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GMC BULLDOG == 56,000$ fully loaded

Iron Sides












Rating 1 simply installs sensors that detect an unauthorized intrusion and alerts the owner with physical
lights and sounds, or sends an electronic message, or both.
Rating 2 includes the sensors from the previous level and adds the ability for the owner to remotely
lockdown the vehicle, making it physically impossible to drive until the release code is sent by the owner. This
system can be circumvented by decking the vehicle, or mechanically disabling the fail safe with a Hardware
Logic [Logic] (4) Test. If all of that is just for soft-ass corporate drones, then
Rating 3 may be for you. This level includes all of the previous features, with the addition of an electroshock system inflcting 9S(e), or a gas release system equipped with the toxin of your choice (see p. 409,

clever riggers have linked the video feed from their external sensors into the system so that the exterior of
the vehicle mimics the environment around it, resulting in a crude (but effective) cloaking or blending system.
When running in this mode, as long as it is not moving faster than its Walking rate, Perception Tests made to
find the vehicle suffer a 3 dice pool penalty.


With enhanced image screens, every suffiiently flat surface on a vehicle (including windows) can display an
electronic image or video. Theses images are hyper realistic and can be used to project a false image of the
outside world in an attempt to deceive passengers. A Perception Test with a 4 penalty is required to notice
that the images are false. Enhanced image screens can be used to display any visual feed on a PAN, perfect for
team members unable or unwilling to use their AR, or tie their commlink or deck into the same PAN. They can
also be used for plain-old entertainment. A vehicle with enhanced image screens can display any and all Matrix
AROs that they can see/ access on the inside of their vehicle, making them visible to characters who do not have
AR equipped.

An advanced system using a combination of gecko-grip technology and magnetism that can attach to any surface
on its target without the need to manually place a hook on an appropriate part. The system can be activated or
deactivated remotely with a wireless command (if enabled). The enhanced system can support a load of up to
one hundred tons and includes additional stabilizers deployed from the vehicle and onto/into the ground to
double the towing vehicles weight for lifting purposes.

Interior cameras allow a rigger to make a standard Perception Test to notice anyone or anything inside of
their vehicle, even while they are in full VR mode.


If a rigger is really nervous about those electronic controls being taken over, they can install a switch so that the

manual controls will always take priority over the electronic ones. In order to prevent the switch from being
remotely deactivated, it is always mechanical in nature with the physical pressing of the button making or
breaking connections to ensure the precedence of the manual controls. In game terms, when manual control
override is activated, piloting a vehicle via AR or VR is not possible. The system can only be activated by
someone physically in the vehicle, within reach of the switch (usually the drivers seat), and by using a Free


Made from smartmaterials, a morphing license plate can reshape itselfwith a Complex Action and mimic any of
the formsused in governments around the world today.


Personal armor is a modifiation that adds additional ballistic protection to the occupants of a vehicle in the form
of protective lining, ballistic cloth, and ricochet-reducing materials. The modifiation has a Rating of 1 to 10,
with each Rating point adding to the armor used in Damage Resistance Tests for damage to passengers
from attacks originating outside the vehicle.

The cocoon has ballistic cloth and hard armored plating for physical protection, is fie resistant, has its own
oxygen supply, and carries a host of biomed sensors to monitor the occupants condition. Additionally, the
cocoon has a variety of safety systems to keep the occupant safe through the most extreme vehicle maneuvers
and even crashes. Getting into a rigger cocoon takes about a minute, but it can be exited with a Complex Action
using a quick-release system. Treat the rigger cocoon as a barrier with an Armor of 12 and Structure of 8
(p. 197, SR5). The occupant of the rigger cocoon receives +6 dice to resist damage from crashes or other
vehicle maneuvers

This modifiation allows a rigger to jump in to a vehicle and control it with a full sensory experience. This
includes installation of the black box that processes the sensory impressions for human consumption,
along with a suite of sensors and relays connected to various parts of the vehicle.

run flt tires are filed with a dense but flxible foam instead of air. They continue to operate even when the tire has
been punctured but will quickly deteriorate if the tire suffers signifiant structure damage

The spoof chip mimics a standard vehicle identifir chip but can be command with a Complex Action to change
its identifir to a different random value that is arithmetically generated to appear authentic. Installing a spoof
chip requires a Hardware + Logic [Logic] (2) Test

A bed with a transparent, enclosed lid and a host of sophisticated medical equipment with built-in software
that can quickly analyze and treat almost any injury. Any person placed in the Valkyrie module is
automatically stabilized (p. 209, SR5). The systems on the Valkyrie module are equivalent to a Rating 6
Medkit (p.450, SR5), with all of the same functionality. Additionally, the Valkyrie module operates as an
autodoc, and so can be operated remotely (p. 208, SR5).

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