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A research that will be presented to the Teachers Education Department

Naval State University-Biliran Campus
Biliran, Biliran

In Partial Fullfillment of the Requirement for the Degrees of

Bachelor of Secondary Education
(Technology livelihood Education)

(BSED 3)

Hibiscus or also known as rose mallow the leaves are alternate, simple, often with a toolhed or
lobed margin. The flowers are large, conspicuous and trumpet- shaped. Hibiscus is also a primary
ingredients is extremely used in paper making and used as a vegetables and gumamela flower is one of
the most abundant flowers in the country, Philippines it is mainly and widely used in decoration to
beautify homes and other places.
Gumamela grows anywhere and everywhere in our community. So as researcher as I can see in our
community, people are just letting gumamela flower to fall on the ground after the flower blooms.
So, as I am concern I decided to study and use gumamela flower and make it into jam. Making
gumamela petals as a jam will make us think and realize that aside from being a plant and a decorative
flower, it can also used as a main ingredient for making a jam common hibiscus is used to treat coughs
by planning extracts from plant in patrents bath or in water used for steam inhalations. Hibiscus is often
combined with other herbs to make cough syrup.

Statement of the problem

The purpose of this study is to find out the acceptability of Gumamela Petals Jam.
Specifically, the study seeks to answer the following questions:
1.What is the quality and Acceptability of Gumamela Petals Jam in terms of the following:
1. Palatability
2. Color
3. Texture
4. Aroma
2. What is the level of acceptability of mango spread?
Scope and Delimitation
This study will be conducted at the Naval State University- Biliran Campus, Biliran, Biliran using
all ingredients of jam except using gumamela petals as a main ingredients.
Importance of the Study
The researcher will conduct the research in order to find out the acceptability of gumamela petals jam.
Utilizing gumamela petal which is abundant in our lorality will benefit the following person:
Farmers they can be motivated to produce more gumamela thus increasing their farm income.
Housewives it will help them to earn an income or extra income out of the small amount of the
capital during their spare time.
Teacher the findings will serve as their guide for effective teaching particularly using indigenous
materials in preparing food for snack.
Consumer they can get more information or knowledge about mango fruit and its economic
significance and nutritious value.

Definition of Terms
For better understanding and clarification of the readers to the following term used to defined
Acceptability it refers to how much the tasters like the mango spread in terms of color, texture,
palatability and aroma.
Color refers to the appearance of the product.
Palatability refers to the pleasant taste of the product perceived by the sense.
Texture refers to the fineness or coarseness of the product.
Aroma refers to the distinctive pleasant odor by our sense of smell.
Gumamela Petals Jam as used in the study, a finished product
Jam a food made by boiling fruit and sugar to a thick consistency.

Related Literature
Many species are grown for their showy or used as landscape shrubs. Hibiscus is also a primary
ingredient in many herbal teas. One species of hibiscus, known as kenaf ( Hibiscus cannabinus ), is
extensively used in paperroselle ( Hibiscus sabdariffa ) is used as a vegetable and to make herbal teas
(especially in the Caribbean).
In Mexico, the drink is known as agua de Jamaica and is quite popular for its color, tanginess and
mild flavor; once sugar is added, it tastes somewhat like cranberry juice. Dieters or persons with kidney
problems often take without adding sugar for its beneficial properties and as a natural diuretic. It is made
by boiling the dehydrated flowers in water; once it is boiled, it is allowed to cool and drunk with ice.
Gumamela is a shrub that grows from one meter up to 4 meters high. Gumamela is also known as;
Hibiscus, China Rose and Shoeflower. In the Philippines, gumamela is cultivated as an ornamental plant.
The gumamela flower comes in many colors: red, yellow, orange, white, purple, pink and other color
combinations. Gumamela leaves, usually blended with Rose Hip has long been used in the Middle East
and Okinawa as herbal tea.
Related Studies
Jam are quite known for it is widely eaten and being preserved by everybody all around the world.
It can be made with or without pectin, pectin is a white to light powder it is a heteropolycaocaride
derived from the cell wall of higher terrestrial plants. It was first isolate and describe in 1825 by Henri
Braconnot. It is mainly used in food as a drinks and as a source of dietary foods fiber in foods.

Gumamela is a variant name for Chinese Hibiscus and contains 86.3g of carbohydrates per 100g
weight of foods, 0.06g of fat and 1.56 of fiber. 4mg per 100g of weight of food of calcium, 27mg of
Iron, 1.7 of Thiamine, 0.03 of Riboflavin, 0.6 of Niacin and with Vitamin C which contains 4.2mg. it is
widely known in tropical countries and a very common flower which you can find anywhere.
As herbal medicine, gumamela flowers, leaves and roots are used. Gumamela has the following
medicinal characteristics; expectorant, diuretic, emollient, anti- infectious, anti- inflammatory,
antipyretic, anodyne and refrigerant.

This chapter present the methods and procedures that will be used to evaluate the quality and
acceptability of gumamela petals jam. The research design, research respondents, research instruments,
procedure, data gathered and analysis of data are discussed in this chapter.
Research Design
The study, will use quasi- experimental design to determine the acceptability of gumamela petals
Research Locale
The study will be conducted at Naval State University- Biliran Campus which is located at Brgy. San
Isidro Biliran, Biliran which offers Agriculture and Fishery courses (Upper Campus) and Bachelor of
Secondary and Elementary Education (Lower Campus). This institution is formerly known as Biliran
National Agricultural College and now integrated to Naval State University.
Research Instrument
The score card will be used in collecting the data. It was divided into five (5) columns. The first
column was the different aspect of quality/ acceptability. The remaining four (4) columns were for the
corresponding score. The tasters checked the column for corresponding score.
Data Gathered
The data was gathered through the panel of tasters of ten(10) members coming from the faculty,
employees and students of NSU- Biliran Campus. Quota sampling was used in the selection f the
members of the panel of tasters.

Analysis of Data
In order to give answers to the specific questions in this study all data gathered was analyzed
tallied and interpreted using the weighted mean.
Formula in finding mean:
x= x/N
Where :
x = mean
x = sum of all scores
N = the total number of tasters

Data Scoring
The quality/acceptability of the finished product was evaluated using the following score:
1. extremely bad/ dislike extremely
2. very bad/ dislike moderately
3. moderately bad/ dislike moderately
4. slightly bad/ dislike slightly
5. neither good nor bad/ neither like nor dislike
6. slightly good/ like moderately
7. moderately good/ like moderately
8. very good/ like very much
9. excellent/ like extremely

To determine the quality/ acceptability of the product the following ranges of mean values and
quantitative description were used:

Mean Value

Qualitative Description

1.0 1.8

extremely bad/ dislike extremely

1.9 2.7

very bad/ dislike moderately

2.8 3.6

moderately bad/ dislike moderately

3.7 4.5

slightly bad/ dislike slightly

4.6 5.4

neither good nor bad/ neither like nor dislike

5.5 6.3

slightly good/ like moderately

6.4 7.2

moderately good/ like moderately

7.3 8.1

very good/ like very much

8.2 9.0

excellent/ like extremely





Gumamela Flower
3 Glass of water
2 pcs. Lemon


1. Clean gumamela flower using tap water
2. Cut the pollen and get only the petals
3. Cook the gumamela flowers on 3 glasses boiled water in a casserole for 20 minutes
4. Mix the sugar
5. Put the lemon and boil it again with another 20 minutes, until the volume of the water
6. Serve in a clean jar


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