: (i) Tiredness, (ii) Low glucose, (iii) Injuries to the muscles,
bones, joints and connective tissue.


Risk of heavy exercises on the foetus: (i) Hypoxia foetus, (ii) Hypothesmia to foetus, (iii)Decrease in
energy supplement to foetus, (iv) Chances of miscarriage.


Benefits oflow intensity exercises during pregnancy. (i) Improvement in cadiovascular fitness, (ii) Prevent
diabetes, (iii) Maintain ideal body weight, (iv) Promotes good posture, (v) Easy labour, (vi) Healthy foetus.


Menopause: In old age women between 45-50 menstrual cycle stop, the stage is called 8. menopause.


Anemia: Anemia is a malnutrition disease caused due to deficiency of iron a human beings person suffering
from anemia has less blood than normal limit.

Corporate Office: CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.)-324005
Website : | E-mail :
Physical Education
Toll Free : 1800 200 2244 | 1800 258 5555 | CIN: U80302RJ2007PTC024029


Physical Education


Measurement: Measurement refers to the process of administrating a test to obtain a quantitative a test to
obtain a quantitative data.


Tests : Test refers to any specific instrument, procedure or technique used by administrator to elicit from
the test taker.


Kraus Weber test: Kraus Weber test was introduced by Kraus and Hirschland and was administered on
school children. It is used to measure muscular strength.


AAHPER Test : AAHPER test is administered to apply motor fitness. It was administrated by Hunsicker in
1958.In 1965 it was reformed and re-introduced.


Cardiovascular Endurance: Cardiovascular endurance is the ability to exercise continuously for extended
period without tiring and is important component of sporting activities.


Hardward step test: Hardward step test is a type of Cardiac stress test for detecting or diagnosing
cardiovascular disease. It is also a good measurement of fitness and your ability to recover after a strenuous


Rockfort Test: Rockfort test is used to measure the Cardio respiratory fitness. This test consists of
walking which may be performed by every age group like middle age group and older adults.


Chair stand test for Senior Citizens: Measuring lower body strength is critical in evaluating the functional
performance of senior citizens. The purpose of this test is to assets the test and retest reliability and the
criterion related.


Arm curl test for senior citizens: The Arm curl test is a test of upper body strength and is part of the
Senior fitness Test and AAPHERD Functional Fitness Test and is designed to test the functional fitness of


Back scratch test for Senior Citizens : The Back scratch test is a measure of flexibility of your upper
body. Upper bodys exhibits each your ability to reach for items that may be in a shelf, Change a light bulb,
do any activity that requires arm and shoulder movement.


Physiology : Physiology is the study of the functions of normal human body. It is closely linked with the
study of all living things in biology.


Physiological factors determining strength : 1. Body weight, 2. Intensity of the nerve impulse, 3. Size of the


Physiological factors determining speed: 1. Flexibility, 2. Explosive strength, 3. Mobility of the nervous
system, 4. Bio-chemical reserve and metabolic power.


Physiological factors determining Endurance : 1. Aerobic capacity : Oxygen intake, Energy reserve, Oxygen
uptake. 2. Lactic acid tolerance, 3. Muscle composition, 4. Movement economy.


Physiological factors determining Flexibility: 1. Joint structure, 2. Muscle strength, 3.Age and gender, 4.
Previous injury, 5. Stretchability of muscles.


Short term effects of cardio-vascular system: 1. Increase in heart rate, 2. Increase in stroke volume, 3.
Increase in blood flow, 4. Increase in cardiac output.


Stroke volume: Stroke volume is the amount of blood ejected per beat from the left ventricle. It is measured
in mllbeat.
Corporate Office: CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.)-324005
Website : | E-mail :
Physical Education
Toll Free : 1800 200 2244 | 1800 258 5555 | CIN: U80302RJ2007PTC024029


Physical Education


Cardiac output: Cardiac output is the amount of blood pumped by the heart in one minute. It is measured in


Agility: It is the ability of the person to change direction while moving at or near full speed.


Residual air volume: Residual air is that amount of air, which is left in the lungs after exhalation.


Vital air capacity: It is the amount of air which an individual can inhale and exhale with maximum effort.


Heart rate: The number of cardiac contractions in one minute is called heart rate. 72 beat/minute is generally
considered as a normal heart rate.


Ageing: Ageing is a process of gradual changes in the body with the passage of time. These changes are
noticeable usually after the age of the age of 30.


Physiological changes due to ageing:

1. Changes in muscle size and strength,
2. Change in bone density,
3. Changes in urinary system,
4. Changes in metabolism and body composition,
5. Changes in nervous system.


Sports medicine: Sports medicine is that branch of medicine that deals with physical fitness, treatment
and prevention of injuries related to sports and exercise.


Sports environment: Sports environment means availability ofproper infrastructure, equipment and conducive
ambitions of sports.


Positive sports environment: It is the condition and circumstance, in which sports persons perform and
participate in sports activity.


Physical environment: The physical environment includes the natural and man-made environment which
consist of playground, courts, gyms, climate, stadium and indoor hall etc.


Social environment: It includes cultural environment and traditional environment which further consists of
religion philosophy altitude, behalf, assumption moral and ethical codes in sports.


Stain: It is the injury of muscle which is caused by the stress over the muscles or due to pull.


Sprain: It is injury of ligament at the joint, it occurs at joints like wrist-joint, ankle joint etc.


Contusion: It is an injury caused by the blow or impact, without breaking or rupture of the skin.


Dislocation: It is an injury ofjoint, in which adjoining bones are displaced from their original position. .


Biomechanics : It is the study of forces and their effects on living system.


Projectile : A projectile is an object that is sent in motion into space. Objects are projectedthrough space
in sports activities by throwing, striking or kicking. Action ofthe human bodyitself become a projectile.


Projectile motion: Projectile motion is motion of the bodies that have been projected into the air. It occurs
with considerable frequency in physical education and athletics.


Factors affecting Projectile trajectory: 1. Propelling force, 2. Force of gravity, 3. Effects of air resistance.


Linear motion : The movement that takes place in a straight line is called linear motion. It is the most basic
of all motions. Uninterrupted objects will continue to move in a straight line indefinitely.


Newtons first law of motion : This law states that a body at rest will remain at rest and a body in motion
will remain in motion at the same speed and in the same direction till any external force is applied on it to
change that state.


Corporate Office: CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.)-324005
Website : | E-mail :
Physical Education
Toll Free : 1800 200 2244 | 1800 258 5555 | CIN: U80302RJ2007PTC024029


Physical Education


Newtons second law of motion: This law states that the rate of change in acceleration of an object is
directly proportional to the force producing it and inversely proportional to its mass.


Newtons third law of motion : This law states that to every action, there is always an equal and opposite


Work: Work done by a body is the product offorce acting on that body and displacement made by that in the
direction of force. W= F x S


Friction: Friction is the force of opposition automatically built up between two surfaces in contact when one
surface moves over another. Friction is produced due to roughness ofthe surface in contact.


Power: Power of a body is the rate of doing work. work done w


work done w

time spent

12. Energy: It is either the capacity or capability of a body to do some form of work.


Stress: Stress is a natural forces from inside and outside world affecting the individual. It is related to both
external and internal factors.


Anxiety : Anxiety is a personal feeling of an apprehension, accompanied by an increased levelof physiological



Stress management techniques: 1.Dont think about stressful thoughts, 2. Developing hobbies,3. Cognitive
strategies to change the perception of the stressor, 4. Achieve a high level ofphysical fitness, 5. Participation
in physical activities, 6. Staying cool and confident under pressure.


Coping Strategy: Coping Strategy is a behavior that helps us to function better in a given situation. People
with hearing loss develop coping strategies for different listening situations they find themselves in.


Problem Focused coping: Problem-focused coping targets the causes of stress in practicalways which
tackles the problem or stressful situation that is causing stress, consequently directlyreducing the stress.
Problem focused strategies aim to remove or reduce the cause of thestressor.


Emotion focused coping: Emotion-focused coping involves trying to reduce the negative emotional responses
associated with stress such as embarrassment, fear, anxiety, depression,excitement and frustration. This
may be the only realistic option when the source of stressis outside the persons controL


Personality: Personality is made up ofthe characteristic patterns ofthoughts, feelings andbehaviors that
make a person unique. According to Self-Psychoanalysis the journal of unconsciouspsychology.


Motivation : Motivation is the process of arousing action, sustaining the activity in progressand regulation
the pattern of activity.


Body Image: Body image is the mental picture you have of your body - what it 100 like, what you believe
about it, and how you feel about your body.


Self-Esteem: Self-esteem is the real opinion you have of yourself. How you value and respect yourself as
a person. Your self-esteem has a direct effect on how you take care 0 yourself, emotionally, physically and
spiritually. Self-esteem and body image also exert influence on each other.


Flexibility: Flexibility is the ability of joint to move in maximum amplitude or range. In other words, flexibility
is the ability to execute movement with greater amplitude or range.


Methods for development of flexibility: (i) Ballistic method, (ii) Static stretching method, (iii) Dynamic
stretching method, (iv) Proprioceptive Neuro-muscular facilitation.


Strength: Strength is an ability to resist a stress. It is one of the important components of physical fitness.


Isotonic exercises: Isotonic exercises are those exercises, in which movements of the muscles can be
seen directly. Work is done in these exercises. These exercises are done with or without apparatus.
Corporate Office: CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.)-324005
Website : | E-mail :
Physical Education
Toll Free : 1800 200 2244 | 1800 258 5555 | CIN: U80302RJ2007PTC024029


Physical Education


Isometric exercises: Isometric Exercises are those exercises, in which the movements of muscles are not
visible or seen. In fact, these are direct movements, which can be observed. When these exercises are done,
muscles do not change their length. They remain constant.


Fartlek: Fartlek is a Swedish word, which means, speed play. Fartlek training method is used in
developing endurance. In this method, pace or speed is not pre-planned, so it is left to individual-run method.


Circuit training : In Circuit training method, series of selective exercises are performed at different stations, in a small place known as circuit. There are usually 5-10 or 12 selective exercises which are arranged
in a circuit.


Endurance: Endurance is the ability to sustain an activity. Endurance may be defined as the ability to
resist fatigue. Endurance is measured by the member of repetitions.


Interval training method : This method is based on the principle of effort and recovery. In this method,
recovery-time is given to the athlete after each run or walk out. Recovery-period can be adjusted according to
the fitness and efficiency of the players.

Corporate Office: CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.)-324005
Website : | E-mail :
Physical Education
Toll Free : 1800 200 2244 | 1800 258 5555 | CIN: U80302RJ2007PTC024029


Practice Papers (1 2 Solved)

Practice Papers (3 5 Unsolved)

Time Management for the Practice Papers

Note : 15 Minutes will be allotted to each examinee for reading the question paper before
commencement of the examination.
Marks per

Expected Time

Number of

Total Expected

Average expected time for


per Question



each category

1-3 min


11-33 min

33 min

5-7 min

40-56 min

48 min

10-13 min

70-91 min

84 min

Revision Time for the whole paper


15 min
180 min

Assess yourself on the Grading Chart

Time Limit

Sum of time limit



Lower time limit

121 minutes

Brilliant as he has finished

the paper before the

Very well-prepared but

needs to revise thoroughly

expected time.

so as to score 100% marks.

Average as there in no
time left for revision.

Needs more practice and

increase speed so as to

Upper time limit

180 minutes

keep time for revision.

Expected time limit

165 minutes

Excellent as he is left with

15 minutes for revision.

Well-prepared but remove

mistakes, if any during
revision so as to get 100%

Corporate Office: CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.)-324005
Website : | E-mail :
Physical Education
Toll Free : 1800 200 2244 | 1800 258 5555 | CIN: U80302RJ2007PLC024029

- 10

Time Allowed : 3 Hrs.

[Max. Marks : 70]

Question : 1 - 11 (1 Mark), 12-19 (3 Marks), 20-26 (5 Marks)


What is the meaning of adventure sports?


Adventure sports are sports having a lot of thrill and excitement. They are difficult but enjoyable and have a
high level of danger. They are challenging and competitive and involve a lot of strength, speed exertion and
unusual experience. Various adventure sports activities are mountain climbing, river rafting camping trekking
and predicating in extreme sports.


Write any two functions of diet.


Two functions of diet are :

(i) An adequate diet provides sufficient energy for the performance of metabolic work.
(ii) All the nutrients help us in growth and development of the body as well as help in fighting against the
diseases and infections.


List any two objectives of planning.


Two objectives of planning are :

(i) To organize sports competitions successfully : We need to plan the things well in advance so that there is
no confusion at the last moment.
(ii) To prevent wastage of time : Planning saves a lot of time and overlapping. Proper management of work
saves time. Professionals help should be taken wherever necessary for any arrangement.


What is Lordosis?


Lordosis is also known as hollow back deformity of posture. There is exaggerated lumber curve in lower
back area, chest broadens, shoulders go back and abdomen muscles are moved forward. This is mainly due
to loose abdominal wall and obesity.


List the factors affecting motor development.


Factors affecting motor development are :

(i) Heredity

(ii) Nutrition imbalance

(iii) Immunization

(iv) Less opportunities for children

(v) Environment

(vi) Parental interaction

(vii) Lack of physical activity


What is slow-twitch of muscle fibres?


Slow-twitch of muscle fibres : The slow-twitch of muscle fibres provides better energy to the exercising
muscles during endurance activity. It determines the endurance of a person.

Corporate Office: CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.)-324005
Website : | E-mail :
Physical Education
Toll Free : 1800 200 2244 | 1800 258 5555 | CIN: U80302RJ2007PLC024029

- 11


What is ankle strain?


The ligament that hold the ankle bones in place can easily be overstretched. This is stretching and tearing of
ligament surrounding the ankle joint.


What is friction?


Friction : The force acting along two surfaces in contact which opposes the motion of one body over the other
is called the force of friction. Larger the area of contact between the surface greater is the force of friction.
When both the surfaces are smooth, the force friction reduces to almost zero.


What are problem-focused coping strategies?


Problem-focused coping strategies means directly tackling the situation that has caused the stress. We
must aim to tackle the root cause of the stress. It involves a lot of efforts to manage the problem. The
following are the ways to tackle problem-focused situations. e.g. (i) Analyse the situation, (ii) Seek professional


Make a list of different types of coordinative abilities.


Different types of coordinative abilities are :

(i) Coupling Ability

(ii) Reaction Ability

(iii) Balance Ability

(iv) Orientation Ability

(v) Adaptation Ability

(vi) Rhythm Ability


What is rapid form method of Harward step test?


In rapid/short method of harward step test the pulse is counted from 1 to 11/2 minute and then put in equation
to check the cardiovascular fitness of children.

Duration of sec onds 100

5.5 pulse count (1 11/2 minute)


Discuss briefly the womens participation as discourse.


Women participation as discourse : Despite modernization discrimination based on gender keeps women
away from sports activities. Generally women are discouraged by being told that they are weak as compared
to men. They have less opportunities to compete in sports. Travelling to sporting places becomes difficult for
women. Parents do not allow them to move alone or come late hours after practice for safety reasons. Some
live in areas too far from stadiums. Lack of public transportation to their areas is a big problem. Earlier
women participation was very restricted. Now women participation has increased steadily. In 1900 Paris
Olympic Games. There were just 22 female participants. In the 2012 London Olympic Games, more then
4500 females participated. Despite all this women still have reservations about participation in sports.

Corporate Office: CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.)-324005
Website : | E-mail :
Physical Education
Toll Free : 1800 200 2244 | 1800 258 5555 | CIN: U80302RJ2007PLC024029

- 12


What is camping? List any two benefits of it.


Camping is a popular form of outdoor recreational activity. A group of persons, who live in tents are called
campers. they spend one or more nights at a campsite. They generally combine outdoor activities i.e., with
food games and meeting for fun pleasure etc.
Benefits of camping are :
(i) It gives one an opportunity to reside together at the same place in tents, for enjoyment.
(ii) Id develops qualities of cooperation tolerance consideration trust and responsibility.


Write down the causes and remedial measures of knock knee.


knock knee : It means a knee bent inwards. It is a condition in which the lower legs are positioned at an
outwards angle and the knees touch each other while the ankles are separated. It is mostly caused by
irregular growth of the lower leg bones and weak ligaments. It may occur in early age when parents haste, to
make the child walk or in old age due to general weakness.
Remedial measures :
(i) Walking on an outward inclining surface
(ii) Applying pressure on the outer edge of the feet intentionally. (sit cross leged)
(iii) Padmasana is recommended.
(iv) Extra care should be taken while walking, standing and in other weight-bearing positions.
(v) Some corrective exercises under the guidance of a physiotherapist can help in preventing knock knee.


Explain the importance of sports medicine for athletes.


Importance of sports medicine : Sports medicine is a multidisciplinary clinical and academic speciality of
Medicine dealing with health promotion for the general population by stimulating a physically active lifestyle,
diagnosis treatment prevention and rehabilitation of injuries and illnesses fro mparticipation to exercise and
physical activities. It is very important because :
(i) Pre-participation clinical screening and examination before exercise assist to the athletes engaged in
(ii) It deals with doping control and gender verification and health related difficulties.
(iii) It also help in special medical issues associated with international sporting events of athletes.
(iv) Developing new knowledge is an important part of sports medicine through quality research on the sports
(v) To provide services that include - physiotherapy Treatment and Rehabilitation (P, T, R) of Athletic injuries.
(vii) To ensure that Athletic Population can compete in safe environment.


Discuss the planning procedure of the sports day.


Planning procedure of the sports day : Planning is an important method to achieve all the details of a
particular event. Planning procedure involves advance planning about an event which is going to happen in
the institution. A meeting will be held with the principal of the institute regarding sports day. What all events
will be included such as march past, mass drill aerobic dances and athletic reaes. The HOD of physical
education will be responsible for the entire programme. He/She must lead his/her team as the one single
unit. Expected help from other resource persons can also be taken after the distribution of work to other staff
as per their capacity. Practice schedule of various classes will be planned only after taking permission from
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higher authorities. Duty list will be finalised so that each person involved is clear about his/her role on the
sports day. Various eventincharges will submit their requirement so that timely purchase can be done. Final
date will be decided along with the chief guest.

What are the physical and physiological benefits of exercise?


Physical benefits of exercise : A physically active lifestyle helps you generate more energy controls your
weight, manages stress and boosts your immune system. It provides psychological and emotional benefits
contributing to your sense of competence and well-being. It offers protection against heart diseases, diabetes
high blood pressure depression and anxiety.
Physiological benefits of exercise : Participation in games and sports provides sufficient exercise to
human body. General physical fitness programmes help you keep physiologically fit even at old age. Regular
participation improves the shape and strength of muscles as well as the growth and development of bones.
It also improves circulatory, respiratory, digestive and excretory system. It also helps in greater muscular
coordination. Therefore one should do exercise regularly and properly to get physiological benefits of exercise
throughout your life.


Explain the mechanical analysis of running.


Mechanincal analysis of running : Running cycle comprises a stance phase where one foot is in contact with
the ground while the other leg is swinging followed by a float phase where both legs are off the ground.
(i) Foot strike : The first contact of the foot with the ground is made by heels. Then mid foot or whole foot
strickes the body leads to controlled landing. At this point the whole body balances on one leg. The most
important event during foot strike is to absorb the initial impact of the foot striking the ground through:
(a) rapid extension of the hip
(b) flexion of knee
(c) internal rotation of the tibia
(d) air cushioned shoes
Heel pad has better ability to absorb initial impact than other adipose tissue. Now the supporting leg leaves
the ground before the opposite leg comes into contact with the ground.
(ii) Swing phase : It reduces the moment of inertia by lifting knees and hip close to the body. The nonsupporting leg swings past stationary leg and becomes ready for the next step. The distance of the body
moving in the air depends on :
(a) the angle of take-off
(b) the speed of body projection at take of
(c) hip flexion


Strength training is safe when properly supervised and controlled. The coach and the teacher should make
sure that athletes are fully aware of the safety rules applying to weight training room (s) they use. Strength
training exercises are used in almost every game/sport. The demand of strength needed for a sprinter to
explode from the blocks is different to the strength needed by a weightlifter to lift 200 kg barbell. Therefore, it
implies that there are different types of strength.
(i) What is the most important while doing weight training?
(ii) Which type of strength is needed by a sprinter to explode from the blocks?
(iii) What are two most important values one learns by weight training?
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(i) Weight training requires supervision and athletes must know safety rules applied in weight training.
(ii) Explosive strength.
(iii) (a) Always training under the expert guidance
(b) Always follow safety rules.


Explain in detail trekking and its safety measures.


Trekking : A trek is a long adventurous journey undertaken on foot in areas where means of transport are not
generally available. Trekking is known as a combination of hiking and walking activity. This activity is done for
many days and generally planned away from urban areas. So we can say that trekking is making a trip on
foot to hike through mountain areas for many days together and enjoying nature closely with people in
mountain villages or in remote areas.
Safety measures while trekking :
(i) Ensure that you are in good physical condition.
(ii) Dont move alone always follow other trekkers.
(iii) Always carry water with you to avoid dehydration.
(iv) Use proper sports shoes or boots during adventurous activity.
(v) Use the map and study the route before going for trekking.
(vi) Take carry bag for trekking trips for some light eatable items like roasted chana, bread etc.
(vii) Must chaeck the weather forecast before leaving the camp area.
(viii) Always carry medicines and first aid kit while going for trekking.
(ix) always carry torch with you.
(x) Be aware of dangers and use your common sense.


What are the common elements that come into play in a disorder known as female athlete triad?


Hard training constant dieting and a desire to achieve better looking physique creates a disorder. The
component that comprises this disorder are osteoporosis, menstrual dysfunction and eating disorder. This is
more common in Gymnastics, figure skating ballet fitness and body building. If these components are not
seen it can increase health risk in many other complications.
(i) The first eating disorder is Anorexia and bulimia. We call it as physical appearance pressure transforms
into ideal body weight. It also affects the psychological well being of the athlete.
(ii) The second component is Osteoporosis. Athletes who are participating in high impact activities are at risk
of stress fracture since their bones may not be as dense due to inadequate calcium and constant dieting.
(iii) The third component is Menstrual dysfunction. This is caused because of high intensity exercise and
high psychological stress and energy deficiency. As energy stores drop, levels of blood estrogen are decreased
and menstruation will no longer occur.


What is the league-cum-knockout method? Make a cyclic fixture of 12 teams with the help of the single
league cyclic method.


League-cum-knockout : In this type of tournament, first the teams will be divided into different pools. Every
team will play against each other in their pool. Either the best two or one team will be taken out from each
pool as per point system and then they will play knockout matches and we will get the deserving winner of
the tournament.
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Cyclic fixture of 12 Teams :

Number of teams = 12, Rounds = n 1 = 12, Matches =



n(n 1) 12(12 1)



Round 2


Round 4




Round10 Round11

11 (12)

10 (12)

9 (12)

8 (12) 7 (12) 6 (12) 5 (12)

4 12

3 (12)

2 (12)

10 1

9 11

8 10







1 3

11 2



7 11

6 10





1 5

11 4

10 3

1 (12)




5 11

4 10



1 7

11 6

10 5




4 1

3 11

2 10

1 9

11 8

10 7








1 11

11 10

10 9




The winners will be declared as per point system.

If the team wins 2 points lose 0 point, draw 1 point to each team.
Add the score of all the matches. The team with the highest points will be declared as winner likewise 2nd and
3rd place will be decided and every team will get its ranking.

What is anoxeria Norvosa? Write the symptoms and treatment involved in it.


Anorexia Nervosa : It is a complex eating disorder. When someone tries to keep his/her weight as low as
possible, we call it as immoderate food restriction and irrational fear of gaining weight. People having this
disease typically suffer excessive weight loss. This restriction of food intake causes metabolic and hormonal
Symptoms :
(i) dieting even when underweight

(ii) drastic weight loss

(iii) lying about eating

(iv) under stress

(v) taking only low calorie nutrition

(vi) hair loss

(vii) constipation etc.

Treatment : All people with Anorexia Norvosa need treatment. It includes :
(i) Medical treatment : Doctors will treat the medical condition caused by Anorexia Norvosa such as
osteoporosis, stress depression, etc. In case of severe malnutrition a person is hospitalized.
(ii) Counselling : A dietitian will help you take charge of your weight in a healthy way. He/she will make proper
plan and will build trust in you. You are made confident of attaining good health.
(iii) Proper post-treatment : Follow the medical treatment prescribed by the doctor. Do not cheat yourself.
Take control of your eating habits, build trust in people who are helping you. Leave the bad thoughts and start
again because health is in your hands. Proper treatment is necessary to come back to your original health

Write down the advantages and disadvantages of weight training.


Advantages of weight training :

(i) It is the best way of getting the entire body in good size, shape and structure.
(ii) Weight training is good for the development of upper body strength as well as the lower section of the
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(iii) It is the best way to keep your muscles well toned and in a fit condition.
(iv) It also contributes to effective weight control because weight training reduces the chances of getting
(v) It develops good strength, endurance and balance. Weight training is suitable for all the games and sports
and contributes to better results in performance.
Disadvantages :
(i) Since children are in a developing stage lifting heavy weight can be stressful for young muscles. Therefore,
they should go in for light weight strength training programme.
(ii) Exercise should be performed carefully and under the supervision of trainer otherwise there are chances
of injury. Injury can take place because of lack of supervision due to faulty equipment or while lifting barbell
or overloading etc.
(iii) After weight training one must relax muscles or cool down to avoid stiffness, pain or muscle cramps.
(iv) The primary concern is actually safety. Dont exercise with weight by yourself take support from a
companion. The most frequent safety problem is while using barbell.

What is endurance? Explain different methods of endurance to improve sports performance.


Endurance : Endurance is the ability to do sports movements with desired quality and speed under conditions
of fatigue According to Martin It is the ability to resist fatigue
Methods of endurance development : There are three methods of developing endurance :
(a) Continuous method
(b) Fartlek training method
(c) Interval training method
Interval training method : It is widely used for the development of speed and endurance. This method is
based on the principle effort and recovery. This means during training, the recovery of athlete between
specified workouts some recovery period or interval is given. The pulse rate is increased blood pressure is
also increased. The heartbeat ranges from 170 to 180 beats per minute.

Loading phase



72 beats/minute

In 400 metres race for example the athlete runs 300 mts. with maximum speed and 100 metres slow jog with
combination of walk amd again gets ready for next repetition.

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Continuous method : This method consists of long distance running without break or recovery or pause.
This method is further divided into following parts : Slow continuous method and variable pace method.
(i) Slow continuous method : It consists of long distance running slowly without any break or pause with
low intensity.
For example : cross country runs. The heart rate remains between 140-160 beats per minute. Duration is
from 30 minutes to 2 hours or even more.
(ii) Fast continuous method : In this method intensity is higher but it requires less time. the duration is up
to 20 minutes continuous without any break. The heart rate reaches 160-180 beats per minute. Fast pace
method is effective for improving amount of oxygen consumed by the working muscles heart and lungs.
Example : Aerobics.
(iii) Variable pace method : It is a combination of above methods. The activity is done continuously but the
pace is changed. This can be done from 15 minutes to 60 minutes and the heart rate should remain under
140-180 beats per minute.
Example : Fartlek training.

Discuss the KRAUS WEBER TEST for measuring muscular strength of school children.


Kraus Weber Test : The test consists of 6 test items which indicate the level of muscular strength. Various
Kraus Weber tests are:
Test no. 1
Strength of abdomen plus psoas muscles : Lie down on a table in supine position, hands behind neck
partner holds the feet. Now perform sit up with straight legs. If the subject is unable to come up then zero
score and 10 points when he performs a complete sit up.
Test no. 2
Strength of abdominal minus psoas muscles : The subject lies down in supine position but this time
knees are bent fingers interlocked behind neck. Now ask the subject to perform one sit up. Scoring is same
as in test no. 1.
Test no. 3
Strength psoas and lower abdominal and back muscles :
The subject lies down in supine position hands interlocked behind neck. Now as the subject to raise his both
feet at 10 inches height with knees straight. Hold for 10 seconds, 10 marks are awarded. Number of second
held is the score of individual.

10 inch
Supine position

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Test no. 4
To measure strength of upper back : Lie down in proline position, hands behind the neck. A pillow is kept
under abdomen. Press the back. Now lift the legs 10 inches above the ground. Scoring same as in test no.
Test no. 5
To measure strength of lower back : The subject is asked to lie down in prone position with pillow under
lower abdomen. Hands are inter locked behind the neck. Expert holds the feet down and asks the subject to
raise head, shoulders and chest. As soon as the subject raises the chest expert starts counting time.
Scoring : Same as test no. 3.

Time Allowed : 3 hrs.

[Max. Marks : 70]


What is Blister?


It is a fluid filled sack on the surface of the skin that commonly occurs on the hands and feet.


What is rock climbing?


Rock climbing : It is an adventurous activity in which participants climb up and move across the rocks. The
degree of difficulty depends upon the length and angle of elevation of the rocks. The aim of rock climbing is
to reach the pre-defined route without falling.


What is a food myth?


Food myths : These are unscientific reasons of thought about food items. These are more of a psychological
nature than actual. Wrong information floats around about nutrition and without knowing the logic we start
following it or we create our own myth about it without finding the truth.


What is health run?


Health run : Running is a natural human activity. Running meets our biological and physiological needs. It is
more of fun and enjoyment and satisfaction. Health run programs are usually carried out in the army or
camps to improve the fitness of Jawans. Generally, people run individually according to their convenience.


What is flat foot?


Flat foot is a very common postural deformity. Flat foot means there is no arch in the foot or loss of arch in
the foot. It is mainly caused by overweight, prolonged standing. It does not interfere with normal functions of
the foot.


What do you mean by motor development in children?


Motor development in children : Motor development takes place when the child is biologically and mentally
mature. Motor development in children includes movement control, flexibility understanding motor skills
proper body composition and development of physical and emotional traits through many stages of childhood.
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How many Bye be there if number of teams participating in the Knockout tournament are 25. Also mention
the teams in upper and lower half.


Team in upper Half will be =

n 1 25 1 26


Team in lower Half will be =

n 1 25 1 24


Number of Byes = 32 25 = 7

What is linear movement?


Linear movement : The movement along a straight line is called linear movement. It is also known as
rectilinear translation, e.g., 100 m sprint. The athlete travels the shortest distance from start to finish in a
straight line is linear movement.


Mention the effects of exercise on cardiovascular system.


(i) Increase in efficiency of Heart rate

(ii) Increase in cardiac output
(iii) Increase in blood flow to different parts of the body.
(iv) Decrease in resting pulse.


What is personality?


Personality : The word personality is derived from the latin word persona which means the mask. It is the
outer edge of the self. We can also say that personality is the total sum of ones being and involves physical
mental social emotional and intellectual aspects of person.


Name the type of strength used at the time of take off in long jump.


Expiosive strength.


Make a list of a few pitfalls of dieting.


Pitfalls of dieting are as follows :

(i) The most common effect of dieting is hair loss.
(ii) The person remains under stress and is not able to tackle it.
(iii) It can also lead to cognition impairment if continued for long duration.
(iv) The worst part of dieting is that it can even damage the organs of the body.
(v) After dieting when you start eating your regular meal you gain weight very quickly and your physique is


What are the causes of flat foot? What steps should be followed as preventive method with the help of
movement or exercise?


Causes of flat foot : It occurs due to the loss of tone in muscles supporting the foot which results in flattening
of arch. This defect is mostly caused by
(i) Faulty posture.
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(ii) Standing for a long time

(iii) Use of local footwear.
(iv) Overweight.
Preventive exercises :
(i) Walk on heels and toes.
(ii) Pick up marbles with toes.
(iii) Write alphabet on sand.
(iv) Stretching toes down in long sitting position
(v) Walk with feet parallel to each other.

What is Fartlek training?


Fartlek training method : Fartlek is a Swedish word which means speed play. The athlete changes the pace
from high speed running to jogging. Fartlek training is normally performed in countryside or hilly region. Every
athlete is made free to run at whatever speed he prefers. The athlete runs up the hill at speed and then walks
down the hill. Here natural track is utilized for running. The sportsman changes the speed according to his
feelings surroundings and terrain. Therefore this method requires more self discipline in order to be effective.
Along with running some exercises are also performed. Time factor is very important as programme of
training is chalked out by setting a time period for completion of Fartlek method. The approximate distance
to be covered is 10-12 km.


What is the role of physical education in creating good leaders?


Role of physical education in creating good leaders : Physical education plays an important role in shaping
and creating good leaders. Physical education is the field which provides a lot of opportunities to the students
where they can hold greater responsibilities such as training camps competitions tournaments, guidance
from coach and high level of discipline. Physical education explains body movements and involves variety of
individual as well as team sports. By participating in various games and sports one develops a good personality
cooperative attitude emotionally balanced confident and courageous nature firm determination with broader
outlook. All these are the best leadership qualities which can be developed only through physical education.
This field gives practical as well as theoretical knowledge regarding management and administration of
various events in an effective way. All these opportunities of organizing competitions create bold leaders.


Describe in brief Rockport test for measuring cardiovascular fitness.


Rockport test : Rockport is 1-mile walk test. This test measures your cardiovascular fitness. It is very easy
to administer. This test of 1.0 mile walk predicts the aerobic fitness for individual of all ages. The participant
is instructed to walk fast enough so that his/her heartbeat reaches more than 130 beats per minute. This test
incorporates the time to finish the walk exercise heart rate body mass age and gender into an equation to
predict aerobic fitness. We can check the highest possible rate of oxygen consumption i.e., VO2 max. This
test is administered in 400 m track. Post heart rate is recorded by electronic monitoring immediately after
crossing 1 mile walk. It using radial pulse for HR determination measure HR for 15 seconds and multiply by
4 to get beats/minute. Now you can calculate your VO2 max.

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Explain different types of speed abilities.


Types of speed : Speed is an essential component of physical fitness that helps an individual to perform will
in sports. There are five types of speed as under :
(i) Reaction ability

(ii) Movement speed

(iii) Acceleration

(iv) Locomotor ability

(v) Speed endurance

(i) Reaction ability : It is the ability to respond quickly to a stimulus. It can be tactile or visual. Reaction
ability has great significance in sports specially 100, 200, 400 m start. In case of simple reaction ability
athletes try to workout repeated movements as fast as possible on the given signal. In case of complex
reaction ability, the athlete has to respond to unexpected signal quickly and accurately. Both need a lot of
training for nervous system and coordinative abilities.
(ii) Movement speed : Movement speed is the ability of an individual to perform movement in minimum
possible time. It depends on technique explosive strength, flexibility and coordinative abilities. It plays an
important role in gymnastics sprints throw jump, etc. Movement speed can be measured by time taken to
complete a movement in the sport.
(iii) Locomotor ability : Locomotor speed ability is the ability to maintain maximum speed for maximum time
to cover more distance in less time. Sprints depend on locomotor ability as sprinters have to run with
maximum speed to excel.

What is the role of regular exercise on ageing process?


Role of regular exercise on ageing process : Regular exercise always promotes healthy aging process.
Getting older is a regular cycle of life. Regular exercise delays the changes which occur due to agelng. role
of regular exercise is as under.
(i) Muscles lese strength due to ageing. But we can maintain that strength for longer period if we exercise
(ii) With increase in age cardiorespiratory fitness decreases but those who continue to exericse keep their
cardio system efficient which slows down the process of ageing.
(iii) Muscles and joints become less flexible and agile with age. But regular exercise removes various joint
problems and keeps the person healthy and fit, saves from osteoporosis.
(iv) More severe changes in ageing are on skin which lead to wrinkles and decreased elasticity. Regular
exercise tones-up the muscles and because of aerobic consumption and better flow of circulation to all the
parts of the body there is glow on the skin with less wrinkles.


Living assertive can also benefit our health. Reduction of stress levels make more energy available to us and
has a beneficial effect on all systems of the body, including the immune system. Applying some basic
learning experiences with help you to develop and maintain assertive behaviours as you combat old behaviour
(i) What is the first step towards learning assertive behaviour?
(ii) What values are included in assertive behaviour?
(iii) What values one lacks if he/she is not assertive by nature?


(i) Attitude.
(ii) Values such as firm determination and strong will power are most important assertive qualities.
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(iii) (a) Lack of confidence

(b) Low self-esteem.

Elaborate various techniques of motivation in games and sports.


There are various suitable techniques to motivate athletes. These are as under.
(i) Coach as a motivator : The method of teaching or coaching adopted by players has an important bearing
in motivating them. A good communicative skill accompanied with demonstration exerts a great motivating
force and energises an individual to perform better. Coach plays a major role in clearing the concept of
athlete. Even the schedule planned by a coach serves as a motivational factor.
(ii) Competition : Healthy competitions should be organised so that the participants are satisfied. Competitions
lead to self-improvement. To compete with other athletes is a psychological motivation where one tries to
show his est capabilities against the fixed norms. Competitions bring out best to reach for success in the
sense of fair competitions respecting regulations. First it should start at low level.

Presence of others

Healthy environment

Progressive record

of motivation




Praise and criticism

(iii) Equipment : In the present scenario, equipment provided to an athlete serves as a great motivational
technique. Latest gadgets, well maintained ground good quality equipment (for safety) motivate the athlete to
practise hard.
(iv) Praise and criticism : Praise is the most powerful tool to motivate. Whether it is verbal or non-verbal it
provides a positive feedback and leads to self-improvement. This helps the athlete to continue striving hard
for future improvement. A simple pat on the back can do wonders. Sometimes criticism also motivates the
athletes because focus is on correcting major errors. Positive and right direction along with criticism gives
the accurate feedback.
(v) Rewards : Rewards have long been used as a method of motivating athletes. Actually rewards generate
interest and enthusiasm among athletes. Rewards, which include praise, money trophy gift job recognition
grade certificate or medal have a good impact on athletes.

What is work, power and energy? state their role in sports with the help of examples.


Work : Product of force and the amount of displacement in the direction of that force is work. To determine
the amount of work done on an object we should know.
(i) average force exerted on the object
(ii) direction of this force
(iii) displacement of the object along the line of action of force during the time the force acts on the object.
a.g., All isotonic movements of sports like bench press, pull-ups, etc.
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Power : It is defined as rate of doing work. It is the ability to perform large amount of work but as fast as
possible. SI unit of power is watt. The power output depends upon the duration of activity. Less duration
activity shows high power output.
Energy : The capacity to do work is called energy. In sports mainly two types of energy are used. (a) kinetic
energy, (b) potential energy.
Kinetic energy : It is the energy due to motion, e.g., basketball.
Potential energy : It is the energy due to position e.g., skiing.

How will the triad affect the performance?


Each part of the triad can impair health and sports performance. They are as under :
(i) Disorder eating : An under fuelled athlete is a slow and weak athlete. If your muscles lack sufficient and
proper fuel, performance is impaired it causes inability to concentrate. There is loss of strength and muscle
size which can cause injury.
(ii) Amenorrhoea : Loss of menstrual period may signal a change in your bodys intricate and complicated
hormone system. Hormone imbalance results in lowered estrogen production.
(iii) Osteoporosis : The above mentioned points contribute to good sports environment. When the environment
of performing the activity is good undoubtedly the player can perform better and better.


Discuss the role of diet on the performance of players.


The quality of sports diet depends on correct proportion of carbohydrates, proteins fats, vitamins, salt and
minerals which constitute main mutrients of the diet.
(i) Proteins : Proteins are the main building foods and they form main constituents of muscles, tissues and
blood. They supply the building material for the body during the growth process and also repair the wear and
tear of muscles, ligaments and tendons. Hence, they are most essential for an athlete. The ideal sports diet
should have both animal and vegetable proteins in adequate quantities.
(ii) Carbohydrates : Carbohydrates form the main bulk of a sportsmans diet and are the main sources of
energy for physical activities. These are sources of instant energy for athletic activities. This is the reason
why athletes are advised to take glucose during physical activities; glucose should be taken in specific
dilution in water for people who are physically active at least 50% to 60% of calories should come from
(iii) Fat : Physical activity and vigorous exercise appear to help the fat in the diet without much increase in
the blood cholesterol which is the reason why active sportsmen are less prone to high blood pressure and
heart attacks.
(iv) Minearl : Excessive sweating during exercise especially in hot climate causes loss of optimum amount
of sodium and more potassium from the body. Hence, fruit juices should be added to the fluids taken during
and after exercise. Iron requirement of Indian athletes is comparatively higher due to increased sweating,
chances of worm infestation, etc.
(v) Vitamins : The requirement of various vitamins, particularly vitamin A, vitamin B complex and vitamin C
increases during sports activities. In sports vitamins are often used against ones better judgement in the
hope of improving performance. Drink small volume of water frequently rather then large volumes infrequently,
e.g., 6-8 ounces every 15 minutes. Water makes 70% of our body weight. Sportspersons should drink
enough water to replace the water they lose through sweating.

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What is a fixture? Make a knockout-cum-league fixture of 23 teams.


Fixture : A Fixture is a fixed schedule where day, date and time are mentioned for the participating teams or
players. It is fixed on the basis of lots and it is important to see and check that previous years winner and
runner-up teams are in different halves. It is decided beforehand whether the tournament will be knockout
league or combination and accordingly schedule is fixed. We call it as fixture of the tournament.
Knockout cum league fixture of 23 teams.
n = 23,

n in upper half = 12

no. of Byes = 32 23 = 9

n in lower half = 11

nb in upper half = 4, nb in lower half = 5

Till quarterfinals, teams will play knockout matches after that teams will play league matches to declare the
true winner.
1 Bye
6 Bye
7 Bye
12 Bye
13 Bye
18 Bye
19 Bye
22 Bye
23 Bye

Corporate Office: CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.)-324005
Website : | E-mail :
Physical Education
Toll Free : 1800 200 2244 | 1800 258 5555 | CIN: U80302RJ2007PLC024029

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n = 8, Rounds = n 1 = 7, Matches =

8(8 1)

Cyclic league fixture : The teams which reached quarter finals are : 1, 5, 7, 12, 13, 16, 21, 23.

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 Round 6 Round 7

23 (1)

21 (1) 16 (1) 13 (1) 12 (1)

7 (1)

5 (1)

5 12

23 7

21 5

16 23 13 21 12 16

7 13

16 7

13 5

12 23

7 21

5 16

13 12

12 7


5 23

23 21 21 16 16 13

13 23 21 12

Likewise as per the point system all the teams will get their ranking.
Win 2 Points, Draw 1 Point, Loss 0 point
add the score of all the matches. The team with the maximum points will win.

Physical exercise especially aerobic, and endurance training, increases blood flow to muscles. How?


Physical training changes the functions and structure of heart. It is well known fact that active muscles
require more oxygen and mutrients. To fulfil these requirements, more blood must be supplied to these
muscles during exercise. As the muscles become better trained, the circulatory system adopts to increase
blood flow to them. The blood supply is increased to the muscles due to following reasons
(i) Increased blood volume
(ii) Increased in capillaries of trained muscles.
(iii) Better and more effective redistribution of blood.
(iv) Good opening of present capillaries in trained muscles.


What is the impact of various surfaces on athletes performance? Discuss.


One of the most important aspect in construction of sports surfaces is to improve Athletes performance.
There is a relationship between surface compliance and muscle performance. Surface hardness refers to the
ability to absorb the energy generated upon impact. Playingsurface hardness affects both players performance
and his safety. A soft field create early fatigue while hard may be injurious when players fall. The CLEGG
impact tester and GMAX is used to measure surface hardness of natural turf grass field. Performance is
better on artificial turf but there is more ankle and knee movement on landing because of the harder impact.
Speed appears to be better on artificial turf but there are higher rate of injury. Different sports surfaces include
synthetic grass, natural grass, tile powder asphalt soil, wooden parquet. Wooden surface is more used in
indoor sports. This type of surface causes least fatigue natural and soil cause moderate fatigue and synthetic
cause more fatigue.

Corporate Office: CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.)-324005
Website : | E-mail :
Physical Education
Toll Free : 1800 200 2244 | 1800 258 5555 | CIN: U80302RJ2007PLC024029

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Time Allowed : 3 hrs.

[Max. Marks : 70]


How does camping create good leaders?


How can athlete overcome anxiety before the match?


Give one example of parabolic path in sports.


Name the component required for a marathon runner.


Calculate the physical fitness index for a 15 years old boy having completed Harvared step test for a duration
of 3 minutes 40 seconds and his pulse rate is 70 beats for 1 to 1.5 minute, 55 beats for 2 to 2.5 minute and
30 beats for 3 to 3.5 minute.


What is bye?


Define Bulimia Nervosa.


Name all the spinal deformities and explain any one among them.


What is PNF stretching?


Define the role of protective equipment in sports.


What is the difference between long term endurance and short term endurance?


Explain any three physiological factors determining strength.


Discuss the mechanical analysis of walking.


How can you improve body image and self-esteem? Discuss.


Plan a weight training programme with light weight training exercises for the development of upper body

Corporate Office: CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.)-324005
Website : | E-mail :
Physical Education
Toll Free : 1800 200 2244 | 1800 258 5555 | CIN: U80302RJ2007PLC024029

- 27


Explain any two micro-nutrients and one micro-nutrient for the growth and development of the child.


What is rock climbing? Write the material requirement and safety measure for rock climbing.


Elaborate the causes and corrective measure exercises for scoliosis.


After medical treatment and recover, rehabilitation is essential for repair and restoration of strength of the
injured part to the normal function or pre-injury level. Unless injured player recovered physically, functionally
and emotionally to participate in physical activity and sports, he should never be allowed to do physical
activity otherwise he will remain susceptible to injury and injure will become bad to worse. Therefore rehabilitation
of injury is must for a player.
Rehabilitation is defined as the combined and coordinated use of medical psychological emotional social a
vocational measures for reconditioning of an injured player to his highest level of function in the shortest
possible time.
During rehabilitation repeated assessment of players level and state of injury should be done to evaluate
progress and adjust the rehabilitation programme as needed. The rehabilitation programme should emphasis
upon development of range of motion, muscular strength muscular endurance, cardio-respiratory endurance
and coordinated movements. So that players can meet the physical demands of physical activities and
sports when returning to participate.
(i) What is rehabilitation?
(ii) What values should be shown by person who is undergoing Rehabilitation Programme?
(iii) What is the objective of rehabilitation?


What do you mean by healthy weight? Discuss the methods to maintain and control healthy body weight for


Explain any five types of coordinative abilities.


What is speed? Write down various Physiological factors determining speed.


Why is there low women participation in games and sports as compared to men? Discuss.


Classify fixture. Make a league-knockout fixture for 18 teams.


What are food supplements? Explain the positive and negative effects of food supplements.


Make a list of Rikli and jones test items. Explain any one in detail.

Corporate Office: CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.)-324005
Website : | E-mail :
Physical Education
Toll Free : 1800 200 2244 | 1800 258 5555 | CIN: U80302RJ2007PLC024029

- 28

Time Allowed : 3 hrs.

[Max. Marks : 70]


Differentiate between movement speed and reaction ability.


What is Vo2?


What principles should be followed before going for physical fitness training?


What do you understand by body image?


What physical component a senior citizen lack if he is not able to perform 6 minute walk test?


Why are league tournaments more time consuming?


What does the organizer intend by stating that only those students will participate in the intermural
competitions who have not represented the school in any basketball championship in the past and minimum
8 substitutions shall be compulsory in a 40 minute game.


Explain any two objectives of participation in trekking as an adventure sport.


What is Knock Knees?


Calculate the physical fitness index using short formulae for a 16 year-old-boy having complete Harvard step
test for a duration of 4 minute 20 seconds and a pulse rate of 60 beats for 1 to 1.5 minute.


Why do long distance race players include a lot of carbohydrates in their diet?


Give any three methods to control anxiety in school children specially in adolescent stage.


Discuss any three factors affecting projectile trajectory.


Discuss different types of trekking routes.


Flexibility plays a dominant role in gymnastics. Comment.


What are preventive steps for female athlete triad? Comment.


How does the heavy mass of a shot putter help in gaining better performance?


What is sports medicine? Explain the aim and scope for athletes.
Corporate Office: CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.)-324005
Website : | E-mail :
Physical Education
Toll Free : 1800 200 2244 | 1800 258 5555 | CIN: U80302RJ2007PLC024029

- 29


Sport has gained massive popularity all over the world and it has become a way of life. Sport serves a vital
social and cultural function in the society and helps in the all round development of human personality. It
provides ample scope and healthy means for recreation and relaxation of human mind and society. A healthy
body is always reorganised as important as a healthy mind. It provides opportunities for social interaction
fostering peace and understanding among different people nations, race religion etc. Sports also provide
platforms for the people and nations to compete with each other for achieving heights of excellence in human
endeavour. Planning is a process of setting objective and deciding how to accomplish them. The most
fundamental of all administration is planning. A plan is always done by the coach. The need of planning
isuniversal. Planning is a prior action which is needed for smooth and efficient functioning of all the programmes
related to the field of physical education and sports. With the help of appropriate planning in the field of sports
and games, unachieveable tasks can be achieved.
based on the passage above answer the following questions :
(i) What is the role of sports in society?
(ii) What values are shown by coach to achieve excellence in sports training?
(iii) Healthy mind resides in strength training to improve the optimum strength.


Suggest various methods of strength training to improve the optimum strength.


What is motivation? What are the factors that influence the motivational process to achieve higher standard
in sports?


Recall the adaptive effects that takes place in our respiratory system after engaging in exercise for a longer
period of time.


What is motor development? How it is developed by participating in activities to improve healthy life?


describe the procedure for administrating motor fitness test.


Staying healthy and active is in direct proportion to the good or bad posture one adopts. Comment.


Make a seeding fixture of 29 teams dividing the teams into four quarters.

Corporate Office: CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.)-324005
Website : | E-mail :
Physical Education
Toll Free : 1800 200 2244 | 1800 258 5555 | CIN: U80302RJ2007PLC024029

- 30

Time Allowed : 3 hrs.

[Max. Marks : 70]


Make a list of soft tissue injuries.


Penalizing the athlete sometimes acts as a motivation. How?


What is menarche?


Write down two advantages of knockout tournaments.


Enlist any four symptoms of food intolerance.


What are coordinative abilities?


What is radial pulse method of measuring heart rate?


What is exercise physiology?


Why does a cyclist bend inward while riding along a curved path?


What is speed?


What is river rafting?


Mention various common postural deformities.


What are different styles and terrain of mountaineering?


Explain the sociological aspect of sports participation.


Explain the terms muscle cramp, shin splint and muscle strain.


What are the causes of round shoulders? Explain its remedial measures.


Explain the motor development during infancy period.


What are the advantages and disadvantages of sit and reach test for measuring flexibility?

Corporate Office: CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.)-324005
Website : | E-mail :
Physical Education
Toll Free : 1800 200 2244 | 1800 258 5555 | CIN: U80302RJ2007PLC024029

- 31


Khushi along with her mother was regular at rose garden in early morning. She realised that most of the
children are having postural problems. She along with the friends wanted to help those children. She discussed
the matter with the HOD of physical education and arranged a health run for the entire community.
(i) How can we spread health awareness programmes?
(ii) What causes bad posture?
(iii) What values are shown by khushi along with her friends?


What is circulatory system ? What are the benefits of exercise on circulatory system? Discuss.


Determine the condition of maximum horizontal range. Show that there are two angles of projection for the
same horizontal range.


What are the Psychological benefits of exercise on children? Explain.


What are Intramural and Extramural tournaments? Write their significance.


Endurance is the most important motor ability for athletes. Explain different types of endurance used for
training good sports persons.


Explain in detail Harvard step test of measurement of cardio-vascular fitness.


What should be your competition diet? Discuss the eating pattern before and during the competition.

Corporate Office: CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.)-324005
Website : | E-mail :
Physical Education
Toll Free : 1800 200 2244 | 1800 258 5555 | CIN: U80302RJ2007PLC024029

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