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Information Technology


What do the words mean? Match a number from A

with a letter from B.




a way of writing secret messages

computer programs
software that people can use without paying
sending dishonest emails to get information
from people
e an Internet page or group of pages


20 marks

Put these sentences in the right order.

Number them 15.


He sold the idea to a company that made

1,500 machines.
Bushnell sold his company in 1976 for 28
million dollars.
The game was too hard, and nobody
wanted to play it.
In 1971 a student called Nolan Bushnell
made a machine to play Spacewar.
Bushnell started his own company and
invented an easier game called Pong.

Ada Lovelace was the first computer

programmer in the world.
The computer called Colossus was built to
break the Enigma code.
Windows is the most successful piece of
software in the history of computing.
Deep Blue won its first chess match against
Gary Kasparov in 2007.
Tom Hadfield made a lot of money from
the Internet before he left school.
The most successful computer virus in
history was called Death.
There are about 1 million searches on
Google every day.
In Hong Kong there are more mobile
phones than people.
Miss Rong Cheng is a robot that can speak
Lily Allen put her songs on the Wikipedia
20 marks

When did it happen? Match a number from A with a

letter from B to make complete sentences.


20 marks

Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)?


Paul A. Davies

Which of these people . . .? John gillatt, Alan Turing,

Pierre Omidyar, Bill gates, Tim Berners-Lee.

The Babylonians invented the abacus . . .

Charles Babbage invented his Difference
Engine . . .
The Million Dollar Homepage started . . .
Konrad Zuse built his first machine, Z1, . . .
The first mobile phone call was made . . .


a . . . was a billionaire by the time he was thirtyone?

b . . . used his mobile phone when he was lost in
the jungle?
c . . . started the eBay website?
d . . . invented the Web?
e . . . thought that computers would be able
to think like humans by the end of the
twentieth century?

. . . in 1938.
. . . between 1000 and 500 BC.
. . . in 2005.
. . . in 1973.
. . . in the 1820s.
20 marks
Total marks

20 marks

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Information Technology

12 The inventor, _____, built the Z1 in 1938 and

wrote programs for it.
a F Charles Babbage b F Alan Turing
c F Ada Lovelace d F Konrad Zuse
13 _____ helped to build a machine which could
understand the Enigma code.
a F Bill Gates b F Alan Turing
c F Ada Lovelace d F Ed Roberts
14 In the 1970s, _____ invented a computer called
the Altair 8800 which people put together at home.
a F Alan Turing b F John Gillatt
c F Bill Gates d F Ed Roberts
15 Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak started the _____
Computer Company.
a F Apple b F IBM c F Atari d F MFI
16 The Bill and _____ Gates Foundation helps poor
people around the world.
a F Sara b F Ada c F Melinda d F Maria
17 _____ invented the Web in the early 1990s.
a F Alan Turing b F Tim Berners-Lee
c F Bill Gates d F Pierre Omidyar
18 Tom Hadfield made a lot of money from
Soccernet while he was _____.
a F at university b F in hospital
c F at school d F on holiday
19 When Lily Allen put her songs on _____, a lot
of people listened to them.
a F MySpace b F Wikipedia
c F Amazon d F Schoolsnet
20 To pass the Turing Test, a computer program
must be able to _____ like a human.
a F talk b F sit c F walk d F think

M U LT I p L e - C H O I C e

Choose the best answer.

1 The Arithmetic Machine was invented by _____

mathematician in 1642.
a F an American b F a French
c F a British d F a Japanese
2 During the Second World War, mathematicians
at _____ Park built machines to help them
understand secret codes.
a F Bletchley b F Colossus
c F Cambridge d F Enigma
3 Bill Gates was born in _____.
a F New York b F London c F Seattle
d F Washington
4 In 1996, two students from _____ invented a
search engine called Google.
a F Canada b F California c F Australia
d F London
5 When John Gillatt got lost in the jungle in
Malaysia, he used his mobile phone to call his
wife in _____.
a F the USA b F Australia c F Germany
d F England
6 In 2005, a man from _____ died after playing a
computer game for too long.
a F South Korea b F California
c F London d F India
7 The Dark Avenger is a virus writer who
probably lives in _____.
a F Japan b F Brazil c F Bulgaria
d F South Korea
8 Abraham Abdallah, who worked in a kitchen in
_____, stole 80 million dollars using the Internet.
a F London b F Tokyo c F New York
d F Paris
9 The _____ letter is a dishonest e-mail asking
for money.
a F Spanish b F Bulgarian c F Russian
d F Nigerian
10 Miss Rong Cheng is a robot that works in a
_____ in China.
a F shop b F museum c F garage
d F hospital

20 marks

Choose the best answer.

21 The word computer used to mean a _____.

a F book b F machine c F person
d F picture
22 Samuel Morse invented a code _____.
a F in 1971 b F during the Second World
War c F in the 1920s d F in the 1840s
23 Charles Babbages Difference Engine weighs
about _____.
a F one kilo b F one tonne
c F three tonnes d F three kilos
24 During the Second World War, the _____ sent
secret messages using Enigma machines.
a F Germans b F French c F British
d F Japanese

20 marks

Choose the best answer.

11 The first computer program was written by _____.

a F Ada Lovelace b F Charles Babbage
c F Lord Byron d F Bill Gates

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Paul A. Davies


oxford university press photocopiable

Information Technology
25 Moores Law is about the number of _____.
a F viruses on the Internet b F transistors
on computer chips c F mobile phones in the
world d F computers in peoples homes
26 Paul Hodgson wrote software so that his
computer could _____.
a F invent pieces of music b F talk to people
c F play chess d F tell stories
27 When the Google company started, its office
was in a _____.
a F bedroom b F garden c F garage
d F kitchen
28 Today, nearly all personal computers are _____
a F Apple b F C64 c F Amstrad d F IBM
29 Windows software uses _____ to help people use
their computers.
a F numbers b F pictures
c F instructions d F codes
30 Millions of people buy and sell things on the
_____ website.
a F Wikipedia b F MySpace
c F Napster d F eBay

Paul A. Davies

39 the part of a brain (or a computer) that

remembers things
a F memory b F instructions c F text
d F imagination
40 liked or enjoyed by a lot of people
a F hot b F fun c F popular d F easy
20 marks


20 marks

Choose the best answer.

31 to make something that is the same as

something else
a F copy b F share c F contact d F steal
32 a diary that someone writes on a website
a F text b F code c F blog d F pixel
33 information that tells you how to do something
a F imagination b F instructions
c F prediction d F stories
34 to make something that did not exist before
a F copy b F trade c F share d F invent
35 getting information by sending dishonest e-mails
a F advertising b F phishing c F texting
d F programming
36 tiny dot on a computer screen
a F pixel b F transistor c F wire d F code
37 to tell people about something you want to sell
a F show b F double c F share
d F advertise
38 things that are going to happen
a F history b F future c F law d F past

20 marks
Total marks

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M U LT I p L e - C H O I C e

Choose the best answer.

41 The first _____ was built in 1774.

a F telex machine b F abacus
c F telephone d F telegraph machine
42 In 1979, a _____ was named ADA.
a F programming language b F computer
c F prize for writing software d F robot
43 Bill Gates and Paul Allen started a company
called _____.
a F Apple b F IBM c F Microsoft
d F Atari
44 Time magazines person of the year in 1982
was _____.
a F Bill Gates b F Pong c F the PC
d F Ada Lovelace
45 The first computer virus was called _____.
a F Jerusalem b F Brain c F I love you
d F Enigma
46 In the 1970s, Nolan Bushnell tried to make
money from the game _____.
a F Pong b F Manhunt c F Star Trek
d F Spacewar
47 Gary Kasparov played chess against Deep Blue
and _____.
a F Deep Thinker b F Deep Junior
c F New Blue d F Colossus
48 People can use Aim software to _____.
a F send messages instantly
b F listen to music c F play games
d F do difficult calculations
49 The British teenager Alex Tew started the ____
_ Dollar Homepage.
a F Hundred b F Million c F Billion
d F Thousand
50 Kyle Macdonald started trading on the Internet
with a _____.
a F pen b F house c F paperclip d F song

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