A Note From The Author

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A note from the author

Hey guys!
As most of you might already know, I am passionately committed to your journey of
discovering what it means to find yourself, discovering your purpose, and undergoing
profound self transformation. This entails unending self-evaluations, periods of deep
meditations, constant challenges and incredible adventures.
I am not one for easy and quick fixes - this book will not renege on my values.
However, sometimes it is important to have a clear structure and idea of what you
want to achieve.
Let me tell you a quick story about how I originally got this idea;
A friend of mine came to me one night to have a drink and catch up. As we
discussed our lives, our goals and our shortcomings, he told me that he hadnt really
put much focus into his dating life lately. He mentioned that he had a cocktail in two
weeks that he wanted to attend but wanted to bring a date he was excited about. We
decided right then and there to do something about it. I agreed to partake in the
challenge with him and to text each other daily to keep each other motivated. Finally,
I condensed the daily text messages into this book.
The idea is simple; every day, you will have one new mission. Allow me to be your
wingman and to challenge you to push yourself, to grow every day and to meet
beautiful women along the way.
This is not a How to get in her pants in 3 easy steps-type book. It is about being
genuine and real, and connecting with someone. If you do the missions properly, you
should be able to meet and date a beautiful woman of your choosing within a few
days. Its an incredible feeling to be able to leave your house and fully know that you
are in charge of your future, that mastery of your dating life is just around the corner.
Do you have the balls to take whats yours?
Note: This books is in no way a substitute to actual full-on coaching. Being centered
is the quickest way to self-acceptance, unshakable confidence and living a life of


Good day gentlemen.

I dont have time to waste and neither do you, so lets talk man to man.
Youre dying.
We all are. Time is your most precious and valuable commodity. Every second you
waste not living the life you deserve - the one you dream about - is a second you will
never get back.
If I told you you had a week to live, how would you eat? How would you behave?
How would you get dressed? Would you slink away from your last workout? Would
you eat unhealthy food?
How would you walk? How would you behave around people? Would you get into
arguments and fights? If you saw a beautiful woman on the street, would you hold
yourself in check and fight your natural urges? Or would you get yourself right over
there, with your heart out in your hands, with no filters and no image to protect - just
pure, honest and present with her?
If you found yourself nodding your head in agreement, think about this: What
difference does any of this make? One week or 100 years? Well all be dust and
bones soon enough. What counts is to leave behind an adventure so epic that by the
time death comes knocking, youll be welcoming him with a smile, a glass of whiskey
and some damn good stories.
To your success gentlemen,
Patrick Armen

Day 1: The Man Behind the Eyes

Good morning gentlemen,

When you speak to someone, where are your eyes? Are they darting around
nervously? Are you looking at the floor? Can you hold eye contact for prolonged
periods of time?
Listen, eye contact will not help make you more attractive - it is what makes you
attractive in the first place.
Studies have shown that all it really takes to create a sense of attraction and
curiosity in the opposite sex is to gaze deep into their eyes.
Your mission for today is simple: Go to a crowded place, walk around hold eye
contact with as many women as you can, and smile. Just practice looking into their
eyes and smiling - youll be amazed at how many will hold your gaze and smile back.
Note: It might feel a bit weird if you arent used to it, but dont let that stop you. Risk
creepy. The key to seductive eyes is holding just a little longer than is normally
To your success my friend!
Talk tomorrow.

Day 2. Automation
We all feel fear. Whoever tells you he doesnt is a liar.
Fear is a part of the game Its simply something you cant get rid of, but you can
certainly live with it. So mission one will be focused entirely on feeling your fear, but
acting in spite of it.
When you are faced with a situation you are not used to, your body experiences fight
or flight. Those are the only two options; you either get in there and give it your all, or
you retreat.

Youve retreated all your life. Not today. No more. Today you will stand tall, and you
will face your fears.
Your mission for today is simple: You will celebrate 5 women today. You will
undoubtedly feel nervous, and fear will creep in, so this is how you are going to deal
with it: You will acknowledge the feeling first - you will not fight it. Just let it be.
However, you will begin to move your feet. One step at a time, but let your feet do
the work, not your mind. This is the reflex you are building. You want your legs to
walk of their own accord, before your mind takes over and gives you reasons not to
march your ass over there.
Once in front of said woman, all you really have to do is say hi. After that, you can
either leave, or stay and talk.
*pro-tip: Most women are polite and friendly, they will often smile, stay and chat.
Do not think about what to say, do not think about what others are thinking of you, do
not focus on looking cool. The only place your attention should go is to your legs.
Before you know it, youll be jogging towards beautiful women without even giving it
a second thought.
*Bonus challenge: Do the non-avoidance challenge throughout your day. It goes like
this; whatever you avoid in your daily life, do it. Speaking to your boss, saying no to a
friend etc. All the little things you do in spite of not wanting to will build your
confidence in greater ways than you can imagine.
Good luck, have fun.
Talk tomorrow my friend!

Day 3: Assumptions
One of the most common questions I get in regards to meeting women is what do I
Well, anything!
You see, most people make the mistake of diving into questions in a desperate
attempt to keep her attention. What they dont realize is you dont need to do all that
much. Most people are social people. In fact, you dont even need a reason to start
talking! You can walk right up and dive into conversation like youve known her for
For now though, focus on this: simply observe, notice something about her, and
comment on it.

You: Your skin is so tan! Are you Israeli?

Her: Haha no, Im Lebanese
You: Ive never been to Lebanon! Tell me all about it
Its not rocket science. The trick here is to just assume familiarity. Stop getting
nervous and hoping to come up with something epic and seductive to keep her
interesting. Instead, just assume youve known her for years.
This is a common myth that needs to be dispelled: You do not need a reason to
speak to people, especially women. Think of the man you want to be. Think of the
great men that inspire you. Think of the great seducers. Do you think they sit around
wondering how to best approach that woman? No. Do they make excuses? Hell no!
They see what they want and the next thing they know, they find themselves deep in
conversation. Cut yourself some slack and stop thinking so much.
So remember: Say hi, then observe something and comment on it. Do this to 5
women. Thats all.
Good luck, have fun.
Talk tomorrow my friend!

Day 4: Compliments are free

This is when some people might get nervous. Theres a lot of debate going around
on whether or not you should let women know of your intentions when first meeting
I wont go deep into this discussion because its a giant waste of time. The aim of the
Centered Man Project is to teach you to be your own man. So, in line with this
philosophy, why would you hide who you are to make others comfortable? More
important still, why would you suppress your natural desires because you are too
afraid to express them?
Challenge your fears! Do not let them rule you. You are the master of your fate, no
one else.
So today, were giving out verbal candy like its Halloween.
Your mission: Give out one compliment to 10 different people.

Go up, say hi, notice something and then compliment it. Hi. I have to tell you, your
red lipstick makes you look incredibly stunning. Be sure that you compliment
something you genuinely notice, something that stands out. You must be authentic,
not fake. If you cant find anything really specific and are just overwhelmed by her
beauty, express it! Hello You look incredible, I couldnt just let you walk past
without telling you!
Most men are terrified of this. They are absolutely and resoundingly afraid of letting
women know what they think, and even more afraid of putting themselves on the
A quote from the movie Hitch really changed my perspective: No woman ever
leaves her house thinking I dont want to be swept off my feet today. When
expressing yourself freely, you are standing out from the 99% of men who would
rather watch their dream girl walk past and do nothing about it.
And finally, you need to understand that no woman can ever be mad at a man for
just liking her! If she cant date you because she has a boyfriend, is married, is not
interested - thats all fine. Thats her prerogative. But she can never be angry with
you. She will not seek to embarrass you publicly for the supposed crime of noticing
how stunning she looks, or how graceful her walk is. Chill out, everyone loves
compliments! You just like her. You aren't trying to manipulate her, you arent trying to
get anything from her, you are simply expressing a thought. Learning to do just that
will change your life in a revolutionary way.
Good luck, have fun.
Talk tomorrow my friend!
Day 5: Never let go Jack!
Just a short one today, but this will radically change the way you interact with
You see, most of us live in comfort. We are afraid of stepping out of our bubble and
into someone elses. However, stepping into someone elses bubble is necessary if
you want to create a romantic connection.
I learned this trick from a friend a few years ago and it made things so much simpler!
Think of the times you meet people. How long does physical contact last? A fraction
of a second, if that, and then nothing!
How on earth do you expect to go from just having met to being cute and cuddly?
Look, before you write off this exercise, think of it this way: If a homeless person
extended his hand to shake yours, would you hold on or pull your hand away

So here is the exercise: After walking up, saying hi and complimenting her, introduce
yourself but gently hold on to her hand. Do not pull away rapidly as you normally
would, but do not hold tight either. All you have to do is not remove your hand. I cant
tell you how many times we both simply forgot about it and just ended up holding
hands for a few minutes. Do this to 5 women.
This exercise is tremendously powerful. Heres why: Think of the above example of
the homeless man. You wouldnt hold on. In the same way, no woman would hold on
to your hand if she wasnt interested.
Wanna know if she likes you? Take her hand and hold it. Thats all there is to it! Once
you begin to do that, you will notice just how many women actually already like you
on a daily basis. This just becomes fun because you realize there is nothing out of
the ordinary you have to do - you are two people who just met but already have
Good luck, have fun.
Talk tomorrow my friend!

Day 6: Love is three quarters curiosity!

This is my personal favourite part.
After youve said hi, noticed something about her, complimented her in a genuine
way, its time to get to know each other... You do that by being curious.
Theres a distinction between getting into interview mode and being curious. One is
mechanical and boring, the other is genuine and builds a connection.
Just the other day, I was walking out of a store and saw a beautiful blondie on a
bench having a cigarette next to 5 guys who kept talking and staring at her. I walked
right up before I even knew what I was doing, said hi, and told her I need her to
promise to quit smoking. She laughed and said she will. I told her to pinky swear and
we held hands briefly. We looked into each others eyes and I saw something there,
so I sat down next to her and we began to talk. I asked her what she was doing
today and she told me she was on break from her work (and pointed at her office). I
then asked if her work is her passion, or if she longed for something greater. She
started to open up and talk about her dreams, passions and goals. We talked about
everything from her views on relationships to her future plans. Before we exchanged
numbers and left, she told me something I will never forget: I feel like youre seeing
into my soul.

Your mission for today is to be curious. Dont machine gun questions her way, but at
the same time dont be afraid to ask. You can even start your sentence like this: Im
curious about you Whats your story?
Resist the urge to talk about yourself, resist the urge to cut off her story and tell a
better one, resist the urge to make jokes. Just sit there and allow her to open up to
Good luck my friend,
Talk tomorrow.

*Pro tip: If you spoke to her in the street, at this point it would be a good idea to lead
her out of the way of oncoming pedestrian traffic. Just tell her lets stand right here
and take a few steps to the side.

Day 7: Talk To Me
Good day gentlemen
Today were going to cover the first step in falling in love - commonalities.
You want to her to be excited to see you again, and more importantly, You need to
find someone you are excited to see again.
Women are incredibly beautiful, interesting, relaxing and refreshing to be around.
This isnt about finding the hottest bimbo out there - its about meeting someone you
are excited about.
You do this by finding commonalities. The first thing you need to do is decide what
kind of a woman you are looking for. Do you want quiet shy types? Do you like
outgoing adventurous girls? Are you into fitness girls? Spiritual girls? Figure that out.
The next step is to ask: I like women who are outgoing. Whats the craziest thing
youve done recently?
Dont bend over backwards just because a pretty girl smiled at you - find out if shes
the type of girl who can be a part of your life!
So without further ado, your mission today is to find out her qualities by asking
specific questions. If you dont quite know where to start, just ask; Tell me
something unique about you that will help me get to know you better.

Good luck!
Talk tomorrow.

Day 8: Lets talk about sex baby

Todays mission will be one that is more daring than the previous ones, but I assure
you the payoff will be huge.
Look, the fact is that most men are terrified of putting themselves on the line - they
simply fail to show up as men and so, get friendzoned or flaked on. Its not rocket
science You are a man, express yourself fearlessly!
Your mission for today is to look her in the eye and verbalize your intent, clearly and
So far, youve met, shaken hands and held on, she likes you and is still there talking
to you. You get to know each other and find out that you both have multiple shared
Heres the thing Most men will brush it off and ask for her number to get a coffee
or something, to hang out, but not you - not today, and never again. You will look
her straight in the eyes and tell her how you feel: I really like spending time with you.
I want to get to know you better. Would you like to see me again?
You dont always have to ask that questions - the goal of this exercise is to get
comfortable asking women out on a date. Not to hang out, not to chill, not for coffee,
or whatever other emasculating nonsense. The goal is for her to know she is dealing
with a man. The question at the end is an added bonus. Her verbally agreeing to see
you only makes it official.
You dont do drugs (at least, I hope not). Someone comes up to you and offers you
heroine, what do you answer without skipping a beat? No. So in the same way,
when you verbalize that its a date - there is no ambiguity. She can take it or leave it
and if she likes you so far, then there wont be any problem. Now, its rare that a
woman will straight out yell YES! and will most likely get shy and say something

along the lines of sure or I guess and thats fine. The only word you arent looking
for is a no.
Good luck!
Talk tomorrow

Day 9: Create a Context

This is where it gets tricky.
So you met a beautiful girl and got along great. She laughed at all your jokes, held
on to your hand, playfully punched you and teased you. You ask for her number and
she gives it - you will text her sometime. You walk away triumphantly with her
number and wait 2 days before dropping her a text. But whats this? She doesnt
What the hell happened?
Heres what you missed - you didnt create a context to meet her. Lets get together
sometime is not solid plans, Its just noise coming out of your mouth. Lets meet at
the Museum of Modern Art on Thursday at 4pm because she mentioned how
ridiculous modern art is and how much she enjoys making fun of it Now thats a
solid plan.
So your mission for today is to go through your commonalities, get to know each
other, find something you both like doing or are interested in trying out and set up a
specific context.
Seems simple enough! Oh, and ditch the out-dated dinner and movie date. Any
woman worth her salt would overwhelmingly prefer to hit up that hole in the wall
comic book place that serves weird exotic teas to a boring dinner and movie. I have
nothing against dinners, or movies What Im saying is that on your dates, she
should be experiencing you. So allow her to become a part of your life by taking her
to do something cool that you both enjoy. Got it?
Good luck!
Talk tomorrow.

Day 10: Fall in love

Were at the last day!
By now, you must be fairly comfortable holding eye contact with strangers,
confidently walking up and expressing your appreciation for beauty in all its forms,
holding hands, indulging your curiosity, discovering commonalities and making solid
All thats really left is for the phone number.
Now theres a reason I saved this part for last. You see, the common idea is that a
phone number is a victory, that it means something. I hate to burst your bubble but a
phone number is a series of numbers scribbled onto a piece of paper. It means
absolutely nothing. Most guys are phone number cowboys. They can get a bunch
but no one returns their calls.
The phone number is a bridge, nothing more.
Your goal isnt to get her number, the goal is to create a connection and genuinely be
excited to see each other again. If youve been doing everything right, the phone
number will be the bridge to the next meeting, nothing more.
So without further ado, your mission today is to ask. Ask for a date, ask for a phone
number, ask to spend time, ask to see her. Ask for a kiss, a hug - just ask. Most
people get nothing out of life because they do not ask.
Ask for her phone number. Thats all!
Enjoy your date, enjoy your future as a man who asks for what he wants - who takes
the risks necessary and is not afraid or easily cowed.
Trust in yourself, ask for what you want and fall in love - for a minute, a day, a month,
a year or forever.
To your success my friend.
Patrick Armen

Bonus: The Insta-date!

Hello my friend!
I decided to add this bonus chapter because an insta-date is one of my favourite
An insta-date is really easy to understand: As soon as youve moved her three feet,
youre already on a date together.
This is a fun little rule of thumb you need to understand.
Meeting someone and spending the rest of the day together is not something difficult
or unfathomable. Most people are open to meeting new people, and many women
leave their houses without any set plans.
So, after youve introduced yourself, spoken a bit about her, gotten to know each
other, ask what she is up to today. If its nothing set in stone, invite her to join you!
I was just going to this really cool tea place up the street. Come with me!
Try it! Make it a habit to invite.
Everyone has the right to invite, everyone has the right to refuse.
Good luck!

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